public GraphicLayoutInfo calculateOffsetAndScale(Dimension size) {
    boolean considerAuxVertices = options.getOption(OptionsEnum.considerAuxVertices).getBool();

    Position minPos = Position.min(graph.getVertices(), true, considerAuxVertices);
    Position maxPos = Position.max(graph.getVertices(), true, considerAuxVertices);

    float width;
    float height;

    final int OFFSET_FROM_BORDERS = calculateVertexRadius(options.graph.getMaxDegree());

    if (options.getOption(OptionsEnum.stretchGraphToBounds).getBool()) {
      width = maxPos.x - minPos.x;
      height = maxPos.y - minPos.y;
    } else {
      width = Position.width(maxPos, minPos);
      height = width;

    if (width == 0) {
      width = 1;
    if (height == 0) {
      height = 1;

    int sizeX = (int) size.getWidth();
    int sizeY = (int) size.getHeight();

    Position offset = new Position();
    offset.x = Position.add(Position.mult(minPos, -1), 0.05f * width).x;
    offset.y = Position.add(Position.mult(minPos, -1), 0.05f * height).y;

    // Flip y-coordinate.
    Position scale = new Position(1, -1, 1);
    scale.x *= (0.9f * sizeX / width);
    if (options.getOption(OptionsEnum.stretchGraphToBounds).getBool()) {
      scale.y *= (0.9f * sizeY / (height + OFFSET_FROM_BORDERS));
    } else {
      scale.y *= (0.9f * sizeY / height);

    Position maxPosScaled = Position.add(maxPos, offset);

    if (options.getOption(OptionsEnum.stretchGraphToBounds).getBool()) {
      sizeY = (int) Math.abs(maxPosScaled.y) + OFFSET_FROM_BORDERS;
    } else {
      // do nothing

    return new GraphicLayoutInfo(width, height, sizeY, offset, scale, maxPosScaled);
  public void writeGraphicsLayout(
      List<GraphVertex> vertices, List<GraphEdge> edges, Dimension size) {

    GraphicLayoutInfo graphicLayoutInfo = calculateOffsetAndScale(size);
    int sizeX = (int) size.getWidth();
    int sizeY = (int) size.getHeight();

    // Draw the edges.
    for (GraphEdge edge : edges) {
      if (options.getOption(OptionsEnum.showEdges).getBool() || edge.showEdge()) {
        // Only draw the edge if it and both of its incident vertices are visible
        if ((edge.getSource().isShowVertex() || edge.getTarget().isShowVertex())
            && !edge.isAuxiliaryEdge()) {
          Position sourcePos = graphicLayoutInfo.mapToOriginal(edge.getSource().getPosition());
          Position targetPos = graphicLayoutInfo.mapToOriginal(edge.getTarget().getPosition());

              (int) sourcePos.x,
              (int) sourcePos.y,
              (int) sourcePos.z,
              (int) targetPos.x,
              (int) targetPos.y,
              (int) targetPos.z);

    // Draw the vertices.
    // First draw the vertices that are not annotated (put them to background).
    for (GraphVertex vertex : vertices) {
      if (vertex.isShowVertex()
          && !(options.getOption(OptionsEnum.hideSource).getBool() && vertex.isSource())
          && !vertex.isAuxiliary()
          && !vertex.isShowName()) {

        calculateAndWriteVertex(sizeX, sizeY, graphicLayoutInfo, vertex);

    // Draw the annotated vertices.
    // Second draw the annotated vertices (put them to foreground).
    for (GraphVertex vertex : vertices) {
      if (vertex.isShowVertex()
          && !(options.getOption(OptionsEnum.hideSource).getBool() && vertex.isSource())
          && !vertex.isAuxiliary()
          && vertex.isShowName()) {

        calculateAndWriteVertex(sizeX, sizeY, graphicLayoutInfo, vertex);
  private void calculateAndWriteVertex(
      int sizeX, int sizeY, GraphicLayoutInfo graphicLayoutInfo, GraphVertex vertex) {

    Position position = graphicLayoutInfo.mapToOriginal(vertex.getPosition());

    // Determine color for vertex.
    Color color = vertex.getColor();
    if (options.getOption(OptionsEnum.depDegreeColor).getBool()) {
      float redValue = vertex.getDegreeOut() / graph.getMaxOutdegree();
      color = new Color(redValue, 1 - redValue, 0);

    if (vertex.getShape() == Shape.FIXED_SIZE_BOX) {
      int radius = 2;
      writeVertex(vertex, (int) position.x, (int) position.y, (int) position.z, radius, color);

    } else if (vertex.getShape() == Shape.FILLER_RECT) {
      int width = Math.max(1, Math.round(sizeX / graphicLayoutInfo.getWidth()));
      int height = Math.max(1, Math.round(sizeY / graphicLayoutInfo.getHeight()));
          vertex, (int) position.x, (int) position.y, (int) position.z, width, height, color);

    } else {
      int radius = calculateVertexRadius(vertex.getDegree());
      writeVertex(vertex, (int) position.x, (int) position.y, (int) position.z, radius, color);
  /** Calculates the two angled lines that form the arrow head. */
  protected int[] paintArrow(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {

    int[] arrowPoints = new int[8];

    double angleFactor = 0.5;
    double tipLocPercentage = 0.9 - options.getOption(OptionsEnum.minVert).getFloat() * 0.02;
    double xMid = x0 + tipLocPercentage * (x1 - x0);
    double yMid = y0 + tipLocPercentage * (y1 - y0);

    double deltaX = xMid - x0;
    double deltaY = yMid - y0;
    deltaX *= angleFactor;
    deltaY *= angleFactor;
    double diaLength = (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) * Math.sqrt(2));

    // (deltaY, -deltaX)
    double x2 = (x0 + deltaY - xMid) / diaLength;
    double y2 = (y0 - deltaX - yMid) / diaLength;

    // (-deltaY, deltaX)
    double x3 = (x0 - deltaY - xMid) / diaLength;
    double y3 = (y0 + deltaX - yMid) / diaLength;

    double arrowTipSizeFactor = 5;
    double xt2 = xMid + arrowTipSizeFactor * x2;
    double yt2 = yMid + arrowTipSizeFactor * y2;
    double xt3 = xMid + arrowTipSizeFactor * x3;
    double yt3 = yMid + arrowTipSizeFactor * y3;

    arrowPoints[0] = (int) Math.round(xMid);
    arrowPoints[1] = (int) Math.round(yMid);

    arrowPoints[2] = (int) Math.round(xt2);
    arrowPoints[3] = (int) Math.round(yt2);

    arrowPoints[4] = (int) Math.round(xMid);
    arrowPoints[5] = (int) Math.round(yMid);

    arrowPoints[6] = (int) Math.round(xt3);
    arrowPoints[7] = (int) Math.round(yt3);

    return arrowPoints;
  public void loadOptions() {
    scaleTextField.setValue(new Float(options.getOption(OptionsEnum.scalePos).getFloat()));
    attractionExponentTextField.setValue(new Float(options.attrExponent));
    gravitationTextField.setValue(new Float(options.gravitation));
    repulsionExponentTextField.setValue(new Float(options.repuExponent));

    if (options.vertRepu) {
    } else {
 public void applyOptions() {
   options.getOption(OptionsEnum.dim).set(((Integer) dimensionsSpinner.getValue()).intValue());
   options.attrExponent = (Float) attractionExponentTextField.getValue();
   options.repuExponent = (Float) repulsionExponentTextField.getValue();
   options.gravitation = ((Number) gravitationTextField.getValue()).floatValue();
   options.vertRepu = (repulsionTypeTextField.getSelectedIndex() == 1);
   options.noWeight = !weightedCheckbox.isSelected();
   options.getOption(OptionsEnum.scalePos).set((Float) scaleTextField.getValue());
 private int calculateVertexRadius(float degree) {
   return (int)
           Math.pow(degree, 0.5) * options.getOption(OptionsEnum.minVert).getFloat(),