public Marker(MapView mapView, final ResourceProxy resourceProxy) { super(resourceProxy); mBearing = 0.0f; mAlpha = 1.0f; // opaque mPosition = new GeoPoint(0.0, 0.0); mAnchorU = ANCHOR_CENTER; mAnchorV = ANCHOR_CENTER; mIWAnchorU = ANCHOR_CENTER; mIWAnchorV = ANCHOR_TOP; mDraggable = false; mIsDragged = false; mPositionPixels = new Point(); mPanToView = true; mFlat = false; // billboard mOnMarkerClickListener = null; mOnMarkerDragListener = null; if (mDefaultIcon == null) mDefaultIcon = resourceProxy.getDrawable(bitmap.marker_default); mIcon = mDefaultIcon; if (mDefaultInfoWindow == null || mDefaultInfoWindow.mMapView != mapView) { // build default bubble, that will be shared between all markers using the default one: /* pre-aar version Context context = mapView.getContext(); String packageName = context.getPackageName(); int defaultLayoutResId = context.getResources().getIdentifier("bonuspack_bubble", "layout", packageName); if (defaultLayoutResId == 0) Log.e(BonusPackHelper.LOG_TAG, "Marker: layout/bonuspack_bubble not found in "+packageName); else mDefaultInfoWindow = new MarkerInfoWindow(defaultLayoutResId, mapView); */ // get the default layout now included in the aar library mDefaultInfoWindow = new MarkerInfoWindow(R.layout.bonuspack_bubble, mapView); } setInfoWindow(mDefaultInfoWindow); }
public CastLocationOverlay( Context context, OnItemGestureListener<OverlayItem> pOnItemGestureListener, ResourceProxy pResourceProxy) { super( new ArrayList<OverlayItem>(), pResourceProxy.getDrawable(ResourceProxy.bitmap.marker_default), pOnItemGestureListener, pResourceProxy); mContext = context; }
public ItemizedOverlayWithFocus( final List<Item> aList, final OnItemGestureListener<Item> aOnItemTapListener, final ResourceProxy pResourceProxy) { this( aList, pResourceProxy.getDrawable(ResourceProxy.bitmap.marker_default), null, NOT_SET, aOnItemTapListener, pResourceProxy); }
protected String scaleBarLengthText( final int meters, final boolean imperial, final boolean nautical) { if (this.imperial) { if (meters >= METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE * 5) { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_miles, (int) (meters / METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE)); } else if (meters >= METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE / 5) { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_miles, ((int) (meters / (METERS_PER_STATUTE_MILE / 10.0))) / 10.0); } else { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_feet, (int) (meters * FEET_PER_METER)); } } else if (this.nautical) { if (meters >= METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE * 5) { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_nautical_miles, ((int) (meters / METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE))); } else if (meters >= METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE / 5) { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_nautical_miles, (((int) (meters / (METERS_PER_NAUTICAL_MILE / 10.0))) / 10.0)); } else { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_feet, ((int) (meters * FEET_PER_METER))); } } else { if (meters >= 1000 * 5) { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_kilometers, (meters / 1000)); } else if (meters >= 1000 / 5) { return resourceProxy.getString( ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_kilometers, (int) (meters / 100.0) / 10.0); } else { return resourceProxy.getString(ResourceProxy.string.format_distance_meters, meters); } } }
public ItemizedOverlayWithFocus( final List<Item> aList, final Drawable pMarker, final Drawable pMarkerFocused, final int pFocusedBackgroundColor, final OnItemGestureListener<Item> aOnItemTapListener, final ResourceProxy pResourceProxy) { super(aList, pMarker, aOnItemTapListener, pResourceProxy); UNKNOWN = mResourceProxy.getString(ResourceProxy.string.unknown); if (pMarkerFocused == null) { this.mMarkerFocusedBase = boundToHotspot( mResourceProxy.getDrawable(ResourceProxy.bitmap.marker_default_focused_base), HotspotPlace.BOTTOM_CENTER); } else this.mMarkerFocusedBase = pMarkerFocused; this.mMarkerFocusedBackgroundColor = (pFocusedBackgroundColor != NOT_SET) ? pFocusedBackgroundColor : DEFAULTMARKER_BACKGROUNDCOLOR; this.mMarkerBackgroundPaint = new Paint(); // Color is set in onDraw(...) // max width = screen width - 10 pixels (for box border) DESCRIPTION_MAXWIDTH = pResourceProxy.getWindowManagerDisplay().getWidth() - 10; DESCRIPTION_LINE_HEIGHT = Math.round(mScale * 16f); DESCRIPTION_TITLE_EXTRA_LINE_HEIGHT = Math.round(mScale * 2f); this.mDescriptionPaint = new Paint(); this.mDescriptionPaint.setAntiAlias(true); this.mTitlePaint = new Paint(); this.mTitlePaint.setFakeBoldText(true); this.mTitlePaint.setAntiAlias(true); this.unSetFocusedItem(); }