private FlatSearchResponse searchFlatPaged( FlatSearchRequest request, Collection<IndexingContext> indexingContexts, boolean ignoreContext) throws IOException { TreeSet<ArtifactInfo> result = new TreeSet<ArtifactInfo>(request.getArtifactInfoComparator()); int totalHits = 0; for (IndexingContext ctx : indexingContexts) { if (ignoreContext || ctx.isSearchable()) { int hitCount = searchFlat( request, result, ctx, request.getQuery(), request.getStart(), request.getCount()); if (hitCount == AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { totalHits = hitCount; } else { totalHits += hitCount; } } if (request.isHitLimited() && (totalHits > request.getResultHitLimit()) || totalHits == AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { totalHits = AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED; result = new TreeSet<ArtifactInfo>(request.getArtifactInfoComparator()); break; } } return new FlatSearchResponse(request.getQuery(), totalHits, result); }
private GroupedSearchResponse searchGrouped( GroupedSearchRequest request, Collection<IndexingContext> indexingContexts, boolean ignoreContext) throws IOException { TreeMap<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> result = new TreeMap<String, ArtifactInfoGroup>(request.getGroupKeyComparator()); int totalHits = 0; for (IndexingContext ctx : indexingContexts) { if (ignoreContext || ctx.isSearchable()) { int hitCount = searchGrouped(request, result, request.getGrouping(), ctx, request.getQuery()); if (hitCount == AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { totalHits = hitCount; } else { totalHits += hitCount; } } if (request.isHitLimited() && (totalHits > request.getResultHitLimit()) || totalHits == AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED) { totalHits = AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED; result = new TreeMap<String, ArtifactInfoGroup>(request.getGroupKeyComparator()); break; } } return new GroupedSearchResponse(request.getQuery(), totalHits, result); }
public void updateIndex( int id, MavenServerSettings settings, MavenServerProgressIndicator indicator) throws MavenServerIndexerException, MavenServerProcessCanceledException, RemoteException { IndexingContext index = getIndex(id); try { if (isLocal(index)) { File repository = index.getRepository(); if (repository != null && repository.exists()) { indicator.setIndeterminate(true); try { myIndexer.scan(index, new MyScanningListener(indicator), false); } finally { indicator.setIndeterminate(false); } } } else { IndexUpdateRequest request = new IndexUpdateRequest(index); Maven2ServerEmbedderImpl embedder = Maven2ServerEmbedderImpl.create(settings); try { request.setResourceFetcher( new Maven2ServerIndexFetcher( index.getRepositoryId(), index.getRepositoryUrl(), embedder.getComponent(WagonManager.class), new TransferListenerAdapter(indicator) { @Override protected void downloadProgress(long downloaded, long total) { super.downloadProgress(downloaded, total); try { myIndicator.setFraction(((double) downloaded) / total); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(e); } } @Override public void transferCompleted(TransferEvent event) { super.transferCompleted(event); try { myIndicator.setText2("Processing indices..."); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeRemoteException(e); } } })); myUpdater.fetchAndUpdateIndex(request); } finally { embedder.release(); } } } catch (RuntimeRemoteException e) { throw e.getCause(); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { throw new MavenServerProcessCanceledException(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MavenServerIndexerException(wrapException(e)); } }
public Set<MavenArtifactInfo> search(int indexId, Query query, int maxResult) throws MavenServerIndexerException { try { IndexingContext index = getIndex(indexId); TopDocs docs = null; try { BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(Integer.MAX_VALUE); docs = index.getIndexSearcher().search(query, null, maxResult); } catch (BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses ignore) { // this exception occurs when too wide wildcard is used on too big data. } if (docs == null || docs.scoreDocs.length == 0) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<MavenArtifactInfo> result = new THashSet<MavenArtifactInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < docs.scoreDocs.length; i++) { int docIndex = docs.scoreDocs[i].doc; Document doc = index.getIndexReader().document(docIndex); ArtifactInfo a = IndexUtils.constructArtifactInfo(doc, index); if (a == null) continue; a.repository = getRepositoryPathOrUrl(index); result.add(Maven2ModelConverter.convertArtifactInfo(a)); } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MavenServerIndexerException(wrapException(e)); } }
private IteratorSearchResponse searchIteratorPaged( IteratorSearchRequest request, Collection<IndexingContext> indexingContexts, boolean ignoreContext) throws IOException { // manage defaults! if (request.getStart() < 0) { request.setStart(IteratorSearchRequest.UNDEFINED); } if (request.getCount() < 0) { request.setCount(IteratorSearchRequest.UNDEFINED); } // to not change the API all away, but we need stable ordering here // filter for those 1st, that take part in here ArrayList<IndexingContext> contexts = new ArrayList<IndexingContext>(indexingContexts.size()); for (IndexingContext ctx : indexingContexts) { if (ignoreContext || ctx.isSearchable()) { contexts.add(ctx); } } ArrayList<IndexReader> contextsToSearch = new ArrayList<IndexReader>(contexts.size()); for (IndexingContext ctx : contexts) { contextsToSearch.add(ctx.getIndexReader()); } MultiReader multiReader = new MultiReader(contextsToSearch.toArray(new IndexReader[contextsToSearch.size()])); IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(multiReader); // NEXUS-3482 made us to NOT use reverse ordering (it is a fix I wanted to implement, but user // contributed patch // did come in faster! -- Thanks) Hits hits = request.getQuery(), new Sort( new SortField[] { SortField.FIELD_SCORE, new SortField(null, SortField.DOC, false) })); return new IteratorSearchResponse( request.getQuery(), hits.length(), new DefaultIteratorResultSet(request, indexSearcher, contexts, hits)); }
protected int searchFlat( AbstractSearchRequest req, Collection<ArtifactInfo> result, IndexingContext context, Query query, int from, int aiCount) throws IOException { Hits hits = context .getIndexSearcher() .search(query, new Sort(new SortField(ArtifactInfo.UINFO, SortField.STRING))); if (hits == null || hits.length() == 0) { return 0; } if (req.isHitLimited() && hits.length() > req.getResultHitLimit()) { return AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED; } int hitCount = hits.length(); int start = 0; // from == FlatSearchRequest.UNDEFINED ? 0 : from; // we have to pack the results as long: a) we have found aiCount ones b) we depleted hits for (int i = start; i < hits.length(); i++) { Document doc = hits.doc(i); ArtifactInfo artifactInfo = IndexUtils.constructArtifactInfo(doc, context); if (artifactInfo != null) { artifactInfo.repository = context.getRepositoryId(); artifactInfo.context = context.getId(); result.add(artifactInfo); if (req.isHitLimited() && result.size() > req.getResultHitLimit()) { // we hit limit, back out now !! return AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED; } } } return hitCount; }
public static void addArtifact( NexusIndexer indexer, IndexingContext index, ArtifactContext artifactContext) throws IOException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { indexer.addArtifactToIndex(artifactContext, index); // this hack is necessary to invalidate searcher's and reader's cache (may not be required then // lucene or nexus library change Method m = index.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("closeReaders"); m.setAccessible(true); m.invoke(index); }
protected int searchGrouped( AbstractSearchRequest req, Map<String, ArtifactInfoGroup> result, Grouping grouping, IndexingContext context, Query query) throws IOException { Hits hits = context .getIndexSearcher() .search(query, new Sort(new SortField(ArtifactInfo.UINFO, SortField.STRING))); if (hits != null && hits.length() != 0) { int hitCount = hits.length(); for (int i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) { ArtifactInfo artifactInfo = IndexUtils.constructArtifactInfo(hits.doc(i), context); if (artifactInfo != null) { artifactInfo.repository = context.getRepositoryId(); artifactInfo.context = context.getId(); if (!grouping.addArtifactInfo(result, artifactInfo)) { // fix the hitCount accordingly hitCount--; } } } if (req.isHitLimited() && hits.length() > req.getResultHitLimit()) { return AbstractSearchResponse.LIMIT_EXCEEDED; } return hitCount; } else { return 0; } }
/** * Will reindex, shift if needed and publish indexes for a "remote" repository (published over * jetty component). * * @param repositoryRoot * @param repositoryId * @param deleteIndexFiles * @param shiftDays * @throws IOException */ protected void reindexRemoteRepositoryAndPublish( File repositoryRoot, String repositoryId, boolean deleteIndexFiles, int shiftDays) throws IOException, ComponentLookupException { File indexDirectory = getIndexFamilyDirectory(repositoryId); Directory directory = FSDirectory.getDirectory(indexDirectory); IndexingContext ctx = nexusIndexer.addIndexingContextForced( repositoryId + "-temp", repositoryId, repositoryRoot, directory, null, null, new IndexCreatorHelper(getContainer()).getFullCreators()); // shifting if needed (very crude way to do it, but heh) shiftContextInTime(ctx, shiftDays); // and scan "today" nexusIndexer.scan(ctx); ctx.updateTimestamp(true); // pack it up File targetDir = new File(repositoryRoot, ".index"); targetDir.mkdirs(); IndexPackingRequest ipr = new IndexPackingRequest(ctx, targetDir); ipr.setCreateIncrementalChunks(true); indexPacker.packIndex(ipr); nexusIndexer.removeIndexingContext(ctx, deleteIndexFiles); }
protected void shiftContextInTime(IndexingContext ctx, int shiftDays) throws IOException { if (shiftDays != 0) { IndexWriter iw = ctx.getIndexWriter(); for (int docNum = 0; docNum < ctx.getIndexReader().maxDoc(); docNum++) { if (!ctx.getIndexReader().isDeleted(docNum)) { Document doc = ctx.getIndexReader().document(docNum); String lastModified = doc.get(ArtifactInfo.LAST_MODIFIED); if (lastModified != null) { long lm = Long.parseLong(lastModified); lm = lm + (shiftDays * A_DAY_MILLIS); doc.removeFields(ArtifactInfo.LAST_MODIFIED); doc.add( new Field( ArtifactInfo.LAST_MODIFIED, Long.toString(lm), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NO)); iw.updateDocument(new Term(ArtifactInfo.UINFO, doc.get(ArtifactInfo.UINFO)), doc); } } } iw.optimize(); iw.close(); // shift timestamp too if (ctx.getTimestamp() != null) { ctx.updateTimestamp( true, new Date(ctx.getTimestamp().getTime() + (shiftDays * A_DAY_MILLIS))); } else { ctx.updateTimestamp( true, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (shiftDays * A_DAY_MILLIS))); } } }
private boolean isLocal(IndexingContext index) { return index.getRepository() != null; }
private String getRepositoryPathOrUrl(IndexingContext index) { File file = index.getRepository(); return file == null ? index.getRepositoryUrl() : file.getPath(); }