public String perform(HttpServletRequest request) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); request.setAttribute("errors", errors); User user = (User) request.getSession(false).getAttribute("user"); Blog[] blogList = null; try { ReplyBlogForm form = formBeanFactory.create(request); request.setAttribute("form", form); request.setAttribute("session", currentSession); if (!form.isPresent()) { return "view-post-reply.jsp"; } errors.addAll(form.getValidationErrors()); if (errors.size() > 0) { request.setAttribute("form", null); return "view-post-reply.jsp"; } // store the user reply posts under the blog subject in the database Blog movieBlog = new Blog(); String subject = currentSession.getBlogSubject(); movieBlog.setBlogSubject(subject); movieBlog.setBlogPost(form.getReplyPost()); movieBlog.setUserName(user.getUserName()); blogDAO.create(movieBlog); blogList = blogDAO.getBlogs(subject); currentSession.setBlogSubject(subject); currentSession.setBlogList(blogList); request.setAttribute("session", currentSession); // if user is not logged in do not give option to post a reply on the blog if (user == null) { return "view-only-post.jsp"; } else { return "view-post-reply.jsp"; } } catch (DAOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return "error.jsp"; } catch (FormBeanException e) { errors.add(e.getMessage()); return "manage.jsp"; } }
@Override public String perform(HttpServletRequest request) { LoginForm form = formBeanFactory.create(request); List<String> errors = prepareErrors(request); if (!form.isPresent()) { return "home.jsp"; } request.setAttribute("form", form); errors.addAll(form.getValidationErrors()); if (errors.size() != 0) { return "home.jsp"; } User user; try { user = userDAO.lookup(form.getUserName()); } catch (DAOException e) { errors.add(e.getMessage()); return "home.jsp"; } if (user == null) { errors.add("Username not found"); return "home.jsp"; } if (!user.checkPassword(form.getPassword())) { errors.add("Incorrect password"); return "home.jsp"; } HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute("user", user); request.setAttribute("success", "Welcome back! " + user.getUserName()); return "home.jsp"; }
@Override public String perform(HttpServletRequest request) { ExchangeForm form = formBeanFactory.create(request); List<String> errors = prepareErrors(request); User curUser = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"); if (curUser == null) { errors.add("You are not logged in"); return ""; } if (!form.isPresent()) { return ""; } errors.addAll(form.getValidationErrors()); if (errors.size() != 0) return ""; Exchange xchg = null; User admin = null; try { xchg = exchangeDAO.lookup(form.getExchangeIdAsInt()); admin = userDAO.lookup("Admin"); curUser = userDAO.lookup(curUser.getUserName()); } catch (DAOException e) { errors.add(e.getMessage()); return ""; } request.getSession().setAttribute("user", curUser); if (xchg == null) { errors.add("Transaction not found"); return ""; } Item item = null; try { item = itemDAO.getItemById(xchg.getItem().getId()); } catch (DAOException e) { errors.add(e.getMessage()); return ""; } if (!xchg.getPoster().getUserName().equals(curUser.getUserName())) { errors.add("You are not the owner of the item"); return ""; } if (xchg.getStatus() == Exchange.CLOSED || item.getStatus() == Item.CLOSED) { errors.add("Item already closed"); return ""; } try { Transaction.begin(); if (xchg.getRespondType() == Exchange.ANSWER_REQUEST_FOR_CREDIT) { userDAO.transferCredit(item.getCredit(), xchg.getPoster(), xchg.getResponder()); curUser.setCredit(curUser.getCredit() - item.getCredit()); } String url1 = "<a href="" + item.getId() + "">item</a>"; itemDAO.closeItem(item.getId()); exchangeDAO.setSuccessTransaction(xchg.getId()); messageDAO.send( admin, curUser, "Transaction on (" + item.getItemName() + ") complete", "You have accepted the request from (" + "<a href="" + xchg.getResponder().getUserName() + "">" + xchg.getResponder().getUserName() + "</a>). Your " + url1 + " is now closed."); userDAO.updateNewMsgCount(curUser.getUserName(), 1); messageDAO.send( admin, xchg.getResponder(), "Transaction on (" + item.getItemName() + ") complete", "The <a href="" + item.getOwner().getUserName() + "">owner</a> of " + url1 + " has accepted your request"); userDAO.updateNewMsgCount(xchg.getResponder().getUserName(), 1); Exchange[] pending = exchangeDAO.findItemPendingTransactions(item); for (Exchange each : pending) { messageDAO.send( admin, each.getResponder(), "Transaction on (" + item.getItemName() + ") dismissed", "The item you have reponded to is now closed"); userDAO.updateNewMsgCount(each.getResponder().getUserName(), 1); } exchangeDAO.closeItemTransaction(item); Transaction.commit(); } catch (RollbackException e) { errors.add(e.getMessage()); return ""; } finally { if (Transaction.isActive()) Transaction.rollback(); } try { curUser = userDAO.lookup(curUser.getUserName()); } catch (DAOException e) { errors.add(e.getMessage()); return ""; } request.getSession().setAttribute("user", curUser); request.setAttribute("success", "Congrats, your transaction has been made"); return ""; }