// Takes the Talend Main in and stores it for further usage public void addMainInToTransformList(String[] strMainIn) { lstTalendMainIn.add(strMainIn); }
public void createBulk(paloelements paloElements) throws paloexception { try { for (int x = iNbOfCols; x > 1; x--) { HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> al = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>(); for (String[] strArr : lstTalendMainIn) { String strParent = strArr[x - 2]; String strChild = strArr[x - 1]; if (al.containsKey(strParent) == false) { al.put(strParent, new HashSet<String>()); } al.get(strParent).add(strChild); } // System.out.println(al==null); Set<?> set = al.entrySet(); Iterator<?> i = set.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) i.next(); paloelement plElm = paloElements.getElement((String) me.getKey()); // System.out.println(null==plElm); if (null != plElm) { SortedSet<Integer> sorter = new TreeSet<Integer>(); HashSet<?> hS = (HashSet<?>) me.getValue(); Iterator<?> i2 = hS.iterator(); while (i2.hasNext()) { String strEntry = (String) i2.next(); paloelement plConsElm = paloElements.getElement(strEntry); if (plConsElm != null) sorter.add((int) plConsElm.getElementIdentifier()); } int[] iArrplConsOld = null; if (plElm.hasChildren()) iArrplConsOld = plElm.getElementChildren(); if (iArrplConsOld != null) { for (int oi = 0; oi < iArrplConsOld.length; oi++) { sorter.add(iArrplConsOld[oi]); } } Iterator<Integer> itSorted = sorter.iterator(); StringBuilder sbValues2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbTypes2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int zi = 0; itSorted.hasNext(); zi++) { if (zi > 0) { sbValues2.append(","); sbTypes2.append(","); } sbValues2.append(itSorted.next().intValue()); sbTypes2.append("1"); // merged[zi] = // ((Integer)itSorted.next()).intValue(); } // System.out.println(sbValues2.toString() + " " + // sbTypes2.toString()); // System.out.println("Jetzt"); // try{ if (hS != null) plElm.updateElementConsolidation(sbValues2.toString(), sbTypes2.toString(), false); // }catch(Exception e){ // System.out.println("ddd"); // } // paloCons.addElementToConsolidation(paloElements.getElement(tConsElement.getElementName()),tConsElement.getFactor()); // System.out.println(me.getKey() + " : " + // me.getValue() ); } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Hier " + e.toString()); } }