/** Writes the command in the syntax of the given printer */ public void write(Printer p) throws IOException { try { p.writer().append("(" + commandName); for (IIdentifier id : ids()) { p.writer().append(" "); id.accept(p); } p.writer().append(")"); } catch (IVisitor.VisitorException e) { p.error(e.getMessage()); } }
/** Writes the command in the syntax of the given printer */ public void write(Printer p) throws IOException, IVisitor.VisitorException { p.writer().append("(" + commandName + " "); symbol().accept(p); p.writer().append(" ("); for (ISort s : argSorts()) { s.accept(p); p.writer().append(" "); } p.writer().append(") "); resultSort().accept(p); p.writer().append(")"); }
/** Writes out the command in S-expression syntax using the given printer */ public void write(Printer p) throws IOException, IVisitor.VisitorException { p.writer().append("(" + commandName + " "); formula.accept(p); p.writer().append(")"); }