public void init() {"Initializing Lesson Builder Tool");

    // for debugging I'd like to be able to reload, so avoid duplicates
    List<String> registered =
    if (registered == null || !registered.contains(SimplePage.PERMISSION_LESSONBUILDER_UPDATE))
    if (registered == null || !registered.contains(SimplePage.PERMISSION_LESSONBUILDER_READ))
    if (registered == null || !registered.contains(SimplePage.PERMISSION_LESSONBUILDER_SEE_ALL))

    try {
      // hibernate will do the tables, but we need this for the indices
      if (autoDdl) {
        sqlService.ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "simplepage");"Completed Lesson Builder DDL");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Unable to DDL Lesson Builder", e);
   * build the context.
   * @return The name of the template to use.
  public static String buildHelperContext(
      VelocityPortlet portlet, Context context, RunData rundata, SessionState state) {
    // in state is the realm id
    context.put("thelp", rb);
    String realmId = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_REALM_ID);

    // in state is the realm to use for roles - if not, use realmId
    String realmRolesId = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_REALM_ROLES_ID);
    context.put("viewRealmId", realmRolesId);

    // get the realm locked for editing
    AuthzGroup edit = (AuthzGroup) state.getAttribute(STATE_REALM_EDIT);
    if (edit == null) {
      if (AuthzGroupService.allowUpdate(realmId)) {
        try {
          edit = AuthzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(realmId);
          state.setAttribute(STATE_REALM_EDIT, edit);
        } catch (GroupNotDefinedException e) {
          try {
            // we can create the realm
            edit = AuthzGroupService.addAuthzGroup(realmId);
            state.setAttribute(STATE_REALM_EDIT, edit);
          } catch (GroupIdInvalidException ee) {
            M_log.warn("PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: addRealm: " + ee);
            return null;
          } catch (GroupAlreadyDefinedException ee) {
            M_log.warn("PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: addRealm: " + ee);
            return null;
          } catch (AuthzPermissionException ee) {
            M_log.warn("PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: addRealm: " + ee);
            return null;

      // no permission
      else {
        M_log.warn("PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: no permission: " + realmId);
        return null;

    AuthzGroup viewEdit = null;
    // check wither the current realm id is of site group type
    if (realmId.indexOf(SiteService.REFERENCE_ROOT) != -1) {
      String siteId = realmId.replaceAll(SiteService.REFERENCE_ROOT + "/", "");
      context.put("siteRef", realmId);

      if (state.getAttribute(STATE_GROUP_AWARE) != null
          && ((Boolean) state.getAttribute(STATE_GROUP_AWARE)).booleanValue()) {
        // only show groups for group-aware tools
        try {
          Site site = SiteService.getSite(siteId);
          Collection groups = site.getGroups();
          if (groups != null && !groups.isEmpty()) {
            Iterator iGroups = groups.iterator();
            for (; iGroups.hasNext(); ) {
              Group group = (Group);
              // need to either have realm update permission on the group level or better at the
              // site level
              if (!AuthzGroupService.allowUpdate(group.getReference())) {
            context.put("groups", groups);

        } catch (Exception siteException) {
              "PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: getsite of realm id =  "
                  + realmId
                  + siteException);

      // get the realm locked for editing
      viewEdit = (AuthzGroup) state.getAttribute(STATE_VIEW_REALM_EDIT);
      if (viewEdit == null) {
        if (AuthzGroupService.allowUpdate(realmRolesId)
            || AuthzGroupService.allowUpdate(SiteService.siteReference(siteId))) {
          try {
            viewEdit = AuthzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(realmRolesId);
            state.setAttribute(STATE_VIEW_REALM_EDIT, viewEdit);
          } catch (GroupNotDefinedException e) {
                "PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: getRealm with id= "
                    + realmRolesId
                    + " : "
                    + e);
            return null;

        // no permission
        else {
          M_log.warn("PermissionsAction.buildHelperContext: no permission: " + realmId);
          return null;

    // in state is the prefix for abilities to present
    String prefix = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_PREFIX);

    // in state is the list of abilities we will present
    List functions = (List) state.getAttribute(STATE_ABILITIES);
    if (functions == null) {
      // get all functions prefixed with our prefix
      functions = FunctionManager.getRegisteredFunctions(prefix);

    if (functions != null && !functions.isEmpty()) {
      List<String> nFunctions = new Vector<String>();
      if (!realmRolesId.equals(realmId)) {
        // editing groups within site, need to filter out those permissions only applicable to site
        // level
        for (Iterator iFunctions = functions.iterator(); iFunctions.hasNext(); ) {
          String function = (String);
          if (function.indexOf("all.groups") == -1) {
      } else {
      state.setAttribute(STATE_ABILITIES, nFunctions);
      context.put("abilities", nFunctions);

      // get function description from passed in HashMap
      // output permission descriptions
      Map<String, String> functionDescriptions =
          (Map<String, String>) state.getAttribute(STATE_PERMISSION_DESCRIPTIONS);
      if (functionDescriptions != null) {
        Set keySet = functionDescriptions.keySet();
        for (Object function : functions) {
          String desc = (String) function;
          String descKey = PermissionsHelper.PREFIX_PERMISSION_DESCRIPTION + function;
          if (keySet.contains(descKey)) {
            // use function description
            desc = (String) functionDescriptions.get(descKey);

          functionDescriptions.put((String) function, desc);
        context.put("functionDescriptions", functionDescriptions);

    // in state is the description of the edit
    String description = (String) state.getAttribute(STATE_DESCRIPTION);

    // the list of roles
    List roles = (List) state.getAttribute(STATE_ROLES);
    if (roles == null) {
      // get the roles from the edit, unless another is specified
      AuthzGroup roleRealm = viewEdit != null ? viewEdit : edit;
      if (realmRolesId != null) {
        try {
          roleRealm = AuthzGroupService.getAuthzGroup(realmRolesId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
              "PermissionsHelperAction.buildHelperContext: getRolesRealm: "
                  + realmRolesId
                  + " : "
                  + e);
      roles = new Vector();
      state.setAttribute(STATE_ROLES, roles);

    // the abilities not including this realm for each role
    Map rolesAbilities = (Map) state.getAttribute(STATE_ROLE_ABILITIES);
    if (rolesAbilities == null) {
      rolesAbilities = new Hashtable();
      state.setAttribute(STATE_ROLE_ABILITIES, rolesAbilities);

      // get this resource's role Realms,those that refine the role definitions, but not it's own
      Reference ref =
          EntityManager.newReference(viewEdit != null ? viewEdit.getId() : edit.getId());
      Collection realms = ref.getAuthzGroups();

      for (Iterator iRoles = roles.iterator(); iRoles.hasNext(); ) {
        Role role = (Role);
        Set locks = AuthzGroupService.getAllowedFunctions(role.getId(), realms);
        rolesAbilities.put(role.getId(), locks);

    context.put("realm", viewEdit != null ? viewEdit : edit);
    context.put("prefix", prefix);
    context.put("description", description);
    if (roles.size() > 0) {
      context.put("roles", roles);
    context.put("rolesAbilities", rolesAbilities);

    // make sure observers are disabled

    return TEMPLATE_MAIN;