Exemple #1
  public Set<Path> getPaths(ElementId src, ElementId dst, LinkWeight weight) {

    checkNotNull(src, ELEMENT_ID_NULL);
    checkNotNull(dst, ELEMENT_ID_NULL);

    // Get the source and destination edge locations
    EdgeLink srcEdge = getEdgeLink(src, true);
    EdgeLink dstEdge = getEdgeLink(dst, false);

    // If either edge is null, bail with no paths.
    if (srcEdge == null || dstEdge == null) {
      return ImmutableSet.of();

    DeviceId srcDevice = srcEdge != NOT_HOST ? srcEdge.dst().deviceId() : (DeviceId) src;
    DeviceId dstDevice = dstEdge != NOT_HOST ? dstEdge.src().deviceId() : (DeviceId) dst;

    // If the source and destination are on the same edge device, there
    // is just one path, so build it and return it.
    if (srcDevice.equals(dstDevice)) {
      return edgeToEdgePaths(srcEdge, dstEdge);

    // Otherwise get all paths between the source and destination edge
    // devices.
    Topology topology = topologyService.currentTopology();
    Set<Path> paths =
        weight == null
            ? topologyService.getPaths(topology, srcDevice, dstDevice)
            : topologyService.getPaths(topology, srcDevice, dstDevice, weight);

    return edgeToEdgePaths(srcEdge, dstEdge, paths);