Exemple #1
 public DocumentModel getSearchDocumentModel() {
   if (searchDocumentModel == null) {
     if (searchDocumentModelBinding != null) {
       // initialize from binding
       FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
       Object value = ComponentTagUtils.resolveElExpression(context, searchDocumentModelBinding);
       if (value != null && !(value instanceof DocumentModel)) {
             "Error processing expression '"
                 + searchDocumentModelBinding
                 + "', result is not a DocumentModel: "
                 + value);
       } else {
         setSearchDocumentModel((DocumentModel) value);
     if (searchDocumentModel == null) {
       // generate a bare document model of given type
       String docType = getSearchDocumentModelType();
       if (docType != null) {
         DocumentModel bareDoc = DocumentModelFactory.createDocumentModel(docType);
   return searchDocumentModel;
Exemple #2
  public DocumentModelList query(
      String query, String queryType, QueryFilter queryFilter, long countUpTo)
      throws QueryException {
    try {
      // do ORDER BY ecm:path by hand in SQLQueryResult as we can't
      // do it in SQL (and has to do limit/offset as well)
      Boolean orderByPath;
      Matcher matcher = ORDER_BY_PATH_ASC.matcher(query);
      if (matcher.matches()) {
        orderByPath = Boolean.TRUE; // ASC
      } else {
        matcher = ORDER_BY_PATH_DESC.matcher(query);
        if (matcher.matches()) {
          orderByPath = Boolean.FALSE; // DESC
        } else {
          orderByPath = null;
      long limit = 0;
      long offset = 0;
      if (orderByPath != null) {
        query = matcher.group(1);
        limit = queryFilter.getLimit();
        offset = queryFilter.getOffset();
        queryFilter = QueryFilter.withoutLimitOffset(queryFilter);
      PartialList<Serializable> pl = session.query(query, queryType, queryFilter, countUpTo);
      List<Serializable> ids = pl.list;

      // get Documents in bulk
      List<Document> docs = getDocumentsById(ids);

      // build DocumentModels from Documents
      String[] schemas = {"common"};
      List<DocumentModel> list = new ArrayList<DocumentModel>(ids.size());
      for (Document doc : docs) {
        list.add(DocumentModelFactory.createDocumentModel(doc, schemas));

      // order / limit
      if (orderByPath != null) {
        Collections.sort(list, new PathComparator(orderByPath.booleanValue()));
      if (limit != 0) {
        // do limit/offset by hand
        int size = list.size();
        list.subList(0, (int) (offset > size ? size : offset)).clear();
        size = list.size();
        if (limit < size) {
          list.subList((int) limit, size).clear();
      return new DocumentModelListImpl(list, pl.totalSize);
    } catch (QueryParseException e) {
      throw new QueryException(e.getMessage() + ": " + query, e);