public UploadingContext setBufferSize(int bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; if (bufferSize < 128 && log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("Uploading buffer is less than 128!! Auto-fix to 128!! 8192 will be much better!!"); this.bufferSize = 128; } return this; }
@Override public void init(NutConfig config, ActionInfo ai) throws Throwable { // 需要特别提醒一下使用jsonView,但方法的返回值是String的!! if ("json".equals(ai.getOkView()) && String.class.equals(ai.getMethod().getReturnType())) { log.warn( "Not a good idea : Return String ,and using JsonView!! (Using @Ok(\"raw\") or return map/list/pojo)--> " + Lang.simpleMetodDesc(ai.getMethod())); } view = evalView(config, ai, ai.getOkView()); }
public AnnotationIocLoader(String... packages) { for (String packageZ : packages) for (Class<?> classZ : addClass(classZ); if (map.size() > 0) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) log.infof( "Scan complete ! Found %s classes in %s base-packages!\nbeans = %s", map.size(), packages.length,; } else { log.warn( "NONE Annotation-Class found!! Check your configure or report a bug!! packages=" + Arrays.toString(packages)); } }
public Map<String, Object> getReferObject( ServletContext sc, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String[] pathArgs) { try { if (!"POST".equals(request.getMethod()) && !"PUT".equals(request.getMethod())) { String str = "Not POST or PUT, Wrong HTTP method! --> " + request.getMethod(); throw Lang.makeThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class, str); } // 看看是不是传统的上传 String contentType = request.getContentType(); if (contentType == null) { throw Lang.makeThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class, "Content-Type is NULL!!"); } if (contentType.contains("multipart/form-data")) { // 普通表单上传 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Select Html4 Form upload parser --> " + request.getRequestURI()); Uploading ing = new FastUploading(); return ing.parse(request, context); } if (contentType.contains("application/octet-stream")) { // Html5 // 流式上传 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Select Html5 Stream upload parser --> " + request.getRequestURI()); Uploading ing = new Html5Uploading(); return ing.parse(request, context); } // 100%是没写enctype='multipart/form-data' if (contentType.contains("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { log.warn("Using form upload ? You forgot this --> enctype='multipart/form-data' ?"); } throw Lang.makeThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class, "Unknow Content-Type : " + contentType); } catch (UploadException e) { throw Lang.wrapThrow(e); } finally { Uploads.removeInfo(request); } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public void init(NutConfig nc) { NutShiro.DefaultLoginURL = "/admin/logout"; // 检查环境 if (!Charset.defaultCharset().name().equalsIgnoreCase(Encoding.UTF8)) { log.warn("This project must run in UTF-8, pls add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to JAVA_OPTS"); } // 获取Ioc容器及Dao对象 Ioc ioc = nc.getIoc(); // 加载freemarker自定义标签 自定义宏路径 ioc.get(Configuration.class) .setAutoImports( new HashMap<String, String>(2) { { put("p", "/ftl/pony/index.ftl"); put("s", "/ftl/spring.ftl"); } }); ioc.get(FreeMarkerConfigurer.class, "mapTags"); Dao dao = ioc.get(Dao.class); // 为全部标注了@Table的bean建表 Daos.createTablesInPackage(dao, getClass().getPackage().getName() + ".bean", false); // 获取配置对象 PropertiesProxy conf = ioc.get(PropertiesProxy.class, "conf"); // 初始化SysLog,触发全局系统日志初始化 ioc.get(SysLogService.class); // 初始化默认根用户 User admin = dao.fetch(User.class, "admin"); if (admin == null) { UserService us = ioc.get(UserService.class); admin = us.add("admin", "123456"); } // 初始化游客用户 User guest = dao.fetch(User.class, "guest"); if (guest == null) { UserService us = ioc.get(UserService.class); guest = us.add("guest", "123456"); UserProfile profile = dao.fetch(UserProfile.class, guest.getId()); profile.setNickname("游客"); dao.update(profile, "nickname"); } // 获取NutQuartzCronJobFactory从而触发计划任务的初始化与启动 ioc.get(NutQuartzCronJobFactory.class); // 权限系统初始化 AuthorityService as = ioc.get(AuthorityService.class); as.initFormPackage("net.wendal.nutzbook"); as.checkBasicRoles(admin); // 检查一下Ehcache CacheManager 是否正常. CacheManager cacheManager = ioc.get(CacheManager.class); log.debug("Ehcache CacheManager = " + cacheManager); // CachedNutDaoExecutor.DEBUG = true; // 启用FastClass执行入口方法 Mvcs.disableFastClassInvoker = false; // 设置Markdown缓存 if (cacheManager.getCache("markdown") == null) cacheManager.addCache("markdown"); Markdowns.cache = cacheManager.getCache("markdown"); if (conf.getBoolean("cdn.enable", false) && !Strings.isBlank(conf.get("cdn.urlbase"))) { MarkdownFunction.cdnbase = conf.get("cdn.urlbase"); } }