protected boolean _setDevice(Device device, String ipAddress, int clientPort) { /* valid device? */ if (device == null) { return false; } /* validate ID address */ DataTransport dataXPort = device.getDataTransport(); if ((ipAddress != null) && !dataXPort.isValidIPAddress(ipAddress)) { Print.logError( "Invalid IPAddr: " + device.getAccountID() + "/" + device.getDeviceID() + " Found=" + ipAddress + " Expect=" + dataXPort.getIpAddressValid()); return false; } /* update device */ this.device = device; this.dataXPort = dataXPort; this.dataXPort.setIpAddressCurrent(ipAddress); // FLD_ipAddressCurrent this.dataXPort.setRemotePortCurrent(clientPort); // FLD_remotePortCurrent this.dataXPort.setDeviceCode(this.getDeviceCode()); // FLD_deviceCode this.device.setLastTotalConnectTime(DateTime.getCurrentTimeSec()); // FLD_lastTotalConnectTime /* ok */ return true; }
protected String getSmsPhoneNumber(Device device) { if (device == null) { return null; } String smsPhone = device.getSimPhoneNumber(); return smsPhone; }
protected String getSmsEmailAddress(Device device) { if (device == null) { return null; } String toEmail = device.getSmsEmail(); return toEmail; }
/* return icon name */ public static String getIconName(Device device, int statusCode, BasicPrivateLabel pl) { /* device code */ if (device != null) { StatusCode code = device.getStatusCode(statusCode); if (code != null) { return code.getIconName(); } } /* default */ return StatusCodes.GetIconName(statusCode, pl); }
protected String getStringProperty(Device device, String key, String dft) { DCServerConfig dcs = (device != null) ? DCServerFactory.getServerConfig(device.getDeviceCode()) : null; String prop = null; if (dcs != null) { prop = dcs.getStringProperty(key, dft); Print.logInfo("DCServerConfig property '" + key + "' ==> " + prop); if (StringTools.isBlank(prop) && RTConfig.hasProperty(key)) { Print.logInfo("(RTConfig property '" + key + "' ==> " + RTConfig.getString(key, "") + ")"); } } else { prop = RTConfig.getString(key, dft); Print.logInfo("RTConfig property '" + key + "' ==> " + prop); } return prop; }
public static DBFactory<StatusCode> getFactory() { if (factory == null) { factory = DBFactory.createDBFactory( StatusCode.TABLE_NAME(), StatusCode.FieldInfo, DBFactory.KeyType.PRIMARY, StatusCode.class, StatusCode.Key.class, true /*editable*/, true /*viewable*/); factory.addParentTable(Account.TABLE_NAME()); factory.addParentTable(Device.TABLE_NAME()); factory.setFieldDefaultValue(FLD_deviceID, ALL_DEVICES); } return factory; }
/* Return status code description */ public static String getDescription( Device device, int statusCode, BasicPrivateLabel bpl, String dftDesc) { /* device code */ if (device != null) { StatusCode code = device.getStatusCode(statusCode); if (code != null) { return code.getDescription(); } } /* default */ if (!StringTools.isBlank(dftDesc)) { return dftDesc; } else { return StatusCodes.GetDescription(statusCode, bpl); } }
protected String getFromEmailAddress(Device device) { if (device == null) { return null; } return CommandPacketHandler.getFromEmailCommand(device.getAccount()); }
public static void main(String argv[]) { DBConfig.cmdLineInit(argv, true); // main String accountID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT, ""); String deviceID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_DEVICE, ""); int statusCode = RTConfig.getInt(ARG_CODE, 0); boolean anyCode = true; // RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_ECODE); /* account-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(accountID)) { Print.logError("Account-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* get account */ Account account = null; try { account = Account.getAccount(accountID); // may throw DBException if (account == null) { Print.logError("Account-ID does not exist: " + accountID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Account: " + accountID, dbe); // dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } /* device-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(deviceID) || deviceID.startsWith("/")) { deviceID = ALL_DEVICES; } /* check device existance */ if (!deviceID.equals(ALL_DEVICES)) { try { Device device = Device.getDevice(account, deviceID); // may throw DBException if (device == null) { Print.logError("Device-ID does not exist: " + accountID + " / " + deviceID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Device: " + accountID + " / " + deviceID, dbe); System.exit(99); } } /* status-code specified? */ if ((statusCode > 0) && !anyCode && !StatusCodes.IsValid(statusCode, account.getPrivateLabel())) { Print.logError("Invalid Status Code specified."); usage(); } /* statusCode specified? */ if (statusCode <= 0) { Print.logError("StatusCode not specified."); usage(); } /* statusCode exists? */ boolean statusCodeExists = false; try { statusCodeExists = StatusCode.exists(accountID, deviceID, statusCode); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error determining if StatusCode exists: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); System.exit(99); } /* option count */ int opts = 0; /* delete */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_DELETE, false)) { opts++; if (!statusCodeExists) { Print.logWarn( "StatusCode does not exist: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); Print.logWarn("Continuing with delete process ..."); } try { StatusCode.Key scKey = new StatusCode.Key(accountID, deviceID, statusCode); scKey.delete(true); // also delete dependencies (if any) Print.logInfo("StatusCode deleted: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); statusCodeExists = false; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error deleting StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* create */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_CREATE, false)) { opts++; if (statusCodeExists) { Print.logWarn( "StatusCode already exists: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); } else { try { StatusCode.createNewStatusCode(account, deviceID, statusCode); Print.logInfo("Created StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); statusCodeExists = true; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error creating StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } } } /* edit */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_EDIT, false)) { opts++; if (!statusCodeExists) { Print.logError( "StatusCode does not exist: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); } else { try { StatusCode sc = StatusCode.getStatusCode(account, deviceID, statusCode); // may throw DBException DBEdit editor = new DBEdit(sc); editor.edit(); // may throw IOException } catch (IOException ioe) { if (ioe instanceof EOFException) { Print.logError("End of input"); } else { Print.logError("IO Error"); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error editing StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); } } System.exit(0); } /* list */ if (RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_LIST)) { opts++; String listType = RTConfig.getString(ARG_LIST, null); // TODO: complete ... } /* no options specified */ if (opts == 0) { Print.logWarn("Missing options ..."); usage(); } }