protected boolean redirectIfAppropriate() { final boolean redirected = super.redirectIfAppropriate(); if (redirected) { return true; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(ABOUT_ACCOUNTS); sb.append("?action="); sb.append(action); sb.append(extras); // Pass through a set of known string values from intent extras to about:accounts. final Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent != null) { for (String key : EXTRAS_TO_PASSTHROUGH) { final String value = intent.getStringExtra(key); if (value != null) { sb.append("&"); sb.append(key); sb.append("="); sb.append(value); } } } ActivityUtils.openURLInFennec(getApplicationContext(), sb.toString()); return true; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { Logger.debug(LOG_TAG, "onCreate(" + icicle + ")"); super.onCreate(icicle); setContentView(layoutResourceId); emailEdit = (AutoCompleteTextView) ensureFindViewById(null,, "email edit"); passwordEdit = (EditText) ensureFindViewById(null,, "password edit"); showPasswordButton = (Button) ensureFindViewById(null,, "show password button"); remoteErrorTextView = (TextView) ensureFindViewById(null,, "remote error text view"); button = (Button) ensureFindViewById(null,, "update credentials"); progressBar = (ProgressBar) ensureFindViewById(null,, "progress bar"); minimumPasswordLength = 1; // Minimal restriction on passwords entered to sign in. createButton(); addListeners(); updateButtonState(); createShowPasswordButton(); emailEdit.setEnabled(false); TextView view = (TextView) findViewById(; ActivityUtils.linkTextView( view, R.string.fxaccount_sign_in_forgot_password, R.string.fxaccount_link_forgot_password); updateFromIntentExtras(); }
protected void linkifyOldFirefoxLink() { TextView oldFirefox = (TextView) findViewById(; String text = getResources().getString(R.string.fxaccount_getting_started_old_firefox); final String url = FirefoxAccounts.getOldSyncUpgradeURL(getResources(), Locale.getDefault()); FxAccountUtils.pii( LOG_TAG, "Old Firefox url is: " + url); // Don't want to leak locale in particular. ActivityUtils.linkTextView(oldFirefox, text, url); }
protected void linkifyOldFirefoxLink() { TextView oldFirefox = (TextView) findViewById(; String text = getResources().getString(R.string.fxaccount_getting_started_old_firefox); String VERSION = AppConstants.MOZ_APP_VERSION; String OS = AppConstants.OS_TARGET; // We'll need to adjust this when we have active locale switching. String LOCALE = Utils.getLanguageTag(Locale.getDefault()); String url = getResources().getString(R.string.fxaccount_link_old_firefox, VERSION, OS, LOCALE); FxAccountConstants.pii( LOG_TAG, "Old Firefox url is: " + url); // Don't want to leak locale in particular. ActivityUtils.linkTextView(oldFirefox, text, url); }
protected void linkifyPolicy() { TextView policyView = (TextView) ensureFindViewById(null,, "policy links"); final String linkTerms = getString(R.string.fxaccount_link_tos); final String linkPrivacy = getString(R.string.fxaccount_link_pn); final String linkedTOS = "<a href=\"" + linkTerms + "\">" + getString(R.string.fxaccount_policy_linktos) + "</a>"; final String linkedPN = "<a href=\"" + linkPrivacy + "\">" + getString(R.string.fxaccount_policy_linkprivacy) + "</a>"; policyView.setText( getString(R.string.fxaccount_create_account_policy_text, linkedTOS, linkedPN)); final boolean underlineLinks = true; ActivityUtils.linkifyTextView(policyView, underlineLinks); }