/** * ‘file.append’ attempts to append the files named by its second argument to those named by its * first. The R subscript recycling rule is used to align names given in vectors of different * lengths. */ @Internal("file.append") @DataParallel public static boolean fileAppend( @Current Context context, String destFileName, String sourceFileName) { try { FileObject sourceFile = context.resolveFile(sourceFileName); if (!sourceFile.exists()) { return false; } FileObject destFile = context.resolveFile(destFileName); OutputStream out = destFile.getContent().getOutputStream(true); try { InputStream in = sourceFile.getContent().getInputStream(); try { ByteStreams.copy(in, out); } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } finally { try { out.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } return true; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } }
private static void delete(FileObject file, boolean recursive) throws FileSystemException { if (file.exists()) { if (file.getType() == FileType.FILE) { file.delete(); } else if (file.getType() == FileType.FOLDER) { if (file.getChildren().length == 0) { file.delete(); } else if (recursive) { file.delete(); } } } }
/** * Utility function to extract information about files on the user's file systems. * * @param context current call Context * @param paths the list of files for which to return information * @return list column-oriented table of file information * @throws FileSystemException */ @Internal("file.info") public static ListVector fileInfo(@Current Context context, StringVector paths) throws FileSystemException { DoubleArrayVector.Builder size = new DoubleArrayVector.Builder(); LogicalArrayVector.Builder isdir = new LogicalArrayVector.Builder(); IntArrayVector.Builder mode = (IntArrayVector.Builder) new IntArrayVector.Builder() .setAttribute(Symbols.CLASS, StringVector.valueOf("octmode")); DoubleArrayVector.Builder mtime = new DoubleArrayVector.Builder(); StringVector.Builder exe = new StringVector.Builder(); for (String path : paths) { if (StringVector.isNA(path)) { throw new EvalException("invalid filename argument"); } FileObject file = context.resolveFile(path); if (file.exists()) { if (file.getType() == FileType.FILE) { size.add((int) file.getContent().getSize()); } else { size.add(0); } isdir.add(file.getType() == FileType.FOLDER); mode.add(mode(file)); try { mtime.add(file.getContent().getLastModifiedTime()); } catch (Exception e) { mtime.add(0); } exe.add(file.getName().getBaseName().endsWith(".exe") ? "yes" : "no"); } else { size.addNA(); isdir.addNA(); mode.addNA(); mtime.addNA(); exe.addNA(); } } return ListVector.newNamedBuilder() .add("size", size) .add("isdir", isdir) .add("mode", mode) .add("mtime", mtime) .add("ctime", mtime) .add("atime", mtime) .add("exe", exe) .build(); }
@Invisible @Internal public static String setwd(@Current Context context, String workingDirectoryName) throws FileSystemException { FileObject newWorkingDirectory = context.resolveFile(workingDirectoryName); if (!newWorkingDirectory.exists() || newWorkingDirectory.getType() != FileType.FOLDER) { throw new EvalException("cannot change working directory"); } String previous = context.getSession().getWorkingDirectory().getName().getURI(); context.getSession().setWorkingDirectory(newWorkingDirectory); return previous; }
private static int checkAccess(FileObject file, int mode) throws FileSystemException { boolean ok = true; if ((mode & CHECK_ACCESS_EXISTENCE) != 0 && !file.exists()) { ok = false; } if ((mode & CHECK_ACCESS_READ) != 0 && !file.isReadable()) { ok = false; } if ((mode & CHECK_ACCESS_WRITE) != 0 & !file.isWriteable()) { ok = false; } // case CHECK_ACCESS_EXECUTE: // return -1; // don't know if this is possible to check with VFS // } return ok ? 0 : -1; }
/** Helper function to extract a zip entry to the given folder. */ private static void unzipExtract( ZipInputStream zin, ZipEntry entry, FileObject exdir, boolean junkpaths, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { if (junkpaths) { throw new EvalException("unzip(junpaths=false) not yet implemented"); } FileObject exfile = exdir.resolveFile(entry.getName()); if (exfile.exists() && !overwrite) { throw new EvalException( "file to be extracted '%s' already exists", exfile.getName().getURI()); } OutputStream out = exfile.getContent().getOutputStream(); try { byte buffer[] = new byte[64 * 1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = zin.read(buffer)) != -1) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } finally { out.close(); } }