/** Method to get a condition that checks that the given fieldName is in a given timePeriod. */ public static EntityCondition getFilterByPeriodExpr(String fieldName, GenericValue timePeriod) { Timestamp fromDate; Timestamp thruDate; if (timePeriod.get("fromDate") instanceof Timestamp) { fromDate = timePeriod.getTimestamp("fromDate"); thruDate = timePeriod.getTimestamp("thruDate"); } else { fromDate = UtilDateTime.toTimestamp(timePeriod.getDate("fromDate")); thruDate = UtilDateTime.toTimestamp(timePeriod.getDate("thruDate")); } EntityConditionList betweenCondition = EntityCondition.makeCondition( EntityCondition.makeCondition(fieldName, EntityOperator.GREATER_THAN, fromDate), EntityCondition.makeCondition(fieldName, EntityOperator.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO, thruDate)); return EntityCondition.makeCondition( EntityCondition.makeCondition(fieldName, EntityOperator.NOT_EQUAL, null), betweenCondition); }
/** * Gets the end time of the recurrence rule or 0 if none. * * @return long The timestamp of the end time for this rule or 0 for none. */ public long getEndTime() { if (rule == null) { Debug.logVerbose("Rule is null.", module); return -1; } long time = 0; java.sql.Timestamp stamp = null; stamp = rule.getTimestamp("untilDateTime"); Debug.logVerbose("Stamp value: " + stamp, module); if (stamp != null) { long nanos = stamp.getNanos(); time = stamp.getTime(); time += (nanos / 1000000); } Debug.logVerbose("Returning time: " + time, module); return time; }
public static Timestamp findPartyLastLoginTime(String partyId, Delegator delegator) { try { List<GenericValue> loginHistory = delegator.findByAnd( "UserLoginHistory", UtilMisc.toMap("partyId", partyId), UtilMisc.toList("-fromDate")); GenericValue v = EntityUtil.getFirst(loginHistory); if (v != null) { return v.getTimestamp("fromDate"); } else { return null; } } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError( e, "Error while finding latest login time for party with ID [" + partyId + "]: " + e.toString(), module); return null; } }
/** * Makes a list of TrackingCodeOrder entities to be attached to the current order; called by the * createOrder event; the values in the returned List will not have the orderId set */ public static List<GenericValue> makeTrackingCodeOrders(HttpServletRequest request) { Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); java.sql.Timestamp nowStamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(); List<GenericValue> trackingCodeOrders = FastList.newInstance(); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); Timestamp affiliateReferredTimeStamp = null; String siteId = null; String isBillable = null; String trackingCodeId = null; if (cookies != null && cookies.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { String cookieName = cookies[i].getName(); Debug.logInfo(" cookieName is " + cookieName, module); Debug.logInfo(" cookieValue is " + cookies[i].getValue(), module); // find the siteId cookie if it exists if ("Ofbiz.TKCD.SiteId".equals(cookieName)) { siteId = cookies[i].getValue(); } // find the referred timestamp cookie if it exists if ("Ofbiz.TKCD.UpdatedTimeStamp".equals(cookieName)) { String affiliateReferredTime = cookies[i].getValue(); if (affiliateReferredTime != null && !affiliateReferredTime.equals("")) { try { affiliateReferredTimeStamp = Timestamp.valueOf(affiliateReferredTime); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Debug.logError( e, "Error parsing affiliateReferredTimeStamp value from cookie", module); } } } // find any that start with TKCDB_ for billable tracking code cookies with isBillable=Y // also and for each TKCDT_ cookie that doesn't have a corresponding billable code add it to // the list with isBillable=N // This cookie value keeps trackingCodeId if (cookieName.startsWith("TKCDB_")) { isBillable = "Y"; trackingCodeId = cookies[i].getValue(); } else if (cookieName.startsWith("TKCDT_")) { isBillable = "N"; trackingCodeId = cookies[i].getValue(); } } } GenericValue trackingCode = null; try { trackingCode = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache( "TrackingCode", UtilMisc.toMap("trackingCodeId", trackingCodeId)); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError( e, "Error looking up TrackingCode with trackingCodeId [" + trackingCodeId + "], ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); } if (trackingCode != null) { // check effective dates if (trackingCode.get("fromDate") != null && nowStamp.before(trackingCode.getTimestamp("fromDate"))) { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has not yet gone into effect, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); } if (trackingCode.get("thruDate") != null && nowStamp.after(trackingCode.getTimestamp("thruDate"))) { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has expired, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); } GenericValue trackingCodeOrder = delegator.makeValue( "TrackingCodeOrder", UtilMisc.toMap( "trackingCodeTypeId", trackingCode.get("trackingCodeTypeId"), "trackingCodeId", trackingCodeId, "isBillable", isBillable, "siteId", siteId, "hasExported", "N", "affiliateReferredTimeStamp", affiliateReferredTimeStamp)); Debug.logInfo(" trackingCodeOrder is " + trackingCodeOrder, module); trackingCodeOrders.add(trackingCodeOrder); } else { // Only log an error if there was a trackingCodeId to begin with if (trackingCodeId != null) { Debug.logError( "TrackingCode not found for trackingCodeId [" + trackingCodeId + "], ignoring this trackingCodeId.", module); } } return trackingCodeOrders; }
public static String checkAccessTrackingCode( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); java.sql.Timestamp nowStamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(); String trackingCodeId = request.getParameter("autoTrackingCode"); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(trackingCodeId)) trackingCodeId = request.getParameter("atc"); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(trackingCodeId)) { Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if ("TKCDT_ACCESS".equals(cookie.getName())) { trackingCodeId = cookie.getValue(); } } } } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(trackingCodeId)) { // find the tracking code object GenericValue trackingCode = null; try { trackingCode = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache( "TrackingCode", UtilMisc.toMap("trackingCodeId", trackingCodeId)); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError( e, "Error looking up TrackingCode with trackingCodeId [" + trackingCodeId + "], ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); } if (trackingCode != null) { // verify the tracking code type if ("ACCESS".equals(trackingCode.getString("trackingCodeTypeId"))) { // verify the effective date if (trackingCode.get("fromDate") != null && nowStamp.after(trackingCode.getTimestamp("fromDate"))) { if (trackingCode.get("thruDate") != null && nowStamp.before(trackingCode.getTimestamp("thruDate"))) { // tracking code is valid return "success"; } else { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has expired, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); request.setAttribute( "_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "Access code [" + trackingCodeId + "], is not valid."); } } else { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has not yet gone into effect, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); request.setAttribute( "_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "Access code [" + trackingCodeId + "], is not valid."); } } else { Debug.logWarning( "Tracking code found [" + trackingCodeId + "] but was not of the type ACCESS; access denied", module); request.setAttribute( "_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "Access code [" + trackingCodeId + "] not found."); } } else { request.setAttribute("_ERROR_MESSAGE_", "Access code [" + trackingCodeId + "] not found."); } } // no tracking code or tracking code invalid; redirect to the access page (i.e. request named // 'protect') return ":_protect_:"; }
/** * If attaching TrackingCode Cookies to the visit is desired this event should be added to the * list of events that run on the first hit in a visit. */ public static String checkTrackingCodeCookies( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); java.sql.Timestamp nowStamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(); GenericValue visit = VisitHandler.getVisit(request.getSession()); if (visit == null) { Debug.logWarning( "Could not get visit, not checking trackingCode cookies to associate with visit", module); } else { // loop through cookies and look for ones with a name that starts with TKCDT_ for trackable // cookies Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null && cookies.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { if (cookies[i].getName().startsWith("TKCDT_")) { String trackingCodeId = cookies[i].getValue(); GenericValue trackingCode; try { trackingCode = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache( "TrackingCode", UtilMisc.toMap("trackingCodeId", trackingCodeId)); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError( e, "Error looking up TrackingCode with trackingCodeId [" + trackingCodeId + "], ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); continue; } if (trackingCode == null) { Debug.logError( "TrackingCode not found for trackingCodeId [" + trackingCodeId + "], ignoring this trackingCodeId.", module); // this return value will be ignored, but we'll designate this as an error anyway continue; } // check effective dates if (trackingCode.get("fromDate") != null && nowStamp.before(trackingCode.getTimestamp("fromDate"))) { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has not yet gone into effect, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); continue; } if (trackingCode.get("thruDate") != null && nowStamp.after(trackingCode.getTimestamp("thruDate"))) { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has expired, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); continue; } // for each trackingCodeId found in this way attach to the visit with the TKCDSRC_COOKIE // sourceEnumId GenericValue trackingCodeVisit = delegator.makeValue( "TrackingCodeVisit", UtilMisc.toMap( "trackingCodeId", trackingCodeId, "visitId", visit.get("visitId"), "fromDate", nowStamp, "sourceEnumId", "TKCDSRC_COOKIE")); try { // not doing this inside a transaction, want each one possible to go in trackingCodeVisit.create(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Error while saving TrackingCodeVisit", module); // don't return error, want to get as many as possible: return "error"; } } } } } return "success"; }
private static String processTrackingCode( GenericValue trackingCode, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); String trackingCodeId = trackingCode.getString("trackingCodeId"); // check effective dates java.sql.Timestamp nowStamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(); if (trackingCode.get("fromDate") != null && nowStamp.before(trackingCode.getTimestamp("fromDate"))) { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has not yet gone into effect, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); return "success"; } if (trackingCode.get("thruDate") != null && nowStamp.after(trackingCode.getTimestamp("thruDate"))) { if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo( "The TrackingCode with ID [" + trackingCodeId + "] has expired, ignoring this trackingCodeId", module); return "success"; } // persist that info by associating with the current visit GenericValue visit = VisitHandler.getVisit(request.getSession()); if (visit == null) { Debug.logWarning( "Could not get visit, not associating trackingCode [" + trackingCodeId + "] with visit", module); } else { GenericValue trackingCodeVisit = delegator.makeValue( "TrackingCodeVisit", UtilMisc.toMap( "trackingCodeId", trackingCodeId, "visitId", visit.get("visitId"), "fromDate", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(), "sourceEnumId", "TKCDSRC_URL_PARAM")); try { trackingCodeVisit.create(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Error while saving TrackingCodeVisit", module); } } // write trackingCode cookies with the value set to the trackingCodeId // NOTE: just write these cookies and if others exist from other tracking codes they will be // overwritten, ie only keep the newest // load the properties from the website entity String cookieDomain = null; String webSiteId = WebSiteWorker.getWebSiteId(request); if (webSiteId != null) { try { GenericValue webSite = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache("WebSite", UtilMisc.toMap("webSiteId", webSiteId)); if (webSite != null) { cookieDomain = webSite.getString("cookieDomain"); } } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logWarning( e, "Problems with WebSite entity; using global default cookie domain", module); } } if (cookieDomain == null) { cookieDomain = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("url", "cookie.domain", ""); } // if trackingCode.trackableLifetime not null and is > 0 write a trackable cookie with name in // the form: TKCDT_{trackingCode.trackingCodeTypeId} and timeout will be // trackingCode.trackableLifetime Long trackableLifetime = trackingCode.getLong("trackableLifetime"); if (trackableLifetime != null && (trackableLifetime.longValue() > 0 || trackableLifetime.longValue() == -1)) { Cookie trackableCookie = new Cookie( "TKCDT_" + trackingCode.getString("trackingCodeTypeId"), trackingCode.getString("trackingCodeId")); if (trackableLifetime.longValue() > 0) trackableCookie.setMaxAge(trackableLifetime.intValue()); trackableCookie.setPath("/"); if (cookieDomain.length() > 0) trackableCookie.setDomain(cookieDomain); response.addCookie(trackableCookie); } // if trackingCode.billableLifetime not null and is > 0 write a billable cookie with name in the // form: TKCDB_{trackingCode.trackingCodeTypeId} and timeout will be // trackingCode.billableLifetime Long billableLifetime = trackingCode.getLong("billableLifetime"); if (billableLifetime != null && (billableLifetime.longValue() > 0 || billableLifetime.longValue() == -1)) { Cookie billableCookie = new Cookie( "TKCDB_" + trackingCode.getString("trackingCodeTypeId"), trackingCode.getString("trackingCodeId")); if (billableLifetime.longValue() > 0) billableCookie.setMaxAge(billableLifetime.intValue()); billableCookie.setPath("/"); if (cookieDomain.length() > 0) billableCookie.setDomain(cookieDomain); response.addCookie(billableCookie); } // if site id exist in cookies then it is not required to create it, if exist with different // site then create it int siteIdCookieAge = (60 * 60 * 24 * 365); // should this be configurable? String siteId = request.getParameter("siteId"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(siteId)) { String visitorSiteIdCookieName = "Ofbiz.TKCD.SiteId"; String visitorSiteId = null; // first try to get the current ID from the visitor cookie javax.servlet.http.Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { if (cookies[i].getName().equals(visitorSiteIdCookieName)) { visitorSiteId = cookies[i].getValue(); break; } } } if (visitorSiteId == null || (visitorSiteId != null && !visitorSiteId.equals(siteId))) { // if trackingCode.siteId is not null write a trackable cookie with name in the form: // Ofbiz.TKCSiteId and timeout will be 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 Cookie siteIdCookie = new Cookie("Ofbiz.TKCD.SiteId", siteId); siteIdCookie.setMaxAge(siteIdCookieAge); siteIdCookie.setPath("/"); if (cookieDomain.length() > 0) siteIdCookie.setDomain(cookieDomain); response.addCookie(siteIdCookie); // if trackingCode.siteId is not null write a trackable cookie with name in the form: // Ofbiz.TKCSiteId and timeout will be 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 Cookie updatedTimeStampCookie = new Cookie("Ofbiz.TKCD.UpdatedTimeStamp", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp().toString()); updatedTimeStampCookie.setMaxAge(siteIdCookieAge); updatedTimeStampCookie.setPath("/"); if (cookieDomain.length() > 0) updatedTimeStampCookie.setDomain(cookieDomain); response.addCookie(updatedTimeStampCookie); } } // if we have overridden logo, css and/or catalogId set some session attributes HttpSession session = request.getSession(); String overrideLogo = trackingCode.getString("overrideLogo"); if (overrideLogo != null) session.setAttribute("overrideLogo", overrideLogo); String overrideCss = trackingCode.getString("overrideCss"); if (overrideCss != null) session.setAttribute("overrideCss", overrideCss); String prodCatalogId = trackingCode.getString("prodCatalogId"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(prodCatalogId)) { session.setAttribute("CURRENT_CATALOG_ID", prodCatalogId); CategoryWorker.setTrail(request, FastList.<String>newInstance()); } // if forward/redirect is needed, do a response.sendRedirect and return null to tell the control // servlet to not do any other requests/views String redirectUrl = trackingCode.getString("redirectUrl"); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(redirectUrl)) { try { response.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); } catch (java.io.IOException e) { Debug.logError( e, "Could not redirect as requested in the trackingCode to: " + redirectUrl, module); } return null; } return "success"; }
/** Restores the specialized (auto-save) shopping list back into the shopping cart */ public static String restoreAutoSaveList( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { Delegator delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); LocalDispatcher dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher"); GenericValue productStore = ProductStoreWorker.getProductStore(request); if (!ProductStoreWorker.autoSaveCart(productStore)) { // if auto-save is disabled just return here return "success"; } HttpSession session = request.getSession(); ShoppingCart cart = ShoppingCartEvents.getCartObject(request); // safety check for missing required parameter. if (cart.getWebSiteId() == null) { cart.setWebSiteId(WebSiteWorker.getWebSiteId(request)); } // locate the user's identity GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin"); if (userLogin == null) { userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("autoUserLogin"); } // find the list ID String autoSaveListId = cart.getAutoSaveListId(); if (autoSaveListId == null) { try { autoSaveListId = getAutoSaveListId(delegator, dispatcher, null, userLogin, cart.getProductStoreId()); } catch (GeneralException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); } cart.setAutoSaveListId(autoSaveListId); } else if (userLogin != null) { String existingAutoSaveListId = null; try { existingAutoSaveListId = getAutoSaveListId(delegator, dispatcher, null, userLogin, cart.getProductStoreId()); } catch (GeneralException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); } if (existingAutoSaveListId != null) { if (!existingAutoSaveListId.equals(autoSaveListId)) { // Replace with existing shopping list cart.setAutoSaveListId(existingAutoSaveListId); autoSaveListId = existingAutoSaveListId; cart.setLastListRestore(null); } else { // CASE: User first login and logout and then re-login again. This condition does not // require a restore at all // because at this point items in the cart and the items in the shopping list are same so // just return. return "success"; } } } // check to see if we are okay to load this list java.sql.Timestamp lastLoad = cart.getLastListRestore(); boolean okayToLoad = autoSaveListId == null ? false : (lastLoad == null ? true : false); if (!okayToLoad && lastLoad != null) { GenericValue shoppingList = null; try { shoppingList = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("ShoppingList") .where("shoppingListId", autoSaveListId) .queryOne(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); } if (shoppingList != null) { java.sql.Timestamp lastModified = shoppingList.getTimestamp("lastAdminModified"); if (lastModified != null) { if (lastModified.after(lastLoad)) { okayToLoad = true; } if (cart.size() == 0 && lastModified.after(cart.getCartCreatedTime())) { okayToLoad = true; } } } } // load (restore) the list of we have determined it is okay to load if (okayToLoad) { String prodCatalogId = CatalogWorker.getCurrentCatalogId(request); try { addListToCart( delegator, dispatcher, cart, prodCatalogId, autoSaveListId, false, false, userLogin != null ? true : false); cart.setLastListRestore(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); } } return "success"; }
public static String addListToCart( Delegator delegator, LocalDispatcher dispatcher, ShoppingCart cart, String prodCatalogId, String shoppingListId, boolean includeChild, boolean setAsListItem, boolean append) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException { String errMsg = null; // no list; no add if (shoppingListId == null) { errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.choose_shopping_list", cart.getLocale()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg); } // get the shopping list GenericValue shoppingList = null; List<GenericValue> shoppingListItems = null; try { shoppingList = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("ShoppingList") .where("shoppingListId", shoppingListId) .queryOne(); if (shoppingList == null) { errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.error_getting_shopping_list_and_items", cart.getLocale()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg); } shoppingListItems = shoppingList.getRelated("ShoppingListItem", null, null, false); if (shoppingListItems == null) { shoppingListItems = FastList.newInstance(); } // include all items of child lists if flagged to do so if (includeChild) { List<GenericValue> childShoppingLists = shoppingList.getRelated("ChildShoppingList", null, null, false); for (GenericValue v : childShoppingLists) { List<GenericValue> items = v.getRelated("ShoppingListItem", null, null, false); shoppingListItems.addAll(items); } } } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, "Problems getting ShoppingList and ShoppingListItem records", module); errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.error_getting_shopping_list_and_items", cart.getLocale()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg); } // no items; not an error; just mention that nothing was added if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(shoppingListItems)) { errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.no_items_added", cart.getLocale()); return errMsg; } // check if we are to clear the cart first if (!append) { cart.clear(); // Prevent the system from creating a new shopping list every time the cart is restored for // anonymous user. cart.setAutoSaveListId(shoppingListId); } // get the survey info for all the items Map<String, List<String>> shoppingListSurveyInfo = getItemSurveyInfos(shoppingListItems); // add the items StringBuilder eventMessage = new StringBuilder(); for (GenericValue shoppingListItem : shoppingListItems) { String productId = shoppingListItem.getString("productId"); BigDecimal quantity = shoppingListItem.getBigDecimal("quantity"); Timestamp reservStart = shoppingListItem.getTimestamp("reservStart"); BigDecimal reservLength = shoppingListItem.getBigDecimal("reservLength"); BigDecimal reservPersons = shoppingListItem.getBigDecimal("reservPersons"); // String accommodationMapId = shoppingListItem.getString("accommodationMapId"); // String accommodationSpotId = shoppingListItem.getString("accommodationSpotId"); String configId = shoppingListItem.getString("configId"); try { String listId = shoppingListItem.getString("shoppingListId"); String itemId = shoppingListItem.getString("shoppingListItemSeqId"); Map<String, Object> attributes = FastMap.newInstance(); // list items are noted in the shopping cart if (setAsListItem) { attributes.put("shoppingListId", listId); attributes.put("shoppingListItemSeqId", itemId); } // check if we have existing survey responses to append if (shoppingListSurveyInfo.containsKey(listId + "." + itemId) && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(shoppingListSurveyInfo.get(listId + "." + itemId))) { attributes.put("surveyResponses", shoppingListSurveyInfo.get(listId + "." + itemId)); } ProductConfigWrapper configWrapper = null; if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(configId)) { configWrapper = ProductConfigWorker.loadProductConfigWrapper( delegator, dispatcher, configId, productId, cart.getProductStoreId(), prodCatalogId, cart.getWebSiteId(), cart.getCurrency(), cart.getLocale(), cart.getAutoUserLogin()); } // TODO: add code to check for survey response requirement // i cannot get the addOrDecrease function to accept a null reservStart field: i get a null // pointer exception a null constant works.... if (reservStart == null) { cart.addOrIncreaseItem( productId, null, quantity, null, null, null, null, null, null, attributes, prodCatalogId, configWrapper, null, null, null, dispatcher); } else { cart.addOrIncreaseItem( productId, null, quantity, reservStart, reservLength, reservPersons, null, null, null, null, null, attributes, prodCatalogId, configWrapper, null, null, null, dispatcher); } Map<String, Object> messageMap = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("productId", productId); errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.added_product_to_cart", messageMap, cart.getLocale()); eventMessage.append(errMsg).append("\n"); } catch (CartItemModifyException e) { Debug.logWarning( e, UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "OrderProblemsAddingItemFromListToCart", cart.getLocale())); Map<String, Object> messageMap = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("productId", productId); errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.problem_adding_product_to_cart", messageMap, cart.getLocale()); eventMessage.append(errMsg).append("\n"); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { Debug.logWarning( e, UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error, "OrderProductNotFound", cart.getLocale())); Map<String, Object> messageMap = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("productId", productId); errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage( resource_error, "shoppinglistevents.problem_adding_product_to_cart", messageMap, cart.getLocale()); eventMessage.append(errMsg).append("\n"); } } if (eventMessage.length() > 0) { return eventMessage.toString(); } // all done return ""; // no message to return; will simply reply as success }
// base deposit service public static Map<String, Object> finAccountDeposit( DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator(); Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale"); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); String productStoreId = (String) context.get("productStoreId"); String finAccountId = (String) context.get("finAccountId"); String orderItemSeqId = (String) context.get("orderItemSeqId"); String reasonEnumId = (String) context.get("reasonEnumId"); String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId"); Boolean isRefund = (Boolean) context.get("isRefund"); BigDecimal amount = (BigDecimal) context.get("amount"); final String DEPOSIT = isRefund == null || !isRefund ? "DEPOSIT" : "ADJUSTMENT"; String partyId = (String) context.get("partyId"); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(partyId)) { partyId = "_NA_"; } String currencyUom = (String) context.get("currency"); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(currencyUom)) { currencyUom = EntityUtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "general.properties", "currency.uom.id.default", "USD", delegator); } GenericValue finAccount; try { finAccount = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("FinAccount") .where("finAccountId", finAccountId) .queryOne(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountNotFound", UtilMisc.toMap("finAccountId", finAccountId), locale)); } // verify we have a financial account if (finAccount == null) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountNotFound", UtilMisc.toMap("finAccountId", ""), locale)); } // make sure the fin account itself has not expired if ((finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate") != null) && (finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate").before(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()))) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountExpired", UtilMisc.toMap("thruDate", finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate")), locale)); } Debug.logInfo("Deposit into financial account #" + finAccountId + " [" + amount + "]", module); // get the previous balance BigDecimal previousBalance = finAccount.getBigDecimal("actualBalance"); if (previousBalance == null) { previousBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; } // create the transaction BigDecimal actualBalance; String refNum; try { refNum = FinAccountPaymentServices.createFinAcctPaymentTransaction( delegator, dispatcher, userLogin, amount, productStoreId, partyId, orderId, orderItemSeqId, currencyUom, DEPOSIT, finAccountId, reasonEnumId); finAccount.refresh(); actualBalance = finAccount.getBigDecimal("actualBalance"); } catch (GeneralException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } // make sure balance is not null if (actualBalance == null) { actualBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; } else { if (actualBalance.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) { // balance went below zero, set negative pending replenishment status so that no more auths // or captures will go through until it is replenished try { Map<String, Object> rollbackCtx = UtilMisc.toMap( "userLogin", userLogin, "finAccountId", finAccountId, "statusId", "FNACT_NEGPENDREPL"); dispatcher.addRollbackService("updateFinAccount", rollbackCtx, true); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } } } Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); result.put("previousBalance", previousBalance); result.put("balance", actualBalance); result.put("amount", amount); result.put("processResult", Boolean.TRUE); result.put("referenceNum", refNum); return result; }
// base account transaction services public static Map<String, Object> finAccountWithdraw( DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator(); Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale"); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); String productStoreId = (String) context.get("productStoreId"); String finAccountId = (String) context.get("finAccountId"); String orderItemSeqId = (String) context.get("orderItemSeqId"); String reasonEnumId = (String) context.get("reasonEnumId"); String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId"); Boolean requireBalance = (Boolean) context.get("requireBalance"); BigDecimal amount = (BigDecimal) context.get("amount"); if (requireBalance == null) requireBalance = Boolean.TRUE; final String WITHDRAWAL = "WITHDRAWAL"; String partyId = (String) context.get("partyId"); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(partyId)) { partyId = "_NA_"; } String currencyUom = (String) context.get("currency"); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(currencyUom)) { currencyUom = EntityUtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "general.properties", "currency.uom.id.default", "USD", delegator); } // validate the amount if (amount.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountMustBePositive", locale)); } GenericValue finAccount; try { finAccount = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("FinAccount") .where("finAccountId", finAccountId) .queryOne(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } // verify we have a financial account if (finAccount == null) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountNotFound", UtilMisc.toMap("finAccountId", ""), locale)); } // make sure the fin account itself has not expired if ((finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate") != null) && (finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate").before(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()))) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountExpired", UtilMisc.toMap("thruDate", finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate")), locale)); } // check the actual balance (excluding authorized amounts) and create the transaction if it is // sufficient BigDecimal previousBalance = finAccount.getBigDecimal("actualBalance"); if (previousBalance == null) { previousBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; } BigDecimal balance; String refNum; Boolean procResult; if (requireBalance && previousBalance.compareTo(amount) < 0) { procResult = Boolean.FALSE; balance = previousBalance; refNum = "N/A"; } else { try { refNum = FinAccountPaymentServices.createFinAcctPaymentTransaction( delegator, dispatcher, userLogin, amount, productStoreId, partyId, orderId, orderItemSeqId, currencyUom, WITHDRAWAL, finAccountId, reasonEnumId); finAccount.refresh(); balance = finAccount.getBigDecimal("actualBalance"); procResult = Boolean.TRUE; } catch (GeneralException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } } // make sure balance is not null if (balance == null) { balance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; } Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); result.put("previousBalance", previousBalance); result.put("balance", balance); result.put("amount", amount); result.put("processResult", procResult); result.put("referenceNum", refNum); return result; }
// base payment integration services public static Map<String, Object> finAccountPreAuth( DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator(); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale"); GenericValue paymentPref = (GenericValue) context.get("orderPaymentPreference"); String finAccountCode = (String) context.get("finAccountCode"); String finAccountPin = (String) context.get("finAccountPin"); String finAccountId = (String) context.get("finAccountId"); String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId"); BigDecimal amount = (BigDecimal) context.get("processAmount"); // check for an existing auth trans and cancel it GenericValue authTrans = PaymentGatewayServices.getAuthTransaction(paymentPref); if (authTrans != null) { Map<String, Object> input = UtilMisc.toMap("userLogin", userLogin, "finAccountAuthId", authTrans.get("referenceNum")); try { dispatcher.runSync("expireFinAccountAuth", input); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } } if (finAccountId == null && paymentPref != null) { finAccountId = paymentPref.getString("finAccountId"); } // obtain the order information OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(delegator, orderId); // NOTE DEJ20070808: this means that we want store related settings for where the item is being // purchased, // NOT where the account was setup; should this be changed to use settings from the store where // the account was setup? String productStoreId = orh.getProductStoreId(); // TODO, NOTE DEJ20070808: why is this setup this way anyway? for the allowAuthToNegative // wouldn't that be better setup // on the FinAccount and not on the ProductStoreFinActSetting? maybe an override on the // FinAccount would be good... // get the financial account GenericValue finAccount; if (finAccountId != null) { try { finAccount = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("FinAccount") .where("finAccountId", finAccountId) .queryOne(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } } else { if (finAccountCode != null) { try { finAccount = FinAccountHelper.getFinAccountFromCode(finAccountCode, delegator); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountCannotLocateItFromAccountCode", locale)); } } else { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountIdAndFinAccountCodeAreNull", locale)); } } if (finAccount == null) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountIdInvalid", locale)); } String finAccountTypeId = finAccount.getString("finAccountTypeId"); finAccountId = finAccount.getString("finAccountId"); String statusId = finAccount.getString("statusId"); try { // fin the store requires a pin number; validate the PIN with the code Map<String, Object> findProductStoreFinActSettingMap = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap( "productStoreId", productStoreId, "finAccountTypeId", finAccountTypeId); GenericValue finAccountSettings = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("ProductStoreFinActSetting") .where(findProductStoreFinActSettingMap) .cache() .queryOne(); if (finAccountSettings == null) { Debug.logWarning( "In finAccountPreAuth could not find ProductStoreFinActSetting record, values searched by: " + findProductStoreFinActSettingMap, module); } if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("In finAccountPreAuth finAccountSettings=" + finAccountSettings, module); BigDecimal minBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; String allowAuthToNegative = "N"; if (finAccountSettings != null) { allowAuthToNegative = finAccountSettings.getString("allowAuthToNegative"); minBalance = finAccountSettings.getBigDecimal("minBalance"); if (minBalance == null) { minBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; } // validate the PIN if the store requires it if ("Y".equals(finAccountSettings.getString("requirePinCode"))) { if (!FinAccountHelper.validatePin(delegator, finAccountCode, finAccountPin)) { Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); result.put( "authMessage", UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountPinCodeCombinatorNotFound", locale)); result.put("authResult", Boolean.FALSE); result.put("processAmount", amount); result.put("authFlag", "0"); result.put("authCode", "A"); result.put("authRefNum", "0"); Debug.logWarning("Unable to auth FinAccount: " + result, module); return result; } } } // check for expiration date if ((finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate") != null) && (finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate").before(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()))) { Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); result.put( "authMessage", UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountExpired", UtilMisc.toMap("thruDate", finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate")), locale)); result.put("authResult", Boolean.FALSE); result.put("processAmount", amount); result.put("authFlag", "0"); result.put("authCode", "A"); result.put("authRefNum", "0"); Debug.logWarning("Unable to auth FinAccount: " + result, module); return result; } // check for account being in bad standing somehow if ("FNACT_NEGPENDREPL".equals(statusId) || "FNACT_MANFROZEN".equals(statusId) || "FNACT_CANCELLED".equals(statusId)) { // refresh the finaccount finAccount.refresh(); statusId = finAccount.getString("statusId"); if ("FNACT_NEGPENDREPL".equals(statusId) || "FNACT_MANFROZEN".equals(statusId) || "FNACT_CANCELLED".equals(statusId)) { Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); if ("FNACT_NEGPENDREPL".equals(statusId)) { result.put( "authMessage", UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountNegative", locale)); } else if ("FNACT_MANFROZEN".equals(statusId)) { result.put( "authMessage", UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountFrozen", locale)); } else if ("FNACT_CANCELLED".equals(statusId)) { result.put( "authMessage", UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountCancelled", locale)); } result.put("authResult", Boolean.FALSE); result.put("processAmount", amount); result.put("authFlag", "0"); result.put("authCode", "A"); result.put("authRefNum", "0"); Debug.logWarning("Unable to auth FinAccount: " + result, module); return result; } } // check the amount to authorize against the available balance of fin account, which includes // active authorizations as well as transactions BigDecimal availableBalance = finAccount.getBigDecimal("availableBalance"); if (availableBalance == null) { availableBalance = FinAccountHelper.ZERO; } else { BigDecimal availableBalanceOriginal = availableBalance; availableBalance = availableBalance.setScale(FinAccountHelper.decimals, FinAccountHelper.rounding); if (availableBalance.compareTo(availableBalanceOriginal) != 0) { Debug.logWarning( "In finAccountPreAuth for finAccountId [" + finAccountId + "] availableBalance [" + availableBalanceOriginal + "] was different after rounding [" + availableBalance + "]; it should never have made it into the database this way, so check whatever put it there.", module); } } Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); String authMessage = null; Boolean processResult; String refNum; // make sure to round and scale it to the same as availableBalance amount = amount.setScale(FinAccountHelper.decimals, FinAccountHelper.rounding); Debug.logInfo( "Allow auth to negative: " + allowAuthToNegative + " :: available: " + availableBalance + " comp: " + minBalance + " = " + availableBalance.compareTo(minBalance) + " :: req: " + amount, module); // check the available balance to see if we can auth this tx if (("Y".equals(allowAuthToNegative) && availableBalance.compareTo(minBalance) > -1) || (availableBalance.compareTo(amount) > -1)) { Timestamp thruDate; if (finAccountSettings != null && finAccountSettings.getLong("authValidDays") != null) { thruDate = UtilDateTime.getDayEnd( UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(), finAccountSettings.getLong("authValidDays")); } else { thruDate = UtilDateTime.getDayEnd( UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(), Long.valueOf(30)); // default 30 days for an auth } Map<String, Object> tmpResult = dispatcher.runSync( "createFinAccountAuth", UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap( "finAccountId", finAccountId, "amount", amount, "thruDate", thruDate, "userLogin", userLogin)); if (ServiceUtil.isError(tmpResult)) { return tmpResult; } refNum = (String) tmpResult.get("finAccountAuthId"); processResult = Boolean.TRUE; // refresh the account finAccount.refresh(); } else { Debug.logWarning( "Attempted to authorize [" + amount + "] against a balance of only [" + availableBalance + "] for finAccountId [" + finAccountId + "]", module); refNum = "0"; // a refNum is always required from authorization authMessage = "Insufficient funds"; processResult = Boolean.FALSE; } result.put("processAmount", amount); result.put("authMessage", authMessage); result.put("authResult", processResult); result.put("processAmount", amount); result.put("authFlag", "1"); result.put("authCode", "A"); result.put("authRefNum", refNum); Debug.logInfo("FinAccont Auth: " + result, module); return result; } catch (GenericEntityException ex) { Debug.logError(ex, "Cannot authorize financial account", module); return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountCannotBeAuthorized", UtilMisc.toMap("errorString", ex.getMessage()), locale)); } catch (GenericServiceException ex) { Debug.logError(ex, "Cannot authorize financial account", module); return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountCannotBeAuthorized", UtilMisc.toMap("errorString", ex.getMessage()), locale)); } }
public static Map<String, Object> finAccountCapture( DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator(); Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale"); GenericValue orderPaymentPreference = (GenericValue) context.get("orderPaymentPreference"); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); GenericValue authTrans = (GenericValue) context.get("authTrans"); BigDecimal amount = (BigDecimal) context.get("captureAmount"); String currency = (String) context.get("currency"); // get the authorization transaction if (authTrans == null) { authTrans = PaymentGatewayServices.getAuthTransaction(orderPaymentPreference); } if (authTrans == null) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage(resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountCannotCapture", locale)); } // get the auth record String finAccountAuthId = authTrans.getString("referenceNum"); GenericValue finAccountAuth; try { finAccountAuth = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("FinAccountAuth") .where("finAccountAuthId", finAccountAuthId) .queryOne(); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } Debug.logInfo( "Financial account capture [" + finAccountAuth.get("finAccountId") + "] for the amount of $" + amount + " Tx #" + finAccountAuth.get("finAccountAuthId"), module); // get the financial account GenericValue finAccount; try { finAccount = finAccountAuth.getRelatedOne("FinAccount", false); } catch (GenericEntityException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } // make sure authorization has not expired Timestamp authExpiration = finAccountAuth.getTimestamp("thruDate"); if ((authExpiration != null) && (authExpiration.before(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()))) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountAuthorizationExpired", UtilMisc.toMap( "paymentGatewayResponseId", authTrans.getString("paymentGatewayResponseId"), "authExpiration", authExpiration), locale)); } // make sure the fin account itself has not expired if ((finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate") != null) && (finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate").before(UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()))) { return ServiceUtil.returnError( UtilProperties.getMessage( resourceError, "AccountingFinAccountExpired", UtilMisc.toMap("thruDate", finAccount.getTimestamp("thruDate")), locale)); } String finAccountId = finAccount.getString("finAccountId"); // need the product store ID & party ID String orderId = orderPaymentPreference.getString("orderId"); String productStoreId = null; String partyId = null; if (orderId != null) { OrderReadHelper orh = new OrderReadHelper(delegator, orderId); productStoreId = orh.getProductStoreId(); GenericValue billToParty = orh.getBillToParty(); if (billToParty != null) { partyId = billToParty.getString("partyId"); } } // BIG NOTE: make sure the expireFinAccountAuth and finAccountWithdraw services are done in the // SAME TRANSACTION // (i.e. no require-new-transaction in either of them AND no running async) // cancel the authorization before doing the withdraw to avoid problems with way negative // available amount on account; should happen in same transaction to avoid conflict problems Map<String, Object> releaseResult; try { releaseResult = dispatcher.runSync( "expireFinAccountAuth", UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap( "userLogin", userLogin, "finAccountAuthId", finAccountAuthId)); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } if (ServiceUtil.isError(releaseResult)) { return releaseResult; } // build the withdraw context Map<String, Object> withdrawCtx = new HashMap<String, Object>(); withdrawCtx.put("finAccountId", finAccountId); withdrawCtx.put("productStoreId", productStoreId); withdrawCtx.put("currency", currency); withdrawCtx.put("partyId", partyId); withdrawCtx.put("orderId", orderId); withdrawCtx.put("amount", amount); withdrawCtx.put("reasonEnumId", "FATR_PURCHASE"); withdrawCtx.put("requireBalance", Boolean.FALSE); // for captures; if auth passed, allow withdrawCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin); // call the withdraw service Map<String, Object> withdrawResp; try { withdrawResp = dispatcher.runSync("finAccountWithdraw", withdrawCtx); } catch (GenericServiceException e) { Debug.logError(e, module); return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage()); } if (ServiceUtil.isError(withdrawResp)) { return withdrawResp; } // create the capture response Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); Boolean processResult = (Boolean) withdrawResp.get("processResult"); BigDecimal withdrawAmount = (BigDecimal) withdrawResp.get("amount"); String referenceNum = (String) withdrawResp.get("referenceNum"); result.put("captureResult", processResult); result.put("captureRefNum", referenceNum); result.put("captureCode", "C"); result.put("captureFlag", "1"); result.put("captureAmount", withdrawAmount); return result; }
public static String timeSheetChecker(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); Delegator delegator = (Delegator) session.getAttribute("delegator"); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) session.getAttribute("userLogin"); List<Map<String, Object>> noTimeEntryList = new LinkedList<Map<String, Object>>(); String partyId = userLogin.getString("partyId"); Timestamp now = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(); Timestamp weekStart = UtilDateTime.getWeekStart(now); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(delegator)) { delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator"); } try { // should be scrum team or scrum master. EntityConditionList<EntityExpr> exprOrs = EntityCondition.makeCondition( UtilMisc.toList( EntityCondition.makeCondition("roleTypeId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "SCRUM_TEAM"), EntityCondition.makeCondition( "roleTypeId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "SCRUM_MASTER")), EntityOperator.OR); EntityConditionList<EntityCondition> exprAnds = EntityCondition.makeCondition( UtilMisc.toList( exprOrs, EntityCondition.makeCondition("partyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, partyId)), EntityOperator.AND); List<GenericValue> partyRoleList = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("PartyRole").where(exprAnds).queryList(); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(partyRoleList)) { List<GenericValue> timesheetList = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("Timesheet") .where("partyId", partyId, "statusId", "TIMESHEET_IN_PROCESS") .cache(true) .queryList(); if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(timesheetList)) { for (GenericValue timesheetMap : timesheetList) { String timesheetId = timesheetMap.getString("timesheetId"); Timestamp timesheetDate = timesheetMap.getTimestamp("fromDate"); // check monday - friday for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Timestamp realTimeDate = UtilDateTime.addDaysToTimestamp(timesheetDate, i); Timestamp nowStartDate = UtilDateTime.getDayStart(now); // compare week and compare date if ((timesheetDate.compareTo(weekStart) <= 0) && (realTimeDate.compareTo(nowStartDate) < 0)) { // check time entry List<GenericValue> timeEntryList = timesheetMap.getRelated( "TimeEntry", UtilMisc.toMap( "partyId", partyId, "timesheetId", timesheetId, "fromDate", realTimeDate), null, false); // check EmplLeave List<GenericValue> emplLeaveList = EntityQuery.use(delegator) .from("EmplLeave") .where("partyId", partyId, "fromDate", realTimeDate) .cache(true) .queryList(); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(timeEntryList) && UtilValidate.isEmpty(emplLeaveList)) { Map<String, Object> noEntryMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); noEntryMap.put("timesheetId", timesheetId); noTimeEntryList.add(noEntryMap); break; } } } } } } } catch (GenericEntityException EntEx) { EntEx.printStackTrace(); Debug.logError(EntEx.getMessage(), module); } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(noTimeEntryList)) { StringBuilder warningDataBuffer = new StringBuilder(); int size = noTimeEntryList.size(); for (Map<String, Object> dataMap : noTimeEntryList) { if (--size == 0) { warningDataBuffer.append(dataMap.get("timesheetId")); } else { warningDataBuffer.append(dataMap.get("timesheetId")).append(", "); } warningDataBuffer.append(dataMap.get("timesheetId")); } String warningData = warningDataBuffer.toString(); Debug.logInfo("The following time sheet no time entry: [" + warningData + "]", module); request.setAttribute( "_ERROR_MESSAGE_", UtilProperties.getMessage( "scrumUiLabels", "ScrumTimesheetWarningMessage", UtilMisc.toMap("warningMessage", warningData), UtilHttp.getLocale(request))); } return "success"; }
public static void indexKeywords(GenericValue product, boolean doAll) throws GenericEntityException { if (product == null) return; Timestamp nowTimestamp = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(); if (!doAll) { if ("N".equals(product.getString("autoCreateKeywords"))) { return; } if ("Y".equals(product.getString("isVariant")) && "true" .equals(UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("prodsearch", "index.ignore.variants"))) { return; } Timestamp salesDiscontinuationDate = product.getTimestamp("salesDiscontinuationDate"); if (salesDiscontinuationDate != null && salesDiscontinuationDate.before(nowTimestamp) && "true" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.ignore.discontinued.sales"))) { return; } } Delegator delegator = product.getDelegator(); if (delegator == null) return; String productId = product.getString("productId"); // get these in advance just once since they will be used many times for the multiple strings to // index String separators = KeywordSearchUtil.getSeparators(); String stopWordBagOr = KeywordSearchUtil.getStopWordBagOr(); String stopWordBagAnd = KeywordSearchUtil.getStopWordBagAnd(); boolean removeStems = KeywordSearchUtil.getRemoveStems(); Set<String> stemSet = KeywordSearchUtil.getStemSet(); Map<String, Long> keywords = new TreeMap<String, Long>(); List<String> strings = FastList.newInstance(); int pidWeight = 1; try { pidWeight = Integer.parseInt( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("prodsearch", "index.weight.Product.productId", "0")); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logWarning("Could not parse weight number: " + e.toString(), module); } keywords.put(product.getString("productId").toLowerCase(), Long.valueOf(pidWeight)); // Product fields - default is 0 if not found in the properties file if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.Product.productName", "0"))) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(product, "productName", strings); } if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.Product.internalName", "0"))) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(product, "internalName", strings); } if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("prodsearch", "index.weight.Product.brandName", "0"))) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(product, "brandName", strings); } if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.Product.description", "0"))) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(product, "description", strings); } if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.Product.longDescription", "0"))) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(product, "longDescription", strings); } // ProductFeatureAppl if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.ProductFeatureAndAppl.description", "0")) || !"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.ProductFeatureAndAppl.abbrev", "0")) || !"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.ProductFeatureAndAppl.idCode", "0"))) { // get strings from attributes and features List<GenericValue> productFeatureAndAppls = delegator.findByAnd("ProductFeatureAndAppl", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId)); for (GenericValue productFeatureAndAppl : productFeatureAndAppls) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(productFeatureAndAppl, "description", strings); addWeightedKeywordSourceString(productFeatureAndAppl, "abbrev", strings); addWeightedKeywordSourceString(productFeatureAndAppl, "idCode", strings); } } // ProductAttribute if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.ProductAttribute.attrName", "0")) || !"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.ProductAttribute.attrValue", "0"))) { List<GenericValue> productAttributes = delegator.findByAnd("ProductAttribute", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId)); for (GenericValue productAttribute : productAttributes) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(productAttribute, "attrName", strings); addWeightedKeywordSourceString(productAttribute, "attrValue", strings); } } // GoodIdentification if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.GoodIdentification.idValue", "0"))) { List<GenericValue> goodIdentifications = delegator.findByAnd("GoodIdentification", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId)); for (GenericValue goodIdentification : goodIdentifications) { addWeightedKeywordSourceString(goodIdentification, "idValue", strings); } } // Variant Product IDs if ("Y".equals(product.getString("isVirtual"))) { if (!"0" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.Variant.Product.productId", "0"))) { List<GenericValue> variantProductAssocs = delegator.findByAnd( "ProductAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId, "productAssocTypeId", "PRODUCT_VARIANT")); variantProductAssocs = EntityUtil.filterByDate(variantProductAssocs); for (GenericValue variantProductAssoc : variantProductAssocs) { int weight = 1; try { weight = Integer.parseInt( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.Variant.Product.productId", "0")); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logWarning("Could not parse weight number: " + e.toString(), module); } for (int i = 0; i < weight; i++) { strings.add(variantProductAssoc.getString("productIdTo")); } } } } String productContentTypes = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("prodsearch", "index.include.ProductContentTypes"); for (String productContentTypeId : productContentTypes.split(",")) { int weight = 1; try { // this is defaulting to a weight of 1 because you specified you wanted to index this type weight = Integer.parseInt( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue( "prodsearch", "index.weight.ProductContent." + productContentTypeId, "1")); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.logWarning("Could not parse weight number: " + e.toString(), module); } List<GenericValue> productContentAndInfos = delegator.findByAnd( "ProductContentAndInfo", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId, "productContentTypeId", productContentTypeId), null); for (GenericValue productContentAndInfo : productContentAndInfos) { addWeightedDataResourceString(productContentAndInfo, weight, strings, delegator, product); List<GenericValue> alternateViews = productContentAndInfo.getRelated( "ContentAssocDataResourceViewTo", UtilMisc.toMap("caContentAssocTypeId", "ALTERNATE_LOCALE"), UtilMisc.toList("-caFromDate")); alternateViews = EntityUtil.filterByDate( alternateViews, UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp(), "caFromDate", "caThruDate", true); for (GenericValue thisView : alternateViews) { addWeightedDataResourceString(thisView, weight, strings, delegator, product); } } } if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(strings)) { for (String str : strings) { // call process keywords method here KeywordSearchUtil.processKeywordsForIndex( str, keywords, separators, stopWordBagAnd, stopWordBagOr, removeStems, stemSet); } } List<GenericValue> toBeStored = FastList.newInstance(); int keywordMaxLength = Integer.parseInt( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("prodsearch", "product.keyword.max.length")); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : keywords.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().length() <= keywordMaxLength) { GenericValue productKeyword = delegator.makeValue( "ProductKeyword", UtilMisc.toMap( "productId", product.getString("productId"), "keyword", entry.getKey(), "keywordTypeId", "KWT_KEYWORD", "relevancyWeight", entry.getValue())); toBeStored.add(productKeyword); } } if (toBeStored.size() > 0) { if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose( "[KeywordIndex.indexKeywords] Storing " + toBeStored.size() + " keywords for productId " + product.getString("productId"), module); if ("true" .equals( UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("prodsearch", "index.delete.on_index", "false"))) { // delete all keywords if the properties file says to delegator.removeByAnd( "ProductKeyword", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", product.getString("productId"))); } delegator.storeAll(toBeStored); } }