private void updateMapLocation(GeoPoint geoPoint) { Log.d(TAG, "updateMapLocation(): "); ItemizedOverlay<OverlayItem> locationOverlay; ResourceProxy resourceProxy = new DefaultResourceProxyImpl(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); if (geoPoint != null) { ArrayList<OverlayItem> items = new ArrayList<OverlayItem>(); items.add(new OverlayItem("Here", "SampleDescription", geoPoint)); locationOverlay = new ItemizedIconOverlay<OverlayItem>( items, new ItemizedIconOverlay.OnItemGestureListener<OverlayItem>() { @Override public boolean onItemSingleTapUp(final int index, final OverlayItem item) { return true; } @Override public boolean onItemLongPress(final int index, final OverlayItem item) { return false; } }, resourceProxy); mapView.getOverlays().clear(); mapView.getOverlays().add(locationOverlay); mapView.getController().setCenter(geoPoint); mapView.invalidate(); } else { mapView.getOverlays().clear(); mapView.invalidate(); } }
private boolean onUp(MotionEvent event, MapView mapView) { if (this.onTargetClickListener != null && this.isAClick) { this.clickUpCoords[0] = event.getX(); this.clickUpCoords[1] = event.getY(); if (Math.abs(this.clickUpCoords[0] - this.clickDownCoords[0]) < 10 && Math.abs(this.clickUpCoords[1] - this.clickDownCoords[1]) < 10) { IGeoPoint igeoPoint = mapView.getProjection().fromPixels((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY()); GeoPoint geoPoint = new GeoPoint(igeoPoint.getLatitudeE6(), igeoPoint.getLongitudeE6()); if (event.getEventTime() - this.clickDownTime < android.view.ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() && isEventOnTarget(event, mapView)) { this.lockPosition = true; this.onTargetClickListener.onClick(getMyLocation()); return true; } else if (this.lockPosition == false && event.getEventTime() - this.clickDownTime >= 0) { // android.view.ViewConfiguration.getP) { setLocation(geoPoint); mapView.invalidate(); return true; } } this.isAClick = false; } return false; }
@Override public void onLocationUpdated(GeoPoint currentLoc) { if (isPathToBeDisplayed && loadMapTask.isCompleted()) { routeTo(destinationNodeId, isWalkOnly, currentLoc, true); isPathToBeDisplayed = false; destinationNodeId = -1; mapView.invalidate(); } }
/** Clear all schedules on the map */ public void clearSchedules() { randomStudent = null; OverlayManager om = mapView.getOverlayManager(); om.clear(); scheduleOverlay.clear(); buildingOverlay.removeAllItems(); om.addAll(scheduleOverlay); om.add(buildingOverlay); mapView.invalidate(); }
public synchronized void onLocationChanged(Location location) { // Log.i(TAG, "onLocationChanged " +location); if (isBetterLocation(location, lastFix)) { lastFix = location; if (runOnFirstFix != null) {; runOnFirstFix = null; } mapView.invalidate(); } }
@Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Inflate the layout for this fragment View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_osm_map, container, false); map = (MapView) layout.findViewById(; map.setTileSource(TileSourceFactory.MAPNIK); // map.setBuiltInZoomControls(true); map.setMultiTouchControls(true); // Default location and zoom level IMapController mapController = map.getController(); mapController.setZoom(12); GeoPoint startPoint = new GeoPoint(37.4333, 127.1500); mapController.setCenter(startPoint); // MyLocationNewOverlay mLocationOverlay = new MyLocationNewOverlay(getActivity(), new // GpsMyLocationProvider(getActivity()),map); // map.getOverlays().add(mLocationOverlay); Marker startMarker = new Marker(map); startMarker.setPosition(startPoint); startMarker.setAnchor(Marker.ANCHOR_CENTER, Marker.ANCHOR_BOTTOM); map.getOverlays().add(startMarker); RoadManager roadManager = new OSRMRoadManager(getActivity()); waypoints = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>(); waypoints.add(startPoint); GeoPoint endPoint = new GeoPoint(37.4314, 127.1297); waypoints.add(endPoint); Location location = mLocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); myLocationOverlay = new DirectedLocationOverlay(getActivity()); map.getOverlays().add(myLocationOverlay); myLocationOverlay.setLocation(new GeoPoint(location)); map.invalidate(); handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { GeoPoint geo = (GeoPoint) msg.obj; map.getController().animateTo(geo); map.invalidate(); } }; return layout; }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { Polyline roadOverlay = RoadManager.buildRoadOverlay(road, context); map.getOverlays().add(roadOverlay); Drawable nodeIcon = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.marker_node); for (int i = 0; i < road.mNodes.size(); i++) { RoadNode node = road.mNodes.get(i); Marker nodeMarker = new Marker(map); nodeMarker.setPosition(node.mLocation); nodeMarker.setIcon(nodeIcon); nodeMarker.setTitle("Step " + i); nodeMarker.setSnippet(node.mInstructions); nodeMarker.setSubDescription(Road.getLengthDurationText(node.mLength, node.mDuration)); map.getOverlays().add(nodeMarker); } map.invalidate(); }
private void updateLocation(String devId) { LocationModel lm = LocationModel.getInstance(); List<Location> locList = lm.getLocations(devId); Location prevLoc = null; Location currLoc = locList.get(locList.size() - 1); if (locList.size() > 1) { prevLoc = locList.get(locList.size() - 2); GeoPoint p = new GeoPoint(prevLoc.getLatitude(), prevLoc.getLongitude()); prevLocationsOverlay.addItem(p, prevLoc.getInfo(), prevLoc.getInfo()); } MapView mapView = (MapView) findViewById(; GeoPoint myPoint1 = new GeoPoint(currLoc.getLatitude(), currLoc.getLongitude()); currLocationOverlay.removeAllItems(); currLocationOverlay.addItem(myPoint1, currLoc.getInfo(), currLoc.getInfo()); mapView.getController().setZoom(13); mapView.getController().animateTo(myPoint1); mapView.invalidate(); }
public void moveToEventPosition(final MotionEvent event, final MapView mapView) { final Projection pj = mapView.getProjection(); mPosition = (GeoPoint) pj.fromPixels((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY()); mapView.invalidate(); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) @Override public boolean longPressHelper(GeoPoint p) { // DO NOTHING FOR NOW: // MotionEvent e=null; /* Projection proj = mapView.getProjection(); //GeoPoint point = (GeoPoint) proj.fromPixels((int) mapView.getX(), (int) mapView.getY()); proj = mapView.getProjection(); p = (GeoPoint) proj.fromPixels((int) mapView.getX(), (int) mapView.getY()); int lat= p.getLatitudeE6(); int lgn= p.getLongitudeE6();*/ double lg = p.getLongitude(); double lt = p.getLatitude(); // Toast.makeText(this, lat, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, FormularioActivity.class); String lat2 = (String.valueOf(lg)); String lgn2 = (String.valueOf(lt)); i.putExtra("lat", lat2); // i.putExtra("lat",lgn2); // startActivity(i); /* IMapController mapViewController = mapView.getController(); mapViewController.setZoom(10); mapViewController.setCenter(ROSARIO);*/ Marker GeoMarker = new Marker(mapView); GeoMarker.setPosition(new GeoPoint(lt, lg)); /*int lat= 30; int lng=20; startMarker.setPosition(new GeoPoint(lat, lng));*/ GeoMarker.setIcon(getDrawable(R.drawable.icono)); GeoMarker.setAnchor(Marker.ANCHOR_CENTER, Marker.ANCHOR_BOTTOM); InfoWindow infoWindow = new InfoWindow(R.layout.bubble_layout, mapView) { @Override public void onOpen(Object arg0) { LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) mView.findViewById(; Button btnMoreInfo = (Button) mView.findViewById(; TextView txtTitle = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; TextView txtDescription = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; TextView txtSubdescription = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; /* txtTitle.setText("Title of my marker"); txtDescription.setText("Click here to view details!"); txtSubdescription.setText("You can also edit the subdescription"); */ layout.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { // Override Marker's onClick behaviour here } }); } @Override public void onClose() {} }; GeoMarker.setInfoWindow(infoWindow); GeoMarker.setTitle("Fabrica"); GeoMarker.setSnippet("chicos"); mapView.getOverlays().add(GeoMarker); mapView.invalidate(); // Toast.makeText(this, "LONGGGG Tapped", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return false; }
/** * @see * * @see * * @see http * :// * &hl=fr&sa=X&ei=oy53T9LLD4HB8QOLxMm6DQ&ved=0CD4Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD%20mapView&f=false */ @Override public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { int type = event.sensor.getType(); // if (event.accuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE) { // if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) Log.d(TAG, "Could not read SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE for // sennsor " + type); // return; // } float[] data = event.values; if (type == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { // alpha is calculated as t / (t + dT) // with t, the low-pass filter's time-constant // and dT, the event delivery rate // final float alpha = 0.9f; // gravity[0] = alpha * gravity[0] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[0]; // gravity[1] = alpha * gravity[1] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[1]; // gravity[2] = alpha * gravity[2] + (1 - alpha) * event.values[2]; acceleration[0] = data[0] - gravity[0]; acceleration[1] = data[1] - gravity[1]; acceleration[2] = data[2] - gravity[2]; } else if (type == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { this.sensorMagneticData = data; } else if (type == Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION) { int oldAzimut = this.azimuth; this.azimuth = Math.round(event.values[0]); if (oldAzimut != this.azimuth) { // TODO mapView.invalidate(); } return; } else { // we should not be here. return; } if (true) { float[] matrixRotation = new float[16]; float[] matrixInclination = new float[16]; SensorManager.getRotationMatrix( matrixRotation, matrixInclination, acceleration, sensorMagneticData); // float[] outR = new float[16]; // SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(matrixRotation, SensorManager.AXIS_X, // SensorManager.AXIS_Z, outR); float[] mOrientation = new float[3]; SensorManager.getOrientation(matrixRotation, mOrientation); // Convert the azimuth to degrees in 0.5 degree resolution. int newAzimuth = Math.round(Math.round(Math.toDegrees(mOrientation[0]))); // Adjust the range: 0 < range <= 360 (from: -180 < range <= 180). // newAzimuth = (newAzimuth + 360) % 360; // alternative newAzimuth = newAzimuth >= 0 ? newAzimuth : newAzimuth + 360; // if (azimuth != newAzimuth) { azimuth = newAzimuth; mapView.invalidate(); } // float incl = SensorManager.getInclination(matrixInclination); } }