Exemple #1
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public long getWidth() {
   if (has(Keys.Width())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.Width());
     return val.longValue();
   return 0;
 public String getErrorDomain() {
   if (has(Keys.ErrorDomain())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.ErrorDomain());
     return val.toString();
   return null;
 public NSNetServiceErrorCode getErrorCode() {
   if (has(Keys.ErrorCode())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.ErrorCode());
     return NSNetServiceErrorCode.valueOf(val.longValue());
   return null;
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public AVSampleRateConverterAlgorithm getAlgorithm() {
   if (has(Keys.Algorithm())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.Algorithm());
     return AVSampleRateConverterAlgorithm.valueOf(val);
   return null;
Exemple #5
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public double getAverageNonDroppableFrameRate() {
   if (has(Keys.AverageNonDroppableFrameRate())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.AverageNonDroppableFrameRate());
     return val.doubleValue();
   return 0;
Exemple #6
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoH264EntropyMode getH264EntropyMode() {
   if (has(Keys.H264EntropyMode())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.H264EntropyMode());
     return AVVideoH264EntropyMode.valueOf(val);
   return null;
Exemple #7
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public double getExpectedSourceFrameRate() {
   if (has(Keys.ExpectedSourceFrameRate())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.ExpectedSourceFrameRate());
     return val.doubleValue();
   return 0;
Exemple #8
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public boolean allowsFrameReordering() {
   if (has(Keys.AllowFrameReordering())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.AllowFrameReordering());
     return val.booleanValue();
   return false;
Exemple #9
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoProfileLevel getProfileLevel() {
   if (has(Keys.ProfileLevel())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.ProfileLevel());
     return AVVideoProfileLevel.valueOf(val);
   return null;
Exemple #10
 /** @since Available in iOS 5.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoScalingMode getScalingMode() {
   if (has(Keys.ScalingMode())) {
     NSString val = (NSString) get(Keys.ScalingMode());
     return AVVideoScalingMode.valueOf(val);
   return null;
Exemple #11
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public long getHeight() {
   if (has(Keys.Height())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.Height());
     return val.longValue();
   return 0;
 public AVAudioQuality getAudioQuality() {
   if (has(Keys.AudioQuality())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.AudioQuality());
     return AVAudioQuality.valueOf(val.longValue());
   return null;
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public CMTimeCodeFormatDescriptionSourceReferenceName getSourceReferenceName() {
   if (has(Keys.SourceReferenceName())) {
     CFDictionary val = get(Keys.SourceReferenceName(), CFDictionary.class);
     return new CMTimeCodeFormatDescriptionSourceReferenceName(val);
   return null;
Exemple #14
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoCleanAperture getCleanAperture() {
   if (has(Keys.CleanAperture())) {
     NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> val =
         (NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject>) get(Keys.CleanAperture());
     return new AVVideoCleanAperture(val);
   return null;
Exemple #15
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public CMVideoCodecType getCodec() {
   if (has(Keys.Codec())) {
     NSNumber val = (NSNumber) get(Keys.Codec());
     return CMVideoCodecType.valueOf(val.longValue());
   return null;
  * @since Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
  * @deprecated Deprecated in iOS 8.0.
 public UIFont getFont() {
   if (has(Keys.Font())) {
     UIFont val = (UIFont) get(Keys.Font());
     return val;
   return null;
  * @since Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
  * @deprecated Deprecated in iOS 8.0.
 public UIColor getTextColor() {
   if (has(Keys.Color())) {
     UIColor val = (UIColor) get(Keys.Color());
     return val;
   return null;
  * @since Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
  * @deprecated Deprecated in iOS 8.0.
 public UIColor getBackgroundColor() {
   if (has(Keys.BackgroundColor())) {
     UIColor val = (UIColor) get(Keys.BackgroundColor());
     return val;
   return null;
Exemple #19
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public AVPixelAspectRatio getPixelAspectRatio() {
   if (has(Keys.PixelAspectRatio())) {
     NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> val =
         (NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject>) get(Keys.PixelAspectRatio());
     AVPixelAspectRatio result =
         new AVPixelAspectRatio(
             val.getLong(AVPixelAspectRatio.HorizontalSpacing(), 0),
             val.getLong(AVPixelAspectRatio.VerticalSpacing(), 0));
     return result;
   return null;
Exemple #20
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoSettings setPixelAspectRatio(AVPixelAspectRatio pixelAspectRatio) {
   NSDictionary<NSString, NSObject> val = new NSMutableDictionary<>();
   val.put(AVPixelAspectRatio.HorizontalSpacing(), pixelAspectRatio.getHorizontalSpacing());
   val.put(AVPixelAspectRatio.VerticalSpacing(), pixelAspectRatio.getVerticalSpacing());
   set(Keys.PixelAspectRatio(), val);
   return this;
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public AVSampleRateConverterSettings setAlgorithm(AVSampleRateConverterAlgorithm algorithm) {
   set(Keys.Algorithm(), algorithm.value());
   return this;
Exemple #22
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoSettings setExpectedSourceFrameRate(double expectedSourceFrameRate) {
   set(Keys.ExpectedSourceFrameRate(), NSNumber.valueOf(expectedSourceFrameRate));
   return this;
 public NSNetServiceErrorUserInfo setErrorDomain(String errorDomain) {
   set(Keys.ErrorDomain(), new NSString(errorDomain));
   return this;
Exemple #24
 /** @since Available in iOS 7.0 and later. */
 public AVVideoSettings setAverageNonDroppableFrameRate(double averageNonDroppableFrameRate) {
   set(Keys.AverageNonDroppableFrameRate(), NSNumber.valueOf(averageNonDroppableFrameRate));
   return this;
 public NSNetServiceErrorUserInfo setErrorCode(NSNetServiceErrorCode errorCode) {
   set(Keys.ErrorCode(), NSNumber.valueOf(errorCode.value()));
   return this;
  * @since Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
  * @deprecated Deprecated in iOS 8.0.
 public UITextInputTextStyle setFont(UIFont font) {
   set(Keys.Font(), font);
   return this;
  * @since Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
  * @deprecated Deprecated in iOS 8.0.
 public UITextInputTextStyle setTextColor(UIColor textColor) {
   set(Keys.Color(), textColor);
   return this;
  * @since Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
  * @deprecated Deprecated in iOS 8.0.
 public UITextInputTextStyle setBackgroundColor(UIColor backgroundColor) {
   set(Keys.BackgroundColor(), backgroundColor);
   return this;
 public AVSampleRateConverterSettings setAudioQuality(AVAudioQuality audioQuality) {
   set(Keys.AudioQuality(), NSNumber.valueOf(audioQuality.value()));
   return this;
 /** @since Available in iOS 4.0 and later. */
 public CMTimeCodeFormatDescriptionExtension setSourceReferenceName(
     CMTimeCodeFormatDescriptionSourceReferenceName sourceReferenceName) {
   set(Keys.SourceReferenceName(), sourceReferenceName.getDictionary());
   return this;