private void load(InputStream is) throws IOException { Document doc = XmlUtils.parseInputStream(is); XPath xp = XmlUtils.createXPath(); columns.clear(); try { String firstLineHeaderStr = xp.evaluate("/AllColumns/@firstLineHeader", doc); if (firstLineHeaderStr != null && firstLineHeaderStr.equals("true")) { firstLineHeader = true; } NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xp.evaluate("/AllColumns/Column", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Element s = (Element) nodes.item(i); Column c = new Column(); c.setName(s.getAttribute("name")); String type = s.getAttribute("type"); if (type == null || type.isEmpty()) { type = FactorType.Unknown.toString(); } c.setType(Column.FactorType.valueOf(type)); String tmp = s.getAttribute("min"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setMin(Double.valueOf(tmp)); } tmp = s.getAttribute("max"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setMax(Double.valueOf(tmp)); } tmp = s.getAttribute("count"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setCount(Long.valueOf(tmp)); } tmp = s.getAttribute("sum"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setSum(Double.valueOf(tmp)); } tmp = s.getAttribute("quartile1"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setQuartile1(Double.valueOf(tmp)); } tmp = s.getAttribute("quartile2"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setQuartile2(Double.valueOf(tmp)); } tmp = s.getAttribute("quartile3"); if (tmp.isEmpty() == false) { c.setQuartile3(Double.valueOf(tmp)); } columns.add(c); } } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { throw new IOException("Error parsing XML", e); } }
public void fromXML(final InputStream strm) throws ColorScaleException { try { fromXML(XmlUtils.parseInputStream(strm)); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new ColorScaleException(e); } }
public void store(OutputStream os) throws IOException { Document doc = XmlUtils.createDocument(); Element root = doc.createElement("AllColumns"); root.setAttribute("firstLineHeader", firstLineHeader ? "true" : "false"); doc.appendChild(root); String pigLoad = "loaded = LOAD 'filename' USING PigStorage() AS ("; String comma = ""; for (Column c : columns) { pigLoad += comma + c.getName(); comma = ", "; Element node = doc.createElement("Column"); root.appendChild(node); node.setAttribute("name", c.getName()); node.setAttribute("type", c.getType().toString()); if (c.getCount() > 0) { node.setAttribute("count", Long.toString(c.getCount())); } if (c.getType() == FactorType.Numeric) { if (c.getSum() > 0.0) { node.setAttribute("sum", Double.toString(c.getSum())); } if (c.getMin() <= c.getMax()) { node.setAttribute("min", Double.toString(c.getMin())); node.setAttribute("max", Double.toString(c.getMax())); } if (c.isQuartile1Valid()) { node.setAttribute("quartile1", Double.toString(c.getQuartile1())); } if (c.isQuartile2Valid()) { node.setAttribute("quartile2", Double.toString(c.getQuartile2())); } if (c.isQuartile3Valid()) { node.setAttribute("quartile3", Double.toString(c.getQuartile3())); } } } pigLoad += ");"; Comment c = doc.createComment(pigLoad); root.appendChild(c); XmlUtils.writeDocument(doc, new OutputStreamWriter(os)); }
/** * Sets a nodes child to have a given value. If the child doesn't exist it is created. * * @param parent * @param childName * @param childValue * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public static void setChild(Node parent, String childName, String childValue) throws XPathExpressionException { Document doc = parent.getOwnerDocument(); XPath xpath = XmlUtils.createXPath(); Node childNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate(childName, parent, XPathConstants.NODE); if (childNode == null) { childNode = doc.createElement(childName); parent.appendChild(childNode); } childNode.setTextContent(childValue); }
/** * Sets the altitude of all Polygons * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public static void setAltitude(Document doc, double altitude, String altitudeMode) throws XPathExpressionException { XPath xpath = XmlUtils.createXPath(); // only polygons are supported at this time XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("/kml/*/Polygon"); NodeList nodes = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node polygonNode = nodes.item(i); setChild(polygonNode, "altitude", new Double(altitude).toString()); if (altitudeMode != null) { setChild(polygonNode, "altitudeMode", altitudeMode); } } throw new XPathExpressionException("I haven't been tested!"); }
public void fromXML(final Document doc) throws ColorScaleException { try { clear(); final XPath xpath = XmlUtils.createXPath(); name = xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/@name", doc); final Node nodeTitle = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/Title", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); if (nodeTitle != null) { title = xpath.evaluate("text()", nodeTitle); } final Node nodeDesc = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/Description", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); if (nodeDesc != null) { description = xpath.evaluate("text()", nodeDesc); } scaling = Scaling.valueOf(xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/Scaling/text()", doc)); final String reliefShadingStr = xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/ReliefShading/text()", doc).toLowerCase(); reliefShading = reliefShadingStr.equals("1") || reliefShadingStr.equals("true"); final String interpolateStr = xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/Interpolate/text()", doc).toLowerCase(); interpolate = interpolateStr.isEmpty() || (interpolateStr.equals("1") || interpolateStr.equals("true")); final String forceStr = xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/ForceValuesIntoRange/text()", doc).toLowerCase(); forceValuesIntoRange = (forceStr.equals("1") || forceStr.equals("true")); final Node nullColorNode = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/ColorMap/NullColor", doc, XPathConstants.NODE); if (nullColorNode != null) { final String colorStr = xpath.evaluate("@color", nullColorNode); final String opacityStr = xpath.evaluate("@opacity", nullColorNode); parseColor(colorStr, opacityStr, nullColor); } final int[] color = new int[4]; final XPathExpression expr = xpath.compile("/ColorMap/Color"); final NodeList nodes = (NodeList) expr.evaluate(doc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { final Node node = nodes.item(i); final String valueStr = xpath.evaluate("@value", node); final String colorStr = xpath.evaluate("@color", node); final String opacityStr = xpath.evaluate("@opacity", node); if (valueStr.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException( "Error parsing XML: A value must be specified for a color element."); } final double value = Double.valueOf(valueStr); parseColor(colorStr, opacityStr, color); put(value, color); } cache = null; } catch (final Exception e) { throw new BadXMLException(e); } }