Exemple #1
  * Evaluate an expression from the command line.
  * @param expr the JavaScript expression to evaluate
  * @return the return value
  * @throws IOException an I/O related error occurred
  * @throws JavaScriptException the script threw an error during compilation or execution
 public Object evaluateExpression(String expr) throws IOException, JavaScriptException {
   Context cx = contextFactory.enterContext();
   try {
     Object retval;
     Repository repository = repositories.get(0);
     Scriptable parentScope = mainScope != null ? mainScope : globalScope;
     ModuleScope scope = new ModuleScope("<expr>", repository, parentScope, mainWorker);
     Resource res = new StringResource("<expr>", expr, 1);
     ReloadableScript script = new ReloadableScript(res, this);
     retval = mainWorker.evaluateScript(cx, script, scope);
     return retval instanceof Wrapper ? ((Wrapper) retval).unwrap() : retval;
   } finally {