public Map<String, String> read(String in) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); // client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy("", 80); ModelFactory modelFactory = RDF2Go.getModelFactory(); Model model = modelFactory.createModel(); String serviceEndPoint = "" + "London" + "&type=rdf"; GetMethod geoNameSearch = new GetMethod(serviceEndPoint); String rdf = ""; try { client.executeMethod(geoNameSearch); rdf = geoNameSearch.getResponseBodyAsString(); String rdf8 = new String(rdf.getBytes(), "UTF-8"); System.out.println(rdf8); String modelQueryString = "SELECT DISTINCT ?name ?country ?location ?map ?lat ?long WHERE { ?location <> ?name ." + "?location <> ?map ." + "?location <> ?country ." + "?location <> ?lat ." + "?location <> ?long}";; model.readFrom(new ByteArrayInputStream(rdf8.getBytes())); QueryResultTable results = model.sparqlSelect(modelQueryString); System.out.println(results.toString()); ClosableIterator<QueryRow> iter = results.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { QueryRow row =; String name = row.getValue("name").toString(); String country = row.getValue("country").toString(); String location = row.getValue("location").toString(); String map = row.getValue("location").toString(); String lat = row.getValue("lat").toString(); String longatti = row.getValue("long").toString(); result.add( name + " -> " + country + ";" + location + ";" + lat + ";" + longatti + ";" + name + ";" + name + ":" + country + ":" + location + ":" + map); } } catch (HttpException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } model.close(); // return result; return null; }
public Model toRDF2GoModel() { Model model = RDF2Go.getModelFactory().createModel();; Resource sample = this.getUri(); model.addStatement(sample, RDF.type, this.type); for (PropertyValue property : properties) { Node object; if (property.getLang() != null) { object = model.createLanguageTagLiteral(property.getValue(), property.getLang()); } else if (property.getDatatype() != null) { object = model.createDatatypeLiteral(property.getValue(), property.getDatatype()); } else { object = model.createPlainLiteral(property.getValue()); } model.addStatement(sample, property.getUri(), object); } return model; }
/** * Creates an empty RDF2Go model for a given context, and opens the connection to it * * @param contextUri context URI for the model * @return the RDF2Go model */ protected final Model createModel(URI contextUri) { return RDF2Go.getModelFactory().createModel(contextUri).open(); }
/** * Creates an empty RDF2Go model, and opens the connection to it * * @return the RDF2Go model */ protected final Model createModel() { return RDF2Go.getModelFactory().createModel().open(); }