private void gotoPointandSmooth() { Point2D actualPosition = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY()); Projection proj = new Projection( new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY()), getHeading(), getVelocity(), move.ahead, getTurnRemaining() + move.turnRight); tickProjection t = proj.projectNextTick(); /* Movement Settings, find the next position */ double distanceToNewPosition = actualPosition.distance(nextPosition); if (move.smooth(t.getPosition(), t.getHeading(), proj.getWantedHeading(), move.ahead)) { // out.println("smooth"); wallSmoothing = true; double _turnRight = move.turnRight; int _ahead = 100 * move.ahead; setAhead(_ahead); setTurnRight(_turnRight); } else if (distanceToNewPosition < 15 || wallSmoothing == true) { wallSmoothing = false; PositionFinder p = new PositionFinder(enemies, this); // Point2D.Double testPoint = p.findBestPoint(200); // double range = distanceToTarget*0.5; // Point2D.Double testPoint = p.findBestPointInRange(attempt, range); Point2D.Double testPoint = p.findBestPointInRangeWithRandomOffset(200); nextPosition = testPoint; // out.println("point"); } /* Movement to nextPosition */ else { Double angle = org.pattern.utils.Utils.calcAngle(nextPosition, actualPosition) - getHeadingRadians(); Double direction = 1.0; if (Math.cos(angle) < 0) { angle += Math.PI; direction = -1.0; } if (direction > 0) move.ahead = 1; else move.ahead = -1; setAhead(distanceToNewPosition * direction); angle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(angle); setTurnRightRadians(angle); } }
private void goToPoint(Point2D nextPosition) { Point2D actualPosition = new Point2D.Double(getX(), getY()); Double distanceToNewPosition = actualPosition.distance(nextPosition); Double angle = org.pattern.utils.Utils.calcAngle(nextPosition, actualPosition) - getHeadingRadians(); Double direction = 1.0; if (Math.cos(angle) < 0) { angle += Math.PI; direction = -1.0; } if (direction > 0) move.ahead = 1; else move.ahead = -1; setAhead(distanceToNewPosition * direction); angle = Utils.normalRelativeAngle(angle); setTurnRightRadians(angle); }