/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.sentilo.web.catalog.controller.CrudController#doAfterViewResource(org.springframework.ui * .Model) */ protected void doAfterViewResource(final Model model) { // If application belongs to a third organization then its token must be hidden to user. final Application resource = (Application) model.asMap().get(getEntityModelKey()); if (!TenantUtils.isCurrentTenantResource(resource)) { resource.setToken("**************"); } }
@Before("((update(tenantResource) || create(tenantResource)) && @annotation(auditable) )") public void doSimpleAdvice( final JoinPoint jp, final TenantResource tenantResource, final Auditable auditable) { if (TenantContextHolder.isEnabled()) { final String currentTenant = TenantUtils.getCurrentTenant(); switch (auditable.actionType()) { case CREATE: addTenantFields(tenantResource, currentTenant); break; case UPDATE: keepTenantFields(tenantResource); break; default: break; } } return; }