 public void testPostAccountSuccess() throws Exception {
   Account a = accountManager.findAccount("123456001");
   a.setEmail("*****@*****.**"); // Update the email
           post("/accounts/{acctId}", "123456001")
               .param("name", a.getName())
               // Providing all the params that would have been sent in
               // the form
               .param("dateOfBirth", formatDate(a.getDateOfBirth()))
               .param("email", a.getEmail())
               .param("receiveNewsletter", (a.isReceiveNewsletter() ? "1" : "0"))
               .param("receiveMonthlyEmailUpdate", (a.isReceiveMonthlyEmailUpdate() ? "1" : "0")))
       .andExpect(status().isFound()) // Because this is a redirect
       .andExpect(redirectedUrl("123456001")); // The redirect URL
   // provided by the
   // controller
 public void testPostAccountFailValidation() throws Exception {
   Account a = accountManager.findAccount("123456001");
   a.setEmail("bogusemail"); // Update the email with bad email address
           post("/accounts/{acctId}", "123456001")
               .param("name", a.getName())
               // Providing all the params that would have been sent in
               // the form
               .param("dateOfBirth", formatDate(a.getDateOfBirth()))
               .param("email", a.getEmail())
               .param("receiveNewsletter", (a.isReceiveNewsletter() ? "1" : "0"))
               .param("receiveMonthlyEmailUpdate", (a.isReceiveMonthlyEmailUpdate() ? "1" : "0")))
       .andExpect(model().attributeErrorCount("account", 1))
       .andExpect(model().attributeHasFieldErrors("account", "email"))
       .andExpect(status().isOk()) // Because this is a forward to the
       // same view