/** @see org.olat.core.gui.components.table.TableDataModel#getValueAt(int, int) */ @Override public final Object getValueAt(final int row, final int col) { final Property p = (Property) objects.get(row); switch (col) { case 0: final Identity id = p.getIdentity(); return ((id != null) ? (p.getIdentity().getName()) : (null)); case 1: return p.getResourceTypeName(); case 2: return p .getResourceTypeId(); // may be null; in this case, the table renders nothing for this // cell; case 3: return p.getCategory(); case 4: return p.getName(); case 5: return p.getFloatValue(); case 6: return p.getStringValue(); case 7: return p.getTextValue(); case 8: return p.getCreationDate().toString(); case 9: return p.getLastModified().toString(); case 10: return p.getLongValue(); default: return "error"; } }
/** * @see * org.olat.core.commons.services.notifications.NotificationsHandler#createSubscriptionInfo(org.olat.core.commons.services.notifications.Subscriber, * java.util.Locale, java.util.Date) */ public SubscriptionInfo createSubscriptionInfo( final Subscriber subscriber, Locale locale, Date compareDate) { SubscriptionInfo si = null; Publisher p = subscriber.getPublisher(); if (!NotificationsUpgradeHelper.checkCourse(p)) { // course don't exist anymore NotificationsManager.getInstance().deactivate(p); return NotificationsManager.getInstance().getNoSubscriptionInfo(); } try { Date latestNews = p.getLatestNewsDate(); Identity identity = subscriber.getIdentity(); // do not try to create a subscription info if state is deleted - results in // exceptions, course // can't be loaded when already deleted if (NotificationsManager.getInstance().isPublisherValid(p) && compareDate.before(latestNews)) { Long courseId = new Long(p.getData()); final ICourse course = loadCourseFromId(courseId); if (course != null) { // course admins or users with the course right to have full access to // the assessment tool will have full access to user tests CourseGroupManager cgm = course.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager(); final boolean hasFullAccess = (cgm.isIdentityCourseAdministrator(identity) ? true : cgm.hasRight(identity, CourseRights.RIGHT_ASSESSMENT)); final List<Identity> coachedUsers = new ArrayList<Identity>(); if (!hasFullAccess) { // initialize list of users, only when user has not full access List<BusinessGroup> coachedGroups = cgm.getOwnedBusinessGroups(identity); BusinessGroupService businessGroupService = CoreSpringFactory.getImpl(BusinessGroupService.class); List<Identity> coachedIdentites = businessGroupService.getMembers(coachedGroups, GroupRoles.participant.name()); coachedUsers.addAll(coachedIdentites); } List<AssessableCourseNode> testNodes = getCourseTestNodes(course); Translator translator = Util.createPackageTranslator(AssessmentNotificationsHandler.class, locale); for (AssessableCourseNode test : testNodes) { final CoursePropertyManager cpm = course.getCourseEnvironment().getCoursePropertyManager(); List<Property> scoreProperties = cpm.listCourseNodeProperties(test, null, null, AssessmentManager.SCORE); List<Property> attemptProperties = cpm.listCourseNodeProperties(test, null, null, AssessmentManager.ATTEMPTS); for (Property attemptProperty : attemptProperties) { Date modDate = attemptProperty.getLastModified(); Identity assessedIdentity = attemptProperty.getIdentity(); if (modDate.after(compareDate) && (hasFullAccess || PersistenceHelper.listContainsObjectByKey( coachedUsers, assessedIdentity))) { String score = null; for (Property scoreProperty : scoreProperties) { if (scoreProperty.getIdentity().equalsByPersistableKey(assessedIdentity)) { score = scoreProperty.getFloatValue().toString(); break; } } if (test instanceof ScormCourseNode) { ScormCourseNode scormTest = (ScormCourseNode) test; // check if completed or passed String status = ScormAssessmentManager.getInstance() .getLastLessonStatus( assessedIdentity.getName(), course.getCourseEnvironment(), scormTest); if (!"passed".equals(status) && !"completed".equals(status)) { continue; } } String desc; String type = translator.translate("notifications.entry." + test.getType()); if (score == null) { desc = translator.translate( "notifications.entry.attempt", new String[] { test.getShortTitle(), NotificationHelper.getFormatedName(assessedIdentity), type }); } else { desc = translator.translate( "notifications.entry", new String[] { test.getShortTitle(), NotificationHelper.getFormatedName(assessedIdentity), score, type }); } String urlToSend = null; String businessPath = null; if (p.getBusinessPath() != null) { businessPath = p.getBusinessPath() + "[assessmentTool:0][Identity:" + assessedIdentity.getKey() + "][CourseNode:" + test.getIdent() + "]"; urlToSend = BusinessControlFactory.getInstance() .getURLFromBusinessPathString(businessPath); } SubscriptionListItem subListItem = new SubscriptionListItem( desc, urlToSend, businessPath, modDate, CSS_CLASS_USER_ICON); if (si == null) { String title = translator.translate( "notifications.header", new String[] {course.getCourseTitle()}); String css = CourseNodeFactory.getInstance() .getCourseNodeConfigurationEvenForDisabledBB(test.getType()) .getIconCSSClass(); si = new SubscriptionInfo( subscriber.getKey(), p.getType(), new TitleItem(title, css), null); } si.addSubscriptionListItem(subListItem); } } } } } if (si == null) { si = NotificationsManager.getInstance().getNoSubscriptionInfo(); } return si; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while creating assessment notifications", e); checkPublisher(p); return NotificationsManager.getInstance().getNoSubscriptionInfo(); } }