public void onEvent(List<RemoteException> events, RemoteException lastInserted) { for (RemoteException e : events) { if (e instanceof RemoteNotReachableException) { log.warning(e.getMessage()); down = true; this.errors.clear(); } if (e instanceof RemoteUnregisterException) { log.warning(e.getMessage()); Registry registry = this.getRegistry(); registry.removeIfPresent(this); } } }
@Test public void proxyTimeout() throws InterruptedException { Registry registry = Registry.newInstance(); registry.getConfiguration().getAllParams().put(RegistrationRequest.TIME_OUT, 1); RegistrationRequest req ="-role", "webdriver", "-A", "valueA"); req.getConfiguration().put(ID, "abc"); req.getConfiguration().put(RegistrationRequest.PROXY_CLASS, DefaultRemoteProxy.class.getName()); BaseRemoteProxy p = BaseRemoteProxy.getNewInstance(req, registry); TestSession newSession = p.getNewSession(new HashMap<String, Object>()); assertNotNull(newSession); Thread.sleep(2); p.forceSlotCleanerRun(); assertTrue(p.getRegistry().getActiveSessions().isEmpty()); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void invalidNodePollingValue() { Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<String, Object>(); config.put(ID, "abc"); config.put(RegistrationRequest.NODE_POLLING, "abc"); RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(); req.setConfiguration(config); new DefaultRemoteProxy(req, Registry.newInstance()); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void invalidUnregisterIfStillDownValue() { Map<String, Object> config = new HashMap<String, Object>(); config.put(ID, "abc"); config.put(RegistrationRequest.NODE_POLLING, 100); config.put(RegistrationRequest.UNREGISTER_IF_STILL_DOWN_AFTER, "abc"); RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(); req.setConfiguration(config); new DefaultRemoteProxy(req, Registry.newInstance()); }
@BeforeClass public static void prepare() throws Exception { hub = GridTestHelper.getHub(); registry = hub.getRegistry(); registry.setThrowOnCapabilityNotPresent(false); remote = GridTestHelper.getRemoteWithoutCapabilities(hub.getUrl(), GridRole.NODE); remote.setMaxConcurrent(100); DesiredCapabilities caps = null; // firefox caps = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); caps.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.BINARY, locationFF7); caps.setVersion("7"); remote.addBrowser(caps, 1); caps = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); caps.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.BINARY, locationFF3); caps.setVersion("3"); remote.addBrowser(caps, 1); caps = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); caps.setCapability(FirefoxDriver.BINARY, "should be overwritten"); caps.setVersion("20"); remote.addBrowser(caps, 1); // chrome caps =; caps.setCapability("chrome_binary", locationChrome27); caps.setVersion("27"); remote.addBrowser(caps, 1); caps =; caps.setCapability("chrome_binary", locationChrome29); caps.setVersion("29"); remote.addBrowser(caps, 2); caps =; caps.setCapability("chrome_binary", "should be overwritten"); caps.setVersion("30"); remote.addBrowser(caps, 1); remote.setRemoteServer(new SeleniumServer(remote.getConfiguration())); remote.startRemoteServer(); remote.sendRegistrationRequest(); RegistryTestHelper.waitForNode(registry, 1); }
/** how to setup a grid that does not use FIFO for the requests. */ public class WebDriverPriorityDemo { private Hub hub = Hub.getNewInstanceForTest(PortProber.findFreePort(), Registry.getNewInstanceForTestOnly()); private URL hubURL = hub.getUrl(); // start a small grid that only has 1 testing slot : firefox @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) public void prepare() throws Exception { hub.start(); hubURL = new URL("http://" + hub.getHost() + ":" + hub.getPort()); SelfRegisteringRemote remote = SelfRegisteringRemote.create( SeleniumProtocol.WebDriver, PortProber.findFreePort(), hub.getRegistrationURL()); remote.addFirefoxSupport(null); remote.setMaxConcurrentSession(1); remote.setTimeout(-1, -1); remote.launchRemoteServer(); remote.registerToHub(); // assigning a priority rule where requests with the flag "important" // go first. hub.getRegistry() .setPrioritizer( new Prioritizer() { public int compareTo(Map<String, Object> a, Map<String, Object> b) { boolean aImportant = a.get("important") == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(a.get("important").toString()); boolean bImportant = b.get("important") == null ? false : Boolean.parseBoolean(b.get("important").toString()); if (aImportant == bImportant) { return 0; } if (aImportant && !bImportant) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } }); } WebDriver runningOne; // mark the grid 100% busy = having 1 firefox test running. @Test public void test() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException { DesiredCapabilities ff = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); runningOne = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL + "/grid/driver"), ff); runningOne.get(hubURL + "/grid/console"); Assert.assertEquals(runningOne.getTitle(), "Grid overview"); } // queuing 5 requests on the grid. @Test(dependsOnMethods = "test") public void sendMoreRequests() throws MalformedURLException { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { DesiredCapabilities ff = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); try { new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL + "/grid/driver"), ff); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }) .start(); } } WebDriver importantOne; boolean importantOneStarted = false; // adding a request with high priority at the end of the queue @Test(dependsOnMethods = "sendMoreRequests", timeOut = 30000) public void sendTheImportantOne() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException { while (hub.getRegistry().getNewSessionRequests().size() != 5) { Thread.sleep(250); } Assert.assertEquals(hub.getRegistry().getNewSessionRequests().size(), 5); Assert.assertEquals(hub.getRegistry().getActiveSessions().size(), 1); final DesiredCapabilities ff = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); ff.setCapability("important", true); new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { try { importantOne = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL + "/grid/driver"), ff); importantOneStarted = true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("bug", e); } } }) .start(); } // then 5 more non-important requests @Test(dependsOnMethods = "sendTheImportantOne") public void sendMoreRequests2() throws MalformedURLException { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { new Thread( new Runnable() { public void run() { DesiredCapabilities ff = DesiredCapabilities.firefox(); try { new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(hubURL + "/grid/driver"), ff); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }) .start(); } } @Test(dependsOnMethods = "sendMoreRequests2", timeOut = 20000) public void validateStateAndPickTheImportantOne() throws InterruptedException { try { while (hub.getRegistry().getNewSessionRequests().size() != 11) { Thread.sleep(500); } // queue = 5 + 1 important + 5. Assert.assertEquals(hub.getRegistry().getNewSessionRequests().size(), 11); // 1 firefox still running Assert.assertEquals(hub.getRegistry().getActiveSessions().size(), 1); // closing the running test. runningOne.quit(); // validating new expected state while (!(hub.getRegistry().getActiveSessions().size() == 1 && hub.getRegistry().getNewSessionRequests().size() == 10)) { Thread.sleep(250); Reporter.log("waiting for correct state."); } // TODO freynaud : sometines does not start. FF pops up, but address bar remains empty. while (!importantOneStarted) { Thread.sleep(250); Reporter.log("waiting for browser to start"); } importantOne.get(hubURL + "/grid/console"); Assert.assertEquals(importantOne.getTitle(), "Grid overview"); } finally { // cleaning the queue to avoid having some browsers left over after // the test hub.getRegistry().getNewSessionRequests().clear(); importantOne.quit(); } } @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true) public void stop() throws Exception { hub.stop(); } }
public class RemoteProxyInheritanceTest { private Registry registry = Registry.newInstance(); @Test public void defaultToRemoteProxy() { GridNodeConfiguration nodeConfiguration = new GridNodeConfiguration(); new JCommander(nodeConfiguration, "-role", "webdriver", "-host", "localhost"); RegistrationRequest res =; res.getCapabilities().clear(); RegistrationRequest req = res; Map<String, Object> app1 = new HashMap<>(); GridNodeConfiguration config = new GridNodeConfiguration(); app1.put(CapabilityType.APPLICATION_NAME, "app1"); req.addDesiredCapability(app1); req.setConfiguration(config); // requires Custom1 & Custom1 set in config to work. RemoteProxy p = BaseRemoteProxy.getNewInstance(req, registry); assertEquals(BaseRemoteProxy.class, p.getClass()); } @Test public void existing() { Map<String, Object> app1 = new HashMap<>(); GridNodeConfiguration config = new GridNodeConfiguration(); app1.put(CapabilityType.APPLICATION_NAME, "app1"); config.proxy = "org.openqa.grid.plugin.MyRemoteProxy"; config.custom.put("Custom1", "A"); config.custom.put("Custom2", "B"); RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(); req.addDesiredCapability(app1); req.setConfiguration(config); RemoteProxy p = BaseRemoteProxy.getNewInstance(req, registry); assertEquals(p.getClass(), MyRemoteProxy.class); MyRemoteProxy myRemoteProxy = (MyRemoteProxy) p; assertEquals("A", myRemoteProxy.getCustom1()); assertEquals("B", myRemoteProxy.getCustom2()); assertEquals("A", myRemoteProxy.getConfig().custom.get("Custom1")); assertEquals("B", myRemoteProxy.getConfig().custom.get("Custom2")); } @Test(expected = InvalidParameterException.class) public void notExisting() { Map<String, Object> app1 = new HashMap<>(); GridNodeConfiguration config = new GridNodeConfiguration(); app1.put(CapabilityType.APPLICATION_NAME, "app1"); config.proxy = "I Don't exist"; RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(); req.addDesiredCapability(app1); req.setConfiguration(config); BaseRemoteProxy.getNewInstance(req, registry); } @Test(expected = InvalidParameterException.class) public void notExtendingProxyExisting() { Map<String, Object> app1 = new HashMap<>(); GridNodeConfiguration config = new GridNodeConfiguration(); app1.put(CapabilityType.APPLICATION_NAME, "app1"); config.proxy = "java.lang.String"; RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(); req.addDesiredCapability(app1); req.setConfiguration(config); BaseRemoteProxy.getNewInstance(req, registry); } // when some mandatory param are missing -> InvalidParameterException @Test(expected = InvalidParameterException.class) public void badConfig() { Map<String, Object> app1 = new HashMap<>(); GridNodeConfiguration config = new GridNodeConfiguration(); app1.put(CapabilityType.APPLICATION_NAME, "app1"); config.proxy = "I Don't exist"; RegistrationRequest req = new RegistrationRequest(); req.addDesiredCapability(app1); req.setConfiguration(config); // requires Custom1 & Custom1 set in config to work. BaseRemoteProxy.getNewInstance(req, registry); } @After public void tearDown() { registry.stop(); } }
@After public void tearDown() { registry.stop(); }