   * Generates views based on annotations found in a repository class. If the repository class
   * extends org.ektorp.support.CouchDbRepositorySupport its handled type will also examined for
   * annotations eligible for view generation.
   * @param repository
   * @return a Map with generated views.
  public Map<String, DesignDocument.View> generateViews(final Object repository) {
    final Map<String, DesignDocument.View> views = new HashMap<String, DesignDocument.View>();
    final Class<?> repositoryClass = repository.getClass();

    final Class<?> handledType =
        repository instanceof CouchDbRepositorySupport<?>
            ? ((CouchDbRepositorySupport<?>) repository).getHandledType()
            : null;

    createDeclaredViews(views, repositoryClass);

        new Predicate<Method>() {
          public boolean apply(Method input) {
            if (hasAnnotation(input, GenerateView.class)) {
              generateView(views, input, handledType);
            return false;

    if (handledType != null) {
    return views;