Exemple #1
  * Display atom-atom mapping numbers on a reaction. Each atom map index is loaded from the
  * property {@link CDKConstants#ATOM_ATOM_MAPPING}.
  * <p>Note: A depiction can not have both atom numbers and atom maps visible (but this can be
  * achieved by manually setting the annotation).
  * @return new generator for method chaining
  * @see #withAtomNumbers()
  * @see CDKConstants#ATOM_ATOM_MAPPING
  * @see StandardGenerator#ANNOTATION_LABEL
 public DepictionGenerator withAtomMapNumbers() {
   if (annotateAtomNum)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Can not annotated atom maps, atom numbers or values are already annotated");
   DepictionGenerator copy = new DepictionGenerator(this);
   copy.annotateAtomMap = true;
   return copy;
Exemple #2
  * Specify a desired size of depiction. The units depend on the output format with raster images
  * using pixels and vector graphics using millimeters. By default depictions are only ever made
  * smaller if you would also like to make depictions fill all available space use the {@link
  * #withFillToFit()} option.
  * <p>
  * <p>Currently the size must either both be precisely specified (e.g. 256x256) or automatic (e.g.
  * {@link #AUTOMATIC}x{@link #AUTOMATIC}) you cannot for example specify a fixed height and
  * automatic width.
  * @param w max width
  * @param h max height
  * @return new generator for method chaining
  * @see #withFillToFit()
 public DepictionGenerator withSize(double w, double h) {
   if (w < 0 && h >= 0 || h < 0 && w >= 0)
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Width and height must either both be automatic or both specified");
   DepictionGenerator copy = new DepictionGenerator(this);
   copy.dimensions = w == AUTOMATIC ? Dimensions.AUTOMATIC : new Dimensions(w, h);
   return copy;
Exemple #3
   * Depict a set of molecules, they will be depicted in a grid with the specified number of rows
   * and columns. Rows are filled first and then columns.
   * @param mols molecules
   * @param nrow number of rows
   * @param ncol number of columns
   * @return depiction
   * @throws CDKException a depiction could not be generated
  public Depiction depict(Iterable<IAtomContainer> mols, int nrow, int ncol) throws CDKException {

    int molId = 0;
    for (IAtomContainer mol : mols) {
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.ID_KEY, "mol" + ++molId);

    // ensure we have coordinates, generate them if not
    // we also rescale the molecules such that all bond
    // lengths are the same.
    List<Double> scaleFactors = prepareCoords(mols);

    // highlight parts
    for (Map.Entry<IChemObject, Color> e : highlight.entrySet())
      e.getKey().setProperty(StandardGenerator.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, e.getValue());

    // setup the model scale
    List<IAtomContainer> molList = FluentIterable.from(mols).toList();
    DepictionGenerator copy =
        this.withParam(BasicSceneGenerator.Scale.class, caclModelScale(molList));

    // generate bound rendering elements
    final RendererModel model = copy.getModel();
    final List<Bounds> molElems = copy.generate(molList, model, 1);

    // reset molecule coordinates
    resetCoords(mols, scaleFactors);

    // generate titles (if enabled)
    final List<Bounds> titles = new ArrayList<>();
    if (copy.getParameterValue(BasicSceneGenerator.ShowMoleculeTitle.class)) {
      for (IAtomContainer mol : mols)
        titles.add(copy.generateTitle(mol, model.get(BasicSceneGenerator.Scale.class)));

    // remove current highlight buffer
    for (IChemObject obj : this.highlight.keySet())

    return new MolGridDepiction(model, molElems, titles, dimensions, nrow, ncol);
Exemple #4
  * Specifies that reactions with atom-atom mappings should have their reactants/product
  * coordinates aligned. Default: true.
  * @param val setting value
  * @return new generator for method chaining
 public DepictionGenerator withMappedRxnAlign(boolean val) {
   DepictionGenerator copy = new DepictionGenerator(this);
   copy.alignMappedReactions = val;
   return copy;
Exemple #5
  * Adds to the highlight the coloring of reaction atom-maps. The optional color array is used as
  * the pallet with which to highlight. If none is provided a set of high-contrast colors will be
  * used.
  * @param colors array of colors
  * @return new generator for method chaining
  * @see #withAtomMapNumbers()
  * @see #withAtomMapHighlight()
 public DepictionGenerator withAtomMapHighlight(Color[] colors) {
   DepictionGenerator copy = new DepictionGenerator(this);
   copy.highlightAtomMap = true;
   copy.atomMapColors = Arrays.copyOf(colors, colors.length);
   return copy;
Exemple #6
   * Depict a reaction.
   * @param rxn reaction instance
   * @return depiction
   * @throws CDKException a depiction could not be generated
  public Depiction depict(IReaction rxn) throws CDKException {

    ensure2dLayout(rxn); // can reorder components!

    final Color fgcol =
            .getAtomColor(rxn.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtom.class, "C"));

    final List<IAtomContainer> reactants = toList(rxn.getReactants());
    final List<IAtomContainer> products = toList(rxn.getProducts());
    final List<IAtomContainer> agents = toList(rxn.getAgents());

    // set ids for tagging elements
    int molId = 0;
    for (IAtomContainer mol : reactants) {
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.ID_KEY, "mol" + ++molId);
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.CLASS_KEY, "reactant");
    for (IAtomContainer mol : products) {
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.ID_KEY, "mol" + ++molId);
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.CLASS_KEY, "product");
    for (IAtomContainer mol : agents) {
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.ID_KEY, "mol" + ++molId);
      setIfMissing(mol, MarkedElement.CLASS_KEY, "agent");

    final Map<IChemObject, Color> myHighlight = new HashMap<>();
    if (highlightAtomMap) {
      myHighlight.putAll(makeHighlightAtomMap(reactants, products));
    // user highlight buffer pushes out the atom-map highlight if provided

    final List<Double> reactantScales = prepareCoords(reactants);
    final List<Double> productScales = prepareCoords(products);
    final List<Double> agentScales = prepareCoords(agents);

    // highlight parts
    for (Map.Entry<IChemObject, Color> e : myHighlight.entrySet())
      e.getKey().setProperty(StandardGenerator.HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, e.getValue());

    // setup the model scale based on bond length
    final double scale = this.caclModelScale(rxn);
    final DepictionGenerator copy = this.withParam(BasicSceneGenerator.Scale.class, scale);
    final RendererModel model = copy.getModel();

    // reactant/product/agent element generation, we number the reactants, then products then agents
    List<Bounds> reactantBounds = copy.generate(reactants, model, 1);
    List<Bounds> productBounds =
        copy.generate(toList(rxn.getProducts()), model, rxn.getReactantCount());
    List<Bounds> agentBounds =
            toList(rxn.getAgents()), model, rxn.getReactantCount() + rxn.getProductCount());

    // remove current highlight buffer
    for (IChemObject obj : myHighlight.keySet())

    // generate a 'plus' element
    Bounds plus = copy.generatePlusSymbol(scale, fgcol);

    // reset the coordinates to how they were before we invoked depict
    resetCoords(reactants, reactantScales);
    resetCoords(products, productScales);
    resetCoords(agents, agentScales);

    final Bounds emptyBounds = new Bounds();
    final Bounds title =
            ? copy.generateTitle(rxn, scale)
            : emptyBounds;
    final List<Bounds> reactantTitles = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<Bounds> productTitles = new ArrayList<>();
    if (copy.getParameterValue(BasicSceneGenerator.ShowMoleculeTitle.class)) {
      for (IAtomContainer reactant : reactants)
        reactantTitles.add(copy.generateTitle(reactant, scale));
      for (IAtomContainer product : products) productTitles.add(copy.generateTitle(product, scale));

    final Bounds conditions =
        generateReactionConditions(rxn, fgcol, model.get(BasicSceneGenerator.Scale.class));

    return new ReactionDepiction(
Exemple #7
  * Low-level option method to set a rendering model parameter.
  * @param key option key
  * @param value option value
  * @param <T> option key type
  * @param <U> option value type
  * @return new generator for method chaining
 public <T extends IGeneratorParameter<S>, S, U extends S> DepictionGenerator withParam(
     Class<T> key, U value) {
   DepictionGenerator copy = new DepictionGenerator(this);
   copy.setParam(key, value);
   return copy;