private void checkWithUserBeforeSavingModelFromOldVersion() throws UserCancelException { if (!org.nlogo.api.Version.compatibleVersion(savedVersion)) { String[] options = { I18N.guiJ().get(""), I18N.guiJ().get("common.buttons.cancel") }; String message = "This model was made with " + savedVersion + ". " + "If you save it in " + org.nlogo.api.Version.version() + " it may not work in the old version anymore."; if (, "NetLogo", message, options) != 0) { throw new UserCancelException(); } savedVersion = org.nlogo.api.Version.version(); } }
private void checkWithUserBeforeOpening2DModelin3D() throws UserCancelException { String[] options = { I18N.guiJ().get("common.buttons.continue"), I18N.guiJ().get("common.buttons.cancel") }; String message = "You are attempting to open a 2D model in " + org.nlogo.api.Version.version() + ". " + "You might need to make changes before it will work in 3D."; if (, "NetLogo", message, options) != 0) { throw new UserCancelException(); } }
private void checkWithUserBeforeOpening3DModelin2D(String version) throws UserCancelException { String[] options = { I18N.guiJ().get("common.buttons.continue"), I18N.guiJ().get("common.buttons.cancel") }; String message = "You are attempting to open a model that was created" + " in a 3D version of NetLogo. (This is " + org.nlogo.api.Version.version() + "; " + "the model was created in " + version + ".) " + "NetLogo can try to open the model, but it may " + "or may not work."; if (, "NetLogo", message, options) != 0) { throw new UserCancelException(); } }
public FileMenu(App app, ModelSaver modelSaver, AppletSaver appletSaver) { super(I18N.guiJ().get("menu.file")); = app; this.modelSaver = modelSaver; this.appletSaver = appletSaver; addMenuItem('N', new NewAction()); addMenuItem('O', new OpenAction()); addMenuItem('M', new ModelsLibraryAction()); addSeparator(); addMenuItem('S', new SaveAction()); addMenuItem(new SaveAsAction()); addMenuItem(new SaveAppletAction()); addSeparator(); addMenuItem(I18N.guiJ().get("menu.file.print"), 'P', app.tabs().printAction()); addSeparator(); org.nlogo.swing.Menu exportMenu = new org.nlogo.swing.Menu(I18N.guiJ().get("menu.file.export")); exportMenu.addMenuItem(new ExportWorldAction()); exportMenu.addMenuItem(new ExportPlotAction()); exportMenu.addMenuItem(new ExportAllPlotsAction()); exportMenu.addMenuItem(new ExportGraphicsAction()); exportMenu.addMenuItem(new ExportInterfaceAction()); exportMenu.addMenuItem(new ExportOutputAction()); add(exportMenu); addSeparator(); org.nlogo.swing.Menu importMenu = new org.nlogo.swing.Menu(I18N.guiJ().get("menu.file.import")); importMenu.addMenuItem(new ImportWorldAction()); importMenu.addMenuItem(new ImportPatchColorsAction()); importMenu.addMenuItem(new ImportPatchColorsRGBAction()); if (!org.nlogo.api.Version.is3D()) { importMenu.addMenuItem(new ImportDrawingAction()); } importMenu.addMenuItem(new ImportClientAction()); add(importMenu); if (!System.getProperty("").startsWith("Mac")) { addSeparator(); addMenuItem('Q', new QuitAction()); } // initialize here, unless there's a big problem early on in the // initial load process it'll get initialize properly below // maybe this fixes Nigel Gilbert's bug. maybe. ev 1/30/07 savedVersion = org.nlogo.api.Version.version(); }