public String getErrorDomain() {
   if (has(Keys.ErrorDomain())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.ErrorDomain());
     return val.toString();
   return null;
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later. */
 public CGPath getPath() {
   if (has(Keys.Path())) {
     CGPath val = get(Keys.Path(), CGPath.class);
     return val;
   return null;
 public NSNetServiceErrorCode getErrorCode() {
   if (has(Keys.ErrorCode())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.ErrorCode());
     return NSNetServiceErrorCode.valueOf(val.longValue());
   return null;
 /** @since Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */
 public CIFormat getWorkingFormat() {
   if (has(Keys.WorkingFormat())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.WorkingFormat());
     return CIFormat.valueOf(val.intValue());
   return null;
 public CGColorSpace getWorkingColorSpace() {
   if (has(Keys.WorkingColorSpace())) {
     CGColorSpace val = get(Keys.WorkingColorSpace()).as(CGColorSpace.class);
     return val;
   return null;
 public CGColorSpace getOutputColorSpace() {
   if (has(Keys.OutputColorSpace())) {
     CGColorSpace val = get(Keys.OutputColorSpace()).as(CGColorSpace.class);
     return val;
   return null;
 /** @since Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */
 public boolean requestsLowPriority() {
   if (has(Keys.PriorityRequestLow())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.PriorityRequestLow());
     return val.booleanValue();
   return false;
Exemple #8
 /** @since Available in iOS 5.0 and later. */
 public CIDetectorAccuracy getAccuracy() {
   if (has(Keys.Accuracy())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.Accuracy());
     return CIDetectorAccuracy.valueOf(val);
   return null;
Exemple #9
 /** @since Available in iOS 6.0 and later. */
 public double getMinFeatureSize() {
   if (has(Keys.MinFeatureSize())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.MinFeatureSize());
     return val.doubleValue();
   return 0;
Exemple #10
 /** @since Available in iOS 6.0 and later. */
 public boolean isTracking() {
   if (has(Keys.Tracking())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.Tracking());
     return val.booleanValue();
   return false;
 public boolean usesSoftwareRenderer() {
   if (has(Keys.UseSoftwareRenderer())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.UseSoftwareRenderer());
     return val.booleanValue();
   return false;
 /** @since Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */
 public CIContextOptions setWorkingFormat(CIFormat workingFormat) {
   set(Keys.WorkingFormat(), NSNumber.valueOf(workingFormat.value()));
   return this;
 public CIContextOptions setWorkingColorSpace(CGColorSpace workingColorSpace) {
   return this;
 public CIContextOptions setOutputColorSpace(CGColorSpace outputColorSpace) {
   return this;
Exemple #15
 /** @since Available in iOS 6.0 and later. */
 public CIDetectorOptions setMinFeatureSize(double minFeatureSize) {
   set(Keys.MinFeatureSize(), NSNumber.valueOf(minFeatureSize));
   return this;
Exemple #16
 /** @since Available in iOS 6.0 and later. */
 public CIDetectorOptions setTracking(boolean tracking) {
   set(Keys.Tracking(), NSNumber.valueOf(tracking));
   return this;
Exemple #17
 /** @since Available in iOS 5.0 and later. */
 public CIDetectorOptions setAccuracy(CIDetectorAccuracy accuracy) {
   set(Keys.Accuracy(), accuracy.value());
   return this;
 public NSNetServiceErrorUserInfo setErrorCode(NSNetServiceErrorCode errorCode) {
   set(Keys.ErrorCode(), NSNumber.valueOf(errorCode.value()));
   return this;
 public CIContextOptions setUsesSoftwareRenderer(boolean usesSoftwareRenderer) {
   set(Keys.UseSoftwareRenderer(), NSNumber.valueOf(usesSoftwareRenderer));
   return this;
 public NSNetServiceErrorUserInfo setErrorDomain(String errorDomain) {
   set(Keys.ErrorDomain(), new NSString(errorDomain));
   return this;
 /** @since Available in iOS 8.0 and later. */
 public CIContextOptions setRequestsLowPriority(boolean requestsLowPriority) {
   set(Keys.PriorityRequestLow(), NSNumber.valueOf(requestsLowPriority));
   return this;
Exemple #22
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.3 and later. */
 public CTFrameClippingPath setPath(CGPath path) {
   set(Keys.Path(), path);
   return this;