public DependencyGraph run() throws MaltChainedException {
    // Creates a symbol table handler
    SymbolTableHandler symbolTables =
        new TrieSymbolTableHandler(TrieSymbolTableHandler.ADD_NEW_TO_TRIE);

    // Adds three symbol tables (FORM, POSTAG and DEPREL)
    SymbolTable formTable = symbolTables.addSymbolTable("FORM");
    SymbolTable postagTable = symbolTables.addSymbolTable("POSTAG");
    SymbolTable deprelTable = symbolTables.addSymbolTable("DEPREL");

    // Creates a dependency graph
    DependencyGraph graph = new DependencyGraph(symbolTables);

    // Adds three dependency (token) nodes
    DependencyNode node = null;

    node = graph.addDependencyNode(1);
    node.addLabel(formTable, "Johan");
    node.addLabel(postagTable, "N");

    node = graph.addDependencyNode(2);
    node.addLabel(formTable, "likes");
    node.addLabel(postagTable, "V");

    node = graph.addDependencyNode(3);
    node.addLabel(formTable, "graphs");
    node.addLabel(postagTable, "N");

    // Adds three dependency relations (edges)
    Edge e = null;
    e = graph.addDependencyEdge(0, 2); // The root node has index 0
    e.addLabel(deprelTable, "PRED");

    e = graph.addDependencyEdge(2, 1);
    e.addLabel(deprelTable, "SUB");

    e = graph.addDependencyEdge(2, 3);
    e.addLabel(deprelTable, "OBJ");

    return graph;