public ValueAdaptor getAdaptor(MappingField ef) { Mirror<?> mirror = ef.getTypeMirror(); // 为数字型枚举的特殊判断 if (mirror.isEnum() && ColType.INT == ef.getColumnType()) return Jdbcs.Adaptor.asEnumInt; // 用普通逻辑返回适配器 return Jdbcs.getAdaptor(mirror); }
/** * 根据一个字段名和字段类型获取 Setter * * @param fieldName 字段名 * @param paramType 字段类型 * @return 方法 * @throws NoSuchMethodException 没找到 Setter */ public Method getSetter(String fieldName, Class<?> paramType) throws NoSuchMethodException { try { String setterName = "set" + Strings.capitalize(fieldName); try { return klass.getMethod(setterName, paramType); } catch (Throwable e) { try { return klass.getMethod(fieldName, paramType); } catch (Throwable e1) { Mirror<?> type =; for (Method method : klass.getMethods()) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) if (method.getName().equals(setterName) || method.getName().equals(fieldName)) { if (null == paramType || type.canCastToDirectly(method.getParameterTypes()[0])) return method; } } // 还是没有? 会不会是包装类型啊? if (!paramType.isPrimitive()) { Class<?> p = unWrapper(); if (null != p) return getSetter(fieldName, p); } throw new RuntimeException(); } } } catch (Throwable e) { throw Lang.makeThrow( NoSuchMethodException.class, "Fail to find setter for [%s]->[%s(%s)]", klass.getName(), fieldName, paramType.getName()); } }
public static SqlExpression create(String name, String op, Object value) { op = Strings.trim(op.toUpperCase()); // NULL if (null == value) { SqlExpression re; // IS NULL if ("IS".equals(op) || "NOT IS".equals(op) || "IS NOT".equals(op)) { re = isNull(name); } // !!! else { throw Lang.makeThrow("null can only use 'IS' or 'NOT IS'"); } return re.setNot(op.startsWith("NOT") || op.endsWith("NOT")); } // IN else if ("IN".equals(op) || "NOT IN".equals(op)) { Class<?> type = value.getClass(); SqlExpression re; // 数组 if (type.isArray()) { re = _evalRange((Mirror<?>), name, value); } // 集合 else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { Object first = Lang.first(value); if (null == first) return null; re = _evalRange((Mirror<?>), name, value); } // Sql Range else { re = inSql(name, value.toString()); } return re.setNot(op.startsWith("NOT")); } // LIKE || IS else if ("LIKE".equals(op) || "NOT LIKEs".equals(op)) { String v = value.toString(); Like re; if (v.length() == 1) { re = like(name, v); } else { re = like(name, v.substring(1, v.length() - 1)); re.left(v.substring(0, 1)); re.right(v.substring(v.length() - 1, v.length())); } return re.ignoreCase(false).setNot(op.startsWith("NOT")); } // = else if ("=".equals(op)) { return eq(name, value); } // != else if ("!=".equals(op) || "<>".equals(op)) { // TODO 检查一下,原本是&&, 明显永远成立 return eq(name, value).setNot(true); } // Others return new SimpleExpression(name, op, value); }
/** * 根据Type生成Mirror, 如果type是 {@link ParameterizedType} 类型的对象<br> * 可以使用 getGenericsTypes() 方法取得它的泛型数组 * * @param type * @return */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) public static <T> Mirror<T> me(Type type) { if (null == type) { return null; } Mirror<T> mir = (Mirror<T>); mir.type = type; return mir; }
public <T> T toObject(Class<T> classOfT) { Mirror<T> mirror =; T re = mirror.born(); Entry current = head; while (current != null) { mirror.setValue(re,, current.value); current =; } return re; }
/** * @param type 目标类型 * @return 判断当前对象是否能直接转换到目标类型,而不产生异常 */ public boolean canCastToDirectly(Class<?> type) { if (klass == type || type.isAssignableFrom(klass)) return true; if (klass.isPrimitive() && type.isPrimitive()) { if (this.isPrimitiveNumber() && return true; } try { return == this.getWrapperClass(); } catch (Exception e) { } return false; }
/** * 构建DataSource,子类可覆盖. 如果存在Druid,则使用之,否则使用内置的SimpleDataSource * * @param props 配置信息 * @return 目标DataSource */ protected DataSource buildDataSource(Properties props) { if (druidFactoryClass != null) { log.debug("build DruidDataSource by props"); Mirror<?> mirror =; DataSource ds = (DataSource) mirror.invoke(null, "createDataSource", props); if (!props.containsKey("maxWait")), "maxWait", 15 * 1000); return ds; } log.debug("build SimpleteDataSource by props"); return SimpleDataSource.createDataSource(props); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends CommonManager> T copy() { String clazzName = this.getClass().getName().replace(ClassAgent.CLASSNAME_SUFFIX, ""); try { Mirror<T> mirror = (Mirror<T>); return ClassUtil.copySameProperties(mirror.born(), this); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <F, T> Castor<F, T> find(Mirror<F> from, Class<T> toType) { Mirror<T> to =, extractor); Class<?>[] fets = from.extractTypes(); Class<?>[] tets = to.extractTypes(); for (Class<?> ft : fets) { for (Class<?> tt : tets) { if (map.containsKey(Castor.fetchHash(ft, tt))) { return (Castor<F, T>) map.get(Castor.fetchHash(ft, tt)); } } } return null; }
private static boolean doMatchMethodParamsType(Class<?>[] paramTypes, Class<?>[] methodArgTypes) { if (paramTypes.length == 0 && methodArgTypes.length == 0) return true; if (paramTypes.length == methodArgTypes.length) { for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) if (![i]).canCastToDirectly((methodArgTypes[i]))) return false; return true; } else if (paramTypes.length + 1 == methodArgTypes.length) { if (!methodArgTypes[paramTypes.length].isArray()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) if (![i]).canCastToDirectly((methodArgTypes[i]))) return false; return true; } return false; }
/** * 当一个类使用<T,K>来定义泛型时,本方法返回类的一个字段的具体类型。 * * @param me * @param field * @return */ public static Type getFieldType(Mirror<?> me, Field field) { Type type = field.getGenericType(); Type[] types = me.getGenericsTypes(); if (type instanceof TypeVariable && types != null && types.length > 0) { Type[] tvs = me.getType().getTypeParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < tvs.length; i++) { if (type.equals(tvs[i])) { type = me.getGenericsType(i); break; } } } return type; }
/** * 根据一个对象的字段 生成一个 Chain 对象 * * <p>这个对象可以是一个 POJO 或者是一个 Map。 * * <p>支持 FieldMatcher,即你可以通过 FieldMatcher 来指定你需要哪些字段加入 Chain * * @param obj 对象,可以是一个 POJO 或者是一个 Map * @param fm 指明可用字段,null 表示全部字段可用 * @return Chain 对象,null 表示对象中没有可用字段 * @see org.nutz.dao.FieldMatcher */ public static Chain from(Object obj, FieldMatcher fm) { if (null == obj) return null; Chain c = null; /* * Is Map */ if (obj instanceof Map<?, ?>) { for (Map.Entry<?, ?> en : ((Map<?, ?>) obj).entrySet()) { Object key = en.getKey(); if (null == key) continue; String name = key.toString(); if (null != fm && !fm.match(name)) continue; Object v = en.getValue(); if (null != fm) { if (null == v) { if (fm.isIgnoreNull()) continue; } else if (fm.isIgnoreBlankStr() && v instanceof String) { if (Strings.isBlank((String) v)) continue; } } if (c == null) { c = Chain.make(name, v); } else { c = c.add(name, v); } } } /* * Is POJO */ else { Mirror<?> mirror =; for (Field f : mirror.getFields()) { if (null != fm && !fm.match(f.getName())) continue; Object v = mirror.getValue(obj, f.getName()); if (null == v) { if (fm.isIgnoreNull()) continue; } else if (fm.isIgnoreBlankStr() && v instanceof String) { if (Strings.isBlank((String) v)) continue; } if (c == null) { c = Chain.make(f.getName(), v); } else { c = c.add(f.getName(), v); } } } return c; }
/** * 匹配一个函数声明的参数类型数组和一个调用参数数组 * * @param paramTypes 函数声明参数数组 * @param argTypes 调用参数数组 * @return 匹配类型 * @see org.nutz.lang.MatchType */ public static MatchType matchParamTypes(Class<?>[] paramTypes, Class<?>[] argTypes) { int len = argTypes == null ? 0 : argTypes.length; if (len == 0 && paramTypes.length == 0) return MatchType.YES; if (paramTypes.length == len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (![i]).canCastToDirectly((paramTypes[i]))) return MatchType.NO; return MatchType.YES; } else if (len + 1 == paramTypes.length) { if (!paramTypes[len].isArray()) return MatchType.NO; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) if (![i]).canCastToDirectly((paramTypes[i]))) return MatchType.NO; return MatchType.LACK; } return MatchType.NO; }
protected String value2string(JsonEntityField jef, Object value) { Format df = jef.getDataFormat(); if (df == null) { Mirror mirror =; if (value instanceof Date) { df = format.getDateFormat(); } else if (mirror.isNumber()) { df = format.getNumberFormat(); } } if (df != null) { return df.format(value); } return value.toString(); }
/** * @param type 类型 * @return 否为一个对象的外覆类 */ public boolean isWrapperOf(Class<?> type) { try { return == klass; } catch (Exception e) { } return false; }
/** * 将一个数组变成 Map * * @param mapClass Map 的类型 * @param array 数组 * @param keyFieldName 采用集合中元素的哪个一个字段为键。 * @return Map 对象 */ public static <T extends Map<Object, Object>> Map<?, ?> array2map( Class<T> mapClass, Object array, String keyFieldName) { if (null == array) return null; Map<Object, Object> map = createMap(mapClass); int len = Array.getLength(array); if (len > 0) { Object obj = Array.get(array, 0); Mirror<?> mirror =; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj = Array.get(array, i); Object key = mirror.getValue(obj, keyFieldName); map.put(key, obj); } } return map; }
/** * 转换一个 POJO 从一个指定的类型到另外的类型 * * @param src 源对象 * @param fromType 源对象类型 * @param toType 目标类型 * @param args 转换时参数。有些 Castor 可能需要这个参数,比如 Array2Map * @return 目标对象 * @throws FailToCastObjectException 如果没有找到转换器,或者转换失败 */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public <F, T> T cast(Object src, Class<F> fromType, Class<T> toType, String... args) throws FailToCastObjectException { if (null == src) { // 原生数据的默认值 if (toType.isPrimitive()) { if (toType == int.class) return (T) Integer.valueOf(0); else if (toType == long.class) return (T) Long.valueOf(0L); else if (toType == byte.class) return (T) Byte.valueOf((byte) 0); else if (toType == short.class) return (T) Short.valueOf((short) 0); else if (toType == float.class) return (T) Float.valueOf(.0f); else if (toType == double.class) return (T) Double.valueOf(.0); else if (toType == boolean.class) return (T) Boolean.FALSE; else if (toType == char.class) return (T) Character.valueOf(' '); throw Lang.impossible(); } // 是对象,直接返回 null return null; } if (fromType == toType || toType == null || fromType == null) return (T) src; if (fromType.getName().equals(toType.getName())) return (T) src; if (toType.isAssignableFrom(fromType)) return (T) src; Mirror<?> from =, extractor); if (from.canCastToDirectly(toType)) // Use language built-in cases return (T) src; Castor c = find(from, toType); if (null == c) throw new FailToCastObjectException( String.format( "Can not find castor for '%s'=>'%s' in (%d) because:\n%s", fromType.getName(), toType.getName(), map.size(), "Fail to find matched castor")); try { return (T) c.cast(src, toType, args); } catch (FailToCastObjectException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new FailToCastObjectException( String.format( "Fail to cast from <%s> to <%s> for {%s} because:\n%s:%s", fromType.getName(), toType.getName(), src, e.getClass().getSimpleName(), e.getMessage()), Lang.unwrapThrow(e)); } }
/** * 将一个集合变成 Map。 * * @param mapClass Map 的类型 * @param coll 集合对象 * @param keyFieldName 采用集合中元素的哪个一个字段为键。 * @return Map 对象 */ public static <T extends Map<Object, Object>> Map<?, ?> collection2map( Class<T> mapClass, Collection<?> coll, String keyFieldName) { if (null == coll) return null; Map<Object, Object> map = createMap(mapClass); if (coll.size() > 0) { Iterator<?> it = coll.iterator(); Object obj =; Mirror<?> mirror =; Object key = mirror.getValue(obj, keyFieldName); map.put(key, obj); for (; it.hasNext(); ) { obj =; key = mirror.getValue(obj, keyFieldName); map.put(key, obj); } } return map; }
/** * 关闭本DaoUp,将关闭DataSource并将dao和dataSource置为null!!! * * <p><b>只能在程序关闭时调用,严禁在每次Dao操作后调用!!</b> */ public synchronized void close() { if (dao == null) return; log.infof("shutdown DaoUp(name=%s)", name); try {, "close"); } catch (Throwable e) { } this.dataSource = null; this.dao = null; }
public Class<?>[] extract(Mirror<?> mirror) { Class<?> theType = mirror.getType(); List<Class<?>> re = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(5); // 原生类型,增加其外覆类 if (theType.isPrimitive()) { re.add(mirror.getWrapperClass()); // 数字 if (theType != boolean.class && theType != char.class) { re.add(Number.class); } } // 日历 else if (mirror.isOf(Calendar.class)) { re.add(Calendar.class); } // 其他类型,直接增加,并试图判断其抽象类 else { re.add(theType); // 枚举 if (mirror.klass.isEnum()) { re.add(Enum.class); } // 数组 else if (mirror.klass.isArray()) { re.add(Array.class); } // 字符串 else if (mirror.isStringLike()) re.add(CharSequence.class); // 数字 else if (mirror.isNumber()) { re.add(Number.class); } // Map else if (mirror.isOf(Map.class)) { re.add(Map.class); } // 列表 else if (mirror.isOf(List.class)) { re.add(List.class); re.add(Collection.class); } // 集合 else if (mirror.isOf(Collection.class)) { re.add(Collection.class); } } // 最后确保 Object 一定被加上了 if (theType != Object.class) re.add(Object.class); return re.toArray(new Class<?>[re.size()]); }
/** * 根据给定的一个方法,判断其是 Getter 还是 Setter * * <p>对于回调会接受三个参数 * * <pre> * callback(虚字段名, getter, setter) * </pre> * * 回调都会给一个参数,表示这个方法对应的虚拟字段名。所谓"虚拟字段",就比如 * * <ul> * <li>如果是 setAbc : 那么就是 "abc" * <li>如果是 getAbc : 那么就是 "abc" * <li>如果是 isAbc : 那么就是 "abc" * </ul> * * 而 getter 或者 setter 参数如果为 null,则表示本函数未发现对应的 getter|setter * * @param method 方法对象 * @param callback 回调, 如果为 null,则无视 * @param whenError 如果本方法即不是 Getter 也不是 Setter 的回调, 如果为 null,则无视 */ public static void evalGetterSetter( Method method, Callback3<String, Method, Method> callback, Callback<Method> whenError) { String name = method.getName(); Method getter = null; Method setter = null; // 是 getter if (name.startsWith("get") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { name = Strings.lowerFirst(name.substring(4)); getter = method; // 寻找 setter try { setter = method .getDeclaringClass() .getMethod("set" + Strings.capitalize(name), method.getReturnType()); } catch (Exception e) { } } // 布尔的 getter else if (name.startsWith("is") && && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { name = Strings.lowerFirst(name.substring(3)); getter = method; // 寻找 setter try { setter = method .getDeclaringClass() .getMethod("set" + Strings.capitalize(name), method.getReturnType()); } catch (Exception e) { } } // 是 setter else if (name.startsWith("set") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { name = Strings.lowerFirst(name.substring(4)); setter = method; // 寻找 getter try { getter = method.getDeclaringClass().getMethod("get" + Strings.capitalize(name)); } catch (Exception e) { } } // 虾米都不是,错! else { if (null != whenError) whenError.invoke(method); return; } // 最后调用回调 if (null != callback) callback.invoke(name, getter, setter); }
public Object calculate() { // 如果直接调用计算方法,那基本上就是直接调用属性了吧...我也不知道^^ Object obj = fetchVar(); if (obj == null) { throw new ElException("obj is NULL, can't call obj." + right); } if (obj instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> om = (Map<?, ?>) obj; if (om.containsKey(right.toString())) { return om.get(right.toString()); } } if (obj instanceof Context) { Context sc = (Context) obj; if (sc.has(right.toString())) { return sc.get(right.toString()); } } Mirror<?> me =; return me.getValue(obj, right.toString()); }
/** * 获取当前对象,所有的方法,包括私有方法。递归查找至自己某一个父类为止 。 * * <p>并且这个按照名称,消除重复的方法。子类方法优先 * * @param top 截至的父类 * @return 方法数组 */ public Method[] getAllDeclaredMethods(Class<?> top) { Class<?> cc = klass; Map<String, Method> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Method>(); while (null != cc && cc != Object.class) { Method[] fs = cc.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < fs.length; i++) { String key = fs[i].getName() + Mirror.getParamDescriptor(fs[i].getParameterTypes()); if (!map.containsKey(key)) map.put(key, fs[i]); } cc = cc.getSuperclass() == top ? null : cc.getSuperclass(); } return map.values().toArray(new Method[map.size()]); }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public void init() { List<LinkField> lfs = new ArrayList<LinkField>(); lfs.addAll(ones.getAll()); lfs.addAll(manys.getAll()); lfs.addAll(manymanys.getAll()); if (lfs.isEmpty()) return; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Found links , enable lazy!! -->" + type); Mirror<T> mirror =; List<InterceptorPair> interceptorPairs = new ArrayList<InterceptorPair>(); // 准备拦截器 for (LinkField lf : lfs) { String fieldName = lf.getName(); try { Method setter = mirror.getSetter(mirror.getField(fieldName)); LazyMethodInterceptor lmi = new LazyMethodInterceptor(setter, fieldName); interceptorPairs.add( new InterceptorPair( lmi, MethodMatcherFactory.matcher( "^(get|set)" + Strings.upperFirst(fieldName) + "$"))); } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn("Not setter found for LazyLoading ?!", e); } } // 生成Aop化的类 ClassAgent agent = new AsmClassAgent(); for (InterceptorPair interceptorPair : interceptorPairs) agent.addInterceptor( interceptorPair.getMethodMatcher(), interceptorPair.getMethodInterceptor()); Class lazyClass = agent.define(DefaultClassDefiner.defaultOne(), type); // 检查对象的创建方法 BornContext<T> bc = Borns.evalByArgTypes(type, ResultSet.class); if (null == bc) this.bornByDefault =; else this.bornByRS = bc.getBorning(); }
public void destroy(NutConfig conf) { Markdowns.cache = null; // 非mysql数据库,或多webapp共享mysql驱动的话,以下语句删掉 try {"com.mysql.jdbc.AbandonedConnectionCleanupThread")) .invoke(null, "shutdown"); } catch (Throwable e) { } // 解决quartz有时候无法停止的问题 try { conf.getIoc().get(Scheduler.class).shutdown(true); } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** * 获得一个对象的长度。它可以接受: * * <ul> * <li>null : 0 * <li>数组 * <li>集合 * <li>Map * <li>一般 Java 对象。 返回 1 * </ul> * * 如果你想让你的 Java 对象返回不是 1 , 请在对象中声明 length() 函数 * * @param obj * @return 对象长度 */ public static int length(Object obj) { if (null == obj) return 0; if (obj.getClass().isArray()) { return Array.getLength(obj); } else if (obj instanceof Collection<?>) { return ((Collection<?>) obj).size(); } else if (obj instanceof Map<?, ?>) { return ((Map<?, ?>) obj).size(); } try { return (Integer), "length"); } catch (Exception e) { } return 1; }
/** * 修改 get 后的值,以便修改查询的 DBObject * * @param val get 后的值 * @return 修改 get 后的值,这个值是 ejecting 从对象中取出的 */ public Object adaptForFormatQuery(Object val) { if (null == val) return null; // Mirror<?> vMirror =; // 如果值为 Map,且自己的类型不是 Map,那么就是深入修改 Map 的各个修改器的键 ... if (vMirror.isMap() && !field.getMirror().isMap()) { final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Lang.each( val, true, new Each<Map.Entry<String, Object>>() { public void invoke(int index, Entry<String, Object> ele, int length) { String key = ele.getKey(); if (null != key && key.startsWith("$")) { map.put(key, adaptForFormatQuery(ele.getValue())); } } }); return map; } // 如果值为集合或者数组, 且自己不为集合或者数组,则生成个新数组返回 else if (vMirror.isContainer() && !field.getMirror().isContainer()) { int len = Lang.length(val); final Object array = Array.newInstance(Object.class, len); Lang.each( val, false, new Each<Object>() { public void invoke(int index, Object o, int length) { Array.set(array, index, adaptForFormatQuery(o)); } }); return array; } return adaptForGet(val, false); }
/** * 根据名称获取一个 Getter。 * * <p>比如,你想获取 abc 的 getter ,那么优先查找 getAbc(),如果没有则查找isAbc(),最后才是查找 abc()。 * * @param fieldName * @return 方法 * @throws NoSuchMethodException 没有找到 Getter */ public Method getGetter(String fieldName) throws NoSuchMethodException { String fn = Strings.capitalize(fieldName); String _get = "get" + fn; String _is = "is" + fn; for (Method method : klass.getMethods()) { if (method.getParameterTypes().length != 0) continue; if (_get.equals(method.getName())) return method; if (_is.equals(method.getName())) { if (! throw new NoSuchMethodException(); return method; } if (fieldName.equals(method.getName())) return method; } throw Lang.makeThrow( NoSuchMethodException.class, "Fail to find getter for [%s]->[%s]", klass.getName(), fieldName); }
/** * @param klass 类型 * @return 获得一个类型的描述符 */ public static String getTypeDescriptor(Class<?> klass) { if (klass.isPrimitive()) { if (klass == void.class) return "V"; else if (klass == int.class) return "I"; else if (klass == long.class) return "J"; else if (klass == byte.class) return "B"; else if (klass == short.class) return "S"; else if (klass == float.class) return "F"; else if (klass == double.class) return "D"; else if (klass == char.class) return "C"; else /* if(klass == boolean.class) */ return "Z"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (klass.isArray()) { return sb.append('[').append(getTypeDescriptor(klass.getComponentType())).toString(); } return sb.append('L').append(Mirror.getPath(klass)).append(';').toString(); }
public Object run(List<Object> param) { Object obj = fetchVar(); Mirror<?> me = null; if (obj == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if (obj instanceof Class) { // 也许是个静态方法 me =; try { return me.invoke(obj, right.toString(), param.toArray()); } catch (InvokingException e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { if (Lang.unwrapThrow(e) instanceof NoSuchMethodException) { me =; return me.invoke(obj, right.toString(), param.toArray()); } throw Lang.wrapThrow(e); } } else { me =; return me.invoke(obj, right.toString(), param.toArray()); } }