private static List<? extends TypeMirror> computeMethodInvocation( Set<ElementKind> types, CompilationInfo info, TreePath parent, Tree error, int offset) { MethodInvocationTree nat = (MethodInvocationTree) parent.getLeaf(); boolean errorInRealArguments = false; for (Tree param : nat.getArguments()) { errorInRealArguments |= param == error; } if (errorInRealArguments) { TypeMirror[] proposedType = new TypeMirror[1]; int[] proposedIndex = new int[1]; ExecutableElement ee = info, parent, proposedType, proposedIndex); if (ee == null) { // cannot be resolved return null; } types.add(ElementKind.PARAMETER); types.add(ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE); types.add(ElementKind.FIELD); return Collections.singletonList(proposedType[0]); } return null; }
private static List<? extends TypeMirror> computeNewClass( Set<ElementKind> types, CompilationInfo info, TreePath parent, Tree error, int offset) { NewClassTree nct = (NewClassTree) parent.getLeaf(); boolean errorInRealArguments = false; for (Tree param : nct.getArguments()) { errorInRealArguments |= param == error; } if (errorInRealArguments) { TypeMirror[] proposedType = new TypeMirror[1]; int[] proposedIndex = new int[1]; ExecutableElement ee = info, parent, proposedType, proposedIndex); if (ee == null) { // cannot be resolved return null; } types.add(ElementKind.PARAMETER); types.add(ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE); types.add(ElementKind.FIELD); return Collections.singletonList(proposedType[0]); } Tree id = nct.getIdentifier(); if (id.getKind() == Kind.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE) { id = ((ParameterizedTypeTree) id).getType(); } if (id == error) { return resolveType( EnumSet.noneOf(ElementKind.class), info, parent.getParentPath(), nct, offset, null, null); } return null; }