public class PollingService {

  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(PollingService.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private MessagePublisher red5GW;

  public void setRed5Publisher(MessagePublisher inGW) {
    red5GW = inGW;

  public void votePoll(Map<String, Object> message) {
    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String userId = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();
    String pollId = (String) message.get("pollId");
    Integer questionId = (Integer) message.get("answerId");
    Integer answerId = (Integer) message.get("answerId");

    red5GW.votePoll(meetingID, userId, pollId, questionId, answerId);

  public void showPollResult(Map<String, Object> message) {
    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String userId = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();
    String pollId = (String) message.get("pollId");
    Boolean show = (Boolean) message.get("show");

    red5GW.showPollResult(meetingID, userId, pollId, show);

  public void sendPollingMessage(String json) {
    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String userId = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();


  public void startPoll(Map<String, Object> message) {
    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String userId = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();
    String pollId = (String) message.get("pollId");
    String pollType = (String) message.get("pollType");

    red5GW.startPoll(meetingID, userId, pollId, pollType);

  public void stopPoll(Map<String, Object> message) {
    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String userId = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();
    String pollId = (String) message.get("pollId");

    red5GW.stopPoll(meetingID, userId, pollId);

  private BigBlueButtonSession getBbbSession() {
    return (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);
Exemple #2
/** Contains information about a ChatRoom. */
public class ChatRoom {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChatRoom.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private final String name;
  private final Map<String, IChatRoomListener> listeners;
  ArrayList<String> messages;

  public ChatRoom(String name) { = name;
    listeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, IChatRoomListener>();
    this.messages = new ArrayList<String>();

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void addRoomListener(IChatRoomListener listener) {
    if (!listeners.containsKey(listener.getName())) {
      log.debug("adding room listener");
      listeners.put(listener.getName(), listener);

  public void removeRoomListener(IChatRoomListener listener) {
    log.debug("removing room listener");

  public List<String> getChatMessages() {
    return messages;

  public void sendMessage(String msg) {

    for (Iterator iter = listeners.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      log.debug("calling on listener");
      IChatRoomListener listener = (IChatRoomListener);
      log.debug("calling newChatMessage on listener " + listener.getName());
public class LibraryDocuments {

  private static final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(LibraryDocuments.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);

  private static LibraryDocuments instance;

  private LibraryDocuments() {}

  public static synchronized LibraryDocuments getInstance() {
    if (instance == null) {
      log.debug("instance created");
      instance = new LibraryDocuments();
    return instance;
public class ProviderService implements IProviderService {

  private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProviderService.class);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public INPUT_TYPE lookupProviderInput(IScope scope, String name, int type) {
    if (scope.getBasicScope(ScopeType.BROADCAST, name) != null) {
      // we have live input
      result = INPUT_TYPE.LIVE;
    } else {
      // "default" to VOD as a missing file will be picked up later on
      result = INPUT_TYPE.VOD;
      File file = getStreamFile(scope, name);
      if (file == null) {
        if (type == -2) {
          result = INPUT_TYPE.LIVE_WAIT;
        log.debug("Requested stream: {} does not appear to be of VOD type", name);
    return result;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public IMessageInput getProviderInput(IScope scope, String name) {
    IMessageInput msgIn = getLiveProviderInput(scope, name, false);
    if (msgIn == null) {
      return getVODProviderInput(scope, name);
    return msgIn;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public IMessageInput getLiveProviderInput(IScope scope, String name, boolean needCreate) {
    log.debug("Get live provider input for {} scope: {}", name, scope);
    // make sure the create is actually needed
    IBroadcastScope broadcastScope = scope.getBroadcastScope(name);
    if (broadcastScope == null && needCreate) {
      synchronized (scope) {
        // re-check if another thread already created the scope
        broadcastScope = scope.getBroadcastScope(name);
        if (broadcastScope == null) {
          broadcastScope = new BroadcastScope(scope, name);
    return broadcastScope;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public IMessageInput getVODProviderInput(IScope scope, String name) {
    log.debug("getVODProviderInput - scope: {} name: {}", scope, name);
    File file = getVODProviderFile(scope, name);
    if (file == null) {
      return null;
    IPipe pipe = new InMemoryPullPullPipe();
    pipe.subscribe(new FileProvider(scope, file), null);
    return pipe;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public File getVODProviderFile(IScope scope, String name) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("getVODProviderFile - scope: {} name: {}", scope, name);
    File file = getStreamFile(scope, name);
    if (file == null || !file.exists()) {
      // if there is no file extension this is most likely a live stream
      if (name.indexOf('.') > 0) {"File was null or did not exist: {}", name);
      } else {
        log.trace("VOD file {} was not found, may be live stream", name);
    return file;

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean registerBroadcastStream(IScope scope, String name, IBroadcastStream bs) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Registering - name: {} stream: {} scope: {}", new Object[] {name, bs, scope});
      ((Scope) scope).dump();
    IBroadcastScope broadcastScope = scope.getBroadcastScope(name);
    if (broadcastScope == null) {
      log.debug("Creating a new scope");
      broadcastScope = new BroadcastScope(scope, name);
      if (scope.addChildScope(broadcastScope)) {
        log.debug("Broadcast scope added");
      } else {
        log.warn("Broadcast scope was not added to {}", scope);
    // set the client broadcast stream if we have a broadcast scope
    if (broadcastScope != null && bs instanceof IClientBroadcastStream) {
      broadcastScope.setClientBroadcastStream((IClientBroadcastStream) bs);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Subscribing scope {} to provider {}", broadcastScope, bs.getProvider());
    return broadcastScope.subscribe(bs.getProvider(), null);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public Set<String> getBroadcastStreamNames(IScope scope) {
    return scope.getBasicScopeNames(ScopeType.BROADCAST);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean unregisterBroadcastStream(IScope scope, String name) {
    return unregisterBroadcastStream(scope, name, null);

  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public boolean unregisterBroadcastStream(IScope scope, String name, IBroadcastStream bs) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("Unregistering - name: {} stream: {} scope: {}", new Object[] {name, bs, scope});
      ((Scope) scope).dump();
    IBroadcastScope broadcastScope = scope.getBroadcastScope(name);
    if (bs != null) {
      log.debug("Unsubscribing scope {} from provider {}", broadcastScope, bs.getProvider());
    // if the scope has no listeners try to remove it
    if (!((BasicScope) broadcastScope).hasEventListeners()) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Scope has no event listeners attempting removal");
    // verify that scope was removed
    return scope.getBasicScope(ScopeType.BROADCAST, name) == null;

  private File getStreamFile(IScope scope, String name) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("getStreamFile - name: {}", name);
    IStreamableFileFactory factory =
        (IStreamableFileFactory) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IStreamableFileFactory.class);
    if (name.indexOf(':') == -1 && name.indexOf('.') == -1) {
      // Default to .flv files if no prefix and no extension is given.
      name = "flv:" + name;
    // ams sends an asterisk at the start of the name on mp4, so remove it
    if (name.charAt(0) == '*') {
      name = name.substring(1);
      if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("Removed star prefix: {}", name);
    for (IStreamableFileService service : factory.getServices()) {
      if (name.startsWith(service.getPrefix() + ':')) {
        name = service.prepareFilename(name);
    // look for a custom filename gen class
    IStreamFilenameGenerator filenameGenerator =
                scope, IStreamFilenameGenerator.class, DefaultStreamFilenameGenerator.class);
    // get the filename
    String filename = filenameGenerator.generateFilename(scope, name, GenerationType.PLAYBACK);
    File file;
    try {
      // most likely case first
      if (!filenameGenerator.resolvesToAbsolutePath()) {
        try {
          file = scope.getContext().getResource(filename).getFile();
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          log.debug("File {} not found, nulling it", filename);
          file = null;
      } else {
        file = new File(filename);
      // check file existence
      if (file != null && !file.exists()) {
        // if it does not exist then null it out
        file = null;
    } catch (IOException e) {"Exception attempting to lookup file: {}", e.getMessage());
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.warn("Exception attempting to lookup file: {}", name, e);
      // null out the file (fix for issue #238)
      file = null;
    return file;
 * @author swagner This Class handles all session management
 *     <p>TODO: Delete all inactive session by a scheduler
public class SessiondataDao {

  private static final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessiondataDao.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
  @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em;

  @Autowired private ManageCryptStyle manageCryptStyle;
  @Autowired private ISessionManager sessionManager;

   * creates a new session-object in the database
   * @return
  public Sessiondata startsession() {
    try {

      log.debug("startsession :: startsession");

      long thistime = new Date().getTime();
      Sessiondata sessiondata = new Sessiondata();
      sessiondata.setRefresh_time(new Date());
      sessiondata.setStarttermin_time(new Date());

      sessiondata = em.merge(sessiondata);

      return sessiondata;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[startsession]: ", ex2);

    return null;

  public Sessiondata getSessionByHash(String SID) {
    try {
      log.debug("updateUser User SID: " + SID);

      CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
      CriteriaQuery<Sessiondata> cq = cb.createQuery(Sessiondata.class);
      Root<Sessiondata> c = cq.from(Sessiondata.class);
      Predicate condition = cb.equal(c.get("session_id"), SID);

      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> q = em.createQuery(cq);

      List<Sessiondata> fullList = q.getResultList();
      if (fullList.size() == 0) {
        log.error("Could not find session to update: " + SID);
        return null;

      Sessiondata sd = fullList.get(0);

      return sd;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateUser]: ", ex2);
    return null;

   * @param SID
   * @return
  public Long checkSession(String SID) {
    try {
      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> query = em.createNamedQuery("getSessionById", Sessiondata.class);
      query.setParameter("session_id", SID);
      List<Sessiondata> sessions = query.getResultList();

      Sessiondata sessiondata = null;
      if (sessions != null && sessions.size() > 0) {
        sessiondata = sessions.get(0);

      // Update the Session Object
      if (sessiondata != null) updatesession(SID);

      // Checks if wether the Session or the User Object of that Session
      // is set yet
      if (sessiondata == null
          || sessiondata.getUser_id() == null
          || sessiondata.getUser_id().equals(new Long(0))) {
        return new Long(0);
      } else {
        return sessiondata.getUser_id();
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[checkSession]: ", ex2);
    return null;

   * update the session of a user with a new user id this is needed to see if the session is
   * loggedin
   * @param SID
   * @param USER_ID
  public Boolean updateUser(String SID, long USER_ID) {
    try {
      log.debug("updateUser User: "******" || " + SID);

      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> query = em.createNamedQuery("getSessionById", Sessiondata.class);
      query.setParameter("session_id", SID);

      List<Sessiondata> sessions = query.getResultList();

      Sessiondata sessiondata = null;
      if (sessions != null && sessions.size() > 0) {
        sessiondata = sessions.get(0);

      if (sessiondata == null) {
        log.error("Could not find session to Update");
        return false;
      log.debug("Found session to update: " + sessiondata.getSession_id() + " userId: " + USER_ID);

      sessiondata.setRefresh_time(new Date());
      if (sessiondata.getId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(sessiondata)) {
      return true;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateUser]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Boolean updateUser(String SID, long USER_ID, boolean storePermanent, Long language_id) {
    try {
      log.debug("updateUser User: "******" || " + SID);
      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> query = em.createNamedQuery("getSessionById", Sessiondata.class);
      query.setParameter("session_id", SID);

      List<Sessiondata> sessions = query.getResultList();

      Sessiondata sessiondata = null;
      if (sessions != null && sessions.size() > 0) {
        sessiondata = sessions.get(0);

      if (sessiondata == null) {
        log.error("Could not find session to Update");
        return false;
      log.debug("Found session to update: " + sessiondata.getSession_id() + " userId: " + USER_ID);

      sessiondata.setRefresh_time(new Date());
      if (storePermanent) {
      if (sessiondata.getId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(sessiondata)) {

      // log.debug("session updated User: "******"[updateUser]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Boolean updateUserOrg(String SID, Long organization_id) {
    try {
      log.debug("updateUserOrg User: "******" || " + SID);
      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> query = em.createNamedQuery("getSessionById", Sessiondata.class);
      query.setParameter("session_id", SID);

      List<Sessiondata> sessions = query.getResultList();

      Sessiondata sessiondata = null;
      if (sessions != null && sessions.size() > 0) {
        sessiondata = sessions.get(0);

      if (sessiondata == null) {
        log.error("Could not find session to Update");
        return false;
          "Found session to update: "
              + sessiondata.getSession_id()
              + " organisation_id: "
              + organization_id);

      sessiondata.setRefresh_time(new Date());
      if (sessiondata.getId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(sessiondata)) {
      return true;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateUser]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Boolean updateUserWithoutSession(String SID, Long USER_ID) {
    try {
      log.debug("updateUser User: "******" || " + SID);
      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> query = em.createNamedQuery("getSessionById", Sessiondata.class);
      query.setParameter("session_id", SID);

      List<Sessiondata> sessions = query.getResultList();

      Sessiondata sessiondata = null;
      if (sessions != null && sessions.size() > 0) {
        sessiondata = sessions.get(0);

      if (sessiondata == null) {
        log.error("Could not find session to Update");
        return false;
      log.debug("Found session to update: " + sessiondata.getSession_id() + " userId: " + USER_ID);

      sessiondata.setRefresh_time(new Date());
      if (sessiondata.getId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(sessiondata)) {
      return true;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateUser]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Boolean updateUserRemoteSession(String SID, String sessionXml) {
    try {
      log.debug("updateUser User SID: " + SID);

      CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
      CriteriaQuery<Sessiondata> cq = cb.createQuery(Sessiondata.class);
      Root<Sessiondata> c = cq.from(Sessiondata.class);
      Predicate condition = cb.equal(c.get("session_id"), SID);

      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> q = em.createQuery(cq);
      List<Sessiondata> fullList = q.getResultList();

      if (fullList.size() == 0) {
        log.error("Could not find session to update: " + SID);
        return false;
      } else {
        // log.error("Found session to update: "+SID);
      Sessiondata sd = fullList.get(0);
      sd.setRefresh_time(new Date());

      if (sd.getId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(sd)) {
      return true;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateUserRemoteSession]: ", ex2);
    return null;

   * update the session every time a user makes a request
   * @param SID
  private void updatesession(String SID) {
    try {
      CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
      CriteriaQuery<Sessiondata> cq = cb.createQuery(Sessiondata.class);
      Root<Sessiondata> c = cq.from(Sessiondata.class);
      Predicate condition = cb.equal(c.get("session_id"), SID);

      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> q = em.createQuery(cq);

      List<Sessiondata> fullList = q.getResultList();
      if (fullList.size() == 0) {
        log.error("Found NO session to updateSession: ");

      } else {
        // log.debug("Found session to updateSession: ");
        Sessiondata sd = fullList.iterator().next();
        // log.debug("Found session to updateSession sd "+sd.getUser_id()+" "+sd.getSession_id());
        sd.setRefresh_time(new Date());

        if (sd.getId() == null) {
        } else {
          if (!em.contains(sd)) {

    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updatesession]: ", ex2);

   * @param date
   * @return
  private List<Sessiondata> getSessionToDelete(Date refresh_time) {
    try {
      TypedQuery<Sessiondata> query = em.createNamedQuery("getSessionToDelete", Sessiondata.class);
      query.setParameter("refresh_time", refresh_time);
      return query.getResultList();
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[getSessionToDelete]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  /** */
  public void clearSessionTable() {
    try {
      log.debug("****** clearSessionTable: ");
      Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
      rightNow.setTimeInMillis(rightNow.getTimeInMillis() - 1800000);
      List<Sessiondata> l = this.getSessionToDelete(rightNow.getTime());
      log.debug("clearSessionTable: " + l.size());
      for (Iterator<Sessiondata> it = l.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Sessiondata sData =;
        sData = em.find(Sessiondata.class, sData.getId());
    } catch (Exception err) {
      log.error("clearSessionTable", err);

  /** @param room_id */
  public void clearSessionByRoomId(Long room_id) {
    try {
      for (Client rcl : sessionManager.getClientListByRoom(room_id)) {
        String aux = rcl.getSwfurl();

        int init_pos = aux.indexOf("sid=") + 4;
        int end_pos = init_pos + 32;
        if (end_pos > aux.length()) end_pos = aux.length();
        String SID = aux.substring(init_pos, end_pos);

        Sessiondata sData = this.getSessionByHash(SID);

        sData = em.find(Sessiondata.class, sData.getId());

    } catch (Exception err) {
      log.error("clearSessionByRoomId", err);
public class DemoService {

  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(DemoService.class, "video");

  {"oflaDemo DemoService created");

  private String formatDate(Date date) {
    SimpleDateFormat formatter;
    String pattern = "dd/MM/yy H:mm:ss";
    Locale locale = new Locale("en", "US");
    formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
    return formatter.format(date);

   * Getter for property 'listOfAvailableFLVs'.
   * @return Value for property 'listOfAvailableFLVs'.
  public Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getListOfAvailableFLVs() {
    IScope scope = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope();
    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> filesMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
    try {
      log.debug("getting the FLV files");
      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.flv"));

      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.f4v"));

      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.mp3"));

      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.mp4"));

      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.m4a"));

      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.3g2"));

      addToMap(filesMap, scope.getResources("streams/*.3gp"));

    } catch (IOException e) {
      log.error("", e);
    return filesMap;

  private void addToMap(Map<String, Map<String, Object>> filesMap, Resource[] files)
      throws IOException {
    if (files != null) {
      for (Resource flv : files) {
        File file = flv.getFile();
        Date lastModifiedDate = new Date(file.lastModified());
        String lastModified = formatDate(lastModifiedDate);
        String flvName = flv.getFile().getName();
        String flvBytes = Long.toString(file.length());
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          log.debug("flvName: {}", flvName);
          log.debug("lastModified date: {}", lastModified);
          log.debug("flvBytes: {}", flvBytes);
        Map<String, Object> fileInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        fileInfo.put("name", flvName);
        fileInfo.put("lastModified", lastModified);
        fileInfo.put("size", flvBytes);
        filesMap.put(flvName, fileInfo);
public class ClientManager implements ClientNotifier {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientManager.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private final ConcurrentMap<String, RoomInfo> voiceRooms;
  private final ConcurrentMap<String, RoomInfo> webRooms;

  public ClientManager() {
    voiceRooms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RoomInfo>();
    webRooms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RoomInfo>();

  public void addSharedObject(String webRoom, String voiceRoom, ISharedObject so) {
    log.debug("Adding SO for [" + webRoom + "," + voiceRoom + "]");
    RoomInfo soi = new RoomInfo(webRoom, voiceRoom, so);
    voiceRooms.putIfAbsent(voiceRoom, soi);
    webRooms.putIfAbsent(webRoom, soi);

  public void removeSharedObject(String webRoom) {
    RoomInfo soi = webRooms.remove(webRoom);
    if (soi != null) voiceRooms.remove(soi.getVoiceRoom());

  private void joined(
      String room,
      Integer participant,
      String name,
      Boolean muted,
      Boolean talking,
      Boolean locked) {
    log.debug("Participant " + name + "joining room " + room);
    RoomInfo soi = voiceRooms.get(room);
    if (soi != null) {
      List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
      log.debug("Sending join to client " + name);
      soi.getSharedObject().sendMessage("userJoin", list);

  private void left(String room, Integer participant) {
    log.debug("Participant [" + participant + "," + room + "] leaving");
    RoomInfo soi = voiceRooms.get(room);
    if (soi != null) {
      List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
      soi.getSharedObject().sendMessage("userLeft", list);

  private void muted(String room, Integer participant, Boolean muted) {
    log.debug("Participant " + participant + " is muted = " + muted);
    RoomInfo soi = voiceRooms.get(room);
    if (soi != null) {
      List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
      soi.getSharedObject().sendMessage("userMute", list);

  private void locked(String room, Integer participant, Boolean locked) {
    log.debug("Participant " + participant + " is locked = " + locked);
    RoomInfo soi = voiceRooms.get(room);
    if (soi != null) {
      List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
      soi.getSharedObject().sendMessage("userLockedMute", list);

  private void talking(String room, Integer participant, Boolean talking) {
    log.debug("Participant " + participant + " is talking = " + talking);
    RoomInfo soi = voiceRooms.get(room);
    if (soi != null) {
      List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
      soi.getSharedObject().sendMessage("userTalk", list);

  public void handleConferenceEvent(ConferenceEvent event) {
    if (event instanceof ParticipantJoinedEvent) {
      ParticipantJoinedEvent pje = (ParticipantJoinedEvent) event;
    } else if (event instanceof ParticipantLeftEvent) {
      left(event.getRoom(), event.getParticipantId());
    } else if (event instanceof ParticipantMutedEvent) {
      ParticipantMutedEvent pme = (ParticipantMutedEvent) event;
      muted(pme.getRoom(), pme.getParticipantId(), pme.isMuted());
    } else if (event instanceof ParticipantTalkingEvent) {
      ParticipantTalkingEvent pte = (ParticipantTalkingEvent) event;
      talking(pte.getRoom(), pte.getParticipantId(), pte.isTalking());
    } else if (event instanceof ParticipantLockedEvent) {
      ParticipantLockedEvent ple = (ParticipantLockedEvent) event;
      locked(ple.getRoom(), ple.getParticipantId(), ple.isLocked());
public class BigBlueButtonApplication extends MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter {
  private static Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(BigBlueButtonApplication.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private ConnectionInvokerService connInvokerService;
  private MessagePublisher red5InGW;

  private final UserConnectionMapper userConnections = new UserConnectionMapper();

  private final String APP = "BBB";
  private final String CONN = "RED5-";

  public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
    return super.appConnect(conn, params);

  public void appDisconnect(IConnection conn) {

  public boolean appJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    return super.appJoin(client, scope);

  public void appLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    super.appLeave(client, scope);

  public boolean roomJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    return super.roomJoin(client, scope);

  public void roomLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    super.roomLeave(client, scope);

  public boolean appStart(IScope app) {
    return true;

  public void appStop(IScope app) {

  public boolean roomStart(IScope room) {
    return super.roomStart(room);

  public void roomStop(IScope room) {

  public boolean roomConnect(IConnection connection, Object[] params) {
    String username = ((String) params[0]).toString();
    String role = ((String) params[1]).toString();
    String room = ((String) params[2]).toString();

    String voiceBridge = ((String) params[3]).toString();

    boolean record = (Boolean) params[4];

    String externalUserID = ((String) params[5]).toString();
    String internalUserID = ((String) params[6]).toString();

    Boolean muted = false;
    if (params.length >= 7 && ((Boolean) params[7])) {
      muted = true;

    Map<String, Boolean> lsMap = null;
    if (params.length >= 8) {
      try {
        lsMap = (Map<String, Boolean>) params[8];
      } catch (Exception e) {
        lsMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();

    String userId = internalUserID;
    String sessionId = CONN + userId;
    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession =
        new BigBlueButtonSession(
    connection.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION, bbbSession);
    connection.setAttribute("INTERNAL_USER_ID", internalUserID);
    connection.setAttribute("USER_SESSION_ID", sessionId);
    connection.setAttribute("TIMESTAMP", System.currentTimeMillis());

    red5InGW.initLockSettings(room, lsMap);

    red5InGW.initAudioSettings(room, internalUserID, muted);

    String meetingId = bbbSession.getRoom();

    String connType = getConnectionType(Red5.getConnectionLocal().getType());
    String userFullname = bbbSession.getUsername();
    String connId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getSessionId();

    String remoteHost = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress();
    int remotePort = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemotePort();

    Map<String, Object> logData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    logData.put("meetingId", meetingId);
    logData.put("connType", connType);
    logData.put("connId", connId);
    logData.put("conn", remoteHost + ":" + remotePort);
    logData.put("userId", userId);
    logData.put("externalUserId", externalUserID);
    logData.put("sessionId", sessionId);
    logData.put("username", userFullname);
    logData.put("event", "user_joining_bbb_apps");
    logData.put("description", "User joining BBB Apps.");

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String logStr = gson.toJson(logData);"User joining bbb-apps: data={}", logStr);

    userConnections.addUserConnection(userId, connId);

    return super.roomConnect(connection, params);

  private String getConnectionType(String connType) {
    if ("persistent".equals(connType.toLowerCase())) {
      return "RTMP";
    } else if ("polling".equals(connType.toLowerCase())) {
      return "RTMPT";
    } else {
      return connType.toUpperCase();

  public void roomDisconnect(IConnection conn) {

    String remoteHost = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress();
    int remotePort = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemotePort();
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();

    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession =
        (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);

    String meetingId = bbbSession.getRoom();
    String userId = bbbSession.getInternalUserID();
    String connType = getConnectionType(Red5.getConnectionLocal().getType());
    String userFullname = bbbSession.getUsername();
    String connId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getSessionId();

    String sessionId = CONN + userId;

    Map<String, Object> logData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    logData.put("meetingId", meetingId);
    logData.put("connType", connType);
    logData.put("connId", connId);
    logData.put("conn", remoteHost + ":" + remotePort);
    logData.put("sessionId", sessionId);
    logData.put("userId", userId);
    logData.put("username", userFullname);
    logData.put("event", "user_leaving_bbb_apps");
    logData.put("description", "User leaving BBB Apps.");

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String logStr = gson.toJson(logData);

    boolean removeUser = userConnections.userDisconnected(userId, connId);

    if (removeUser) {"User leaving bbb-apps: data={}", logStr);
      red5InGW.userLeft(bbbSession.getRoom(), getBbbSession().getInternalUserID(), sessionId);
    } else {"User not leaving bbb-apps but just disconnected: data={}", logStr);


  public void validateToken(Map<String, String> msg) {
    String token = (String) msg.get("authToken");

    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession =
        (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);
    assert bbbSession != null;
    String userId = bbbSession.getInternalUserID();
    String meetingId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String connId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getSessionId();
    String sessionId = CONN + connId + "-" + userId;

    Map<String, Object> logData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    logData.put("meetingId", meetingId);
    logData.put("connId", connId);
    logData.put("sessionId", sessionId);
    logData.put("userId", userId);
    logData.put("token", token);
    logData.put("event", "user_validate_token_bbb_apps");
    logData.put("description", "User validate token BBB Apps.");

    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String logStr = gson.toJson(logData);"User validate token bbb-apps: data={}", logStr);
    red5InGW.validateAuthToken(meetingId, userId, token, meetingId + "/" + userId, sessionId);

  public void setApplicationListeners(Set<IApplication> listeners) {
    Iterator<IApplication> iter = listeners.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {

  private BigBlueButtonSession getBbbSession() {
    return (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);

  public void setConnInvokerService(ConnectionInvokerService connInvokerService) {
    this.connInvokerService = connInvokerService;

  public void setRed5Publisher(MessagePublisher red5InGW) {
    this.red5InGW = red5InGW;
public class SipPhoneApplication extends MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter
    implements IStreamAwareScopeHandler {
  protected static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(SipPhoneApplication.class, "sip");

  private SipUserManager sipManager;
  private boolean available = false;
  private int startSIPPort = 5070;
  private int stopSIPPort = 5099;
  private int sipPort;
  private int startRTPPort = 3000;
  private int stopRTPPort = 3029;
  private int rtpPort;
  private Map<String, String> userNames = new HashMap<String, String>();

  public boolean appStart(IScope scope) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP starting in scope " + scope.getName() + " " + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
        "Red5SIP using RTP port range "
            + startRTPPort
            + "-"
            + stopRTPPort
            + ", using SIP port range "
            + startSIPPort
            + "-"
            + stopSIPPort);

    sipPort = startSIPPort;
    rtpPort = startRTPPort;
    return true;

  public void appStop(IScope scope) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP stopping in scope " + scope.getName());

  public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
    IServiceCapableConnection service = (IServiceCapableConnection) conn;
    loginfo("Red5SIP Client connected " + conn.getClient().getId() + " service " + service);
    return true;

  public boolean appJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Client joined app " + client.getId());
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    IServiceCapableConnection service = (IServiceCapableConnection) conn;

    return true;

  public void appLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    loginfo("Red5SIP Client leaving app " + client.getId());

    if (userNames.containsKey(client.getId())) {
      loginfo("Red5SIP Client closing client " + userNames.get(client.getId()));
      //            sipManager.closeSIPUser( userNames.get( client.getId() ) );

  public void streamPublishStart(IBroadcastStream stream) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream publish start: " + stream.getPublishedName());
    IConnection current = Red5.getConnectionLocal();

  public void streamBroadcastClose(IBroadcastStream stream) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream broadcast close: " + stream.getPublishedName());

  public void streamBroadcastStart(IBroadcastStream stream) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream broadcast start: " + stream.getPublishedName());

  public void streamPlaylistItemPlay(
      IPlaylistSubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, boolean isLive) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream play: " + item.getName());

  public void streamPlaylistItemStop(IPlaylistSubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream stop: " + item.getName());

  public void streamPlaylistVODItemPause(
      IPlaylistSubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, int position) {}

  public void streamPlaylistVODItemResume(
      IPlaylistSubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, int position) {}

  public void streamPlaylistVODItemSeek(
      IPlaylistSubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, int position) {}

  public void streamSubscriberClose(ISubscriberStream stream) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream subscribe close: " + stream.getName());

  public void streamSubscriberStart(ISubscriberStream stream) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Stream subscribe start: " + stream.getName());

  public Set<String> getStreams() {
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    return getBroadcastStreamNames(conn.getScope());

  public void onPing() {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Ping");

  public void open(
      String obproxy,
      String uid,
      String phone,
      String username,
      String password,
      String realm,
      String proxy) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP open");

    login(obproxy, uid, phone, username, password, realm, proxy);

  public void login(
      String obproxy,
      String uid,
      String phone,
      String username,
      String password,
      String realm,
      String proxy) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP login " + uid);
    		IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    		IServiceCapableConnection service = (IServiceCapableConnection) conn;

    		SipUser sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser == null) {
    			loginfo("Red5SIP open creating sipUser for " + username + " on sip port " + sipPort + " audio port " + rtpPort + " uid " + uid );

    			try {
    				sipUser = new User(conn.getClient().getId(), service, sipPort, rtpPort);
    				sipManager.addSIPUser(uid, sipUser);

    			} catch (Exception e) {
    				loginfo("open error " + e);

    		sipUser.login(obproxy,phone,username, password, realm, proxy);
    		userNames.put(conn.getClient().getId(), uid);

    		if (sipPort > stopSIPPort) sipPort = startSIPPort;

    		if (rtpPort > stopRTPPort) rtpPort = startRTPPort;

  public void register(String uid) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP register");
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {

  public void call(String uid, String destination) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Call " + destination);
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {
    			loginfo("Red5SIP Call found user " + uid + " making call to " + destination);;

  /** call tarensfer test by Lior */
  public void transfer(String uid, String transferTo) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP transfer " + transferTo);
    			User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    			if(sipUser != null) {
    				loginfo("Red5SIP Call found user " + uid + " transfering call to " + transferTo);

  /** transfer end tetst */
  public void addToConf(String uid, String conf) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP addToConf " + conf);
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {
    			loginfo("Red5SIP addToConf found user " + uid + " adding to conf " + conf);
    			sipUser.transfer("8" + conf);

  public void joinConf(String uid, String conf) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP joinConf " + conf);
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {
    			loginfo("Red5SIP joinConf found user " + uid + " joining conf " + conf);"8" + conf );

  public void dtmf(String uid, String digits) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP DTMF " + digits);
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {
    			loginfo("Red5SIP DTMF found user " + uid + " sending dtmf digits " + digits);

  public void accept(String uid) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Accept");
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {
  // Lior Add

  public void unregister(String uid) {

    loginfo("Red5SIP unregister");
    			User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    			if(sipUser != null) {

  public void hangup(String uid) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP Hangup");
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {

  public void streamStatus(String uid, String status) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP streamStatus");
    		User sipUser = sipManager.getSIPUser(uid);

    		if(sipUser != null) {

  public void close(String uid) {
    loginfo("Red5SIP endRegister");
    		IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();

  private void loginfo(String s) {;

  public void setSipUserManager(SipUserManager sum) {
    sipManager = sum;
public class BlockStreamEventMessageHandler extends IoHandlerAdapter {
  private final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockStreamEventMessageHandler.class, "deskshare");

  private ISessionManagerGateway sessionManager;
  private static final String ROOM = "ROOM";

  public void exceptionCaught(IoSession session, Throwable cause) throws Exception {
    log.warn(cause.toString() + " \n " + cause.getMessage());

  private void closeSession(IoSession session) {
    String room = (String) session.getAttribute(ROOM, null);
    if (room != null) {"Closing session [" + room + "]. ");
    } else {"Cannot determine session to close.");
    CloseFuture future = session.close(true);

  public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception {
    if (message instanceof CaptureStartBlockEvent) {
      System.out.println("Got CaptureStartBlockEvent");
      CaptureStartBlockEvent event = (CaptureStartBlockEvent) message;
    } else if (message instanceof CaptureUpdateBlockEvent) {
      //    		System.out.println("Got CaptureUpdateBlockEvent");
      CaptureUpdateBlockEvent event = (CaptureUpdateBlockEvent) message;
    } else if (message instanceof CaptureEndBlockEvent) {
      CaptureEndBlockEvent event = (CaptureEndBlockEvent) message;
      sessionManager.removeSession(event.getRoom(), event.getSequenceNum());
    } else if (message instanceof MouseLocationEvent) {
      MouseLocationEvent event = (MouseLocationEvent) message;
      sessionManager.updateMouseLocation(event.getRoom(), event.getLoc(), event.getSequenceNum());

  public void sessionIdle(IoSession session, IdleStatus status) throws Exception {
    log.debug("IDLE " + session.getIdleCount(status));
    super.sessionIdle(session, status);

  public void sessionCreated(IoSession session) throws Exception {
    log.debug("Session Created");

  public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) throws Exception {
    log.debug("Session Opened.");

  public void sessionClosed(IoSession session) throws Exception {
    log.debug("Session Closed.");

    String room = (String) session.getAttribute("ROOM");
    if (room != null) {
      log.debug("Session Closed for room " + room);
      sessionManager.removeSession(room, 0);
    } else {
      log.warn("Closing session for a NULL room");

  public void setSessionManagerGateway(ISessionManagerGateway sm) {
    sessionManager = sm;
public class RetroDocumentDAOImpl extends SqlMapClientTemplate implements RetroDocumentDAO {

  private static final Logger logger =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(RetroDocumentDAOImpl.class, "visu");

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentsByOwnerAndBySession(
      Integer ownerId, Integer sessionId) throws SQLException {
    return (List<RetroDocument>)
                createParams("ownerId", ownerId, "sessionId", sessionId));

  public RetroDocument getRetroDocumentById(Integer id) throws SQLException {
    return (RetroDocument) getSqlMapClient().queryForObject("rd.getDocumentById", id);

  public RetroDocument createRetroDocument(Integer ownerId, Integer sessionId) throws SQLException {

    RetroDocument doc = new RetroDocument();
    Date creationDate = new Date();

    doc.setDocumentId((Integer) getSqlMapClient().insert("rd.insertDocument", doc));

    return doc;

  public static Map<String, Object> createParams(Object... params) {
    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    for (int k = 0; k < params.length / 2; k++) map.put((String) params[2 * k], params[2 * k + 1]);
    return map;

  public boolean saveRetroDocument(RetroDocument document) throws SQLException {
    return getSqlMapClient().update("rd.updateDocument", document) == 1;

  public boolean deleteRetroDocument(Integer documentId) throws SQLException {
    SqlMapClient sqlMapClient = getSqlMapClient();
    boolean b =
        sqlMapClient.delete("rd.deleteDocument", documentId) == 1
            && sqlMapClient.delete("rd.deleteAllInvitations", documentId) == 1;
    return b;

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentsByOwner(Integer ownerId) throws SQLException {
    return (Collection<RetroDocument>)
        getSqlMapClient().queryForList("rd.getDocumentsByOwner", ownerId);

  public void createInvitee(Integer documentId, Integer inviteeId) throws SQLException {
        .insert("rd.insertInvitation", createParams("documentId", documentId, "userId", inviteeId));

  public boolean removeInvitee(Integer documentId, Integer inviteeId) throws SQLException {
    return getSqlMapClient()
                "rd.deleteInvitation", createParams("documentId", documentId, "userId", inviteeId))
        == 1;

  public Collection<String> getInviteeList(Integer documentId) throws SQLException {
    return getSqlMapClient().queryForList("rd.getInviteesByDocumentId", documentId);

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentIdByInviteeId(Integer inviteeId)
      throws SQLException {
    return getSqlMapClient().queryForList("rd.getDocumentsByInviteeId", inviteeId);

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentsByOwnerAndBySessionWithoutXML(
      Integer ownerId, Integer sessionId) throws SQLException {
    return (List<RetroDocument>)
                createParams("ownerId", ownerId, "sessionId", sessionId));

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentsByOwnerWithoutXML(Integer ownerId)
      throws SQLException {
    return (List<RetroDocument>)
            .queryForList("rd.getDocumentsAndInviteeListAndSessionByOwnerIdWithoutXML", ownerId);

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentsByInviteeWithoutXML(Integer inviteeId)
      throws SQLException {
    return (List<RetroDocument>)
                "rd.getDocumentsAndInviteeListAndSessionByInviteeIdWithoutXML", inviteeId);

  public Collection<RetroDocument> getRetroDocumentWithoutXMLByInviteeIdAndSessionId(
      Integer inviteeId, Integer sessionId) throws SQLException {
    return (List<RetroDocument>)
                createParams("inviteeId", inviteeId, "sessionId", sessionId));
public class Application extends MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class, "sip");

  private SipPeerManager sipPeerManager;
  private ClientConnectionManager clientConnManager;

  private String sipServerHost = "localhost";
  private int sipPort = 5070;
  private int startAudioPort = 3000;
  private int stopAudioPort = 3029;
  private String password = "******";
  private String username;
  private CallStreamFactory callStreamFactory;

  public boolean appStart(IScope scope) {
    log.debug("VoiceConferenceApplication appStart[" + scope.getName() + "]");
    callStreamFactory = new CallStreamFactory();
    sipPeerManager.createSipPeer("default", sipServerHost, sipPort, startAudioPort, stopAudioPort);
    try {
      sipPeerManager.register("default", username, password);
    } catch (PeerNotFoundException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    return true;

  public void appStop(IScope scope) {
    log.debug("VoiceConferenceApplication appStop[" + scope.getName() + "]");

  public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
    String userid = ((String) params[0]).toString();
    String username = ((String) params[1]).toString();
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();
    String remoteHost = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress();
    int remotePort = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemotePort();

    if ((userid == null) || ("".equals(userid))) userid = "unknown-userid";
    if ((username == null) || ("".equals(username))) username = "******";
    Red5.getConnectionLocal().setAttribute("USERID", userid);
    Red5.getConnectionLocal().setAttribute("USERNAME", username);
        "{} [clientid={}] has connected to the voice conf app.",
        username + "[uid=" + userid + "]",
        clientId);"[clientid={}] connected from {}.", clientId, remoteHost + ":" + remotePort);

        clientId, userid, username, (IServiceCapableConnection) Red5.getConnectionLocal());
    return true;

  public void appDisconnect(IConnection conn) {
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();
    String userid = getUserId();
    String username = getUsername();

    String remoteHost = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress();
    int remotePort = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemotePort();"[clientid={}] disconnnected from {}.", clientId, remoteHost + ":" + remotePort);
        "{} [clientid={}] is leaving the voice conf app. Removing from ConnectionManager.",
        username + "[uid=" + userid + "]",


    String peerId = (String) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute("VOICE_CONF_PEER");
    if (peerId != null) {
      try {
            "Forcing hang up {} [clientid={}] in case the user is still in the conference.",
            username + "[uid=" + userid + "]",
        sipPeerManager.hangup(peerId, clientId);
      } catch (PeerNotFoundException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  public void streamPublishStart(IBroadcastStream stream) {
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();
    String userid = getUserId();
    String username = getUsername();

        "{} has started publishing stream [{}]",
        username + "[uid=" + userid + "][clientid=" + clientId + "]",
    System.out.println("streamPublishStart: " + stream.getPublishedName());
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    String peerId = (String) conn.getAttribute("VOICE_CONF_PEER");
    if (peerId != null) {
      sipPeerManager.startTalkStream(peerId, clientId, stream, conn.getScope());
      //	    	recordStream(stream);

   * A hook to record a sample stream. A file is written in webapps/sip/streams/
   * @param stream
  private void recordStream(IBroadcastStream stream) {
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    String streamName = stream.getPublishedName();

    try {
      ClientBroadcastStream cstream =
              this.getBroadcastStream(conn.getScope(), stream.getPublishedName());
      cstream.saveAs(streamName, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("ERROR while recording stream " + e.getMessage());

  public void streamBroadcastClose(IBroadcastStream stream) {
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();
    String userid = getUserId();
    String username = getUsername();

        "{} has stopped publishing stream [{}]",
        username + "[uid=" + userid + "][clientid=" + clientId + "]",
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    String peerId = (String) conn.getAttribute("VOICE_CONF_PEER");
    if (peerId != null) {
      sipPeerManager.stopTalkStream(peerId, clientId, stream, conn.getScope());

  public List<String> getStreams() {
    IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
    return getBroadcastStreamNames(conn.getScope());

  public void onPing() {
    log.debug("Red5SIP Ping");

  public void setSipServerHost(String h) {
    sipServerHost = h.trim();

  public void setUsername(String un) {
    this.username = un.trim();

  public void setPassword(String pw) {
    this.password = pw.trim();

  public void setSipPort(int sipPort) {
    this.sipPort = sipPort;

  public void setStartAudioPort(int startRTPPort) {
    this.startAudioPort = startRTPPort;

  public void setStopAudioPort(int stopRTPPort) {
    this.stopAudioPort = stopRTPPort;

  public void setSipPeerManager(SipPeerManager spm) {
    sipPeerManager = spm;

  public void setClientConnectionManager(ClientConnectionManager ccm) {
    clientConnManager = ccm;

  private String getUserId() {
    String userid = (String) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute("USERID");
    if ((userid == null) || ("".equals(userid))) userid = "unknown-userid";
    return userid;

  private String getUsername() {
    String username = (String) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute("USERNAME");
    if ((username == null) || ("".equals(username))) username = "******";
    return username;
public class ChatService {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChatService.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private MessagePublisher red5BBBInGw;

  public void sendPublicChatHistory() {
    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String requesterID = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();
    // Just hardcode as we don't really need it for flash client. (ralam may 7, 2014)
    String replyTo = meetingID + "/" + requesterID;

    red5BBBInGw.getChatHistory(meetingID, requesterID, replyTo);

  private BigBlueButtonSession getBbbSession() {
    return (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);

  public void sendPublicMessage(Map<String, Object> msg) {

    String chatType = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.CHAT_TYPE).toString();
    String fromUserID = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERID).toString();
    String fromUsername = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERNAME).toString();
    String fromColor = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_COLOR).toString();
    String fromTime = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TIME).toString();
    String fromTimezoneOffset = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TZ_OFFSET).toString();
    String toUserID = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERID).toString();
    String toUsername = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERNAME).toString();
    String chatText = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.MESSAGE).toString();

    Map<String, String> message = new HashMap<String, String>();
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.CHAT_TYPE, chatType);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERID, fromUserID);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERNAME, fromUsername);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_COLOR, fromColor);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TIME, fromTime);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TZ_OFFSET, fromTimezoneOffset);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERID, toUserID);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERNAME, toUsername);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.MESSAGE, chatText);

    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String requesterID = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();

    red5BBBInGw.sendPublicMessage(meetingID, requesterID, message);

  public void setRed5Publisher(MessagePublisher inGW) {
    red5BBBInGw = inGW;

  public void sendPrivateMessage(Map<String, Object> msg) {
    String chatType = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.CHAT_TYPE).toString();
    String fromUserID = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERID).toString();
    String fromUsername = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERNAME).toString();
    String fromColor = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_COLOR).toString();
    String fromTime = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TIME).toString();
    String fromTimezoneOffset = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TZ_OFFSET).toString();
    String toUserID = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERID).toString();
    String toUsername = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERNAME).toString();
    String chatText = msg.get(ChatKeyUtil.MESSAGE).toString();

    Map<String, String> message = new HashMap<String, String>();
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.CHAT_TYPE, chatType);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERID, fromUserID);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_USERNAME, fromUsername);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_COLOR, fromColor);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TIME, fromTime);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.FROM_TZ_OFFSET, fromTimezoneOffset);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERID, toUserID);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.TO_USERNAME, toUsername);
    message.put(ChatKeyUtil.MESSAGE, chatText);

    String meetingID = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getScope().getName();
    String requesterID = getBbbSession().getInternalUserID();

    red5BBBInGw.sendPrivateMessage(meetingID, requesterID, message);
public class RtpStreamReceiver {
  protected static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(RtpStreamReceiver.class, "sip");

  // Maximum blocking time, spent waiting for reading new bytes [milliseconds]
  //    private static final int SO_TIMEOUT = 200;
  private static int RTP_HEADER_SIZE = 12;
  private RtpSocket rtpSocket = null;
  private final Executor exec = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
  private Runnable rtpPacketReceiver;
  private volatile boolean receivePackets = false;
  private RtpStreamReceiverListener listener;
  private final int payloadLength;
  private int lastSequenceNumber = 0;
  private long lastPacketTimestamp = 0;
  private boolean firstPacket = true;
  private boolean lastPacketDropped = false;
  private int successivePacketDroppedCount = 0;

  private long lastPacketReceived = 0;

  public RtpStreamReceiver(DatagramSocket socket, int expectedPayloadLength) {
    this.payloadLength = expectedPayloadLength;
    rtpSocket = new RtpSocket(socket);


  public void setRtpStreamReceiverListener(RtpStreamReceiverListener listener) {
    this.listener = listener;

  private void initializeSocket() {
    /*    	try {
    		} catch (SocketException e1) {
    			log.warn("SocketException while setting socket block time.");
    */ }

  public void start() {
    receivePackets = true;
    rtpPacketReceiver =
        new Runnable() {
          public void run() {

  public void stop() {
    receivePackets = false;

  public void receiveRtpPackets() {
    int packetReceivedCounter = 0;
    int internalBufferLength = payloadLength + RTP_HEADER_SIZE;
    byte[] internalBuffer;
    RtpPacket rtpPacket;

    while (receivePackets) {
      try {
        internalBuffer = new byte[internalBufferLength];
        rtpPacket = new RtpPacket(internalBuffer, internalBufferLength);

        //    			log.debug("Received packet [" + rtpPacket.getRtcpPayloadType() + "," +
        // rtpPacket.getPayloadType() + ", length=" + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength() + "]
        // seqNum[rtpSeqNum=" + rtpPacket.getSeqNum() + ",lastSeqNum=" + lastSequenceNumber
        //    					+ "][rtpTS=" + rtpPacket.getTimestamp() + ",lastTS=" + lastPacketTimestamp +
        // "][port=" + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort() + "]");

        if (shouldDropDelayedPacket(rtpPacket)) {
        if (rtpPacket.isRtcpPacket()) {
           * Asterisk ( send RTCP packets. We just ignore them (for now). It could be for
           * KeepAlive (
          if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                "RTCP packet ["
                    + rtpPacket.getRtcpPayloadType()
                    + ", length="
                    + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength()
                    + "] seqNum[rtpSeqNum="
                    + rtpPacket.getSeqNum()
                    + ",lastSeqNum="
                    + lastSequenceNumber
                    + "][rtpTS="
                    + rtpPacket.getTimestamp()
                    + ",lastTS="
                    + lastPacketTimestamp
                    + "][port="
                    + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                    + "]");
        } else {
          if (shouldHandlePacket(rtpPacket)) {
            //            			log.debug("Handling packet [" + rtpPacket.getRtcpPayloadType() + "," +
            // rtpPacket.getPayloadType() + ", length=" + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength() + "]
            // seqNum[rtpSeqNum=" + rtpPacket.getSeqNum() + ",lastSeqNum=" + lastSequenceNumber
            //            					+ "][rtpTS=" + rtpPacket.getTimestamp() + ",lastTS=" +
            // lastPacketTimestamp + "][port=" + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort() +
            // "]");
          } else {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                  "Corrupt packet ["
                      + rtpPacket.getRtcpPayloadType()
                      + ","
                      + rtpPacket.getPayloadType()
                      + ", length="
                      + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength()
                      + "] seqNum[rtpSeqNum="
                      + rtpPacket.getSeqNum()
                      + ",lastSeqNum="
                      + lastSequenceNumber
                      + "][rtpTS="
                      + rtpPacket.getTimestamp()
                      + ",lastTS="
                      + lastPacketTimestamp
                      + "][port="
                      + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                      + "]");

            if (lastPacketDropped) successivePacketDroppedCount++;
            else lastPacketDropped = true;
      } catch (
          IOException e) { // We get this when the socket closes when the call hangs up.        	
        receivePackets = false;
    log.debug("Rtp Receiver stopped. Packet Received = " + packetReceivedCounter + ".");
    if (listener != null) listener.onStoppedReceiving();

  private boolean shouldDropDelayedPacket(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (now - lastPacketReceived > 100) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "Delayed packet ["
                + rtpPacket.getRtcpPayloadType()
                + ","
                + rtpPacket.getPayloadType()
                + ", length="
                + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength()
                + "] seqNum[rtpSeqNum="
                + rtpPacket.getSeqNum()
                + ",lastSeqNum="
                + lastSequenceNumber
                + "][rtpTS="
                + rtpPacket.getTimestamp()
                + ",lastTS="
                + lastPacketTimestamp
                + "][port="
                + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                + "]");
      lastPacketReceived = now;
      return true;
    lastPacketReceived = now;
    return false;

  private boolean isMarkerPacket(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
     * FreeSWITCH sends a marker packet at the beginning of the voice frame.
     * If you stop talking and then start talking, a marker packet is received on start talking. (ralam sept 20, 2010).
    if (rtpPacket.hasMarker()) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "Marked packet ["
                + rtpPacket.getPayloadType()
                + ", length="
                + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength()
                + "] seqNum[rtpSeqNum="
                + rtpPacket.getSeqNum()
                + ",lastSeqNum="
                + lastSequenceNumber
                + "][rtpTS="
                + rtpPacket.getTimestamp()
                + ",lastTS="
                + lastPacketTimestamp
                + "][port="
                + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                + "]");
      return true;

    return false;

  private boolean shouldHandlePacket(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
     * Take seq number only into account and not timestamps. Seems like the timestamp sometimes
     * change whenever the audio changes source. For example, in FreeSWITCH, the audio prompt will
     * have it's own "start" timestamp and then another "start" timestamp will be generated for the
     * voice. (ralam, sept 7, 2010). && packetIsNotCorrupt(rtpPacket)) {
    return isFirstPacket(rtpPacket)
        || isMarkerPacket(rtpPacket)
        || resetDueToSuccessiveDroppedPackets()
        || validSeqNum(rtpPacket)
        || seqNumRolledOver(rtpPacket);

  private boolean resetDueToSuccessiveDroppedPackets() {
     * I notice that Asterisk ( sets the rtp sequence number to 12 every time it sends a marked rtp packet. This screws up our
     * way of determining which packet to drop. To get around this, we detect if consecutive packets have been dropped then reset
     * the sequence number to handle the next incoming packets (ralam sept. 20, 2010).
    if (lastPacketDropped && successivePacketDroppedCount > 3) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "Resetting after successive dropped packets [successivePacketDroppedCount="
                + successivePacketDroppedCount
                + "][port="
                + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                + "]");
      lastPacketDropped = false;
      successivePacketDroppedCount = 0;
      return true;
    return false;

  private boolean isFirstPacket(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
    if (firstPacket) {
      lastPacketReceived = System.currentTimeMillis();
      firstPacket = false;
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "First packet ["
                + rtpPacket.getPayloadType()
                + ", length="
                + rtpPacket.getPayloadLength()
                + "] seqNum[rtpSeqNum="
                + rtpPacket.getSeqNum()
                + ",lastSeqNum="
                + lastSequenceNumber
                + "][rtpTS="
                + rtpPacket.getTimestamp()
                + ",lastTS="
                + lastPacketTimestamp
                + "][port="
                + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                + "]");
      return true;
    return false;

  private boolean validSeqNum(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
     * Assume if the sequence number jumps by more that 100, that the sequence number is corrupt.
    return (rtpPacket.getSeqNum() > lastSequenceNumber
        && rtpPacket.getSeqNum() - lastSequenceNumber < 100);

  private boolean seqNumRolledOver(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
     * Max sequence num is 65535 (16-bits). Let's use 65000 as check to take into account
     * delayed packets.
    if (lastSequenceNumber - rtpPacket.getSeqNum() > 65000) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "Packet rolling over seqNum[rtpSeqNum="
                + rtpPacket.getSeqNum()
                + ",lastSeqNum="
                + lastSequenceNumber
                + "][rtpTS="
                + rtpPacket.getTimestamp()
                + ",lastTS="
                + lastPacketTimestamp
                + "][port="
                + rtpSocket.getDatagramSocket().getLocalPort()
                + "]");
      return true;
    return false;

  private void processRtpPacket(RtpPacket rtpPacket) {
    lastSequenceNumber = rtpPacket.getSeqNum();
    lastPacketTimestamp = rtpPacket.getTimestamp();
    AudioByteData audioData = new AudioByteData(rtpPacket.getPayload());
    if (listener != null) listener.onAudioDataReceived(audioData);
    else log.debug("No listener for incoming audio packet");
Exemple #15
public class VideoDrawService {

  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(VideoDrawService.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private VideoDrawApplication application;

  public void setVideoDrawApplication(VideoDrawApplication a) {
    log.debug("Setting whiteboard application instance");
    this.application = a;

  public void sendAnnotation(Map<String, Object> annotation) {
    //		for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : annotation.entrySet()) {
    //		    String key = entry.getKey();
    //		    Object value = entry.getValue();

    //		    if (key.equals("points")) {
    //		    	String points = "points=[";
    //		    	ArrayList<Double> v = (ArrayList<Double>) value;
    //		    	log.debug(points + pointsToString(v) + "]");
    //		    } else {
    //		    	log.debug(key + "=[" + value + "]");
    //		    }
    //		}

    Annotation a = new Annotation(annotation);


  private String pointsToString(ArrayList<Double> points) {
    String datapoints = "";
    for (Double i : points) {
      datapoints += i + ",";
    // Trim the trailing comma
    //    	log.debug("Data Point = " + datapoints);
    return datapoints.substring(0, datapoints.length() - 1);

    //		application.sendShape(shape, type, color, thickness, fill, fillColor, transparency, id,
    // status);


  public void setActivePage(Map<String, Object> message) {
        "VideoDrawApplication - Getting number of shapes for page: "
            + (Integer) message.get("pageNum"));
    application.changePage((Integer) message.get("pageNum"));

  public void requestAnnotationHistory(Map<String, Object> message) {"VideoDrawApplication - requestAnnotationHistory");
        (String) message.get("presentationID"),
        (Integer) message.get("pageNumber"));

  public void clear(Map<String, Object> annotation) {"VideoDrawApplication - Clearing board");
    Annotation a = new Annotation(annotation);

  public void undo(Map<String, Object> annotation) {"VideoDrawApplication - Deleting last graphic");
    Annotation a = new Annotation(annotation);

  public void toggleGrid() {"VideoDrawApplication - Toggling grid mode");

  public void setActivePresentation(Map<String, Object> message) {
        "VideoDrawApplication - Setting active presentation: "
            + (String) message.get("presentationID"));
        (String) message.get("presentationID"), (Integer) message.get("numberOfSlides"));

  public void enableWhiteboard(Map<String, Object> message) {
        "VideoDrawApplication - Setting whiteboard enabled: " + (Boolean) message.get("enabled"));
    application.enableWhiteboard((Boolean) message.get("enabled"));

  public void isWhiteboardEnabled() {

  private BigBlueButtonSession getBbbSession() {
    return (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);
public class ChatHandler implements IApplication {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChatHandler.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private RecorderApplication recorderApplication;
  private ChatApplication chatApplication;

  private static final String APP = "CHAT";

  public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " appConnect *********");
    return true;

  public void appDisconnect(IConnection conn) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " appDisconnect *********");

  public boolean appJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " appJoin [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");
    return true;

  public void appLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " appLeave [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");

  public boolean appStart(IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " appStart [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");
    return true;

  public void appStop(IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " appStop [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");

  public void roomDisconnect(IConnection connection) {
        "***** "
            + APP
            + " [ "
            + " roomDisconnect [ "
            + connection.getScope().getName()
            + "] *********");

  public boolean roomJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " roomJoin [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");
    return true;

  public void roomLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " roomLeave [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");

  public boolean roomConnect(IConnection connection, Object[] params) {
        "***** "
            + APP
            + " [ "
            + " roomConnect [ "
            + connection.getScope().getName()
            + "] *********");

    return true;

  public boolean roomStart(IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " roomStart [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");
    return true;

  public void roomStop(IScope scope) {
    log.debug("***** " + APP + " [ " + " roomStop [ " + scope.getName() + "] *********");

  public void setChatApplication(ChatApplication a) {
    log.debug("Setting chat application");
    chatApplication = a;

  public void setRecorderApplication(RecorderApplication a) {
    log.debug("Setting archive application");
    recorderApplication = a;
public class FlvInterviewConverter extends BaseConverter {
  private static final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlvInterviewConverter.class, webAppRootKey);

  private class ReConverterParams {
    private int leftSideLoud = 1;
    private int rightSideLoud = 1;
    private Integer leftSideTime = 0;
    private Integer rightSideTime = 0;

  // Spring loaded Beans
  @Autowired private FlvRecordingDao recordingDao;
  @Autowired private FlvRecordingMetaDataDao metaDataDao;
  @Autowired private FlvRecordingLogDao logDao;
  @Autowired private GenerateThumbs generateThumbs;

  public void startReConversion(
      Long flvRecordingId,
      Integer leftSideLoud,
      Integer rightSideLoud,
      Integer leftSideTime,
      Integer rightSideTime) {

    log.debug("++++++++++++ leftSideLoud :: " + leftSideLoud);
    log.debug("++++++++++++ rightSideLoud :: " + rightSideLoud);

    ReConverterParams rcv = new ReConverterParams();
    rcv.leftSideLoud += leftSideLoud;
    rcv.rightSideLoud += rightSideLoud;

    rcv.leftSideTime = leftSideTime;
    rcv.rightSideTime = rightSideTime;

    log.debug("++++++++++++ this.leftSideLoud :: " + rcv.leftSideLoud);
    log.debug("++++++++++++ this.rightSideLoud :: " + rcv.rightSideLoud);
    log.debug("++++++++++++ this.leftSideTime :: " + rcv.leftSideTime);
    log.debug("++++++++++++ this.rightSideTime :: " + rcv.rightSideTime);
    startConversion(flvRecordingId, true, rcv);

  private String[] mergeAudioToWaves(
      List<String> listOfFullWaveFiles,
      String outputFullWav,
      List<FlvRecordingMetaData> metaDataList,
      ReConverterParams rcv) {
    String[] argv_full_sox = new String[listOfFullWaveFiles.size() + 5];
    argv_full_sox[0] = this.getPathToSoX();
    argv_full_sox[1] = "-m";

    int counter = 2;
    for (int i = 0; i < listOfFullWaveFiles.size(); i++) {
      for (FlvRecordingMetaData flvRecordingMetaData : metaDataList) {
        String hashFileFullNameStored = flvRecordingMetaData.getFullWavAudioData();

        String fullFilePath = listOfFullWaveFiles.get(i);
        String fileNameOnly = new File(fullFilePath).getName();

        if (hashFileFullNameStored.equals(fileNameOnly)) {
          if (flvRecordingMetaData.getInteriewPodId() == 1) {
            argv_full_sox[counter] = "-v " + rcv.leftSideLoud;
          if (flvRecordingMetaData.getInteriewPodId() == 2) {
            argv_full_sox[counter] = "-v " + rcv.rightSideLoud;
      argv_full_sox[counter] = listOfFullWaveFiles.get(i);

    argv_full_sox[counter] = outputFullWav;

    return argv_full_sox;

  public void startConversion(Long flvRecordingId) {
    startConversion(flvRecordingId, false, new ReConverterParams());

  public void startConversion(Long flvRecordingId, boolean reconversion, ReConverterParams rcv) {
    FlvRecording flvRecording = null;
    try {
      flvRecording = recordingDao.get(flvRecordingId);
      log.debug("flvRecording " + flvRecording.getFlvRecordingId());

      List<ConverterProcessResult> returnLog = new ArrayList<ConverterProcessResult>();
      List<String> listOfFullWaveFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
      File streamFolder = getStreamFolder(flvRecording);
      List<FlvRecordingMetaData> metaDataList =

      stripAudioFirstPass(flvRecording, returnLog, listOfFullWaveFiles, streamFolder, metaDataList);

      // Merge Wave to Full Length
      File streamFolderGeneral = getStreamsHibernateDir();

      String hashFileFullName = "INTERVIEW_" + flvRecording.getFlvRecordingId() + "_FINAL_WAVE.wav";
      String outputFullWav = streamFolder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + hashFileFullName;

      if (listOfFullWaveFiles.size() == 1) {
        outputFullWav = listOfFullWaveFiles.get(0);
      } else if (listOfFullWaveFiles.size() > 0) {
        String[] argv_full_sox;
        if (reconversion) {
          argv_full_sox = mergeAudioToWaves(listOfFullWaveFiles, outputFullWav, metaDataList, rcv);
        } else {
          argv_full_sox = mergeAudioToWaves(listOfFullWaveFiles, outputFullWav);

        returnLog.add(ProcessHelper.executeScript("mergeAudioToWaves", argv_full_sox));
      } else {
        // create default Audio to merge it.
        // strip to content length
        File outputWav = new File(streamFolderGeneral, "one_second.wav");

        // Calculate delta at beginning
        Long deltaTimeMilliSeconds =
            flvRecording.getRecordEnd().getTime() - flvRecording.getRecordStart().getTime();
        Float deltaPadding = (Float.parseFloat(deltaTimeMilliSeconds.toString()) / 1000) - 1;

        String[] argv_full_sox =
            new String[] {

        returnLog.add(ProcessHelper.executeScript("generateSampleAudio", argv_full_sox));
      // Default Image for empty interview video pods
      final File defaultInterviewImageFile =
          new File(streamFolderGeneral, "default_interview_image.png");

      if (!defaultInterviewImageFile.exists()) {
        throw new Exception("defaultInterviewImageFile does not exist!");

      final int flvWidth = 320;
      final int flvHeight = 260;
      final int frameRate = 25;
      // Merge Audio with Video / Calculate resulting FLV

      String[] pods = new String[2];
      boolean found = false;
      for (FlvRecordingMetaData meta : metaDataList) {
        File flv = new File(streamFolder, meta.getStreamName() + ".flv");

        Integer pod = meta.getInteriewPodId();
        if (flv.exists() && pod != null && pod > 0 && pod < 3) {
          String path = flv.getCanonicalPath();
           * CHECK FILE:
           * ffmpeg -i rec_316_stream_567_2013_08_28_11_51_45.flv -v error -f null file.null
          String[] args =
              new String[] {
                "-an" // only input files with video will be treated as video sources
          ConverterProcessResult r = ProcessHelper.executeScript("checkFlvPod_" + pod, args);
          if ("".equals(r.getError())) {
            pods[pod - 1] = path;
          found = true;
      if (!found) {
        ConverterProcessResult r = new ConverterProcessResult();
        r.setError("No valid pods found");
      boolean shortest = false;
      List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
         * ffmpeg -loop 1 -i default_interview_image.jpg -i rec_316_stream_569_2013_08_28_11_51_45.flv -filter_complex '[0:v]scale=320:260,pad=2*320:260[left];[1:v]scale=320:260[right];[left][right]overlay=main_w/2:0' -shortest -y out4.flv
         * JUST MERGE:
         * ffmpeg -i rec_316_stream_569_2013_08_28_11_51_45.flv -i rec_316_stream_569_2013_08_28_11_51_45.flv -filter_complex '[0:v]scale=320:260,pad=2*320:260[left];[1:v]scale=320:260[right];[left][right]overlay=main_w/2:0' -y out4.flv
        if (pods[i] == null) {
          shortest = true;
        } else {
              flvWidth, flvHeight, shortest ? ":shortest=1" : ""));
      if (shortest) {
      args.add("" + frameRate);
      String hashFileFullNameFlv = "flvRecording_" + flvRecording.getFlvRecordingId() + ".flv";
      String outputFullFlv = new File(streamFolderGeneral, hashFileFullNameFlv).getCanonicalPath();
      // TODO additional flag to 'quiet' output should be added
          ProcessHelper.executeScript("generateFullBySequenceFLV", args.toArray(new String[] {})));

      flvRecording.setFlvWidth(2 * flvWidth);


      // Extract first Image for preview purpose
      // ffmpeg -i movie.flv -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 1 -an -f rawvideo -s
      // 320x240 movie.jpg

      String hashFileFullNameJPEG = "flvRecording_" + flvRecording.getFlvRecordingId() + ".jpg";
      String outPutJpeg = new File(streamFolderGeneral, hashFileFullNameJPEG).getCanonicalPath();


      String[] argv_previewFLV =
          new String[] { //
            getPathToFFMPEG(), //
            outputFullFlv, //
            "mjpeg", //
            "-an", //
            "rawvideo", //
            (2 * flvWidth) + "x" + flvHeight, //

      returnLog.add(ProcessHelper.executeScript("generateFullFLV", argv_previewFLV));

      String alternateDownloadName = "flvRecording_" + flvRecording.getFlvRecordingId() + ".avi";
      String alternateDownloadFullName =
          new File(streamFolderGeneral, alternateDownloadName).getCanonicalPath();

      String[] argv_alternateDownload =
          new String[] {getPathToFFMPEG(), "-i", outputFullFlv, alternateDownloadFullName};

      returnLog.add(ProcessHelper.executeScript("alternateDownload", argv_alternateDownload));


      convertToMp4(flvRecording, returnLog);


      for (ConverterProcessResult returnMap : returnLog) {
        logDao.addFLVRecordingLog("generateFFMPEG", flvRecording, returnMap);

      // Delete Wave Files
      for (String fileName : listOfFullWaveFiles) {
        File audio = new File(fileName);
        if (audio.exists()) {
    } catch (Exception err) {
      log.error("[startConversion]", err);

  public ConverterProcessResult processImageWindows(String file1, String file2, String file3) {
    return ProcessHelper.executeScriptWindows(
        new String[] {getPathToImageMagick(), file1, file2, "+append", file3});
public class BigBlueButtonApplication extends MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter {
  private static Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(BigBlueButtonApplication.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private ParticipantsApplication participantsApplication;
  private RecorderApplication recorderApplication;
  private AbstractApplicationContext appCtx;

  private String version;

  public boolean appStart(IScope app) {
    log.debug("Starting BigBlueButton version " + version);
    IContext context = app.getContext();
    appCtx = (AbstractApplicationContext) context.getApplicationContext();
    appCtx.addApplicationListener(new ShutdownHookListener());
    return super.appStart(app);

  public void appStop(IScope app) {
    log.debug("Stopping BigBlueButton version " + version);

  public boolean roomStart(IScope room) {
    log.debug("Starting room [" + room.getName() + "].");
    assert participantsApplication != null;

    return super.roomStart(room);

  public void roomStop(IScope room) {
    log.debug("Stopping room [" + room.getName() + "].");
    assert participantsApplication != null;
    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession = getBbbSession();
    assert bbbSession != null;

    /** Need to figure out if the next 2 lines should be removed. (ralam nov 25, 2010). */
    assert recorderApplication != null;

    log.debug("Stopped room [" + room.getName() + "].");

  public boolean roomConnect(IConnection connection, Object[] params) {
    String remoteHost = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress();
    int remotePort = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemotePort();
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();"[clientid=" + clientId + "] connected from " + remoteHost + ":" + remotePort + ".");

    String username = ((String) params[0]).toString();
    String role = ((String) params[1]).toString();
    String conference = ((String) params[2]).toString();

     * Convert the id to Long because it gets converted to ascii decimal
     * equivalent (i.e. zero (0) becomes 48) if we don't.
    long userid = Long.parseLong(Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId());
    String sessionName = connection.getScope().getName();

    String voiceBridge = ((String) params[4]).toString();
    String room = sessionName;
    assert recorderApplication != null;
    boolean record = (Boolean) params[5];
    log.debug("record value - [" + record + "]");

    String externUserID = ((String) params[6]).toString();

    if (record == true) {

    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession =
        new BigBlueButtonSession(
    connection.setAttribute(Constants.SESSION, bbbSession);

    String debugInfo =
            + userid
            + ",username="******",role="
            + role
            + ",conference="
            + conference
            + ","
            + "session="
            + sessionName
            + ",voiceConf="
            + voiceBridge
            + ",room="
            + room
            + ",externsUserid="
            + externUserID;
    log.debug("User [{}] connected to room [{}]", debugInfo, room);
    super.roomConnect(connection, params);
    return true;

  public void roomDisconnect(IConnection conn) {
    String remoteHost = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress();
    int remotePort = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemotePort();
    String clientId = Red5.getConnectionLocal().getClient().getId();
        "[clientid=" + clientId + "] disconnnected from " + remoteHost + ":" + remotePort + ".");

    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession =
        (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);
        "User ["
            + bbbSession.getUsername()
            + "] disconnected from room ["
            + bbbSession.getRoom()
            + "]");

  public String getMyUserId() {
    BigBlueButtonSession bbbSession =
        (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);
    assert bbbSession != null;
    return Long.toString(bbbSession.getUserid());

  public void setParticipantsApplication(ParticipantsApplication a) {
    participantsApplication = a;

  public void setRecorderApplication(RecorderApplication a) {
    recorderApplication = a;

  public void setApplicationListeners(Set<IApplication> listeners) {
    int count = 0;
    Iterator<IApplication> iter = listeners.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {

  public void setVersion(String v) {
    version = v;

  private BigBlueButtonSession getBbbSession() {
    return (BigBlueButtonSession) Red5.getConnectionLocal().getAttribute(Constants.SESSION);

  private class ShutdownHookListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationEvent> {

    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
      if (event instanceof org.springframework.context.event.ContextStoppedEvent) {"Received shutdown event. Red5 is shutting down. Destroying all rooms.");
 * Insert/update/Delete on {@link Configuration}<br>
 * <br>
 * It provides basic mechanism to get a Conf Key:<br>
 * {@link #getConfValue(String, Class, String)} <br>
 * <br>
 * <b> {@link #get(String)} is deprecated!</b>
 * @author swagner
public class ConfigurationDao implements IDataProviderDao<Configuration> {
  private static final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationDao.class, webAppRootKey);
  public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB
  public static final String DEFAULT_APP_NAME = "OpenMeetings";
  public static final String[] searchFields = {"conf_key", "conf_value"};

  @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em;

  @Resource(name = "adminUserDao")
  private AdminUserDao adminUserDao;

   * @deprecated Dao's are not the place to store session variables, also updates to the key won't
   *     update this variable
  @Deprecated private String appName = null;

   * Retrieves Configuration regardless of its deleted status
   * @param confKey
   * @return
  public Configuration forceGet(String confKey) {
    try {
      List<Configuration> list =
          em.createNamedQuery("forceGetConfigurationByKey", Configuration.class)
              .setParameter("conf_key", confKey)
      return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("[forceGet]: ", e);
    return null;

  public List<Configuration> get(String... keys) {
    List<Configuration> result = new ArrayList<Configuration>();
    for (String key : keys) { // iteration is necessary to fill list with all values
      List<Configuration> r =
          em.createNamedQuery("getConfigurationsByKeys", Configuration.class)
              .setParameter("conf_keys", Arrays.asList(key))
      result.add(r.isEmpty() ? null : r.get(0));
    return result;

   * Return a object using a custom type and a default value if the key is not present, or value is
   * not set
   * <p>Example: Integer my_key = getConfValue("my_key", Integer.class, "15");
   * @param key
   * @param type
   * @param defaultValue
   * @return
  public <T> T getConfValue(String key, Class<T> type, String defaultValue) {
    try {
      List<Configuration> list = get(key);

      if (list == null || list.isEmpty() || list.get(0) == null) {
        log.warn("Could not find key in configuration CONF_KEY: " + key);
      } else {
        String val = list.get(0).getConf_value();
        // Use the custom value as default value
        if (val != null) {
          defaultValue = val;

      if (defaultValue == null) {
        return null;
      // Either this can be directly assigned or try to find a constructor
      // that handles it
      if (type.isAssignableFrom(defaultValue.getClass())) {
        return type.cast(defaultValue);
      Constructor<T> c = type.getConstructor(defaultValue.getClass());
      return c.newInstance(defaultValue);

    } catch (Exception err) {
          "cannot be cast to return type, you have misconfigured your configuration CONF_KEY: "
              + key,
      return null;

  public List<Configuration> getConfigurations(int start, int max, String orderby, boolean asc) {
    try {

      String query =
          "SELECT c FROM Configuration c " //
              + "LEFT JOIN FETCH c.user " //
              + "WHERE c.deleted = false " //
              + "ORDER BY "
              + orderby;

      if (asc) {
        query += " ASC";
      } else {
        query += " DESC";

      TypedQuery<Configuration> q = em.createQuery(query, Configuration.class);
      return q.getResultList();
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[getConfigurations]", ex2);
    return null;

  /** */
  public Configuration add(String key, String value, Long userId, String comment) {
    Configuration c = new Configuration();
    return update(c, userId);

  /** @deprecated please use {@link ConfigurationDao#update(Configuration, Long)} */
  public Long addConfig(Configuration conf) {
    try {
      conf = em.merge(conf);
      Long configuration_id = conf.getConfiguration_id();
      return configuration_id;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateConfByUID]: ", ex2);
    return new Long(-1);

   * @deprecated please use {@link ConfigurationDao#update(Configuration, Long)}
   * @param conf
   * @return
  public Long updateConfig(Configuration conf) {
    try {
      if (conf.getConfiguration_id() == null
          || conf.getConfiguration_id() == 0
          || conf.getConfiguration_id() == 0L) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(conf)) {
          conf = em.merge(conf);
      if (CONFIG_CRYPT_KEY.equals(conf.getConf_key())) {
        configKeyCryptClassName = conf.getConf_value();
      } else if ("show.whiteboard.draw.status".equals(conf.getConf_key())) {
        whiteboardDrawStatus = "1".equals(conf.getConf_value());
      return conf.getConfiguration_id();
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateConfByUID]: ", ex2);
    return new Long(-1);

  public String getAppName() {
    if (appName == null) {
      appName = getConfValue("", String.class, ConfigurationDao.DEFAULT_APP_NAME);
    return appName;

  public Configuration get(long id) {
    if (id <= 0) {
      return null;
    return em.createNamedQuery("getConfigurationById", Configuration.class)
        .setParameter("configuration_id", id)

  public List<Configuration> get(int start, int count) {
    return em.createNamedQuery("getNondeletedConfiguration", Configuration.class)

  public List<Configuration> get(String search, int start, int count, String sort) {
    TypedQuery<Configuration> q =
            DaoHelper.getSearchQuery("Configuration", "c", search, true, false, sort, searchFields),
    return q.getResultList();

  public long count() {
    return em.createNamedQuery("countConfigurations", Long.class).getSingleResult();

  public long count(String search) {
    TypedQuery<Long> q =
            DaoHelper.getSearchQuery("Configuration", "c", search, true, true, null, searchFields),
    return q.getSingleResult();

  public Configuration update(Configuration entity, Long userId) {
    return update(entity, userId, false);

  public Configuration update(Configuration entity, Long userId, boolean deleted) {
    String key = entity.getConf_key();
    String value = entity.getConf_value();
    if (entity.getConfiguration_id() == null || entity.getConfiguration_id() <= 0) {
      entity.setStarttime(new Date());
    } else {
      if (userId != null) {
      entity.setUpdatetime(new Date());
      entity = em.merge(entity);
    if (CONFIG_CRYPT_KEY.equals(key)) {
      configKeyCryptClassName = value;
    } else if ("show.whiteboard.draw.status".equals(key)) {
      whiteboardDrawStatus = "1".equals(value);
    } else if ("".equals(key)) {
      appName = value;
    // TODO ensure entity returned is updated
    return entity;

  public void delete(Configuration entity, Long userId) {
    entity.setUpdatetime(new Date());
    this.update(entity, userId, true);

   * returns the max upload size configured by max_upload_size config key
   * @param configurationDao
   * @return
  public final long getMaxUploadSize() {
    try {
      return getConfValue(CONFIG_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE_KEY, Long.class, "" + DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("Invalid value saved for max_upload_size conf key: ", e);

  public String getCryptKey() {
    if (configKeyCryptClassName == null) {
      String cryptClass = getConfValue(CONFIG_CRYPT_KEY, String.class, null);
      if (cryptClass != null) {
        configKeyCryptClassName = cryptClass;

    return configKeyCryptClassName;

  public boolean getWhiteboardDrawStatus() {
    if (whiteboardDrawStatus == null) {
      String drawStatus = getConfValue("show.whiteboard.draw.status", String.class, "0");
      whiteboardDrawStatus = "1".equals(drawStatus);
    return whiteboardDrawStatus;
/** This encapsulates access to ChatRoom and messages. This class must be threadsafe. */
public class ChatRoomsManager {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChatRoomsManager.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private final Map<String, ChatRoom> rooms;

  public ChatRoomsManager() {
    log.debug("In ChatRoomsManager constructor");
    rooms = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ChatRoom>();

  public void addRoom(ChatRoom room) {
    log.debug("In ChatRoomsManager adding room " + room.getName());
    rooms.put(room.getName(), room);

  public void removeRoom(String name) {
    log.debug("In ChatRoomsManager remove room " + name);

  public boolean hasRoom(String name) {
    log.debug("In ChatRoomsManager has Room " + name);
    return rooms.containsKey(name);

  /** Keeping getRoom private so that all access to ChatRoom goes through here. */
  private ChatRoom getRoom(String name) {
    log.debug("In ChatRoomsManager get room " + name);
    return rooms.get(name);

  public List<ChatMessageVO> getChatMessages(String room) {
    ChatRoom r = getRoom(room);
    if (r != null) {
      return r.getChatMessages();
    log.warn("Getting messages from a non-existing room " + room);
    return null;

  public void sendMessage(String room, ChatMessageVO chatobj) {
    ChatRoom r = getRoom(room);
    if (r != null) {
    } else {
      log.warn("Sending message to a non-existing room " + room);

  public void addRoomListener(String roomName, IChatRoomListener listener) {
    ChatRoom r = getRoom(roomName);
    if (r != null) {
    log.warn("Adding listener to a non-existing room " + roomName);

  // TODO: roomName?
  //	public void removeRoomListener(IChatRoomListener listener) {
  //		ChatRoom r = getRoom(roomName);
  //		if (r != null) {
  //			r.removeRoomListener(listener);
  //			return;
  //		}
  //		log.warn("Removing listener from a non-existing room ${roomName}");
  //	}

 * Servlet to tunnel to the AMF gateway servlet.
 * @author The Red5 Project
 * @author Paul Gregoire ([email protected])
public class AMFTunnelServlet extends HttpServlet {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = -35436145164322090L;

  protected Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMFTunnelServlet.class);

  private static final String REQUEST_TYPE = "application/x-amf";

  private static String postAcceptorURL = "http://localhost:8080/gateway";

  private static int connectionTimeout = 30000;

  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    // get the url for posting
    if (config.getInitParameter("tunnel.acceptor.url") != null) {
      postAcceptorURL = config.getInitParameter("tunnel.acceptor.url");
    log.debug("POST acceptor URL: {}", postAcceptorURL);
    // get the connection timeout
    if (config.getInitParameter("tunnel.timeout") != null) {
      connectionTimeout = Integer.valueOf(config.getInitParameter("tunnel.timeout"));
    log.debug("POST connection timeout: {}", postAcceptorURL);

  /** Redirect to HTTP port. */
  protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    HttpClient client = HttpConnectionUtil.getClient(connectionTimeout);
    // setup POST
    HttpPost post = null;
    try {
      post = new HttpPost(postAcceptorURL);
      String path = req.getContextPath();
      if (path == null) {
        path = "";
      log.debug("Path: {}", path);
      if (req.getPathInfo() != null) {
        path += req.getPathInfo();
      log.debug("Path 2: {}", path);
      int reqContentLength = req.getContentLength();
      if (reqContentLength > 0) {
        log.debug("Request content length: {}", reqContentLength);
        IoBuffer reqBuffer = IoBuffer.allocate(reqContentLength);
        ServletUtils.copy(req, reqBuffer.asOutputStream());
        post.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(reqBuffer.asInputStream(), reqContentLength));
        post.addHeader("Content-Type", REQUEST_TYPE);
        // get.setPath(path);
        post.addHeader("Tunnel-request", path);
        // execute the method
        HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
        int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        log.debug("HTTP response code: {}", code);
        if (code == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
          HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
          if (entity != null) {
            // get the response as bytes
            byte[] bytes = EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity);
            IoBuffer resultBuffer = IoBuffer.wrap(bytes);
            ServletUtils.copy(resultBuffer.asInputStream(), resp.getOutputStream());
        } else {
      } else {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error("", ex);
      if (post != null) {
public class LayoutHandler extends ApplicationAdapter implements IApplication {
  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(LayoutHandler.class, "bigbluebutton");

  private static final String APP = "LAYOUT";
  private static final String LAYOUT_SO = "layoutSO";

  private LayoutApplication layoutApplication;

  public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) {
    log.debug(APP + ":appConnect");
    return true;

  public void appDisconnect(IConnection conn) {
    log.debug(APP + ":appDisconnect");

  public boolean appJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":appJoin " + scope.getName());
    return true;

  public void appLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":appLeave " + scope.getName());

  public boolean appStart(IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":appStart " + scope.getName());
    return true;

  public void appStop(IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":appStop " + scope.getName());

  public boolean roomConnect(IConnection connection, Object[] params) {
    log.debug(APP + ":roomConnect");
    ISharedObject so = getSharedObject(connection.getScope(), LAYOUT_SO);
    log.debug("Setting up Listener");
    LayoutSender sender = new LayoutSender(so);
    String room = connection.getScope().getName();
    log.debug("Adding event listener to " + room);
    log.debug("Adding room listener");
    layoutApplication.addRoomListener(room, sender);
    log.debug("Done setting up listener");
    return true;

  public void roomDisconnect(IConnection connection) {
    log.debug(APP + ":roomDisconnect");

  public boolean roomJoin(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":roomJoin " + scope.getName() + " - " + scope.getParent().getName());
    return true;

  public void roomLeave(IClient client, IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":roomLeave " + scope.getName());

  public boolean roomStart(IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":roomStart " + scope.getName());
    if (!hasSharedObject(scope, LAYOUT_SO)) {
      if (createSharedObject(scope, LAYOUT_SO, false)) {
        return true;
    log.error("Failed to start room " + scope.getName());
    return false;

  public void roomStop(IScope scope) {
    log.debug(APP + ":roomStop " + scope.getName());
    if (!hasSharedObject(scope, LAYOUT_SO)) {
      clearSharedObjects(scope, LAYOUT_SO);

  public void setLayoutApplication(LayoutApplication a) {
    log.debug("Setting layout application");
    layoutApplication = a;
    layoutApplication.handler = this;
public class GeneratePDF {

  private static final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneratePDF.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);

  @Autowired private GenerateThumbs generateThumbs;
  @Autowired private GenerateSWF generateSWF;
  @Autowired private ConfigurationDao configurationDao;

  public ConverterProcessResultList convertPDF(
      String fileName, String roomName, boolean fullProcessing, File inFile) throws Exception {

    String inFileName = inFile.getName();
    ConverterProcessResultList returnError = new ConverterProcessResultList();

    File fileFullPath = new File(OmFileHelper.getUploadTempRoomDir(roomName), inFileName);
    File destinationFolder =
        OmFileHelper.getNewDir(OmFileHelper.getUploadRoomDir(roomName), fileName);

    log.debug("fullProcessing: " + fullProcessing);
    if (fullProcessing) {
      ConverterProcessResult processOpenOffice =
          doJodConvert(fileFullPath, destinationFolder, fileName);
      returnError.addItem("processOpenOffice", processOpenOffice);
      ConverterProcessResult processThumb =
              new File(destinationFolder, fileName + ".pdf"), destinationFolder, 80, "thumb");
      returnError.addItem("processThumb", processThumb);
      ConverterProcessResult processSWF =
          generateSWF.generateSwf(destinationFolder, destinationFolder, fileName);
      returnError.addItem("processSWF", processSWF);
    } else {

      log.debug("-- generateBatchThumb --");

      ConverterProcessResult processThumb =
          generateThumbs.generateBatchThumb(fileFullPath, destinationFolder, 80, "thumb");
      returnError.addItem("processThumb", processThumb);

      ConverterProcessResult processSWF =
          generateSWF.generateSwf(fileFullPath.getParentFile(), destinationFolder, fileName);
      returnError.addItem("processSWF", processSWF);

    // now it should be completed so copy that file to the expected location
    File fileWhereToMove = new File(destinationFolder, inFileName);
    FileHelper.moveRec(inFile, fileWhereToMove);

    if (fullProcessing) {
      ConverterProcessResult processXML =
              destinationFolder, inFileName, fileName + ".pdf", fileName + ".swf");
      returnError.addItem("processXML", processXML);
    } else {
      ConverterProcessResult processXML =
              destinationFolder, inFileName, null, fileName + ".swf");
      returnError.addItem("processXML", processXML);

    return returnError;

  /** Generates PDF using JOD Library (external library) */
  public ConverterProcessResult doJodConvert(
      File fileFullPath, File destinationFolder, String outputfile) {
    try {

      String jodPath = configurationDao.getConfValue("jod.path", String.class, "./jod");
      String officePath = configurationDao.getConfValue("office.path", String.class, "");

      File jodFolder = new File(jodPath);
      if (!jodFolder.exists() || !jodFolder.isDirectory()) {
        throw new Exception("Path to JOD Library folder does not exist");

      ArrayList<String> argv = new ArrayList<String>();

      if (officePath.trim().length() > 0) {
        argv.add("-Doffice.home=" + officePath);
      String jodConverterJar = "";

      for (String jar :
              new FilenameFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File file1, String name) {
                  return name.endsWith(".jar");
              })) {
        if (jar.startsWith("jodconverter")) {
          jodConverterJar = jar;
        argv.add(new File(jodFolder, jar).getCanonicalPath());
      if (jodConverterJar.length() == 0) {
        throw new Exception("Could not find jodConverter JAR file in JOD folder");

      argv.add(new File(jodFolder, jodConverterJar).getCanonicalPath());
      argv.add(new File(destinationFolder, outputfile + ".pdf").getCanonicalPath());

      return ProcessHelper.executeScript("doJodConvert", argv.toArray(new String[argv.size()]));

    } catch (Exception ex) {
      log.error("doJodConvert", ex);
      return new ConverterProcessResult("doJodConvert", ex.getMessage(), ex);
public class MeetingMemberDao {

  private static final Logger log =
      Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(MeetingMemberDao.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
  @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em;
  @Autowired private AppointmentDao appointmentDao;
  @Autowired private UsersDao usersDao;

  public MeetingMember getMeetingMemberById(Long meetingMemberId) {
    try {
      log.debug("getMeetingMemberById: " + meetingMemberId);

      String hql =
          "select app from MeetingMember app "
              + "WHERE app.deleted <> :deleted "
              + "AND app.meetingMemberId = :meetingMemberId";

      TypedQuery<MeetingMember> query = em.createQuery(hql, MeetingMember.class);
      query.setParameter("deleted", true);
      query.setParameter("meetingMemberId", meetingMemberId);

      MeetingMember meetingMember = null;
      try {
        meetingMember = query.getSingleResult();
      } catch (NoResultException ex) {

      return meetingMember;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[getMeetingMemberById]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public List<MeetingMember> getMeetingMembers() {
    try {
      String hql = "select app from MeetingMember app";

      TypedQuery<MeetingMember> query = em.createQuery(hql, MeetingMember.class);

      List<MeetingMember> meetingMembers = query.getResultList();

      return meetingMembers;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[getMeetingMembers]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public List<MeetingMember> getMeetingMemberByAppointmentId(Long appointmentId) {
    try {
      log.debug("getMeetingMemberByAppointmentId: " + appointmentId);

      String hql =
          "select app from MeetingMember app "
              + "WHERE app.deleted <> :deleted "
              + "AND app.appointment.appointmentId = :appointmentId";

      TypedQuery<MeetingMember> query = em.createQuery(hql, MeetingMember.class);
      query.setParameter("deleted", true);
      query.setParameter("appointmentId", appointmentId);

      List<MeetingMember> listmeetingMember = query.getResultList();

      return listmeetingMember;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[getMeetingMemberByAppointmentId]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  /** Updating MeetingMember */
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  public MeetingMember updateMeetingMember(MeetingMember meetingMember) {
    if (meetingMember.getMeetingMemberId() > 0) {
      try {
        if (meetingMember.getMeetingMemberId() == null) {
        } else {
          if (!em.contains(meetingMember)) {
            meetingMember = em.merge(meetingMember);
        return meetingMember;
      } catch (Exception ex2) {
        log.error("[updateMeetingMember] ", ex2);
    } else {
      log.error("[updateUser] " + "Error: No MeetingMemberId given");
    return null;

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  public Long updateMeetingMember(
      Long meetingMemberId,
      String firstname,
      String lastname,
      String memberStatus,
      String appointmentStatus,
      Long appointmentId,
      Long userid,
      String email,
      String phone) {
    try {

      MeetingMember gm = this.getMeetingMemberById(meetingMemberId);
       * if (gm == null) { log.debug("ALERT Object with ID: "+
       * MeetingMemberId +" does not exist yet"); return null; }


      // gm.setLanguageId(Languagemanagement.getInstance().getFieldLanguageById(languageId));
      gm.setUpdatetime(new Date());

      if (gm.getMeetingMemberId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(gm)) {
          gm = em.merge(gm);
      meetingMemberId = gm.getMeetingMemberId();
      return meetingMemberId;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[updateMeetingMember]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Long addMeetingMember(
      String firstname,
      String lastname,
      String memberStatus,
      String appointmentStatus,
      Long appointmentId,
      Long userid,
      String email,
      String phone,
      Boolean moderator,
      OmTimeZone omTimeZone,
      Boolean isConnectedEvent) {
    try {

      MeetingMember gm = new MeetingMember();

      gm.setUserid(userid == null ? null : usersDao.get(userid));

      gm.setStarttime(new Date());


      gm = em.merge(gm);
      Long group_member_id = gm.getMeetingMemberId();

      return group_member_id;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[addMeetingMember]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Long addMeetingMemberByObject(MeetingMember gm) {
    try {
      gm = em.merge(gm);
      Long group_member_id = gm.getMeetingMemberId();

      return group_member_id;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[addMeetingMember]: ", ex2);
    return null;

  public Long deleteMeetingMember(Long meetingMemberId) {
    log.debug("MeetingMemnerDAoImpl.deleteMeetingMember : " + meetingMemberId);

    try {

      MeetingMember gm = this.getMeetingMemberById(meetingMemberId);

      log.debug("ac: " + gm);

      if (gm == null) {
        log.debug("Already deleted / Could not find: " + meetingMemberId);
        return null;
      gm.setUpdatetime(new Date());

      if (gm.getMeetingMemberId() == null) {
      } else {
        if (!em.contains(gm)) {
      return meetingMemberId;
    } catch (Exception ex2) {
      log.error("[deleteMeetingMember]: ", ex2);
    return null;
 * A <code>ClassLoadHelper</code> that determines the correct class loader to use for a scheduler.
 * @see org.quartz.spi.ClassLoadHelper
 * @author Paul Gregoire ([email protected])
public class QuartzClassLoadHelper implements ClassLoadHelper {

  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuartzClassLoadHelper.class);

  private ClassLoader initClassLoader;

  ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
   if (classLoader == null) {
    	classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    	result= classLoader.getResourceAsStream( name );
   } else {
    	result= classLoader.getResourceAsStream( name );
    	if (result == null) {
    	 classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    	 result= classLoader.getResourceAsStream( name );

   * Called to give the ClassLoadHelper a chance to initialize itself, including the opportunity to
   * "steal" the class loader off of the calling thread, which is the thread that is initializing
   * Quartz.
  public void initialize() {
    initClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    log.debug("Initialized with classloader: {}", initClassLoader);

  /** Return the class with the given name. */
  public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
    return getClassLoader().loadClass(name);

   * Finds a resource with a given name. This method returns null if no resource with this name is
   * found.
   * @param name name of the desired resource
   * @return a object
  public URL getResource(String name) {
    return getClassLoader().getResource(name);

   * Finds a resource with a given name. This method returns null if no resource with this name is
   * found.
   * @param name name of the desired resource
   * @return a object
  public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) {
    return getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(name);

   * Enable sharing of the class-loader with 3rd party (e.g. digester).
   * @return the class-loader user be the helper.
  public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
        "Class classloader: {} Thread classloader: {}",
    return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
 * Admin for Red5
 * @author Paul Gregoire
 * @author Dan Rossi
public class AdminPlugin extends Red5Plugin {

  private static Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdminPlugin.class, "admin");

  private AdminHandler handler = null;

  private ApplicationContext adminContext;

  private String hostName = "localhost";

  public void doStart() throws Exception {

    // create a handler
    handler = new AdminHandler();

    // create app context
    adminContext =
        new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(
            new String[] {"classpath:/admin-security.xml"}, true, context);

    // set the context

    // get a ref to the "default" global scope
    GlobalScope global = (GlobalScope) server.getGlobal("default");

    // create a scope resolver
    ScopeResolver scopeResolver = new ScopeResolver();

    AuthClientRegistry registry = (AuthClientRegistry) adminContext.getBean("authClientRegistry");

    // create a context - this takes the place of the previous web context
    Context ctx = new Context(adminContext, "admin");
    ctx.setMappingStrategy(new MappingStrategy());
    ctx.setServiceInvoker(new ServiceInvoker());

    // create a scope for the admin
    //		Scope scope = new Scope.Builder((IScope) global, "scope", "admin", false).build();
    //		scope.setContext(ctx);
    //		scope.setHandler(handler);
    //		//set the scope on the handler
    //		handler.setScope(scope);

    server.addMapping(hostName, "admin", "default");

    //		if (global.addChildScope(scope)) {
    //"Admin scope was added to global (default) scope");
    //		} else {
    //			log.warn("Admin scope was not added to global (default) scope");
    //		}

  public void doStop() throws Exception {
    // clean up / unregister everything
    server.removeMapping(hostName, "admin");

  public String getName() {
    return "adminPlugin";

  public void init() {

  public String getHostName() {
    return hostName;

  public void setHostName(String hostName) {
    this.hostName = hostName;