/** * Clears the status bar if it contains the latest status message displayed by this annotation * bar. */ private void clearRecentFeedback() { StatusBar statusBar = editorUI.getStatusBar(); if (statusBar.getText(StatusBar.CELL_MAIN) == recentStatusMessage) { statusBar.setText(StatusBar.CELL_MAIN, ""); // NOI18N } }
// latestAnnotationTask business logic @Override public void run() { // get resource bundle ResourceBundle loc = NbBundle.getBundle(AnnotationBar.class); // give status bar "wait" indication // NOI18N StatusBar statusBar = editorUI.getStatusBar(); recentStatusMessage = loc.getString("CTL_StatusBar_WaitFetchAnnotation"); // NOI18N statusBar.setText(StatusBar.CELL_MAIN, recentStatusMessage); // determine current line int line = -1; int offset = caret.getDot(); try { line = Utilities.getLineOffset(doc, offset); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { Mercurial.LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can not get line for caret at offset ", offset); // NOI18N clearRecentFeedback(); return; } // handle locally modified lines AnnotateLine al = getAnnotateLine(line); if (al == null) { AnnotationMarkProvider amp = AnnotationMarkInstaller.getMarkProvider(textComponent); if (amp != null) { amp.setMarks(Collections.<AnnotationMark>emptyList()); } clearRecentFeedback(); if (recentRevision != null) { recentRevision = null; repaint(); } return; } // handle unchanged lines String revision = al.getRevision(); if (revision.equals(recentRevision) == false) { recentRevision = revision; repositoryRoot = Mercurial.getInstance().getRepositoryRoot(getCurrentFile()); repaint(); AnnotationMarkProvider amp = AnnotationMarkInstaller.getMarkProvider(textComponent); if (amp != null) { List<AnnotationMark> marks = new ArrayList<AnnotationMark>(elementAnnotations.size()); // I cannot affort to lock elementAnnotations for long time // it's accessed from editor thread too Iterator<Map.Entry<Element, AnnotateLine>> it2; synchronized (elementAnnotations) { it2 = new HashSet<Map.Entry<Element, AnnotateLine>>(elementAnnotations.entrySet()) .iterator(); } while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Element, AnnotateLine> next = it2.next(); AnnotateLine annotateLine = next.getValue(); if (revision.equals(annotateLine.getRevision())) { Element element = next.getKey(); if (elementAnnotations.containsKey(element) == false) { continue; } int elementOffset = element.getStartOffset(); int lineNumber = NbDocument.findLineNumber((StyledDocument) doc, elementOffset); AnnotationMark mark = new AnnotationMark(lineNumber, revision); marks.add(mark); } if (Thread.interrupted()) { clearRecentFeedback(); return; } } amp.setMarks(marks); } } if (al.getCommitMessage() != null) { recentStatusMessage = al.getCommitMessage(); statusBar.setText( StatusBar.CELL_MAIN, al.getRevision() + ":" + al.getId() + " - " + al.getAuthor() + ": " + recentStatusMessage); // NOI18N } else { clearRecentFeedback(); } }