@Test public void testPointLineCreation() { List<Point> pts = createPoints(); // construct MultiPoint MultiPoint mp = new MultiPoint(pts); assertEquals(pts.size(), mp.getNumParts()); assertEquals(pts.size(), mp.getNumPoints()); assertFalse(mp.is3D()); // construct Line Line line = new Line(new ArrayList<Point>(pts)); assertEquals(1, line.getNumParts()); assertEquals(pts.size(), line.getNumPoints()); assertFalse(line.is3D()); Iterator<Point> it1 = line.iterator(); Iterator<Point> it2 = mp.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext() && it2.hasNext()) { assertEquals(it1.next(), it2.next()); } assertFalse(it1.hasNext()); assertFalse(it2.hasNext()); List<Point> linePts = line.getPoints(); List<Point> multiPts = mp.getPoints(); assertEquals(linePts.size(), multiPts.size()); for (int i = 0; i < linePts.size(); i++) { assertEquals(linePts.get(i), multiPts.get(i)); } assertEquals(mp.getCenter(), line.getCenter()); }
@Test public void testRegionAtPole() { List<Point> pts = new ArrayList<Point>(5); // 3km box that closely matches google earth lat/lon grids lines // ctr=(65� 0' 0" E, 89� 54' 18" S) -89.905 65.0 // bbox=(60� 0' 0" E, 89� 54' 36" S) .. (70� 0' 0" E, 89� 54' 0" S) final Point firstPt = new Point(-89.90, 70.0); pts.add(firstPt); pts.add(new Point(-89.90, 60.0)); pts.add(new Point(-89.91, 60.0)); pts.add(new Point(-89.91, 70.0)); pts.add(firstPt); Line line = new Line(pts); Geodetic2DPoint cp = line.getCenter(); // System.out.println("Fctr=" + cp + " " + cp.getLatitudeAsDegrees() + " " + // cp.getLongitudeAsDegrees()); LinearRing ring = new LinearRing(pts, true); assertEquals(cp, ring.getCenter()); final Geodetic2DBounds bbox = line.getBoundingBox(); assertTrue(bbox != null && bbox.contains(cp)); // System.out.println("bbox=" + bbox); assertTrue( bbox.getNorthLat().inDegrees() > bbox.getSouthLat().inDegrees()); // north=-89.90 south=-89.91 assertTrue( bbox.getWestLon().inDegrees() < bbox.getEastLon().inDegrees()); // west=60.0 east=70.0 degs Geodetic2DBounds bounds = new Geodetic2DBounds(bbox); bounds.grow(100); // grow 100 bbox meters larger assertTrue(bounds.contains(bbox)); for (Point pt : pts) { assertTrue(bounds.contains(pt.asGeodetic2DPoint())); } // create a bounding box from 1-km MGRS grid that intersects the region MGRS mgrs = new MGRS(new MGRS(cp).toString(2)); // BAN0904 bounds = mgrs.getBoundingBox(); assertTrue(bounds.intersects(bbox)); assertTrue(bbox.intersects(bounds)); }
@Test public void testClippedAtDateLine() { // create outline of Fiji islands which wrap international date line List<Point> pts = new ArrayList<Point>(); final Point firstPt = new Point(-16.68226928264316, 179.900033693558); pts.add(firstPt); pts.add(new Point(-16.68226928264316, -180)); pts.add(new Point(-17.01144405215603, -180)); pts.add(new Point(-17.01144405215603, 179.900033693558)); pts.add(firstPt); Line line = new Line(pts); assertTrue(line.clippedAtDateLine()); // (179� 57' 0" E, 16� 50' 49" S) Geodetic2DPoint cp = line.getCenter(); // System.out.println("Fctr=" + cp.getLatitudeAsDegrees() + " " + cp.getLongitudeAsDegrees()); assertEquals(-16.846856667399592, cp.getLatitudeAsDegrees(), EPSILON); assertEquals(179.950016846779, cp.getLongitudeAsDegrees(), EPSILON); LinearRing ring = new LinearRing(pts, true); assertTrue(ring.clippedAtDateLine()); assertEquals(cp, ring.getCenter()); }
@Test public void testAtPoles() { // create outline of antarctica List<Point> pts = new ArrayList<Point>(5); final Point firstPt = new Point(-64.2378603202, -57.1573913081); pts.add(firstPt); pts.add(new Point(-70.2956070281, 26.0747738693)); pts.add(new Point(-66.346745474, 129.2349114494)); pts.add(new Point(-72.8459462179, -125.7310989568)); pts.add(firstPt); Line line = new Line(pts); Geodetic2DPoint cp = line.getCenter(); // (1� 45' 7" E, 68� 32' 31" S) -68.54190326905 1.7519062462999895 // System.out.println("Fctr=" + cp + " " + cp.getLatitudeAsDegrees() + " " + // cp.getLongitudeAsDegrees()); Geodetic2DBounds bbox = line.getBoundingBox(); // bbox=(125� 43' 52" W, 72� 50' 45" S) .. (129� 14' 6" E, 64� 14' 16" S) assertTrue(bbox != null && bbox.contains(cp)); // LinearRing ring = new LinearRing(pts, true); // -> Error: LinearRing cannot self-intersect // assertEquals(cp, ring.getCenter()); }