  public void testBackrefrenceForWay_Full() throws OsmTransferException {
    Way w = lookupWay(ds, 1);
    // way with name "way-1" is referred to by two relations

    OsmServerBackreferenceReader reader = new OsmServerBackreferenceReader(w);
    DataSet referers = reader.parseOsm(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE);
    assertEquals(6, referers.getWays().size()); // 6 ways referred by two relations
    for (Way w1 : referers.getWays()) {
      assertEquals(false, w1.isIncomplete());
    assertEquals(2, referers.getRelations().size()); // two relations referring to
    Set<Long> expectedNodeIds = new HashSet<Long>();
    for (Way way : referers.getWays()) {
      Way orig = (Way) ds.getPrimitiveById(way);
      for (Node n : orig.getNodes()) {
    assertEquals(expectedNodeIds.size(), referers.getNodes().size());
    for (Node n : referers.getNodes()) {
      assertEquals(true, expectedNodeIds.contains(n.getId()));

    Relation r = lookupRelation(referers, 0);
    assertEquals(false, r.isIncomplete());
    r = lookupRelation(referers, 1);
    assertEquals(false, r.isIncomplete());
   * Compute weight and add edge to the graph
   * @param way
   * @param from
   * @param to
  private void addEdge(Way way, Node from, Node to) {
    LatLon fromLL = from.getCoor();
    LatLon toLL = from.getCoor();
    if (fromLL == null || toLL == null) {
    double length = fromLL.greatCircleDistance(toLL);

    OsmEdge edge = new OsmEdge(way, from, to);
    graph.addEdge(from, to, edge);
    // weight = getWeight(way);
    double weight = getWeight(way, length);
    setWeight(edge, length);
        "edge for way "
            + way.getId()
            + "(from node "
            + from.getId()
            + " to node "
            + to.getId()
            + ") has weight: "
            + weight);
    ((DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Node, OsmEdge>) graph).setEdgeWeight(edge, weight);
Exemple #3
     * Extract and store relation information based on the relation member
     * @param src The relation member to store information about
    public RelMember(RelationMember src) {
      role = src.getRole();
      type = src.getType();
      rel_id = 0;
      coor = new ArrayList<LatLon>();

      if (src.isNode()) {
        Node r = src.getNode();
        tags = r.getKeys();
        coor = new ArrayList<LatLon>(1);
      if (src.isWay()) {
        Way r = src.getWay();
        tags = r.getKeys();
        List<Node> wNodes = r.getNodes();
        coor = new ArrayList<LatLon>(wNodes.size());
        for (Node wNode : wNodes) {
      if (src.isRelation()) {
        Relation r = src.getRelation();
        tags = r.getKeys();
        rel_id = r.getId();
        coor = new ArrayList<LatLon>();
 private Node createPlatform(StopPointType stop) {
   Node n = createNode(createLatLon(stop));
   linkTridentObjectToOsmPrimitive(stop, n);
   n.put("name", stop.getName());
   return n;
 protected Set<Long> getNodeIdsInWay(Way way) {
   HashSet<Long> ret = new HashSet<Long>();
   if (way == null) return ret;
   for (Node n : way.getNodes()) {
   return ret;
Exemple #6
  private static BBox getNodesBounds(ArrayList<Node> nodes) {

    BBox bounds = new BBox(nodes.get(0));
    for (Node n : nodes) {
    return bounds;
 protected static void populateTestDataSetWithNodes(DataSet ds) {
   for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
     Node n = new Node();
     n.setCoor(new LatLon(-36.6, 47.6));
     n.put("name", "node-" + i);
Exemple #8
 public int hashCode() {
   final int prime = 31;
   int result = 1;
   result = prime * result + ((end == null) ? 0 : end.hashCode());
   result = prime * result + ((start == null) ? 0 : start.hashCode());
   result = prime * result + ((way == null) ? 0 : way.hashCode());
   return result;
 public void updateDataSet(DataSet ds) {
   for (Node n : ds.getNodes()) {
     n.put("amenity", "recycling");
     n.put("recycling:glass", "no");
     n.put("recycling:glass_bottles", "yes");
Exemple #10
   * Determine which ways to split.
   * @param selectedWays List of user selected ways.
   * @param selectedNodes List of user selected nodes.
   * @return List of ways to split
  private List<Way> getApplicableWays(List<Way> selectedWays, List<Node> selectedNodes) {
    if (selectedNodes.isEmpty()) return null;

    // Special case - one of the selected ways touches (not cross) way that we
    // want to split
    if (selectedNodes.size() == 1) {
      Node n = selectedNodes.get(0);
      List<Way> referedWays = OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(n.getReferrers(), Way.class);
      Way inTheMiddle = null;
      for (Way w : referedWays) {
        // Need to look at all nodes see #11184 for a case where node n is
        // firstNode, lastNode and also in the middle
        if (selectedWays.contains(w) && w.isInnerNode(n)) {
          if (inTheMiddle == null) {
            inTheMiddle = w;
          } else {
            inTheMiddle = null;
      if (inTheMiddle != null) return Collections.singletonList(inTheMiddle);

    // List of ways shared by all nodes
    List<Way> result =
        new ArrayList<>(
            OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(selectedNodes.get(0).getReferrers(), Way.class));
    for (int i = 1; i < selectedNodes.size(); i++) {
      List<OsmPrimitive> ref = selectedNodes.get(i).getReferrers();
      for (Iterator<Way> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        if (!ref.contains(it.next())) {

    // Remove broken ways
    for (Iterator<Way> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      if (it.next().getNodesCount() <= 2) {

    if (selectedWays.isEmpty()) return result;
    else {
      // Return only selected ways
      for (Iterator<Way> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        if (!selectedWays.contains(it.next())) {
      return result;
    public Collection<Node> nearbyNodes(double dist) {
      // If you're looking for nodes that are farther away that we looked for last time,
      // the cached result is no good
      if (dist > nearbyNodeCacheDist) {
        nearbyNodeCache = null;
      if (nearbyNodeCache != null) {
        // If we've cached an area greater than the
        // one now being asked for...
        if (nearbyNodeCacheDist > dist) {
          // Used the cached result and trim out
          // the nodes that are not in the smaller
          // area, but keep the old larger cache.
          Set<Node> trimmed = new HashSet<>(nearbyNodeCache);
          Set<Node> initial = new HashSet<>(nearbyNodeCache);
          for (Node n : initial) {
            if (!nearby(n, dist)) {
          return trimmed;
        return nearbyNodeCache;
       * We know that any point near the line must be at
       * least as close as the other end of the line, plus
       * a little fudge for the distance away ('dist').

      // This needs to be a hash set because the searches
      // overlap a bit and can return duplicate nodes.
      nearbyNodeCache = null;
      List<LatLon> bounds = this.getBounds(dist * (360.0d / (Ellipsoid.WGS84.a * 2 * Math.PI)));
      List<Node> foundNodes = endnodesHighway.search(new BBox(bounds.get(0), bounds.get(1)));
      foundNodes.addAll(endnodes.search(new BBox(bounds.get(0), bounds.get(1))));

      for (Node n : foundNodes) {
        if (!nearby(n, dist) || !n.getCoor().isIn(dsArea)) {
        // It is actually very rare for us to find a node
        // so defer as much of the work as possible, like
        // allocating the hash set
        if (nearbyNodeCache == null) {
          nearbyNodeCache = new HashSet<>();
      nearbyNodeCacheDist = dist;
      if (nearbyNodeCache == null) {
        nearbyNodeCache = Collections.emptySet();
      return nearbyNodeCache;
 public void visit(Way w) {
   if (w.isNewOrUndeleted() || w.isModified() || w.isDeleted()) {
     // upload new ways as well as modified and deleted ones
     for (Node n : w.getNodes()) {
       // we upload modified nodes even if they aren't in the current
       // selection.
Exemple #13
  * Collect all nodes with more than one referrer.
  * @param ways Ways from witch nodes are selected
  * @return List of nodes with more than one referrer
 private static List<Node> collectNodesWithExternReferers(List<Way> ways) {
   List<Node> withReferrers = new ArrayList<>();
   for (Way w : ways) {
     for (Node n : w.getNodes()) {
       if (n.getReferrers().size() > 1) {
   return withReferrers;
Exemple #14
    public double getLength() {
      double length = 0;

      Node last = nodes.get(0);
      for (Node n : nodes.subList(1, nodes.size())) {
        length += last.getCoor().greatCircleDistance(n.getCoor());
        last = n;

      return length;
Exemple #15
 static {
   MultiCascade mc = new MultiCascade();
   Cascade c = mc.getOrCreateCascade("default");
   c.put(TEXT, Keyword.AUTO);
   Node n = new Node();
   n.put("name", "dummy");
           new Environment(n, mc, "default", null),
   if (SIMPLE_NODE_TEXT_ELEMSTYLE == null) throw new AssertionError();
Exemple #16
    private WayInPolygon advanceNextWay(boolean rightmost) {

      Node headNode = !lastWayReverse ? lastWay.way.lastNode() : lastWay.way.firstNode();
      Node prevNode =
              ? lastWay.way.getNode(lastWay.way.getNodesCount() - 2)
              : lastWay.way.getNode(1);

      // find best next way
      WayInPolygon bestWay = null;
      Node bestWayNextNode = null;
      boolean bestWayReverse = false;

      for (WayInPolygon way : availableWays) {
        if (way.way.firstNode().equals(headNode)) {
          // start adjacent to headNode
          Node nextNode = way.way.getNode(1);

          if (nextNode.equals(prevNode)) {
            // this is the path we came from - ignore it.
          } else if (bestWay == null
              || (Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(prevNode, headNode, bestWayNextNode, nextNode)
                  == rightmost)) {
            // the new way is better
            bestWay = way;
            bestWayReverse = false;
            bestWayNextNode = nextNode;

        if (way.way.lastNode().equals(headNode)) {
          // end adjacent to headNode
          Node nextNode = way.way.getNode(way.way.getNodesCount() - 2);

          if (nextNode.equals(prevNode)) {
            // this is the path we came from - ignore it.
          } else if (bestWay == null
              || (Geometry.isToTheRightSideOfLine(prevNode, headNode, bestWayNextNode, nextNode)
                  == rightmost)) {
            // the new way is better
            bestWay = way;
            bestWayReverse = true;
            bestWayNextNode = nextNode;

      lastWay = bestWay;
      lastWayReverse = bestWayReverse;

      return lastWay;
   * Apply selected routing algorithm to the graph.
   * @param nodes Nodes used to calculate path.
   * @param algorithm Algorithm used to compute the path,
   *     RoutingGraph.Algorithm.ROUTING_ALG_DIJKSTRA or
   *     RoutingGraph.Algorithm.ROUTING_ALG_BELLMANFORD
   * @return new path.
  public List<OsmEdge> applyAlgorithm(List<Node> nodes, Algorithm algorithm) {
    List<OsmEdge> path = new ArrayList<>();
    Graph<Node, OsmEdge> g;
    double totalWeight = 0;
    RoutingLayer layer = (RoutingLayer) Main.map.mapView.getActiveLayer();
    RoutingModel routingModel = layer.getRoutingModel();

    if (graph == null || routingModel.getOnewayChanged()) this.createGraph();
    logger.debug("apply algorithm between nodes ");

    for (Node node : nodes) {

    // Assign the graph to g
    g = graph;

    switch (algorithm) {
        logger.debug("Using Dijkstra algorithm");
        DijkstraShortestPath<Node, OsmEdge> routingk = null;
        for (int index = 1; index < nodes.size(); ++index) {
          routingk = new DijkstraShortestPath<>(g, nodes.get(index - 1), nodes.get(index));
          if (routingk.getPathEdgeList() == null) {
            logger.debug("no path found!");
          totalWeight += routingk.getPathLength();
        logger.debug("Using Bellman Ford algorithm");
        for (int index = 1; index < nodes.size(); ++index) {
          path =
                  rgDelegator, nodes.get(index - 1), nodes.get(index));
          if (path == null) {
            logger.debug("no path found!");
            return null;
        logger.debug("Wrong algorithm");

    logger.debug("shortest path found: " + path + "\nweight: " + totalWeight);
    return path;
  public void visit(Node n) {
    assert aNode != null;

    if (n.hasKey(tag)) {
      double dist = n.getCoor().greatCircleDistance(aNode.getCoor());
      if (dist < minDist && dist < maxDist) {
        minDist = dist;
        currentValue = n.get(tag);
        srcNode = n;
Exemple #19
 /** Rotate nodes. */
 protected void transformNodes() {
   for (Node n : nodes) {
     double cosPhi = Math.cos(rotationAngle);
     double sinPhi = Math.sin(rotationAngle);
     EastNorth oldEastNorth = oldStates.get(n).getEastNorth();
     double x = oldEastNorth.east() - pivot.east();
     double y = oldEastNorth.north() - pivot.north();
     double nx = cosPhi * x + sinPhi * y + pivot.east();
     double ny = -sinPhi * x + cosPhi * y + pivot.north();
     n.setEastNorth(new EastNorth(nx, ny));
 public void visit(List<Node> nodes) {
   Node lastN = null;
   for (Node n : nodes) {
     if (lastN == null) {
       lastN = n;
     if (n.isDrawable() && isSegmentVisible(lastN, n)) {
       drawSegment(lastN, n, severity.getColor());
     lastN = n;
 private void appendNode(double x, double y) throws IOException {
   if (currentway == null) {
     throw new IOException("Shape is started incorectly");
   Node nd = new Node(projection.eastNorth2latlon(center.add(x * scale, -y * scale)));
   if (nd.getCoor().isOutSideWorld()) {
     throw new IOException("Shape goes outside the world");
   lastX = x;
   lastY = y;
 void addCoordinates(Node n) {
   if (n.getCoor() != null) {
         tr("Coordinates: "),
         ", ",
         tr("Coordinates (projected): "),
         ", ",
 public boolean nearby(Node n, double dist) {
   if (w == null) {
     Main.debug("way null");
     return false;
   if (w.containsNode(n)) return false;
   if (n.isKeyTrue("noexit")) return false;
   EastNorth coord = n.getEastNorth();
   if (coord == null) return false;
   Point2D p = new Point2D.Double(coord.east(), coord.north());
   if (line.getP1().distance(p) > len + dist) return false;
   if (line.getP2().distance(p) > len + dist) return false;
   return line.ptSegDist(p) < dist;
 protected Map<Node, Way> getWayEndNodesNearOtherHighway() {
   Map<Node, Way> map = new HashMap<>();
   for (int iter = 0; iter < 1; iter++) {
     for (MyWaySegment s : ways) {
       if (isCanceled()) {
         return map;
       for (Node en : s.nearbyNodes(mindist)) {
         if (en == null || !s.highway || !endnodesHighway.contains(en)) {
         if (en.hasTag("highway", "turning_circle", "bus_stop")
             || en.hasTag("amenity", "parking_entrance")
             || en.hasTag("railway", "buffer_stop")
             || en.isKeyTrue("noexit")
             || en.hasKey("entrance")
             || en.hasKey("barrier")) {
         // to handle intersections of 't' shapes and similar
         if (en.isConnectedTo(s.w.getNodes(), 3 /* hops */, null)) {
         map.put(en, s.w);
   return map;
Exemple #25
  * Check if one or more nodes are outside of download area
  * @param nodes Nodes to check
  * @return true if action can be done
 private boolean actionAllowed(Collection<Node> nodes) {
   boolean outside = false;
   for (Node n : nodes)
     if (n.isOutsideDownloadArea()) {
       outside = true;
   if (outside)
     new Notification(
             tr("One or more nodes involved in this action is outside of the downloaded area."))
   return true;
Exemple #26
   * Returns area of a closed way in square meters. (approximate(?), but should be OK for small
   * areas)
   * <p>Relies on the current projection: Works correctly, when one unit in projected coordinates
   * corresponds to one meter. This is true for most projections, but not for WGS84 and Mercator
   * (EPSG:3857).
   * @param way Way to measure, should be closed (first node is the same as last node)
   * @return area of the closed way.
  public static double closedWayArea(Way way) {

    // http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polyarea/
    double area = 0;
    Node lastN = null;
    for (Node n : way.getNodes()) {
      if (lastN != null) {

        area += (calcX(n) * calcY(lastN)) - (calcY(n) * calcX(lastN));
      lastN = n;
    return Math.abs(area / 2);
 public void testMultiGet800Nodes() throws OsmTransferException {
   MultiFetchServerObjectReader reader = new MultiFetchServerObjectReader();
   ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(ds.getNodes());
   for (int i = 0; i < 812; i++) {
   DataSet out = reader.parseOsm(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE);
   assertEquals(812, out.getNodes().size());
   for (Node n1 : out.getNodes()) {
     Node n2 = (Node) ds.getPrimitiveById(n1);
     assertEquals(n2.get("name"), n2.get("name"));
Exemple #28
  private static Area getArea(List<Node> polygon) {
    Path2D path = new Path2D.Double();

    boolean begin = true;
    for (Node n : polygon) {
      if (begin) {
        path.moveTo(n.getEastNorth().getX(), n.getEastNorth().getY());
        begin = false;
      } else {
        path.lineTo(n.getEastNorth().getX(), n.getEastNorth().getY());

    return new Area(path);
Exemple #29
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
   Segment other = (Segment) obj;
   if (end == null) {
     if (other.end != null) return false;
   } else if (!end.equals(other.end)) return false;
   if (start == null) {
     if (other.start != null) return false;
   } else if (!start.equals(other.start)) return false;
   if (way == null) {
     if (other.way != null) return false;
   } else if (!way.equals(other.way)) return false;
   return true;
 MyWaySegment(Way w, Node n1, Node n2) {
   this.w = w;
   String railway = w.get("railway");
   String highway = w.get("highway");
   this.isAbandoned = "abandoned".equals(railway) || w.isKeyTrue("disused");
   this.highway = (highway != null || railway != null) && !isAbandoned;
   this.isBoundary = !this.highway && "administrative".equals(w.get("boundary"));
   line =
       new Line2D.Double(
   len = line.getP1().distance(line.getP2());
   this.n1 = n1;
   this.n2 = n2;