private Collection<Token> performTest(String sourceCode, final int offset, boolean[] wasResolved) throws Exception { FileObject root = makeScratchDir(this); FileObject sourceDir = root.createFolder("src"); FileObject buildDir = root.createFolder("build"); FileObject cacheDir = root.createFolder("cache"); source = sourceDir.createFolder("test").createData(""); writeIntoFile(source, sourceCode); SourceUtilsTestUtil.prepareTest(sourceDir, buildDir, cacheDir, new FileObject[0]); DataObject od = DataObject.find(source); EditorCookie ec = od.getCookie(EditorCookie.class); Document doc = ec.openDocument(); doc.putProperty(Language.class, JavaTokenId.language()); doc.putProperty("mimeType", "text/x-java"); return InstantRenamePerformer.computeChangePoints( SourceUtilsTestUtil.getCompilationInfo(JavaSource.forFileObject(source), Phase.RESOLVED), offset, wasResolved); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(PhpModule phpModule) { // Check CakePHP project if (!CakePhpUtils.isCakePHP(phpModule)) { return; } // get EditorCookie Lookup lookup = Utilities.actionsGlobalContext(); EditorCookie context = lookup.lookup(EditorCookie.class); if (context == null) { return; } Document doc = context.getDocument(); if (doc == null) { return; } reformat(doc); // Change line feed if (!BaseDocument.LS_LF.equals(doc.getProperty(BaseDocument.READ_LINE_SEPARATOR_PROP))) { doc.putProperty(BaseDocument.READ_LINE_SEPARATOR_PROP, BaseDocument.LS_LF); } }
/** isDocumentModified */ public boolean isDocumentModified() throws CollabException { boolean isModified = false; EditorCookie cookie = getEditorCookie(); if (cookie != null) { isModified = cookie.isModified(); } Debug.log( this, "CollabJavaHandler, isModified: " + isModified + " for file " + getName()); // NoI18n return isModified; }
public MarkOccurrencesHighlighter(Document doc) { rp = new RequestProcessor(MarkOccurrencesHighlighter.class); bag = new OffsetsBag(doc); weakDoc = new WeakReference<Document>((Document) doc); DataObject dobj = NbEditorUtilities.getDataObject(weakDoc.get()); if (dobj != null) { EditorCookie pane = dobj.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class); JEditorPane[] panes = pane.getOpenedPanes(); if (panes != null && panes.length > 0) { comp = panes[0]; comp.addCaretListener(this); } } }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (null == this.context || null == this.context.getDocument()) { return; } final StyledDocument document = context.getDocument(); DocumentGenerator.RegenerateALL(document); }
/** saveDocument */ public boolean saveDocument() throws CollabException { Debug.log( this, // NoI18n "CollabJavaHandler, saving document: " + getName()); // NoI18n try { EditorCookie cookie = getEditorCookie(); if (cookie != null) { cookie.saveDocument(); } } catch (IOException iox) { Debug.log( this, // NoI18n "CollabJavaHandler, Exception occured while saving the document: " // NoI18n + getName()); // NoI18n return false; } return true; }
/** * return document object for this file * * @throws CollabException * @return document */ public StyledDocument getDocument() throws CollabException { try { FileObject file = getFileObject(); // Get the DataObject DataObject dataObject = DataObject.find(file); if (dataObject == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No DataObject found for file \"" + getName() + "\""); } // Get the Swing document for the file EditorCookie cookie = (EditorCookie) dataObject.getCookie(EditorCookie.class); StyledDocument document = cookie.openDocument(); return document; } catch (org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException notFound) { throw new CollabException(notFound); } catch ( io) { throw new CollabException(io); } }
public void run() { if (lp == null || ec == null) return; StyledDocument doc; try { doc = ec.openDocument(); } catch (IOException ex) { return; } JEditorPane ep = EditorContextDispatcher.getDefault().getCurrentEditor(); if (ep == null) return; int offset; String expression = getIdentifier( doc, ep, offset = NbDocument.findLineOffset(doc, lp.getLine().getLineNumber()) + lp.getColumn()); if (expression == null) return; DebuggerEngine currentEngine = DebuggerManager.getDebuggerManager().getCurrentEngine(); if (currentEngine == null) return; JPDADebugger d = currentEngine.lookupFirst(null, JPDADebugger.class); if (d == null) return; JPDAThread t = d.getCurrentThread(); if (t == null || !t.isSuspended()) return; String toolTipText = null; try { Variable v = null; List<Operation> operations = t.getLastOperations(); if (operations != null) { for (Operation operation : operations) { if (!expression.endsWith(operation.getMethodName())) { continue; } if (operation.getMethodStartPosition().getOffset() <= offset && offset <= operation.getMethodEndPosition().getOffset()) { v = operation.getReturnValue(); } } } if (v == null) { v = d.evaluate(expression); } String type = v.getType(); if (v instanceof ObjectVariable) try { String toString = null; try { java.lang.reflect.Method toStringMethod = v.getClass() .getMethod( "getToStringValue", // NOI18N new Class[] {Integer.TYPE}); toStringMethod.setAccessible(true); toString = (String) toStringMethod.invoke(v, TO_STRING_LENGTH_LIMIT); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } if (toString == null) { toString = ((ObjectVariable) v).getToStringValue(); } toolTipText = expression + " = " + (type.length() == 0 ? "" : "(" + type + ") ") + toString; } catch (InvalidExpressionException ex) { toolTipText = expression + " = " + (type.length() == 0 ? "" : "(" + type + ") ") + v.getValue(); } else toolTipText = expression + " = " + (type.length() == 0 ? "" : "(" + type + ") ") + v.getValue(); } catch (InvalidExpressionException e) { toolTipText = expression + " = >" + e.getMessage() + "<"; } firePropertyChange(PROP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION, null, toolTipText); }
public static List<ErrorDescription> runFindBugs( CompilationInfo info, Preferences customSettings, String singleBug, FileObject sourceRoot, Iterable<? extends String> classNames, FindBugsProgress progress, SigFilesValidator validator) { List<ErrorDescription> result = new ArrayList<ErrorDescription>(); try { Class.forName( "org.netbeans.modules.findbugs.NbClassFactory", true, RunFindBugs.class.getClassLoader()); // NOI18N Project p = new Project(); URL[] binaryRoots = CacheBinaryForSourceQuery.findCacheBinaryRoots(sourceRoot.toURL()).getRoots(); if (classNames == null) { for (URL binary : binaryRoots) { try { p.addFile(new File(binary.toURI()).getAbsolutePath()); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } } else { ClassPath binary = ClassPathSupport.createClassPath(binaryRoots); List<FileObject> sigFiles = new ArrayList<FileObject>(); for (String className : classNames) { FileObject classFO = binary.findResource(className.replace('.', '/') + ".sig"); // NOI18N if (classFO != null) { sigFiles.add(classFO); } else { LOG.log( Level.WARNING, "Cannot find sig file for: " + className); // TODO: should probably become FINE eventually } } assert validator != null; if (!validator.validate(sigFiles)) return null; for (FileObject classFO : sigFiles) { p.addFile(new File(classFO.toURI()).getAbsolutePath()); } addCompileRootAsSource(p, sourceRoot); } ClassPath compile = ClassPath.getClassPath(sourceRoot, ClassPath.COMPILE); for (FileObject compileRoot : compile.getRoots()) { addCompileRoot(p, compileRoot); } BugCollectionBugReporter r = new BugCollectionBugReporter(p) { @Override protected void emitLine(String line) { LOG.log(Level.FINE, line); } }; r.setPriorityThreshold(Integer.MAX_VALUE); r.setRankThreshold(Integer.MAX_VALUE); FindBugs2 engine = new FindBugs2(); engine.setProject(p); engine.setNoClassOk(true); engine.setBugReporter(r); if (progress != null) { engine.setProgressCallback(progress); } boolean inEditor = validator != null; Preferences settings = customSettings != null ? customSettings : NbPreferences.forModule(RunFindBugs.class).node("global-settings"); UserPreferences preferences; if (singleBug != null) { singleBug = singleBug.substring(PREFIX_FINDBUGS.length()); preferences = forSingleBug(singleBug); } else { preferences = readPreferences(settings, customSettings != null); } if (preferences == null) { // nothing enabled, stop return result; } engine.setUserPreferences(preferences); engine.setDetectorFactoryCollection(DetectorFactoryCollection.instance()); LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Running FindBugs"); engine.execute(); Map<FileObject, List<BugInstance>> file2Bugs = new HashMap<FileObject, List<BugInstance>>(); for (BugInstance b : r.getBugCollection().getCollection()) { if (singleBug != null && !singleBug.equals(b.getBugPattern().getType())) continue; if (singleBug == null && !settings.getBoolean( b.getBugPattern().getType(), customSettings == null && isEnabledByDefault(b.getBugPattern()))) { continue; } SourceLineAnnotation sourceLine = b.getPrimarySourceLineAnnotation(); FileObject sourceFile = null; if (sourceLine != null) { sourceFile = sourceRoot.getFileObject(sourceLine.getSourcePath()); if (sourceFile != null) { List<BugInstance> bugs = file2Bugs.get(sourceFile); if (bugs == null) { file2Bugs.put(sourceFile, bugs = new ArrayList<BugInstance>()); } bugs.add(b); } else { LOG.log( Level.WARNING, "{0}, location: {1}:{2}", new Object[] {b, sourceLine.getSourcePath(), sourceLine.getStartLine()}); } } } for (Entry<FileObject, List<BugInstance>> e : file2Bugs.entrySet()) { int[] lineOffsets = null; FileObject sourceFile = e.getKey(); DataObject d = DataObject.find(sourceFile); EditorCookie ec = d.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class); Document doc = ec.getDocument(); JavaSource js = null; for (BugInstance b : e.getValue()) { SourceLineAnnotation sourceLine = b.getPrimarySourceLineAnnotation(); if (sourceLine.getStartLine() >= 0) { LazyFixList fixes = prepareFixes(b, inEditor, sourceFile, sourceLine.getStartLine(), null); if (doc != null) { result.add( ErrorDescriptionFactory.createErrorDescription( PREFIX_FINDBUGS + b.getType(), Severity.VERIFIER, b.getMessageWithoutPrefix(), b.getBugPattern().getDetailHTML(), fixes, doc, sourceLine.getStartLine())); } else { if (lineOffsets == null) { lineOffsets = computeLineMap(sourceFile, FileEncodingQuery.getEncoding(sourceFile)); } int edLine = 2 * (Math.min(sourceLine.getStartLine(), lineOffsets.length / 2) - 1); result.add( ErrorDescriptionFactory.createErrorDescription( PREFIX_FINDBUGS + b.getType(), Severity.VERIFIER, b.getMessageWithoutPrefix(), b.getBugPattern().getDetailHTML(), fixes, sourceFile, lineOffsets[edLine], lineOffsets[edLine + 1])); } } else { if (js == null) { js = JavaSource.forFileObject(sourceFile); } addByElementAnnotation(b, info, sourceFile, js, result, inEditor); } } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.log(Level.FINE, null, ex); } return result; }
public static void overwriteFile(Node srcNode, Node destNode) throws IOException { DataObject srcDO = srcNode.getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class); FileObject srcFO = srcDO.getPrimaryFile(); DataObject destDO = destNode.getLookup().lookup(DataObject.class); FileObject destFO = destDO.getPrimaryFile(); // To avoid any confusion, save modified source first. if (srcDO.isModified()) { NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation( NbBundle.getMessage( FileNodeUtil.class, "MSG_SaveModifiedSource", srcFO.getNameExt()), // NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage(FileNodeUtil.class, "TTL_SaveModifiedSource"), // NOI18N NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(d) == NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION) { EditorCookie srcEditorCookie = srcDO.getCookie(EditorCookie.class); srcEditorCookie.saveDocument(); } } // // Alternatively, we could use the in-memory copy of the source file // EditorCookie srcEditorCookie = // (EditorCookie) srcDO.getCookie(EditorCookie.class); // Document srcDocument = srcEditorCookie.getDocument(); // if (srcDocument == null) { // Task loadTask = srcEditorCookie.prepareDocument(); // new RequestProcessor().post(loadTask); // // loadTask.waitFinished(); // srcDocument = srcEditorCookie.getDocument(); // } // String srcText = srcDocument.getText(0, srcDocument.getLength()); // From now on, we will only be using the on-disk copy of the source file. if (destDO.isModified()) { NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation( NbBundle.getMessage( FileNodeUtil.class, "MSG_OverwriteModifiedDestination", destFO.getNameExt()), // NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage(FileNodeUtil.class, "TTL_OverwriteModifiedDestination"), // NOI18N NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(d) == NotifyDescriptor.CANCEL_OPTION) { return; } EditorCookie destEditorCookie = destDO.getCookie(EditorCookie.class); InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = srcFO.getInputStream(); String srcText = getInputStreamContents(inputStream); Document outputDocument = destEditorCookie.getDocument(); try { outputDocument.remove(0, outputDocument.getLength()); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { // Ignore exception here on purpose. // One of the listener from xml module throws NPE: // at // org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.completion.GrammarManager.isGuarded( // at // org.netbeans.modules.xml.text.completion.GrammarManager.removeUpdate( // at // org.netbeans.lib.editor.util.swing.PriorityDocumentListenerList.removeUpdate( // at javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.fireRemoveUpdate( // at org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument.fireRemoveUpdate( // at org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument.remove( } outputDocument.insertString(0, srcText, null); destEditorCookie.saveDocument(); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) {; } } } else { FileLock lock = destFO.lock(); InputStream inputStream = null; OutputStream outputStream = null; try { outputStream = destFO.getOutputStream(lock); inputStream = srcFO.getInputStream(); FileUtil.copy(inputStream, outputStream); } finally { try { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } lock.releaseLock(); } catch (Exception e) {; } } } }
public static Project GetProjectFromActivatedNodes(Node[] activatedNodes) { EditorCookie ec = activatedNodes[0].getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class); return GetProjectFromDocument(ec.getDocument()); }