/** Export to an ARC file */ public class ArcExporter extends Exporter { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("ArcExporter"); protected CIProperties arcProps = null; String arcFilePrefix = "SimulatedCrawl"; AtomicInteger serialNo = new AtomicInteger(0); ARCWriter aw; boolean isResponse; public ArcExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au, boolean isResponse) { super(daemon, au); this.isResponse = isResponse; } protected void start() { aw = makeARCWriter(); } protected void finish() throws IOException { aw.close(); } private ARCWriter makeARCWriter() { return new ARCWriter( serialNo, ListUtil.list(dir), prefix, compress, maxSize >= 0 ? maxSize : Long.MAX_VALUE); } protected void writeCu(CachedUrl cu) throws IOException { String url = cu.getUrl(); long contentSize = cu.getContentSize(); CIProperties props = cu.getProperties(); long fetchTime = Long.parseLong(props.getProperty(CachedUrl.PROPERTY_FETCH_TIME)); InputStream contentIn = cu.getUnfilteredInputStream(); try { if (isResponse) { String hdrString = getHttpResponseString(cu); long size = contentSize + hdrString.length(); InputStream headerIn = new ReaderInputStream(new StringReader(hdrString)); InputStream concat = new SequenceInputStream(headerIn, contentIn); try { aw.write(xlateFilename(url), cu.getContentType(), getHostIp(), fetchTime, size, concat); } finally { IOUtil.safeClose(concat); } } else { aw.write( xlateFilename(url), cu.getContentType(), getHostIp(), fetchTime, cu.getContentSize(), contentIn); } } finally { AuUtil.safeRelease(cu); } } }
/** JUnitTest case for class: org.lockss.poller.Poll */ public class TestPoll extends LockssTestCase { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("TestPoll"); private static String[] rootV1urls = { "http://www.test.org", "http://www.test1.org", "http://www.test2.org" }; private static String lwrbnd = "test1.doc"; private static String uprbnd = "test3.doc"; private static long testduration = Constants.DAY; // protected ArchivalUnit testau = // PollTestPlugin.PTArchivalUnit.createFromListOfRootUrls(rootV1urls); protected MockArchivalUnit testau; private IdentityManager idmgr; private MockLockssDaemon theDaemon; private ArrayList agree_entries = makeEntries(10, 50); private ArrayList disagree_entries = makeEntries(15, 57); private ArrayList dissenting_entries = makeEntries(7, 50); protected PeerIdentity testID; protected PeerIdentity testID1; protected V1LcapMessage[] testV1msg; protected V1Poll[] testV1polls; protected PollManager pollmanager; protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); TimeBase.setSimulated(); initRequiredServices(); testau.setPlugin(new MockPlugin()); initTestPeerIDs(); initTestMsg(); initTestPolls(); } /** * tearDown method for test case * * @throws Exception if removePoll failed */ public void tearDown() throws Exception { pollmanager.stopService(); theDaemon.getLockssRepository(testau).stopService(); theDaemon.getHashService().stopService(); theDaemon.getDatagramRouterManager().stopService(); theDaemon.getRouterManager().stopService(); theDaemon.getSystemMetrics().stopService(); TimeBase.setReal(); for (int i = 0; i < testV1msg.length; i++) { if (testV1msg[i] != null) pollmanager.removePoll(testV1msg[i].getKey()); } super.tearDown(); } /** test for method scheduleVote(..) */ public void testScheduleVote() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[1]; assertTrue(p instanceof V1ContentPoll); log.debug3("testScheduleVote 1"); p.scheduleVote(); log.debug3("testScheduleVote 2"); assertNotNull(p.m_voteTime); assertTrue(p.m_voteTime.getRemainingTime() < p.m_deadline.getRemainingTime()); log.debug3("at end of testScheduleVote"); } /** test for method checkVote(..) */ public void testCheckVote() throws Exception { V1LcapMessage msg = null; log.debug3("starting testCheeckVote"); msg = V1LcapMessage.makeReplyMsg( testV1polls[0].getMessage(), ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), null, V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REP, testduration, testID); log.debug3("testCheeckVote 2"); V1Poll p = null; p = createCompletedPoll(theDaemon, testau, msg, 8, 2, pollmanager); assertTrue(p instanceof V1NamePoll); log.debug3("testCheeckVote 3"); assertNotNull(p); PeerIdentity id = msg.getOriginatorId(); assertNotNull(id); assertNotNull(p.m_tally); int rep = p.m_tally.wtAgree + idmgr.getReputation(id); // good vote check p.checkVote(msg.getHashed(), new Vote(msg, false)); assertEquals(9, p.m_tally.numAgree); assertEquals(2, p.m_tally.numDisagree); assertEquals(rep, p.m_tally.wtAgree); rep = p.m_tally.wtDisagree + idmgr.getReputation(id); // bad vote check p.checkVote(ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), new Vote(msg, false)); assertEquals(9, p.m_tally.numAgree); assertEquals(3, p.m_tally.numDisagree); assertEquals(rep, p.m_tally.wtDisagree); } /** test for method tally(..) */ public void testTally() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[0]; LcapMessage msg = p.getMessage(); PeerIdentity id = msg.getOriginatorId(); p.m_tally.addVote(new Vote(msg, false), id, false); p.m_tally.addVote(new Vote(msg, false), id, false); p.m_tally.addVote(new Vote(msg, false), id, false); assertEquals(0, p.m_tally.numAgree); assertEquals(0, p.m_tally.wtAgree); assertEquals(3, p.m_tally.numDisagree); assertEquals(1500, p.m_tally.wtDisagree); p = testV1polls[1]; msg = p.getMessage(); p.m_tally.addVote(new Vote(msg, true), id, false); p.m_tally.addVote(new Vote(msg, true), id, false); p.m_tally.addVote(new Vote(msg, true), id, false); assertEquals(3, p.m_tally.numAgree); assertEquals(1500, p.m_tally.wtAgree); assertEquals(0, p.m_tally.numDisagree); assertEquals(0, p.m_tally.wtDisagree); } public void testNamePollTally() throws Exception { V1NamePoll np; // test a name poll we won np = makeCompletedNamePoll(4, 1, 0); assertEquals(5, np.m_tally.numAgree); assertEquals(1, np.m_tally.numDisagree); assertEquals(Tallier.RESULT_WON, np.m_tally.getTallyResult()); // test a name poll we lost with a dissenting vote np = makeCompletedNamePoll(1, 8, 1); assertEquals(2, np.m_tally.numAgree); assertEquals(9, np.m_tally.numDisagree); // build a master list np.buildPollLists(np.m_tally.pollVotes.iterator()); // these should be different since we lost the poll assertFalse(CollectionUtil.isIsomorphic(np.m_tally.localEntries, np.m_tally.votedEntries)); // the expected "correct" set is in our disagree msg assertTrue(CollectionUtil.isIsomorphic(disagree_entries, np.m_tally.votedEntries)); } /** test for method vote(..) */ public void testVote() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[1]; p.m_hash = ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20); try { p.castOurVote(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // the socket isn't inited and should squack } p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; } /** test for method voteInPoll(..) */ public void testVoteInPoll() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[1]; p.m_tally.quorum = 10; p.m_tally.numAgree = 5; p.m_tally.numDisagree = 2; p.m_tally.wtAgree = 2000; p.m_tally.wtDisagree = 200; p.m_hash = ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20); try { p.voteInPoll(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // the socket isn't inited and should squack } p.m_tally.numAgree = 20; try { p.voteInPoll(); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // the socket isn't inited and should squack } p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; } public void testStartPoll() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[0]; p.startPoll(); assertEquals(V1Poll.PS_WAIT_HASH, p.m_pollstate); p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; } public void testScheduleOurHash() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[0]; p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_WAIT_HASH; // no time has elapsed - so we should be able to schedule our hash assertTrue(p.scheduleOurHash()); // half the time has elapsed so we should be able to schedule our hash TimeBase.step(p.m_deadline.getRemainingTime() / 2); assertTrue(p.scheduleOurHash()); // all of the time has elapsed we should not be able to schedule our hash TimeBase.step(p.m_deadline.getRemainingTime() - 1000); assertFalse(p.scheduleOurHash()); p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; } /** test for method stopPoll(..) */ public void testStopPoll() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[1]; p.m_tally.quorum = 10; p.m_tally.numAgree = 7; p.m_tally.numDisagree = 3; p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_WAIT_TALLY; p.stopPoll(); assertTrue(p.m_pollstate == V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE); p.startPoll(); assertTrue(p.m_pollstate == V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE); } /** test for method startVoteCheck(..) */ public void testStartVote() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[0]; p.m_pendingVotes = 3; p.startVoteCheck(); assertEquals(4, p.m_pendingVotes); p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; } /** test for method stopVote(..) */ public void testStopVote() { V1Poll p = testV1polls[1]; p.m_pendingVotes = 3; p.stopVoteCheck(); assertEquals(2, p.m_pendingVotes); p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; } private V1NamePoll makeCompletedNamePoll(int numAgree, int numDisagree, int numDissenting) throws Exception { V1NamePoll np = null; V1LcapMessage agree_msg = null; V1LcapMessage disagree_msg1 = null; V1LcapMessage disagree_msg2 = null; Plugin plugin = testau.getPlugin(); PollSpec spec = new MockPollSpec(testau, rootV1urls[0], null, null, Poll.V1_NAME_POLL); ((MockCachedUrlSet) spec.getCachedUrlSet()).setHasContent(false); V1LcapMessage poll_msg = V1LcapMessage.makeRequestMsg( spec, null, ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REQ, testduration, testID); // make our poll np = (V1NamePoll) new V1NamePoll( spec, pollmanager, poll_msg.getOriginatorId(), poll_msg.getChallenge(), poll_msg.getDuration(), poll_msg.getHashAlgorithm()); np.setMessage(poll_msg); // generate agree vote msg agree_msg = V1LcapMessage.makeReplyMsg( poll_msg, ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), poll_msg.getVerifier(), agree_entries, V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REP, testduration, testID); // generate a disagree vote msg disagree_msg1 = V1LcapMessage.makeReplyMsg( poll_msg, ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), disagree_entries, V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REP, testduration, testID1); // generate a losing disagree vote msg disagree_msg2 = V1LcapMessage.makeReplyMsg( poll_msg, ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), ByteArray.makeRandomBytes(20), dissenting_entries, V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REP, testduration, testID1); // add our vote V1LcapMessage msg = (V1LcapMessage) (np.getMessage()); PeerIdentity id = msg.getOriginatorId(); np.m_tally.addVote(np.makeNameVote(msg, true), id, true); // add the agree votes id = agree_msg.getOriginatorId(); for (int i = 0; i < numAgree; i++) { np.m_tally.addVote(np.makeNameVote(agree_msg, true), id, false); } // add the disagree votes id = disagree_msg1.getOriginatorId(); for (int i = 0; i < numDisagree; i++) { np.m_tally.addVote(np.makeNameVote(disagree_msg1, false), id, false); } // add dissenting disagree vote id = disagree_msg2.getOriginatorId(); for (int i = 0; i < numDissenting; i++) { np.m_tally.addVote(np.makeNameVote(disagree_msg2, false), id, false); } np.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; np.m_tally.tallyVotes(); return np; } public static V1Poll createCompletedPoll( LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au, V1LcapMessage testmsg, int numAgree, int numDisagree, PollManager pollmanager) throws Exception { log.debug( "createCompletedPoll: au: " + au.toString() + " peer " + testmsg.getOriginatorId() + " votes " + numAgree + "/" + numDisagree); CachedUrlSetSpec cusSpec = null; if ((testmsg.getLwrBound() != null) && (testmsg.getLwrBound().equals(PollSpec.SINGLE_NODE_LWRBOUND))) { cusSpec = new SingleNodeCachedUrlSetSpec(testmsg.getTargetUrl()); } else { cusSpec = new RangeCachedUrlSetSpec( testmsg.getTargetUrl(), testmsg.getLwrBound(), testmsg.getUprBound()); } CachedUrlSet cus = au.makeCachedUrlSet(cusSpec); PollSpec spec = new PollSpec(cus, Poll.V1_CONTENT_POLL); ((MockCachedUrlSet) spec.getCachedUrlSet()).setHasContent(false); V1Poll p = null; if (testmsg.isContentPoll()) { p = new V1ContentPoll( spec, pollmanager, testmsg.getOriginatorId(), testmsg.getChallenge(), testmsg.getDuration(), testmsg.getHashAlgorithm()); } else if (testmsg.isNamePoll()) { p = new V1NamePoll( spec, pollmanager, testmsg.getOriginatorId(), testmsg.getChallenge(), testmsg.getDuration(), testmsg.getHashAlgorithm()); } else if (testmsg.isVerifyPoll()) { p = new V1VerifyPoll( spec, pollmanager, testmsg.getOriginatorId(), testmsg.getChallenge(), testmsg.getDuration(), testmsg.getHashAlgorithm(), testmsg.getVerifier()); } assertNotNull(p); p.setMessage(testmsg); p.m_tally.quorum = numAgree + numDisagree; p.m_tally.numAgree = numAgree; p.m_tally.numDisagree = numDisagree; p.m_tally.wtAgree = 2000; p.m_tally.wtDisagree = 200; p.m_tally.localEntries = makeEntries(1, 3); p.m_tally.votedEntries = makeEntries(1, 5); p.m_tally.votedEntries.remove(1); p.m_pollstate = V1Poll.PS_COMPLETE; p.m_callerID = testmsg.getOriginatorId(); log.debug3("poll " + p.toString()); p.m_tally.tallyVotes(); return p; } public static ArrayList makeEntries(int firstEntry, int lastEntry) { int numEntries = lastEntry - firstEntry + 1; ArrayList ret_arry = new ArrayList(numEntries); for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) { String name = "/testentry" + (firstEntry + i) + ".html"; ret_arry.add(new PollTally.NameListEntry(i % 2 == 1, name)); } return ret_arry; } private void initRequiredServices() { theDaemon = getMockLockssDaemon(); pollmanager = new LocalPollManager(); pollmanager.initService(theDaemon); theDaemon.setPollManager(pollmanager); theDaemon.getPluginManager(); testau = PollTestPlugin.PTArchivalUnit.createFromListOfRootUrls(rootV1urls); PluginTestUtil.registerArchivalUnit(testau); String tempDirPath = null; try { tempDirPath = getTempDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; } catch (IOException ex) { fail("unable to create a temporary directory"); } Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty(IdentityManager.PARAM_IDDB_DIR, tempDirPath + "iddb"); p.setProperty(LockssRepositoryImpl.PARAM_CACHE_LOCATION, tempDirPath); p.setProperty(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST, tempDirPath); p.setProperty(IdentityManager.PARAM_LOCAL_IP, ""); p.setProperty(ConfigManager.PARAM_NEW_SCHEDULER, "false"); // XXX we need to disable verification of votes because the // voter isn't really there p.setProperty(V1Poll.PARAM_AGREE_VERIFY, "0"); p.setProperty(V1Poll.PARAM_DISAGREE_VERIFY, "0"); ConfigurationUtil.setCurrentConfigFromProps(p); idmgr = theDaemon.getIdentityManager(); idmgr.startService(); // theDaemon.getSchedService().startService(); theDaemon.getHashService().startService(); theDaemon.getDatagramRouterManager().startService(); theDaemon.getRouterManager().startService(); theDaemon.getSystemMetrics().startService(); theDaemon.getActivityRegulator(testau).startService(); theDaemon.setNodeManager(new MockNodeManager(), testau); pollmanager.startService(); } private void initTestPeerIDs() { try { testID = idmgr.stringToPeerIdentity(""); testID1 = idmgr.stringToPeerIdentity(""); } catch (IdentityManager.MalformedIdentityKeyException ex) { fail("can't open test host"); } } private void initTestMsg() throws Exception { testV1msg = new V1LcapMessage[3]; int[] pollType = { Poll.V1_NAME_POLL, Poll.V1_CONTENT_POLL, Poll.V1_VERIFY_POLL, }; PollFactory ppf = pollmanager.getPollFactory(1); assertNotNull("PollFactory should not be null", ppf); // XXX V1 support mandatory assertTrue(ppf instanceof V1PollFactory); V1PollFactory pf = (V1PollFactory) ppf; for (int i = 0; i < testV1msg.length; i++) { PollSpec spec = new MockPollSpec(testau, rootV1urls[i], lwrbnd, uprbnd, pollType[i]); log.debug("Created poll spec: " + spec); ((MockCachedUrlSet) spec.getCachedUrlSet()).setHasContent(false); int opcode = V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REQ + (i * 2); long duration = -1; // NB calcDuration is not applied to Verify polls. switch (opcode) { case V1LcapMessage.NAME_POLL_REQ: case V1LcapMessage.CONTENT_POLL_REQ: // this will attempt to schedule and can return -1 duration = Math.max(pf.calcDuration(spec, pollmanager), 1000); break; case V1LcapMessage.VERIFY_POLL_REQ: case V1LcapMessage.VERIFY_POLL_REP: duration = 100000; // Arbitrary break; default: fail("Bad opcode " + opcode); break; } testV1msg[i] = V1LcapMessage.makeRequestMsg( spec, agree_entries, pf.makeVerifier(100000), pf.makeVerifier(100000), opcode, duration, testID); assertNotNull(testV1msg[i]); } } private void initTestPolls() throws Exception { testV1polls = new V1Poll[testV1msg.length]; for (int i = 0; i < testV1polls.length; i++) { log.debug3("initTestPolls: V1 " + i); BasePoll p = pollmanager.makePoll(testV1msg[i]); assertNotNull(p); assertNotNull(p.getMessage()); log.debug("initTestPolls: V1 " + i + " returns " + p); assertTrue(p instanceof V1Poll); switch (i) { case 0: assertTrue(p instanceof V1NamePoll); break; case 1: assertTrue(p instanceof V1ContentPoll); break; case 2: assertTrue(p instanceof V1VerifyPoll); break; } testV1polls[i] = (V1Poll) p; assertNotNull(testV1polls[i]); log.debug3("initTestPolls: " + i + " " + p.toString()); } } static class LocalPollManager extends PollManager { // ignore message sends public void sendMessage(V1LcapMessage msg, ArchivalUnit au) throws IOException {} } /** * Executes the test case * * @param argv array of Strings containing command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] argv) { String[] testCaseList = {TestPoll.class.getName()}; junit.swingui.TestRunner.main(testCaseList); } }
/** Minimal fully functional plugin capable of serving a little static content. */ public class StaticContentPlugin extends BasePlugin implements PluginTestable { static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("StaticContentPlugin"); Map cuMap = new HashMap(); public StaticContentPlugin() {} public String getVersion() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public String getPluginName() { return "Static Content"; } public List getSupportedTitles() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public List getLocalAuConfigDescrs() { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } protected ArchivalUnit createAu0(Configuration auConfig) throws ArchivalUnit.ConfigurationException { return new SAU(this); } public void registerArchivalUnit(ArchivalUnit au) { aus.add(au); } public void unregisterArchivalUnit(ArchivalUnit au) { aus.remove(au); } public class SAU extends BaseArchivalUnit { protected SAU(Plugin myPlugin) { super(myPlugin); } protected String makeName() { return "Static Content AU"; } protected String makeStartUrl() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not Implemented"); } public CachedUrlSet makeCachedUrlSet(CachedUrlSetSpec cuss) { return new SCUS(this, cuss); } public CachedUrl makeCachedUrl(String url) { CachedUrl res = (CachedUrl) cuMap.get(url); log.debug("makeCachedUrl(" + url + ") = " + res); return (CachedUrl) cuMap.get(url); } public org.lockss.plugin.UrlCacher makeUrlCacher(String url) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public boolean shouldBeCached(String url) { return cuMap.containsKey(url); } public List getNewContentCrawlUrls() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public Collection getUrlStems() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public CachedUrlSet cachedUrlSetFactory(ArchivalUnit owner, CachedUrlSetSpec cuss) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public CachedUrl cachedUrlFactory(CachedUrlSet owner, String url) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public UrlCacher urlCacherFactory(CachedUrlSet owner, String url) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public String getManifestPage() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not Implemented"); } public FilterRule getFilterRule(String mimeType) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } /** * Create a CU with content and store it in AU * * @param owner the CUS owner * @param url the url * @param type the type * @param contents the contents */ public void storeCachedUrl(CachedUrlSet owner, String url, String type, String contents) { SCU scu = new SCU(owner, url, type, contents); cuMap.put(scu.getUrl(), scu); } public void storeCachedUrl(String url, String type, String contents) { storeCachedUrl(null, url, type, contents); } public String toString() { return "[sau: " + cuMap + "]"; } protected CrawlRule makeRules() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } /** * loadDefiningConfig * * @param config Configuration */ protected void loadAuConfigDescrs(Configuration config) {} } public class SCU extends BaseCachedUrl { private String contents = null; private CIProperties props = new CIProperties(); public SCU(CachedUrlSet owner, String url) { super(null, url); } /** * Create a CachedUrl with content * * @param owner the CUS owner * @param url the url * @param type the type * @param contents the contents */ public SCU(CachedUrlSet owner, String url, String type, String contents) { this(owner, url); setContents(contents); props.setProperty(CachedUrl.PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE, type); } private void setContents(String s) { contents = s; props.setProperty("Content-Length", "" + s.length()); } public String getUrl() { return url; } public boolean hasContent() { return contents != null; } public boolean isLeaf() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public InputStream getUnfilteredInputStream() { return new StringInputStream(contents); } public InputStream openForHashing() { return getUnfilteredInputStream(); } protected InputStream getFilteredStream() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public Reader openForReading() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public long getContentSize() { return contents == null ? 0 : contents.length(); } public CIProperties getProperties() { return props; } } class SCUS extends BaseCachedUrlSet { public SCUS(ArchivalUnit owner, CachedUrlSetSpec spec) { super(owner, spec); } public void storeActualHashDuration(long elapsed, Exception err) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public Iterator flatSetIterator() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public Iterator contentHashIterator() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public boolean isLeaf() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public CachedUrlSetHasher getContentHasher(MessageDigest digest) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public CachedUrlSetHasher getNameHasher(MessageDigest digest) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } public long estimatedHashDuration() { return 1000; } } }
/** Central repository of loaded keystores */ public class LockssKeyStoreManager extends BaseLockssDaemonManager implements ConfigurableManager { protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("LockssKeyStoreManager"); static final String PREFIX = Configuration.PREFIX + "keyMgr."; /** Default type for newly created keystores. */ public static final String PARAM_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE = PREFIX + "defaultKeyStoreType"; public static final String DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE = "JCEKS"; /** Default keystore provider. */ public static final String PARAM_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER = PREFIX + "defaultKeyStoreProvider"; public static final String DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER = null; /** * Root of keystore definitions. For each keystore, pick a unique identifier and use it in place * of <id> in the following */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE = PREFIX + "keystore"; /** If true the daemon will exit if a critical keystore is missing. */ public static final String PARAM_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE = PREFIX + "exitIfMissingKeystore"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE = true; /** keystore name, used by clients to refer to it */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_NAME = "name"; /** keystore file. Only one of file, resource or url should be set */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_FILE = "file"; /** keystore resource. Only one of file, resource or url should be set */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_RESOURCE = "resource"; /** keystore url. Only one of file, resource or url should be set */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_URL = "url"; /** keystore type */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_TYPE = "type"; /** keystore provider */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_PROVIDER = "provider"; /** keystore password */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_PASSWORD = "******"; /** private key password */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD = "******"; /** private key password file */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE = "keyPasswordFile"; /** * If true, and the keystore doesn't exist, a keystore with a self-signed certificate will be be * created. */ public static final String KEYSTORE_PARAM_CREATE = "create"; protected String defaultKeyStoreType = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE; protected String defaultKeyStoreProvider = DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER; protected boolean paramExitIfMissingKeyStore = DEFAULT_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE; // Pseudo params for param doc public static final String DOC_PREFIX = PARAM_KEYSTORE + ".<id>."; /** Name by which daemon component(s) refer to this keystore */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_NAME = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_NAME; /** Keystore filename. Only one of file, resource or url should be set */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_FILE = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_FILE; /** Keystore resource. Only one of file, resource or url should be set */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_RESOURCE = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_RESOURCE; /** Keystore url. Only one of file, resource or url should be set */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_URL = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_URL; /** Keystore type (JKS, JCEKS, etc.) */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_TYPE = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_TYPE; /** Keystore provider (SunJCE, etc.) */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_PROVIDER; /** Keystore password. Default is machine's fqdn */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_PASSWORD; /** Private key password */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD; /** private key password file */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE; /** * If true, and the keystore doesn't exist, a keystore with a self-signed certificate will be be * created. */ public static final String PARAM_KEYSTORE_CREATE = DOC_PREFIX + KEYSTORE_PARAM_CREATE; public static boolean DEFAULT_CREATE = false; protected Map<String, LockssKeyStore> keystoreMap = new HashMap<String, LockssKeyStore>(); public void startService() { super.startService(); loadKeyStores(); } public synchronized void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration prevConfig, Configuration.Differences changedKeys) { if (changedKeys.contains(PREFIX)) { defaultKeyStoreType = config.get(PARAM_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_TYPE); defaultKeyStoreProvider = config.get(PARAM_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_KEYSTORE_PROVIDER); paramExitIfMissingKeyStore = config.getBoolean(PARAM_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE, DEFAULT_EXIT_IF_MISSING_KEYSTORE); if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_KEYSTORE)) { configureKeyStores(config); // defer initial set of keystore loading until startService if (isInited()) { // load any newly added keystores loadKeyStores(); } } } } /** * Return the named LockssKeyStore or null * * @param name the keystore name */ public LockssKeyStore getLockssKeyStore(String name) { return getLockssKeyStore(name, null); } /** * Return the named LockssKeyStore * * @param name the keystore name * @param criticalServiceName if non-null, this is a criticial keystore whose unavailability * should cause the daemon to exit (if org.lockss.keyMgr.exitIfMissingKeystore is true) */ public LockssKeyStore getLockssKeyStore(String name, String criticalServiceName) { LockssKeyStore res = keystoreMap.get(name); checkFact(res, name, criticalServiceName, null); return res; } /** * Convenience method to return the KeyManagerFactory from the named LockssKeyStore, or null * * @param name the keystore name */ public KeyManagerFactory getKeyManagerFactory(String name) { return getKeyManagerFactory(name, null); } /** * Convenience method to return the KeyManagerFactory from the named LockssKeyStore. * * @param name the keystore name * @param criticalServiceName if non-null, this is a criticial keystore whose unavailability * should cause the daemon to exit (if org.lockss.keyMgr.exitIfMissingKeystore is true) */ public KeyManagerFactory getKeyManagerFactory(String name, String criticalServiceName) { LockssKeyStore lk = getLockssKeyStore(name, criticalServiceName); if (lk != null) { KeyManagerFactory fact = lk.getKeyManagerFactory(); checkFact(fact, name, criticalServiceName, "found but contains no private keys"); return fact; } return null; } /** Convenience method to return the TrustManagerFactory from the named LockssKeyStore, or null */ public TrustManagerFactory getTrustManagerFactory(String name) { return getTrustManagerFactory(name, null); } /** * Convenience method to return the TrustManagerFactory from the named LockssKeyStore. * * @param name the keystore name * @param criticalServiceName if non-null, this is a criticial keystore whose unavailability * should cause the daemon to exit (if org.lockss.keyMgr.exitIfMissingKeystore is true) */ public TrustManagerFactory getTrustManagerFactory(String name, String criticalServiceName) { LockssKeyStore lk = getLockssKeyStore(name, criticalServiceName); if (lk != null) { TrustManagerFactory fact = lk.getTrustManagerFactory(); checkFact(fact, name, criticalServiceName, "found but contains no trusted certificates"); return fact; } return null; } private void checkFact(Object fact, String name, String criticalServiceName, String message) { if (fact == null && criticalServiceName != null) { String msg = StringUtil.isNullString(name) ? ("No keystore name given for critical keystore" + " needed for service " + criticalServiceName + ", daemon exiting") : ("Critical keystore " + name + " " + ((message != null) ? message : "not found or not loadable") + " for service " + criticalServiceName + ", daemon exiting"); log.critical(msg); if (paramExitIfMissingKeyStore) { System.exit(Constants.EXIT_CODE_KEYSTORE_MISSING); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } } } /** Create LockssKeystores from config subtree below {@link #PARAM_KEYSTORE} */ void configureKeyStores(Configuration config) { Configuration allKs = config.getConfigTree(PARAM_KEYSTORE); for (Iterator iter = allKs.nodeIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String id = (String) iter.next(); Configuration oneKs = allKs.getConfigTree(id); try { LockssKeyStore lk = createLockssKeyStore(oneKs); String name = lk.getName(); if (name == null) { log.error("KeyStore definition missing name: " + oneKs); continue; } LockssKeyStore old = keystoreMap.get(name); if (old != null && !lk.equals(old)) { log.warning( "Keystore " + name + " redefined. " + "New definition may not take effect until daemon restart"); } log.debug("Adding keystore " + name); keystoreMap.put(name, lk); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Couldn't create keystore: " + oneKs, e); } } } /** Create LockssKeystore from a config subtree */ LockssKeyStore createLockssKeyStore(Configuration config) { log.debug2("Creating LockssKeyStore from config: " + config); String name = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_NAME); LockssKeyStore lk = new LockssKeyStore(name); String file = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_FILE); String resource = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_RESOURCE); String url = config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_URL); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(file)) { lk.setLocation(file, LocationType.File); } else if (!StringUtil.isNullString(resource)) { lk.setLocation(resource, LocationType.Resource); } else if (!StringUtil.isNullString(url)) { lk.setLocation(url, LocationType.Url); } lk.setType(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_TYPE, defaultKeyStoreType)); lk.setProvider(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_PROVIDER, defaultKeyStoreProvider)); lk.setPassword(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_PASSWORD)); lk.setKeyPassword(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD)); lk.setKeyPasswordFile(config.get(KEYSTORE_PARAM_KEY_PASSWORD_FILE)); lk.setMayCreate(config.getBoolean(KEYSTORE_PARAM_CREATE, DEFAULT_CREATE)); return lk; } void loadKeyStores() { List<LockssKeyStore> lst = new ArrayList<LockssKeyStore>(keystoreMap.values()); for (LockssKeyStore lk : lst) { try { lk.load(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't load keystore " + lk.getName(), e); keystoreMap.remove(lk.getName()); } } } }
// SingleThreadModel causes servlet instances to be assigned to only a // single thread (request) at a time. public abstract class LockssServlet extends HttpServlet implements SingleThreadModel { protected static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("LockssServlet"); // Constants static final String PARAM_LOCAL_IP = Configuration.PREFIX + "localIPAddress"; static final String PARAM_PLATFORM_VERSION = Configuration.PREFIX + "platform.version"; /** Inactive HTTP session (cookie) timeout */ static final String PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.sessionTimeout"; static final long DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 2 * Constants.DAY; /** Maximum size of uploaded file accepted */ static final String PARAM_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.maxUploadFileSize"; static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE = 500000; /** The warning string to display when the UI is disabled. */ static final String PARAM_UI_WARNING = Configuration.PREFIX + "ui.warning"; // session keys static final String SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID = "obj_id"; static final String SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP = "obj_map"; public static final String SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET = "running_servlet"; public static final String SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST = "request_host"; // Name given to form element whose value is the action that should be // performed when the form is submitted. (Not always the submit button.) public static final String ACTION_TAG = "lockssAction"; public static final String JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE = "org/lockss/htdocs/admin.js"; public static final String ATTR_INCLUDE_SCRIPT = "IncludeScript"; public static final String ATTR_ALLOW_ROLES = "AllowRoles"; /** User may configure admin access (add/delete/modify users, set admin access list) */ public static final String ROLE_USER_ADMIN = "userAdminRole"; /** User may configure content access (set content access list) */ public static final String ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN = "contentAdminRole"; /** User may change AU configuration (add/delete content) */ public static final String ROLE_AU_ADMIN = "auAdminRole"; public static final String ROLE_DEBUG = "debugRole"; protected ServletContext context; private LockssApp theApp = null; private ServletManager servletMgr; private AccountManager acctMgr; // Request-local storage. Convenient, but requires servlet instances // to be single threaded, and must ensure reset them to avoid carrying // over state between requests. protected HttpServletRequest req; protected HttpServletResponse resp; protected URL reqURL; protected HttpSession session; private String adminDir = null; protected String clientAddr; // client addr, even if no param protected String localAddr; protected MultiPartRequest multiReq; private Vector footnotes; private int footNumber; private int tabindex; ServletDescr _myServletDescr = null; private String myName = null; // number submit buttons sequentially so unit tests can find them protected int submitButtonNumber = 0; /** Run once when servlet loaded. */ public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); context = config.getServletContext(); theApp = (LockssApp) context.getAttribute(ServletManager.CONTEXT_ATTR_LOCKSS_APP); servletMgr = (ServletManager) context.getAttribute(ServletManager.CONTEXT_ATTR_SERVLET_MGR); if (theApp instanceof LockssDaemon) { acctMgr = getLockssDaemon().getAccountManager(); } } public ServletManager getServletManager() { return servletMgr; } protected ServletDescr[] getServletDescrs() { return servletMgr.getServletDescrs(); } /** Servlets must implement this method. */ protected abstract void lockssHandleRequest() throws ServletException, IOException; /** Common request handling. */ public void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { resetState(); boolean success = false; HttpSession session = req.getSession(false); try { this.req = req; this.resp = resp; if (log.isDebug()) { logParams(); } resp.setContentType("text/html"); if (!mayPageBeCached()) { resp.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache"); resp.setHeader("Cache-control", "no-cache"); } reqURL = new URL(UrlUtil.getRequestURL(req)); clientAddr = getLocalIPAddr(); // check that current user has permission to run this servlet if (!isServletAllowed(myServletDescr())) { displayWarningInLieuOfPage("You are not authorized to use " + myServletDescr().heading); return; } // check whether servlet is disabled String reason = ServletUtil.servletDisabledReason(myServletDescr().getServletName()); if (reason != null) { displayWarningInLieuOfPage("This function is disabled. " + reason); return; } if (session != null) { session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, getHeading()); String reqHost = req.getRemoteHost(); String forw = req.getHeader(HttpFields.__XForwardedFor); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(forw)) { reqHost += " (proxies for " + forw + ")"; } session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_REQUEST_HOST, reqHost); } lockssHandleRequest(); success = (errMsg == null); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error("Servlet threw", e); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Servlet threw", e); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Servlet threw", e); throw e; } finally { if (session != null) { session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_RUNNING_SERVLET, null); session.setAttribute(LockssFormAuthenticator.__J_AUTH_ACTIVITY, TimeBase.nowMs()); } if ("please".equalsIgnoreCase(req.getHeader("X-Lockss-Result"))) { log.debug3("X-Lockss-Result: " + (success ? "Ok" : "Fail")); resp.setHeader("X-Lockss-Result", success ? "Ok" : "Fail"); } resetMyLocals(); resetLocals(); } } protected void resetState() { multiReq = null; footNumber = 0; submitButtonNumber = 0; tabindex = 1; statusMsg = null; errMsg = null; isFramed = false; } protected void resetLocals() {} protected void resetMyLocals() { // Don't hold on to stuff forever req = null; resp = null; session = null; reqURL = null; adminDir = null; localAddr = null; footnotes = null; _myServletDescr = null; myName = null; multiReq = null; } /** * Return true if generated page may be cached (e.g., by browser). Default is false as most * servlets generate dynamic results */ protected boolean mayPageBeCached() { return false; } /** Set the session timeout to the configured value */ protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session) { Configuration config = CurrentConfig.getCurrentConfig(); setSessionTimeout( session, config.getTimeInterval(PARAM_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_UI_SESSION_TIMEOUT)); } /** Set the session timeout */ protected void setSessionTimeout(HttpSession session, long time) { session.setMaxInactiveInterval((int) (time / Constants.SECOND)); } /** Get the current session, creating it if necessary (and set the timeout if so) */ protected HttpSession getSession() { if (session == null) { session = req.getSession(true); if (session.isNew()) { setSessionTimeout(session); } } return session; } /** Return true iff a session has already been established */ protected boolean hasSession() { return req.getSession(false) != null; } /** Get an unused ID string for storing an object in the session */ protected String getNewSessionObjectId() { HttpSession session = getSession(); synchronized (session) { Integer id = (Integer) getSession().getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID); if (id == null) { id = new Integer(1); } session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJECT_ID, new Integer(id.intValue() + 1)); return id.toString(); } } /** Get the object associated with the ID in the session */ protected Object getSessionIdObject(String id) { HttpSession session = getSession(); synchronized (session) { BidiMap map = (BidiMap) session.getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP); if (map == null) { return null; } return map.getKey(id); } } /** Get the String associated with the ID in the session */ protected String getSessionIdString(String id) { return (String) getSessionIdObject(id); } /** Get the ID with which the object is associated with the session, if any */ protected String getSessionObjectId(Object obj) { HttpSession session = getSession(); BidiMap map; synchronized (session) { map = (BidiMap) session.getAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP); if (map == null) { map = new DualHashBidiMap(); session.setAttribute(SESSION_KEY_OBJ_MAP, map); } } synchronized (map) { String id = (String) map.get(obj); if (id == null) { id = getNewSessionObjectId(); map.put(obj, id); } return id; } } // Return descriptor of running servlet protected ServletDescr myServletDescr() { if (_myServletDescr == null) { _myServletDescr = servletMgr.findServletDescr(this); } return _myServletDescr; } // By default, servlet heading is in descr. Override method to // compute other heading protected String getHeading(ServletDescr d) { if (d == null) return "Unknown Servlet"; return d.heading; } protected String getHeading() { return getHeading(myServletDescr()); } String getLocalIPAddr() { if (localAddr == null) { try { IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getLocalHost(); localAddr = localHost.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // shouldn't happen log.error("LockssServlet: getLocalHost: " + e.toString()); return "???"; } } return localAddr; } // Return IP addr used by LCAP. If specified by (misleadingly named) // localIPAddress prop, might not really be our address (if we are // behind NAT). String getLcapIPAddr() { String ip = CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_LOCAL_IP); if (ip == null || ip.length() <= 0) { return getLocalIPAddr(); } return ip; } String getRequestHost() { return reqURL.getHost(); } String getMachineName() { return PlatformUtil.getLocalHostname(); } // String getMachineName0() { // if (myName == null) { // // Return the canonical name of the interface the request was aimed // // at. (localIPAddress prop isn't necessarily right here, as it // // might be the address of a NAT that we're behind.) // String host = reqURL.getHost(); // try { // IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getByName(host); // String ip = localHost.getHostAddress(); // myName = getMachineName(ip); // } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // // shouldn't happen // log.error("getMachineName", e); // return host; // } // } // return myName; // } // String getMachineName(String ip) { // try { // IPAddr inet = IPAddr.getByName(ip); // return inet.getHostName(); // } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // log.warning("getMachineName", e); // } // return ip; // } // return IP given name or IP String getMachineIP(String name) { try { IPAddr inet = IPAddr.getByName(name); return inet.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return null; } } boolean isServletLinkInNav(ServletDescr d) { return !isThisServlet(d) || linkMeInNav(); } boolean isThisServlet(ServletDescr d) { return d == myServletDescr(); } /** servlets may override this to determine whether they should be a link in nav table */ protected boolean linkMeInNav() { return false; } boolean isLargeLogo() { return myServletDescr().isLargeLogo(); } // user predicates String getUsername() { Principal user = req.getUserPrincipal(); return user != null ? user.toString() : null; } protected UserAccount getUserAccount() { if (acctMgr != null) { return acctMgr.getUser(getUsername()); } return AccountManager.NOBODY_ACCOUNT; } protected boolean isDebugUser() { return doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_DEBUG); } protected boolean doesUserHaveRole(String role) { if ((req.isUserInRole(role) || req.isUserInRole(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)) && !hasNoRoleParsm(role)) { return true; } return hasTestRole(role); } static Map<String, String> noRoleParams = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { noRoleParams.put(ROLE_USER_ADMIN, "noadmin"); noRoleParams.put(ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN, "nocontent"); noRoleParams.put(ROLE_AU_ADMIN, "noau"); noRoleParams.put(ROLE_DEBUG, "nodebug"); } protected boolean hasNoRoleParsm(String roleName) { String noRoleParam = noRoleParams.get(roleName); return (noRoleParam != null && !StringUtil.isNullString(req.getParameter(noRoleParam))); } protected boolean hasTestRole(String role) { // Servlet test harness puts roles in context List roles = (List) context.getAttribute(ATTR_ALLOW_ROLES); return roles != null && (roles.contains(role) || roles.contains(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)); } protected boolean isServletAllowed(ServletDescr d) { if (d.needsUserAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_USER_ADMIN)) return false; if (d.needsContentAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_CONTENT_ADMIN)) return false; if (d.needsAuAdminRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_AU_ADMIN)) return false; return d.isEnabled(getLockssDaemon()); } protected boolean isServletDisplayed(ServletDescr d) { if (!isServletAllowed(d)) return false; if (d.needsDebugRole() && !doesUserHaveRole(ROLE_DEBUG)) return false; return true; } protected boolean isServletInNav(ServletDescr d) { if (d.cls == ServletDescr.UNAVAILABLE_SERVLET_MARKER) return false; return d.isInNav(this) && isServletDisplayed(d); } // Called when a servlet doesn't get the parameters it expects/needs protected void paramError() throws IOException { // FIXME: As of 2006-03-15 this method and its only caller checkParam() are not called from // anywhere PrintWriter wrtr = resp.getWriter(); Page page = new Page(); // add referer, params, msg to contact lockss unless from old bookmark // or manually entered url page.add("Parameter error"); page.write(wrtr); } // return true iff error protected boolean checkParam(boolean ok, String msg) throws IOException { if (ok) return false; log.error(myServletDescr().getPath() + ": " + msg); paramError(); return true; } /** Construct servlet URL */ String srvURL(ServletDescr d) { return srvURL((String) null, d, null); } /** Construct servlet URL with params */ String srvURL(ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURL((String) null, d, params); } /** Construct servlet URL with params */ String srvURL(ServletDescr d, Properties params) { return srvURL(d, concatParams(params)); } /** Construct servlet absolute URL, with params as necessary. */ String srvAbsURL(ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURL(getRequestHost(), d, params); } /** * Construct servlet URL, with params as necessary. Avoid generating a hostname different from * that used in the original request, or browsers will prompt again for login */ String srvURL(String host, ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURLFromStem(srvUrlStem(host), d, params); } String srvURL(PeerIdentity peer, ServletDescr d, String params) { return srvURLFromStem(peer.getUiUrlStem(reqURL.getPort()), d, params); } /** * Construct servlet URL, with params as necessary. Avoid generating a hostname different from * that used in the original request, or browsers will prompt again for login */ String srvURLFromStem(String stem, ServletDescr d, String params) { if (d.isPathIsUrl()) { return d.getPath(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(80); if (stem != null) { sb.append(stem); if (stem.charAt(stem.length() - 1) != '/') { sb.append('/'); } } else { // ensure absolute path even if no scheme/host/port sb.append('/'); } sb.append(d.getPath()); if (params != null) { sb.append('?'); sb.append(params); } return sb.toString(); } String srvUrlStem(String host) { if (host == null) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(reqURL.getProtocol()); sb.append("://"); sb.append(host); sb.append(':'); sb.append(reqURL.getPort()); return sb.toString(); } /** Return a link to a servlet */ String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text) { return srvLink(d, text, (String) null); } /** Return a link to a servlet with params */ String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvURL(d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return a link to a servlet with params */ String srvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, Properties params) { return new Link(srvURL(d, params), text).toString(); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(ServletDescr d, String text, Properties params) { return srvAbsLink(d, text, concatParams(params)); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvAbsURL(d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(String host, ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvURL(host, d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return an absolute link to a servlet with params */ String srvAbsLink(PeerIdentity peer, ServletDescr d, String text, String params) { return new Link(srvURL(peer, d, params), (text != null ? text : d.heading)).toString(); } /** Return text as a link iff isLink */ String conditionalSrvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, String params, boolean isLink) { if (isLink) { return srvLink(d, text, params); } else { return text; } } /** Return text as a link iff isLink */ String conditionalSrvLink(ServletDescr d, String text, boolean isLink) { return conditionalSrvLink(d, text, null, isLink); } /** Concatenate params for URL string */ static String concatParams(String p1, String p2) { if (StringUtil.isNullString(p1)) { return p2; } if (StringUtil.isNullString(p2)) { return p1; } return p1 + "&" + p2; } /** Concatenate params for URL string */ String concatParams(Properties props) { if (props == null) { return null; } java.util.List list = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String key = (String) iter.next(); String val = props.getProperty(key); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(val)) { list.add(key + "=" + urlEncode(val)); } } return StringUtil.separatedString(list, "&"); } String modifyParams(String key, String val) { Properties props = getParamsAsProps(); props.setProperty(key, val); return concatParams(props); } /** * Return the request parameters as a Properties. Only the first value of multivalued parameters * is included. */ Properties getParamsAsProps() { Properties props = new Properties(); for (Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); props.setProperty(name, req.getParameter(name)); } return props; } /** * Return the request parameters as a Map<String,String>. Only the first value of multivalued * parameters is included. */ Map<String, String> getParamsAsMap() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); map.put(name, req.getParameter(name)); } return map; } protected String urlEncode(String param) { return UrlUtil.encodeUrl(param); } protected String getRequestKey() { String key = req.getPathInfo(); if (key != null && key.startsWith("/")) { return key.substring(1); } return key; } /** Common page setup. */ protected Page newPage() { // Compute heading String heading = getHeading(); if (heading == null) { heading = "Box Administration"; } // Create page and layout header Page page = ServletUtil.doNewPage(getPageTitle(), isFramed()); Iterator inNavIterator; if (myServletDescr().hasNoNavTable()) { inNavIterator = CollectionUtil.EMPTY_ITERATOR; } else { inNavIterator = new FilterIterator( new ObjectArrayIterator(getServletDescrs()), new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object obj) { return isServletInNav((ServletDescr) obj); } }); } ServletUtil.layoutHeader( this, page, heading, isLargeLogo(), getMachineName(), getLockssApp().getStartDate(), inNavIterator); String warnMsg = CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_UI_WARNING); if (warnMsg != null) { Composite warning = new Composite(); warning.add("<center><font color=red size=+1>"); warning.add(warnMsg); warning.add("</font></center><br>"); page.add(warning); } return page; } protected Page addBarePageHeading(Page page) { // FIXME: Move the following fragment elsewhere // It causes the doctype statement to appear in the middle, // after the <body> tag. page.add("<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en\">"); page.addHeader("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">"); page.addHeader("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\">"); page.addHeader("<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\" />"); return page; } private boolean isFramed = false; protected String errMsg; protected String statusMsg; protected boolean isFramed() { return isFramed; } protected void setFramed(boolean v) { isFramed = v; } protected String getPageTitle() { String heading = getHeading(); if (heading != null) { return "LOCKSS: " + heading; } else { return "LOCKSS"; } } /** Return a button that invokes the javascript submit routine with the specified action */ protected Element submitButton(String label, String action) { return submitButton(label, action, null, null); } /** Return a button that invokes javascript when clicked. */ Input jsButton(String label, String js) { Input btn = new Input("button", null); btn.attribute("value", label); setTabOrder(btn); btn.attribute("onClick", js); return btn; } /** * Return a button that invokes the javascript submit routine with the specified action, first * storing the value in the specified form prop. */ protected Element submitButton(String label, String action, String prop, String value) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); sb.append("lockssButton(this, '"); sb.append(action); sb.append("'"); if (prop != null && value != null) { sb.append(", '"); sb.append(prop); sb.append("', '"); sb.append(value); sb.append("'"); } sb.append(")"); Input btn = jsButton(label, sb.toString()); btn.attribute("id", "lsb." + (++submitButtonNumber)); return btn; } /** * Return a (possibly labelled) checkbox. * * @param label appears to right of checkbox if non null * @param value value included in result set if box checked * @param key form key to which result set is assigned * @param checked if true, box is initially checked * @return a checkbox Element */ Element checkBox(String label, String value, String key, boolean checked) { Input in = new Input(Input.Checkbox, key, value); if (checked) { in.check(); } setTabOrder(in); if (StringUtil.isNullString(label)) { return in; } else { Composite c = new Composite(); c.add(in); c.add(" "); c.add(label); return c; } } /** * Return a labelled rasio button * * @param label label to right of circle, and form value if checked * @param key form key to which value is assigned * @param checked if true, is initially checked * @return a readio button Element */ protected Element radioButton(String label, String key, boolean checked) { return radioButton(label, label, key, checked); } /** * Return a labelled rasio button * * @param label appears to right of circle if non null * @param value value assigned to key if box checked * @param key form key to which value is assigned * @param checked if true, is initially checked * @return a readio button Element */ protected Element radioButton(String label, String value, String key, boolean checked) { Composite c = new Composite(); Input in = new Input(Input.Radio, key, value); if (checked) { in.check(); } setTabOrder(in); c.add(in); c.add(label); return c; } /** Add html tags to grey the text if isGrey is true */ protected String greyText(String txt, boolean isGrey) { if (!isGrey) { return txt; } return "<font color=gray>" + txt + "</font>"; } /** * Set this element next in the tab order. Returns the element for easier nesting in expressions. */ protected Element setTabOrder(Element ele) { ele.attribute("tabindex", tabindex++); return ele; } /** * Store a footnote, assign it a number, return html for footnote reference. If footnote in null * or empty, no footnote is added and an empty string is returned. Footnote numbers get turned * into links; <b>Do not put the result of addFootnote inside a link!</b>. */ protected String addFootnote(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return ""; } if (footNumber == 0) { if (footnotes == null) { footnotes = new Vector(10, 10); } else { footnotes.removeAllElements(); } } int n = footnotes.indexOf(s); if (n < 0) { n = footNumber++; footnotes.addElement(s); } return "<sup><font size=-1><a href=#foottag" + (n + 1) + ">" + (n + 1) + "</a></font></sup>"; } /** * Add javascript to page. Normally adds a link to the script file, but can be told to include the * script directly in the page, to accomodate unit testing of individual servlets, when other * fetches won't work. */ protected void addJavaScript(Composite comp) { String include = (String) context.getAttribute(ATTR_INCLUDE_SCRIPT); if (StringUtil.isNullString(include)) { linkToJavaScript(comp); } else { includeJavaScript0(comp); } } private void includeJavaScript0(Composite comp) { Script script = new Script(getJavascript()); comp.add(script); } private void linkToJavaScript(Composite comp) { Script script = new Script(""); script.attribute("src", "admin.js"); comp.add(script); } private static String jstext = null; private static synchronized String getJavascript() { if (jstext == null) { InputStream istr = null; try { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); istr = loader.getResourceAsStream(JAVASCRIPT_RESOURCE); jstext = StringUtil.fromInputStream(istr); istr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't load javascript", e); } finally { IOUtil.safeClose(istr); } } return jstext; } /** Display a message in lieu of the normal page */ protected void displayMsgInLieuOfPage(String msg) throws IOException { // TODO: Look at HTML Page page = newPage(); Composite warning = new Composite(); warning.add(msg); warning.add("<br>"); page.add(warning); layoutFooter(page); page.write(resp.getWriter()); } /** Display a warning in red, in lieu of the normal page */ protected void displayWarningInLieuOfPage(String msg) throws IOException { displayMsgInLieuOfPage("<center><font color=red size=+1>" + msg + "</font></center>"); } /** Display "The cache isn't ready yet, come back later" */ protected void displayNotStarted() throws IOException { displayWarningInLieuOfPage( "This LOCKSS box is still starting. Please " + srvLink(myServletDescr(), "try again", getParamsAsProps()) + " in a moment."); } public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest() throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException { int maxUpload = CurrentConfig.getIntParam(PARAM_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE); return getMultiPartRequest(maxUpload); } public MultiPartRequest getMultiPartRequest(int maxLen) throws FormDataTooLongException, IOException { if (req.getContentType() == null || !req.getContentType().startsWith("multipart/form-data")) { return null; } if (req.getContentLength() > maxLen) { throw new FormDataTooLongException(req.getContentLength() + " bytes, " + maxLen + " allowed"); } MultiPartRequest multi = new MultiPartRequest(req); if (log.isDebug2()) { String[] parts = multi.getPartNames(); log.debug3("Multipart request, " + parts.length + " parts"); if (log.isDebug3()) { for (int p = 0; p < parts.length; p++) { String name = parts[p]; String cont = multi.getString(parts[p]); log.debug3(name + ": " + cont); } } } multiReq = multi; return multi; } public String getParameter(String name) { String val = req.getParameter(name); if (val == null && multiReq != null) { val = multiReq.getString(name); } if (val == null) { return null; } val = StringUtils.strip(val, " \t"); // if (StringUtil.isNullString(val)) { if ("".equals(val)) { return null; } return val; } protected void layoutFooter(Page page) { ServletUtil.doLayoutFooter( page, (footnotes == null ? null : footnotes.iterator()), getLockssApp().getVersionInfo()); if (footnotes != null) { footnotes.removeAllElements(); } } /** Return the app instance. */ protected LockssApp getLockssApp() { return theApp; } /** * Return the daemon instance, assumes that the servlet is running in the daemon. * * @throws ClassCastException if the servlet is running in an app other than the daemon */ protected LockssDaemon getLockssDaemon() { return (LockssDaemon) theApp; } protected void logParams() { Enumeration en = req.getParameterNames(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) en.nextElement(); String vals[]; String dispval; if (StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(name, "passw") >= 0) { dispval = req.getParameter(name).length() == 0 ? "" : "********"; } else if (log.isDebug2() && (vals = req.getParameterValues(name)).length > 1) { dispval = StringUtil.separatedString(vals, ", "); } else { dispval = req.getParameter(name); } log.debug(name + " = " + dispval); } } /** Convenience method */ protected String encodeText(String s) { return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_TEXT); } /** Convenience method */ protected String encodeTextArea(String s) { return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_TEXTAREA); } /** Convenience method */ protected String encodeAttr(String s) { return HtmlUtil.encode(s, HtmlUtil.ENCODE_ATTR); } /** * Create message and error message block * * @param composite TODO */ protected void layoutErrorBlock(Composite composite) { if (errMsg != null || statusMsg != null) { ServletUtil.layoutErrorBlock(composite, errMsg, statusMsg); } } /** Exception thrown if multipart form data is longer than the caller-supplied max */ public static class FormDataTooLongException extends Exception { public FormDataTooLongException(String message) { super(message); } } }
/** Export the contents and metadata from an AU */ public abstract class Exporter { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Exporter.class); static final String PREFIX = Configuration.PREFIX + "exporter."; /** Abort export after this many errors */ public static final String PARAM_MAX_ERRORS = PREFIX + "maxErrors"; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS = 5; protected static int maxErrors = DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS; protected LockssDaemon daemon; protected ArchivalUnit au; protected File dir; protected String prefix; protected long maxSize = -1; protected int maxVersions = 1; protected boolean compress = false; protected boolean excludeDirNodes = false; protected FilenameTranslation xlate = FilenameTranslation.XLATE_NONE; protected List errors = new ArrayList(); protected boolean isDiskFull = false; protected abstract void start() throws IOException; protected abstract void finish() throws IOException; protected abstract void writeCu(CachedUrl cu) throws IOException; protected Exporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au) { this.daemon = daemon; this.au = au; } /** Called by org.lockss.config.MiscConfig */ public static void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration oldConfig, Configuration.Differences diffs) { if (diffs.contains(PREFIX)) { maxErrors = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_ERRORS, DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS); } } public void setCompress(boolean val) { compress = val; } public boolean getCompress() { return compress; } public void setExcludeDirNodes(boolean val) { excludeDirNodes = val; } public boolean getExcludeDirNodes() { return excludeDirNodes; } public void setFilenameTranslation(FilenameTranslation val) { xlate = val; } public FilenameTranslation getFilenameTranslation() { return xlate; } public void setDir(File val) { dir = val; } public File getDir() { return dir; } public void setPrefix(String val) { prefix = val; } public String getPrefix() { return prefix; } public void setMaxSize(long val) { maxSize = val; } public long getMaxSize() { return maxSize; } public void setMaxVersions(int val) { maxVersions = val; } public int getMaxVersions() { return maxVersions; } public List getErrors() { return errors; } protected void checkArgs() { if (getDir() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must supply output directory"); } if (getPrefix() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must supply file name/prefix"); } } public void export() { log.debug("export(" + au.getName() + ")"); log.debug( "dir: " + dir + ", pref: " + prefix + ", size: " + maxSize + ", ver: " + maxVersions + (compress ? ", (C)" : "")); checkArgs(); try { start(); } catch (IOException e) { recordError("Error opening file", e); return; } writeFiles(); try { finish(); } catch (IOException e) { if (!isDiskFull) { // If we already knew (and reported) disk full, also reporting it // as a close error is misleading. recordError("Error closing file", e); } } } protected String xlateFilename(String url) { return xlate.xlate(url); } protected void recordError(String msg, Throwable t) { log.error(msg, t); errors.add(msg + ": " + t.toString()); } protected void recordError(String msg) { log.error(msg); errors.add(msg); } protected String getSoftwareVersion() { String releaseName = BuildInfo.getBuildProperty(BuildInfo.BUILD_RELEASENAME); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("LOCKSS Daemon "); if (releaseName != null) { sb.append(releaseName); } return sb.toString(); } protected String getHostIp() { try { IPAddr localHost = IPAddr.getLocalHost(); return localHost.getHostAddress(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.error("getHostIp()", e); return ""; } } protected String getHostName() { String res = ConfigManager.getPlatformHostname(); if (res == null) { try { InetAddress inet = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); return inet.getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { log.warning("Can't get hostname", e); return "unknown"; } } return res; } protected Properties filterResponseProps(Properties props) { Properties res = new Properties(); for (Map.Entry ent : props.entrySet()) { String key = (String) ent.getKey(); if (StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(key, "x-lockss") || StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(key, "x_lockss") || key.equalsIgnoreCase("org.lockss.version.number")) { continue; } // We've lost the original case - capitalize them the way most people // expect res.put(StringUtil.titleCase(key, '-'), (String) ent.getValue()); } return res; } protected String getHttpResponseString(CachedUrl cu) { Properties cuProps = cu.getProperties(); Properties filteredProps = filterResponseProps(cuProps); String hdrString = PropUtil.toHeaderString(filteredProps); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(hdrString.length() + 30); String line1 = inferHttpResponseCode(cu, cuProps); sb.append(line1); sb.append(Constants.CRLF); sb.append(hdrString); sb.append(Constants.CRLF); return sb.toString(); } String inferHttpResponseCode(CachedUrl cu, Properties cuProps) { if (cuProps.get("location") == null) { return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"; } else { return "HTTP/1.1 302 Found"; } } // return the next CU with content private CachedUrl getNextCu(CuIterator iter) { return iter.hasNext() ? iter.next() : null; } /** * Return true if, interpreting URLs as filenames, dirCu is a directory containing fileCu. Used to * exclude directory content from output files, so they can be unpacked by standard utilities * (e.g., unzip). Shouldn't be called with equal URLs, but return false in that case, as we * wouldn't want to exclude the URL */ boolean isDirOf(CachedUrl dirCu, CachedUrl fileCu) { String dir = dirCu.getUrl(); String file = fileCu.getUrl(); if (!dir.endsWith("/")) { dir = dir + "/"; } return file.startsWith(dir) && !file.equals(dir); } private void writeFiles() { PlatformUtil platutil = PlatformUtil.getInstance(); CuIterator iter = AuUtil.getCuIterator(au); int errs = 0; CachedUrl curCu = null; CachedUrl nextCu = getNextCu(iter); while (nextCu != null) { curCu = nextCu; nextCu = getNextCu(iter); if (excludeDirNodes && nextCu != null && isDirOf(curCu, nextCu)) { continue; } CachedUrl[] cuVersions = curCu.getCuVersions(maxVersions > 0 ? maxVersions : Integer.MAX_VALUE); for (CachedUrl cu : cuVersions) { try { log.debug2("Exporting " + cu.getUrl()); writeCu(cu); } catch (IOException e) { if (platutil.isDiskFullError(e)) { recordError("Disk full, can't write export file."); isDiskFull = true; return; } } catch (Exception e) { // XXX Would like to differentiate between errors opening or // reading CU, which shouldn't cause abort, and errors writing // to export file, which should. recordError("Unable to copy " + cu.getUrl(), e); if (errs++ >= maxErrors) { recordError("Aborting after " + errs + " errors"); return; } } } } } private Set<File> fileSet = new HashSet<File>(); private List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(); protected void recordExportFile(File file) { if (fileSet.add(file)) { fileList.add(file); } } /** * Return the list of export files written * * @return List of File written */ public List<File> getExportFiles() { return fileList; } public interface Factory { public Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au); } static final String WINDOWS_FROM = "?<>:*|\\"; static final String WINDOWS_TO = "_______"; static final String MAC_FROM = ":"; static final String MAC_TO = "_"; /** Enum of filename translation types */ public static enum FilenameTranslation { XLATE_NONE("None") { public String xlate(String s) { return s; } }, XLATE_WINDOWS("Windows") { public String xlate(String s) { return StringUtils.replaceChars(s, WINDOWS_FROM, WINDOWS_TO); } }, XLATE_MAC("MacOS") { public String xlate(String s) { return StringUtils.replaceChars(s, MAC_FROM, MAC_TO); } }; private final String label; FilenameTranslation(String label) { this.label = label; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public abstract String xlate(String s); }; /** Enum of Exporter types, and factories */ public static enum Type implements Factory { ARC_RESOURCE("ARC (content only)") { public Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au) { return new ArcExporter(daemon, au, false); } }, ARC_RESPONSE("ARC (response and content)") { public Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au) { return new ArcExporter(daemon, au, true); } }, WARC_RESOURCE("WARC (content only)") { public Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au) { return new WarcExporter(daemon, au, false); } }, WARC_RESPONSE("WARC (response and content)") { public Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au) { return new WarcExporter(daemon, au, true); } }, ZIP("ZIP") { public Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au) { return new ZipExporter(daemon, au); } }; private final String label; Type(String label) { this.label = label; } public abstract Exporter makeExporter(LockssDaemon daemon, ArchivalUnit au); public String getLabel() { return label; } }; }
/** * RepositoryManager is the center of the per AU repositories. It manages the repository config * parameters. */ public class RepositoryManager extends BaseLockssDaemonManager implements ConfigurableManager { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("RepositoryManager"); public static final String PREFIX = Configuration.PREFIX + "repository."; /** Maximum size of per-AU repository node cache */ public static final String PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE = PREFIX + "nodeCache.size"; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE = 10; /* * This needs to be a small multiple of the number of simultaneous * polls (poller and voter), as there is a cache entry per active AU. * Each poll will have one active AU at a time. */ public static final String PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE = PREFIX + "suspectVersionsCache.size"; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE = 10; static final String GLOBAL_CACHE_PREFIX = PREFIX + "globalNodeCache."; public static final String PARAM_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE = GLOBAL_CACHE_PREFIX + "size"; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE = 500; public static final String PARAM_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED = GLOBAL_CACHE_PREFIX + "enabled"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED = false; /** Max times to loop looking for unused AU directory. */ public static final String PARAM_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH = PREFIX + "maxUnusedDirSearch"; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH = 30000; /** If true, LocalRepository keeps track of next subdir name to probe. */ public static final String PARAM_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH = PREFIX + "enableStatefulUnusedDirSearch"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH = true; /** Max percent of time size calculation thread may run. */ public static final String PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD = PREFIX + "sizeCalcMaxLoad"; public static final float DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD = 0.5F; /** * If true, path components longer than the maximum filesystem path component are encodes are * multiple levels of directories */ public static final String PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS = PREFIX + "enableLongComponents"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS = true; /** * Prior to 1.61.6, when long component support is enabled, backslahes were normalized to %5c * instead of %5C. This is harmless if checkUnnormalized is set to Fix, as they'll be normalized. * Otherwise, this can be set true for compatibility with old repositories. Setting * checkUnnormalized to Fix is preferred. */ public static final String PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY = PREFIX + "enableLongComponentsCompatibility"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY = false; /** Maximum length of a filesystem path component. */ public static final String PARAM_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH = PREFIX + "maxComponentLength"; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH = 255; /** @see #PARAM_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED */ public enum CheckUnnormalizedMode { No, Log, Fix }; /** * Check for existing nodes with unnormalized names (created by very old daemon that didn't * normalize): None, Log, Fix */ public static final String PARAM_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED = PREFIX + "checkUnnormalized"; public static final CheckUnnormalizedMode DEFAULT_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED = CheckUnnormalizedMode.Log; static final String WDOG_PARAM_SIZE_CALC = "SizeCalc"; static final long WDOG_DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC = Constants.DAY; static final String PRIORITY_PARAM_SIZE_CALC = "SizeCalc"; static final int PRIORITY_DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1; static final String DISK_PREFIX = PREFIX + "diskSpace."; static final String PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB = DISK_PREFIX + "warn.freeMB"; static final int DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB = 5000; static final String PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB = DISK_PREFIX + "full.freeMB"; static final int DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB = 100; static final String PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT = DISK_PREFIX + "warn.freePercent"; static final double DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT = .02; static final String PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT = DISK_PREFIX + "full.freePercent"; static final double DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT = .01; private PlatformUtil platInfo = PlatformUtil.getInstance(); private List repoList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; int paramNodeCacheSize = DEFAULT_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE; boolean paramIsGlobalNodeCache = DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED; int paramGlobalNodeCacheSize = DEFAULT_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE; int paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize = DEFAULT_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE; UniqueRefLruCache globalNodeCache = new UniqueRefLruCache(DEFAULT_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE); UniqueRefLruCache suspectVersionsCache = new UniqueRefLruCache(DEFAULT_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE); Map localRepos = new HashMap(); private static int maxUnusedDirSearch = DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH; private static boolean isStatefulUnusedDirSearch = DEFAULT_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH; private static boolean enableLongComponents = DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS; private static boolean enableLongComponentsCompatibility = DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY; private static int maxComponentLength = DEFAULT_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH; private static CheckUnnormalizedMode checkUnnormalized = DEFAULT_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED; PlatformUtil.DF paramDFWarn = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT); PlatformUtil.DF paramDFFull = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT); private float sizeCalcMaxLoad = DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD; public void startService() { super.startService(); localRepos = new HashMap(); } public void setConfig( Configuration config, Configuration oldConfig, Configuration.Differences changedKeys) { // Build list of repositories from list of disk (fs) paths). Needs to // be generalized if ever another repository implementation. if (changedKeys.contains(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST)) { List lst = new ArrayList(); String dspace = config.get(ConfigManager.PARAM_PLATFORM_DISK_SPACE_LIST, ""); List paths = StringUtil.breakAt(dspace, ';'); if (paths != null) { for (Iterator iter = paths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { lst.add("local:" + (String) iter.next()); } } repoList = lst; } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE)) { paramNodeCacheSize = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE); for (Iterator iter = getDaemon().getAllLockssRepositories().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { LockssRepository repo = (LockssRepository) iter.next(); if (repo instanceof LockssRepositoryImpl) { LockssRepositoryImpl repoImpl = (LockssRepositoryImpl) repo; repoImpl.setNodeCacheSize(paramNodeCacheSize); } } } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE)) { paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize = config.getInt( PARAM_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_SUSPECT_VERSIONS_CACHE_SIZE); suspectVersionsCache.setMaxSize(paramSuspectVersionsCacheSize); } if (changedKeys.contains(GLOBAL_CACHE_PREFIX)) { paramIsGlobalNodeCache = config.getBoolean(PARAM_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED, DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED); if (paramIsGlobalNodeCache) { paramGlobalNodeCacheSize = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_GLOBAL_CACHE_SIZE); log.debug("global node cache size: " + paramGlobalNodeCacheSize); globalNodeCache.setMaxSize(paramGlobalNodeCacheSize); } } if (changedKeys.contains(DISK_PREFIX)) { int minMB = config.getInt(PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_MB); double minPer = config.getPercentage(PARAM_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_DISK_WARN_FRRE_PERCENT); paramDFWarn = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(minMB, minPer); minMB = config.getInt(PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_MB); minPer = config.getPercentage(PARAM_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT, DEFAULT_DISK_FULL_FRRE_PERCENT); paramDFFull = PlatformUtil.DF.makeThreshold(minMB, minPer); } if (changedKeys.contains(PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD)) { sizeCalcMaxLoad = config.getPercentage(PARAM_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD, DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC_MAX_LOAD); } if (changedKeys.contains(PREFIX)) { maxUnusedDirSearch = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH, DEFAULT_MAX_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH); isStatefulUnusedDirSearch = config.getBoolean( PARAM_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH, DEFAULT_IS_STATEFUL_UNUSED_DIR_SEARCH); enableLongComponents = config.getBoolean(PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS, DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS); enableLongComponentsCompatibility = config.getBoolean( PARAM_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY, DEFAULT_ENABLE_LONG_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBILITY); maxComponentLength = config.getInt(PARAM_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH, DEFAULT_MAX_COMPONENT_LENGTH); checkUnnormalized = (CheckUnnormalizedMode) config.getEnum( CheckUnnormalizedMode.class, PARAM_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED, DEFAULT_CHECK_UNNORMALIZED); } } public static boolean isEnableLongComponents() { return enableLongComponents; } public static boolean isEnableLongComponentsCompatibility() { return enableLongComponentsCompatibility; } public static int getMaxComponentLength() { return maxComponentLength; } public static CheckUnnormalizedMode getCheckUnnormalizedMode() { return checkUnnormalized; } /** * Return list of known repository names. Needs a registration mechanism if ever another * repository implementation. */ public List<String> getRepositoryList() { return repoList; } public PlatformUtil.DF getRepositoryDF(String repoName) { String path = LockssRepositoryImpl.getLocalRepositoryPath(repoName); log.debug("path: " + path); // try { return platInfo.getJavaDF(path); // } catch (PlatformUtil.UnsupportedException e) { // return null; // } } public Map<String, PlatformUtil.DF> getRepositoryMap() { Map<String, PlatformUtil.DF> repoMap = new LinkedMap(); for (String repo : getRepositoryList()) { repoMap.put(repo, getRepositoryDF(repo)); } return repoMap; } public String findLeastFullRepository() { return findLeastFullRepository(getRepositoryMap()); } public String findLeastFullRepository(Map<String, PlatformUtil.DF> repoMap) { String mostFree = null; for (String repo : repoMap.keySet()) { PlatformUtil.DF df = repoMap.get(repo); if (df != null) { if (mostFree == null || (repoMap.get(mostFree)).getAvail() < df.getAvail()) { mostFree = repo; } } } return mostFree; } public PlatformUtil.DF getDiskWarnThreshold() { return paramDFWarn; } public PlatformUtil.DF getDiskFullThreshold() { return paramDFFull; } public static int getMaxUnusedDirSearch() { return maxUnusedDirSearch; } public static boolean isStatefulUnusedDirSearch() { return isStatefulUnusedDirSearch; } public List findExistingRepositoriesFor(String auid) { List res = null; for (Iterator iter = getRepositoryList().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { String repoName = (String) iter.next(); String path = LockssRepositoryImpl.getLocalRepositoryPath(repoName); if (LockssRepositoryImpl.doesAuDirExist(auid, path)) { if (res == null) { res = new ArrayList(); } res.add(repoName); } } return res == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : res; } // hack only local public synchronized LockssRepositoryImpl getRepositoryFromPath(String path) { LockssRepositoryImpl repo = (LockssRepositoryImpl) localRepos.get(path); if (repo == null) { repo = new LockssRepositoryImpl(path); repo.initService(getDaemon()); repo.startService(); localRepos.put(path, repo); } return repo; } /** * Return the disk space used by the AU, including all overhead, optionally calculating it if * necessary. * * @param repoAuPath the full path to an AU dir in a LockssRepositoryImpl * @param calcIfUnknown if true, size will calculated if unknown (time consumeing) * @return the AU's disk usage in bytes, or -1 if unknown */ public long getRepoDiskUsage(String repoAuPath, boolean calcIfUnknown) { LockssRepository repo = getRepositoryFromPath(repoAuPath); if (repo != null) { try { RepositoryNode repoNode = repo.getNode(AuCachedUrlSetSpec.URL); if (repoNode instanceof AuNodeImpl) { return ((AuNodeImpl) repoNode).getDiskUsage(calcIfUnknown); } } catch (MalformedURLException ignore) { } } return -1; } public synchronized void setRepositoryForPath(String path, LockssRepositoryImpl repo) { localRepos.put(path, repo); } public boolean isGlobalNodeCache() { return paramIsGlobalNodeCache; } public UniqueRefLruCache getGlobalNodeCache() { return globalNodeCache; } public UniqueRefLruCache getSuspectVersionsCache() { return suspectVersionsCache; } // Background thread to (re)calculate AU size and disk usage. private Set sizeCalcQueue = new HashSet(); private BinarySemaphore sizeCalcSem = new BinarySemaphore(); private SizeCalcThread sizeCalcThread; /** engqueue a size calculation for the AU */ public void queueSizeCalc(ArchivalUnit au) { queueSizeCalc(AuUtil.getAuRepoNode(au)); } /** engqueue a size calculation for the node */ public void queueSizeCalc(RepositoryNode node) { synchronized (sizeCalcQueue) { if (sizeCalcQueue.add(node)) { log.debug2("Queue size calc: " + node); startOrKickThread(); } } } public int sizeCalcQueueLen() { synchronized (sizeCalcQueue) { return sizeCalcQueue.size(); } } void startOrKickThread() { if (sizeCalcThread == null) { log.debug2("Starting thread"); sizeCalcThread = new SizeCalcThread(); sizeCalcThread.start(); sizeCalcThread.waitRunning(); } sizeCalcSem.give(); } void stopThread() { if (sizeCalcThread != null) { log.debug2("Stopping thread"); sizeCalcThread.stopSizeCalc(); sizeCalcThread = null; } } void doSizeCalc(RepositoryNode node) { node.getTreeContentSize(null, true); if (node instanceof AuNodeImpl) { ((AuNodeImpl) node).getDiskUsage(true); } } long sleepTimeToAchieveLoad(long runDuration, float maxLoad) { return Math.round(((double) runDuration / maxLoad) - runDuration); } private class SizeCalcThread extends LockssThread { private volatile boolean goOn = true; private SizeCalcThread() { super("SizeCalc"); } public void lockssRun() { setPriority(PRIORITY_PARAM_SIZE_CALC, PRIORITY_DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC); startWDog(WDOG_PARAM_SIZE_CALC, WDOG_DEFAULT_SIZE_CALC); triggerWDogOnExit(true); nowRunning(); while (goOn) { try { pokeWDog(); if (sizeCalcQueue.isEmpty()) { Deadline timeout = Deadline.in(Constants.HOUR); sizeCalcSem.take(timeout); } RepositoryNode node; synchronized (sizeCalcQueue) { node = (RepositoryNode) CollectionUtil.getAnElement(sizeCalcQueue); } if (node != null) { long start = TimeBase.nowMs(); log.debug2("CalcSize start: " + node); long dur = 0; try { doSizeCalc(node); dur = TimeBase.nowMs() - start; log.debug2("CalcSize finish (" + StringUtil.timeIntervalToString(dur) + "): " + node); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.warning("doSizeCalc: " + node, e); } synchronized (sizeCalcQueue) { sizeCalcQueue.remove(node); } pokeWDog(); long sleep = sleepTimeToAchieveLoad(dur, sizeCalcMaxLoad); Deadline.in(sleep).sleep(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // just wakeup and check for exit } } if (!goOn) { triggerWDogOnExit(false); } } private void stopSizeCalc() { goOn = false; interrupt(); } } }
/** UI to invoke various daemon actions */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class DebugPanel extends LockssServlet { public static final String PREFIX = Configuration.PREFIX + "debugPanel."; /** Priority for crawls started from the debug panel */ public static final String PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY = PREFIX + "crawlPriority"; public static final int DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY = 10; /** Priority for crawls started from the debug panel */ public static final String PARAM_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL = PREFIX + "deepCrawlEnabled"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL = false; static final String KEY_ACTION = "action"; static final String KEY_MSG = "msg"; static final String KEY_NAME_SEL = "name_sel"; static final String KEY_NAME_TYPE = "name_type"; static final String KEY_AUID = "auid"; static final String KEY_URL = "url"; static final String KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH = "depth"; static final String KEY_TIME = "time"; static final String ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP = "Mail Backup File"; static final String ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION = "Throw IOException"; static final String ACTION_FIND_URL = "Find Preserved URL"; public static final String ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA = "Reindex Metadata"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA = "Force Reindex Metadata"; public static final String ACTION_START_V3_POLL = "Start V3 Poll"; static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL = "Force V3 Poll"; public static final String ACTION_START_CRAWL = "Start Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL = "Force Start Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL = "Deep Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL = "Force Deep Crawl"; public static final String ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE = "Check Substance"; static final String ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS = "Crawl Plugins"; static final String ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG = "Reload Config"; static final String ACTION_SLEEP = "Sleep"; public static final String ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING = "Disable Indexing"; /** Set of actions for which audit alerts shouldn't be generated */ public static final Set noAuditActions = SetUtil.set(ACTION_FIND_URL); static final String COL2 = "colspan=2"; static final String COL2CENTER = COL2 + " align=center"; static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("DebugPanel"); private LockssDaemon daemon; private PluginManager pluginMgr; private PollManager pollManager; private CrawlManager crawlMgr; private ConfigManager cfgMgr; private DbManager dbMgr; private MetadataManager metadataMgr; private RemoteApi rmtApi; boolean showResult; boolean showForcePoll; boolean showForceCrawl; boolean showForceReindexMetadata; String formAuid; String formDepth = "100"; protected void resetLocals() { resetVars(); super.resetLocals(); } void resetVars() { formAuid = null; errMsg = null; statusMsg = null; showForcePoll = false; showForceCrawl = false; showForceReindexMetadata = false; } public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException { super.init(config); daemon = getLockssDaemon(); pluginMgr = daemon.getPluginManager(); pollManager = daemon.getPollManager(); crawlMgr = daemon.getCrawlManager(); cfgMgr = daemon.getConfigManager(); rmtApi = daemon.getRemoteApi(); try { dbMgr = daemon.getDbManager(); metadataMgr = daemon.getMetadataManager(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { } } public void lockssHandleRequest() throws IOException { resetVars(); boolean showForm = true; String action = getParameter(KEY_ACTION); if (!StringUtil.isNullString(action)) { formAuid = getParameter(KEY_AUID); formDepth = getParameter(KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH); UserAccount acct = getUserAccount(); if (acct != null && !noAuditActions.contains(action)) { acct.auditableEvent("used debug panel action: " + action + " AU ID: " + formAuid); } } if (ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP.equals(action)) { doMailBackup(); } if (ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG.equals(action)) { doReloadConfig(); } if (ACTION_SLEEP.equals(action)) { doSleep(); } if (ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION.equals(action)) { doThrow(); } if (ACTION_START_V3_POLL.equals(action)) { doV3Poll(); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL.equals(action)) { forceV3Poll(); } if (ACTION_START_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(false, false); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(true, false); } if (ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(false, true); } if (ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL.equals(action)) { doCrawl(true, true); } if (ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE.equals(action)) { doCheckSubstance(); } if (ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS.equals(action)) { crawlPluginRegistries(); } if (ACTION_FIND_URL.equals(action)) { showForm = doFindUrl(); } if (ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA.equals(action)) { doReindexMetadata(); } if (ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA.equals(action)) { forceReindexMetadata(); } if (ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING.equals(action)) { doDisableMetadataIndexing(); } if (showForm) { displayPage(); } } private void doMailBackup() { try { rmtApi.createConfigBackupFile(RemoteApi.BackupFileDisposition.Mail); } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Error: " + e.getMessage(); } } private void doReloadConfig() { cfgMgr.requestReload(); } private void doThrow() throws IOException { String msg = getParameter(KEY_MSG); throw new IOException(msg != null ? msg : "Test message"); } private void doSleep() throws IOException { String timestr = getParameter(KEY_TIME); try { long time = StringUtil.parseTimeInterval(timestr); Deadline.in(time).sleep(); statusMsg = "Slept for " + StringUtil.timeIntervalToString(time); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal duration: " + e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { errMsg = "Interrupted: " + e; } } private void doReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void forceReindexMetadata() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startReindexingMetadata(au, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't reindex metadata", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void doDisableMetadataIndexing() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { disableMetadataIndexing(au, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Can't disable metadata indexing", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void doCrawl(boolean force, boolean deep) { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { startCrawl(au, force, deep); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException.RateLimiter e) { errMsg = "AU has crawled recently (" + e.getMessage() + "). Click again to override."; showForceCrawl = true; return; } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { errMsg = "Can't enqueue crawl: " + e.getMessage(); } } private void crawlPluginRegistries() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ArchivalUnit au : pluginMgr.getAllRegistryAus()) { sb.append(au.getName()); sb.append(": "); try { startCrawl(au, true, false); sb.append("Queued."); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { sb.append("Failed: "); sb.append(e.getMessage()); } sb.append("\n"); } statusMsg = sb.toString(); } private boolean startCrawl(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force, boolean deep) throws CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException { CrawlManagerImpl cmi = (CrawlManagerImpl) crawlMgr; if (force) { RateLimiter limit = cmi.getNewContentRateLimiter(au); if (!limit.isEventOk()) { limit.unevent(); } } cmi.checkEligibleToQueueNewContentCrawl(au); String delayMsg = ""; String deepMsg = ""; try { cmi.checkEligibleForNewContentCrawl(au); } catch (CrawlManagerImpl.NotEligibleException e) { delayMsg = ", Start delayed due to: " + e.getMessage(); } Configuration config = ConfigManager.getCurrentConfig(); int pri = config.getInt(PARAM_CRAWL_PRIORITY, DEFAULT_CRAWL_PRIORITY); CrawlReq req; try { req = new CrawlReq(au); req.setPriority(pri); if (deep) { int d = Integer.parseInt(formDepth); if (d < 0) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + d; return false; } req.setRefetchDepth(d); deepMsg = "Deep (" + req.getRefetchDepth() + ") "; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { errMsg = "Illegal refetch depth: " + formDepth; return false; } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + au, e); errMsg = "Couldn't create CrawlReq: " + e.toString(); return false; } cmi.startNewContentCrawl(req, null); statusMsg = deepMsg + "Crawl requested for " + au.getName() + delayMsg; return true; } private void doCheckSubstance() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { checkSubstance(au); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Error in SubstanceChecker", e); errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log."; } } private void checkSubstance(ArchivalUnit au) { SubstanceChecker subChecker = new SubstanceChecker(au); if (!subChecker.isEnabled()) { errMsg = "No substance patterns defined for plugin."; return; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); SubstanceChecker.State oldState = auState.getSubstanceState(); SubstanceChecker.State newState = subChecker.findSubstance(); String chtxt = (newState == oldState ? "(unchanged)" : "(was " + oldState.toString() + ")"); switch (newState) { case Unknown: log.error("Shouldn't happen: SubstanceChecker returned Unknown"); errMsg = "Error in SubstanceChecker; see log."; break; case Yes: statusMsg = "AU has substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName(); auState.setSubstanceState(SubstanceChecker.State.Yes); break; case No: statusMsg = "AU has no substance " + chtxt + ": " + au.getName(); auState.setSubstanceState(SubstanceChecker.State.No); break; } } private boolean startReindexingMetadata(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } if (!force) { if (!AuUtil.hasCrawled(au)) { errMsg = "Au has never crawled. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; } AuState auState = AuUtil.getAuState(au); switch (auState.getSubstanceState()) { case No: errMsg = "Au has no substance. Click again to reindex metadata"; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Unknown: errMsg = "Unknown substance for Au. Click again to reindex metadata."; showForceReindexMetadata = true; return false; case Yes: // fall through } } // Fully reindex metadata with the highest priority. Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement insertPendingAuBatchStatement = null; try { conn = dbMgr.getConnection(); insertPendingAuBatchStatement = metadataMgr.getPrioritizedInsertPendingAuBatchStatement(conn); if (metadataMgr.enableAndAddAuToReindex( au, conn, insertPendingAuBatchStatement, false, true)) { statusMsg = "Reindexing metadata for " + au.getName(); return true; } } catch (DbException dbe) { log.error("Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(), dbe); } finally { DbManager.safeCloseStatement(insertPendingAuBatchStatement); DbManager.safeRollbackAndClose(conn); } if (force) { errMsg = "Still cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } else { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName(); } return false; } private boolean disableMetadataIndexing(ArchivalUnit au, boolean force) { if (metadataMgr == null) { errMsg = "Metadata processing is not enabled."; return false; } try { metadataMgr.disableAuIndexing(au); statusMsg = "Disabled metadata indexing for " + au.getName(); return true; } catch (Exception e) { errMsg = "Cannot reindex metadata for " + au.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(); return false; } } private void doV3Poll() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { callV3ContentPoll(au); } catch (PollManager.NotEligibleException e) { errMsg = "AU is not eligible for poll: " + e.getMessage(); // errMsg = "Ineligible: " + e.getMessage() + // "<br>Click again to force new poll."; // showForcePoll = true; return; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't start poll", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void forceV3Poll() { ArchivalUnit au = getAu(); if (au == null) return; try { callV3ContentPoll(au); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can't start poll", e); errMsg = "Error: " + e.toString(); } } private void callV3ContentPoll(ArchivalUnit au) throws PollManager.NotEligibleException { log.debug("Enqueuing a V3 Content Poll on " + au.getName()); PollSpec spec = new PollSpec(au.getAuCachedUrlSet(), Poll.V3_POLL); pollManager.enqueueHighPriorityPoll(au, spec); statusMsg = "Enqueued V3 poll for " + au.getName(); } private boolean doFindUrl() throws IOException { String url = getParameter(KEY_URL); String redir = srvURL( AdminServletManager.SERVLET_DAEMON_STATUS, PropUtil.fromArgs("table", ArchivalUnitStatus.AUS_WITH_URL_TABLE_NAME, "key", url)); resp.setContentLength(0); // resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(redir)); resp.sendRedirect(redir); return false; } ArchivalUnit getAu() { if (StringUtil.isNullString(formAuid)) { errMsg = "Select an AU"; return null; } ArchivalUnit au = pluginMgr.getAuFromId(formAuid); if (au == null) { errMsg = "No such AU. Select an AU"; return null; } return au; } private void displayPage() throws IOException { Page page = newPage(); layoutErrorBlock(page); ServletUtil.layoutExplanationBlock(page, "Debug Actions"); page.add(makeForm()); page.add("<br>"); endPage(page); } private Element makeForm() { Composite comp = new Composite(); Form frm = new Form(srvURL(myServletDescr())); frm.method("POST"); frm.add("<br><center>"); Input reload = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_RELOAD_CONFIG); setTabOrder(reload); frm.add(reload); frm.add(" "); Input backup = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_MAIL_BACKUP); setTabOrder(backup); frm.add(backup); frm.add(" "); Input crawlplug = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_CRAWL_PLUGINS); setTabOrder(crawlplug); frm.add(crawlplug); frm.add("</center>"); ServletDescr d1 = AdminServletManager.SERVLET_HASH_CUS; if (isServletRunnable(d1)) { frm.add("<br><center>" + srvLink(d1, d1.heading) + "</center>"); } Input findUrl = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_FIND_URL); Input findUrlText = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_URL); findUrlText.setSize(50); setTabOrder(findUrl); setTabOrder(findUrlText); frm.add("<br><center>" + findUrl + " " + findUrlText + "</center>"); Input thrw = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_THROW_IOEXCEPTION); Input thmsg = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_MSG); setTabOrder(thrw); setTabOrder(thmsg); frm.add("<br><center>" + thrw + " " + thmsg + "</center>"); frm.add("<br><center>AU Actions: select AU</center>"); Composite ausel = ServletUtil.layoutSelectAu(this, KEY_AUID, formAuid); frm.add("<br><center>" + ausel + "</center>"); setTabOrder(ausel); Input v3Poll = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForcePoll ? ACTION_FORCE_START_V3_POLL : ACTION_START_V3_POLL)); Input crawl = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceCrawl ? ACTION_FORCE_START_CRAWL : ACTION_START_CRAWL)); frm.add("<br><center>"); frm.add(v3Poll); frm.add(" "); frm.add(crawl); if (CurrentConfig.getBooleanParam(PARAM_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL, DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEEP_CRAWL)) { Input deepCrawl = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceCrawl ? ACTION_FORCE_START_DEEP_CRAWL : ACTION_START_DEEP_CRAWL)); Input depthText = new Input(Input.Text, KEY_REFETCH_DEPTH, formDepth); depthText.setSize(4); setTabOrder(depthText); frm.add(" "); frm.add(deepCrawl); frm.add(depthText); } Input checkSubstance = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_CHECK_SUBSTANCE); frm.add("<br>"); frm.add(checkSubstance); if (metadataMgr != null) { Input reindex = new Input( Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, (showForceReindexMetadata ? ACTION_FORCE_REINDEX_METADATA : ACTION_REINDEX_METADATA)); frm.add(" "); frm.add(reindex); Input disableIndexing = new Input(Input.Submit, KEY_ACTION, ACTION_DISABLE_METADATA_INDEXING); frm.add(" "); frm.add(disableIndexing); } frm.add("</center>"); comp.add(frm); return comp; } }
/** * Class implementing the concept of the set of URLs covered by a poll. * * @author Claire Griffin * @version 1.0 */ public class PollSpec { /** * A lower bound value which indicates the poll should use a {@link SingleNodeCachedUrlSetSpec} * instead of a {@link RangeCachedUrlSetSpec}. */ public static final String SINGLE_NODE_LWRBOUND = "."; public static final String DEFAULT_PLUGIN_VERSION = "1"; private static Logger theLog = Logger.getLogger("PollSpec"); private String auId; private String pluginVersion; private String url; private String uprBound = null; private String lwrBound = null; private CachedUrlSet cus = null; private PluginManager pluginMgr = null; private int protocolVersion; // poll protocol version private int pollType; // One of the types defined by Poll private V3Poller.PollVariant variant = V3Poller.PollVariant.PoR; /** * Construct a PollSpec from a CachedUrlSet and an upper and lower bound * * @param cus the CachedUrlSet * @param lwrBound the lower boundary * @param uprBound the upper boundary * @param pollType one of the types defined by Poll */ public PollSpec(CachedUrlSet cus, String lwrBound, String uprBound, int pollType) { commonSetup(cus, lwrBound, uprBound, pollType); } /** * Construct a PollSpec from a CachedUrlSet. * * @param cus the CachedUrlSpec which defines the range of interest * @param pollType one of the types defined by Poll */ public PollSpec(CachedUrlSet cus, int pollType) { CachedUrlSetSpec cuss = cus.getSpec(); if (cuss instanceof RangeCachedUrlSetSpec) { RangeCachedUrlSetSpec rcuss = (RangeCachedUrlSetSpec) cuss; commonSetup(cus, rcuss.getLowerBound(), rcuss.getUpperBound(), pollType); } else if (cuss.isSingleNode()) { commonSetup(cus, SINGLE_NODE_LWRBOUND, null, pollType); } else { commonSetup(cus, null, null, pollType); } } /** * Construct a PollSpec from a V1 LcapMessage * * @param msg the LcapMessage which defines the range of interest */ public PollSpec(V1LcapMessage msg) { auId = msg.getArchivalId(); pluginVersion = msg.getPluginVersion(); url = msg.getTargetUrl(); uprBound = msg.getUprBound(); lwrBound = msg.getLwrBound(); protocolVersion = msg.getProtocolVersion(); if (msg.isContentPoll()) { pollType = Poll.V1_CONTENT_POLL; } else if (msg.isNamePoll()) { pollType = Poll.V1_NAME_POLL; } else if (msg.isVerifyPoll()) { pollType = Poll.V1_VERIFY_POLL; } else { pollType = -1; } cus = getPluginManager().findCachedUrlSet(this); } public PollSpec(V3LcapMessage msg) { this( msg.getArchivalId(), (msg.getTargetUrl() == null) ? "lockssau:" : msg.getTargetUrl(), null, null, Poll.V3_POLL); protocolVersion = msg.getProtocolVersion(); pluginVersion = msg.getPluginVersion(); } /** Construct a PollSpec from explicit args */ public PollSpec(String auId, String url, String lower, String upper, int pollType) { this.auId = auId; this.url = url; uprBound = upper; lwrBound = lower; this.pollType = pollType; cus = getPluginManager().findCachedUrlSet(this); this.protocolVersion = protocolVersionFromPollType(pollType); } /** * Construct a PollSpec from another PollSpec and a poll type XXX it seems that other constructors * are not setting all fields */ public PollSpec(PollSpec ps, int pollType) { this.auId = ps.auId; this.pluginVersion = ps.pluginVersion; this.url = ps.url; this.uprBound = ps.uprBound; this.lwrBound = ps.lwrBound; this.cus = ps.cus; this.pluginMgr = ps.pluginMgr; this.protocolVersion = ps.protocolVersion; this.pollType = pollType; } /** Setup common to most constructors */ private void commonSetup(CachedUrlSet cus, String lwrBound, String uprBound, int pollType) { CachedUrlSetSpec cuss = cus.getSpec(); if (cuss instanceof PrunedCachedUrlSetSpec) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Polls do not support PrunedCachedUrlSetSpec"); } this.cus = cus; ArchivalUnit au = cus.getArchivalUnit(); auId = au.getAuId(); this.pluginVersion = AuUtil.getPollVersion(au); url = cuss.getUrl(); this.lwrBound = lwrBound; this.uprBound = uprBound; this.protocolVersion = protocolVersionFromPollType(pollType); this.pollType = pollType; } public CachedUrlSet getCachedUrlSet() { return cus; } public String getAuId() { return auId; } public String getPluginVersion() { return (pluginVersion != null) ? pluginVersion : DEFAULT_PLUGIN_VERSION; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public String getLwrBound() { return lwrBound; } public String getUprBound() { return uprBound; } public String getRangeString() { if (StringUtil.equalStrings(lwrBound, SINGLE_NODE_LWRBOUND)) { return "single node"; } if (lwrBound != null || uprBound != null) { String lwrDisplay = lwrBound; String uprDisplay = uprBound; if (lwrBound != null && lwrBound.startsWith("/")) { lwrDisplay = lwrBound.substring(1); } if (uprBound != null && uprBound.startsWith("/")) { uprDisplay = uprBound.substring(1); } return lwrDisplay + " - " + uprDisplay; } return null; } public int getProtocolVersion() { return protocolVersion; } public int getPollType() { return pollType; } public V3Poller.PollVariant getPollVariant() { return variant; } public void setPollVariant(V3Poller.PollVariant v) { variant = v; } private PluginManager getPluginManager() { if (pluginMgr == null) { pluginMgr = (PluginManager) LockssDaemon.getManager(LockssDaemon.PLUGIN_MANAGER); } return pluginMgr; } /** * Given a poll type, return the correct version of the protocol to use. * * @param pollType * @return The protocol version to use */ private int protocolVersionFromPollType(int pollType) { switch (pollType) { case Poll.V1_CONTENT_POLL: case Poll.V1_NAME_POLL: case Poll.V1_VERIFY_POLL: return Poll.V1_PROTOCOL; case Poll.V3_POLL: return Poll.V3_PROTOCOL; default: return Poll.UNDEFINED_PROTOCOL; } } public String toString() { return "[PS: " + Poll.POLL_NAME[pollType] + " auid=" + auId + ", url=" + url + ", l=" + lwrBound + ", u=" + uprBound + ", type=" + pollType + ", plugVer=" + getPluginVersion() + ", protocol=" + protocolVersion + "]"; } }
/** * DefinablePlugin: a plugin which uses the data stored in an ExternalizableMap to configure itself. * * @author Claire Griffin * @version 1.0 */ public class DefinablePlugin extends BasePlugin { // configuration map keys public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_IDENTIFIER = "plugin_identifier"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_NAME = "plugin_name"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION = "plugin_version"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_FEATURE_VERSION_MAP = "plugin_feature_version_map"; public static final String KEY_REQUIRED_DAEMON_VERSION = "required_daemon_version"; public static final String KEY_PUBLISHING_PLATFORM = "plugin_publishing_platform"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_CONFIG_PROPS = "plugin_config_props"; public static final String KEY_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = "plugin_cache_result_handler"; public static final String KEY_EXCEPTION_LIST = "plugin_cache_result_list"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_NOTES = "plugin_notes"; public static final String KEY_CRAWL_TYPE = "plugin_crawl_type"; public static final String KEY_FOLLOW_LINKS = "plugin_follow_link"; /** Message to be displayed when user configures an AU with this plugin */ public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_AU_CONFIG_USER_MSG = "plugin_au_config_user_msg"; public static final String KEY_PER_HOST_PERMISSION_PATH = "plugin_per_host_permission_path"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_PARENT = "plugin_parent"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_PARENT_VERSION = "plugin_parent_version"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_CRAWL_URL_COMPARATOR_FACTORY = "plugin_crawl_url_comparator_factory"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_FETCH_RATE_LIMITER_SOURCE = "plugin_fetch_rate_limiter_source"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_ARTICLE_ITERATOR_FACTORY = "plugin_article_iterator_factory"; public static final String KEY_PLUGIN_ARTICLE_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY = "plugin_article_metadata_extractor_factory"; public static final String KEY_DEFAULT_ARTICLE_MIME_TYPE = "plugin_default_article_mime_type"; public static final String KEY_ARTICLE_ITERATOR_ROOT = "plugin_article_iterator_root"; public static final String KEY_ARTICLE_ITERATOR_PATTERN = "plugin_article_iterator_pattern"; public static final String DEFAULT_PLUGIN_VERSION = "1"; public static final String DEFAULT_REQUIRED_DAEMON_VERSION = "0.0.0"; public static final String MAP_SUFFIX = ".xml"; public static final String CRAWL_TYPE_HTML_LINKS = "HTML Links"; public static final String CRAWL_TYPE_OAI = "OAI"; public static final String[] CRAWL_TYPES = { CRAWL_TYPE_HTML_LINKS, CRAWL_TYPE_OAI, }; public static final String DEFAULT_CRAWL_TYPE = CRAWL_TYPE_HTML_LINKS; protected String mapName = null; static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("DefinablePlugin"); protected ExternalizableMap definitionMap = new ExternalizableMap(); protected CacheResultHandler resultHandler = null; protected List<String> loadedFromUrls; protected CrawlWindow crawlWindow; protected Map<Plugin.Feature, String> featureVersion; public void initPlugin(LockssDaemon daemon, String extMapName) throws FileNotFoundException { initPlugin(daemon, extMapName, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } public void initPlugin(LockssDaemon daemon, String extMapName, ClassLoader loader) throws FileNotFoundException { // convert the plugin class name to an xml file name // load the configuration map from jar file ExternalizableMap defMap = loadMap(extMapName, loader); this.initPlugin(daemon, extMapName, defMap, loader); } public void initPlugin( LockssDaemon daemon, String extMapName, ExternalizableMap defMap, ClassLoader loader) { mapName = extMapName; this.classLoader = loader; this.definitionMap = defMap; super.initPlugin(daemon); initMimeMap(); initFeatureVersions(); initAuFeatureMap(); checkParamAgreement(); } private ExternalizableMap loadMap(String extMapName, ClassLoader loader) throws FileNotFoundException { String first = null; String next = extMapName; List<String> urls = new ArrayList<String>(); ExternalizableMap res = null; while (next != null) { // convert the plugin class name to an xml file name String mapFile = next.replace('.', '/') + MAP_SUFFIX; URL url = loader.getResource(mapFile); if (url != null && urls.contains(url.toString())) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition("Plugin inheritance loop: " + next); } // load into map ExternalizableMap oneMap = new ExternalizableMap(); oneMap.loadMapFromResource(mapFile, loader); urls.add(url.toString()); // apply overrides one plugin at a time in inheritance chain processOverrides(oneMap); if (res == null) { res = oneMap; } else { for (Map.Entry ent : oneMap.entrySet()) { String key = (String) ent.getKey(); Object val = ent.getValue(); if (!res.containsKey(key)) { res.setMapElement(key, val); } } } if (oneMap.containsKey(KEY_PLUGIN_PARENT)) { next = oneMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_PARENT); } else { next = null; } } loadedFromUrls = urls; return res; } /** If in testing mode FOO, copy values from FOO_override map, if any, to main map */ void processOverrides(TypedEntryMap map) { String testMode = getTestingMode(); if (StringUtil.isNullString(testMode)) { return; } Object o = map.getMapElement(testMode + DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_OVERRIDE); if (o == null) { return; } if (o instanceof Map) { Map overrideMap = (Map) o; for (Map.Entry entry : (Set<Map.Entry>) overrideMap.entrySet()) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); Object val = entry.getValue(); log.debug(getDefaultPluginName() + ": Overriding " + key + " with " + val); map.setMapElement(key, val); } } } String getTestingMode() { return theDaemon == null ? null : theDaemon.getTestingMode(); } // Used by tests public void initPlugin(LockssDaemon daemon, File file) throws PluginException { ExternalizableMap oneMap = new ExternalizableMap(); oneMap.loadMap(file); if (oneMap.getErrorString() != null) { throw new PluginException(oneMap.getErrorString()); } initPlugin(daemon, file.getPath(), oneMap, null); } void initPlugin(LockssDaemon daemon, ExternalizableMap defMap) { initPlugin(daemon, defMap, this.getClass().getClassLoader()); } void initPlugin(LockssDaemon daemon, ExternalizableMap defMap, ClassLoader loader) { initPlugin(daemon, "Internal", defMap, loader); } enum PrintfContext { Regexp, URL, Display }; void checkParamAgreement() { for (Map.Entry<String, PrintfContext> ent : DefinableArchivalUnit.printfKeysContext.entrySet()) { checkParamAgreement(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } } void checkParamAgreement(String key, PrintfContext context) { List<String> printfList = getElementList(key); if (printfList == null) { return; } for (String printf : printfList) { if (StringUtil.isNullString(printf)) { log.warning("Null printf string in " + key); continue; } PrintfUtil.PrintfData p_data = PrintfUtil.stringToPrintf(printf); Collection<String> p_args = p_data.getArguments(); for (String arg : p_args) { ConfigParamDescr descr = findAuConfigDescr(arg); if (descr == null) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( "Not a declared parameter: " + arg + " in " + printf + " in " + getPluginName()); } // ensure range and set params used only in legal context switch (context) { case Regexp: case Display: // everything is legal in a regexp or a display string break; case URL: // NUM_RANGE and SET legal because can enumerate. Can't // enumerate RANGE switch (descr.getType()) { case ConfigParamDescr.TYPE_RANGE: throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( "Range parameter (" + arg + ") used in illegal context in " + getPluginName() + ": " + key + ": " + printf); default: } } } } } public List<String> getLoadedFromUrls() { return loadedFromUrls; } public String getPluginName() { if (definitionMap.containsKey(KEY_PLUGIN_NAME)) { return definitionMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_NAME); } else { return getDefaultPluginName(); } } protected String getDefaultPluginName() { return StringUtil.shortName(getPluginId()); } public String getVersion() { return definitionMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_VERSION, DEFAULT_PLUGIN_VERSION); } public String getFeatureVersion(Plugin.Feature feat) { if (featureVersion == null) { return null; } return featureVersion.get(feat); } public String getRequiredDaemonVersion() { return definitionMap.getString(KEY_REQUIRED_DAEMON_VERSION, DEFAULT_REQUIRED_DAEMON_VERSION); } public String getPublishingPlatform() { return definitionMap.getString(KEY_PUBLISHING_PLATFORM, null); } public String getPluginNotes() { return definitionMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_NOTES, null); } public String getDefaultArticleMimeType() { String ret = definitionMap.getString(KEY_DEFAULT_ARTICLE_MIME_TYPE, null); log.debug3("DefaultArticleMimeType " + ret); if (ret == null) { ret = super.getDefaultArticleMimeType(); log.debug3("DefaultArticleMimeType from super " + ret); } return ret; } public List<String> getElementList(String key) { Object element = definitionMap.getMapElement(key); List<String> lst; if (element instanceof String) { return Collections.singletonList((String) element); } else if (element instanceof List) { return (List) element; } else { return null; } } public List getLocalAuConfigDescrs() throws PluginException.InvalidDefinition { List auConfigDescrs = (List) definitionMap.getCollection(KEY_PLUGIN_CONFIG_PROPS, null); if (auConfigDescrs == null) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition(mapName + " missing ConfigParamDescrs"); } return auConfigDescrs; } protected ArchivalUnit createAu0(Configuration auConfig) throws ArchivalUnit.ConfigurationException { DefinableArchivalUnit au = new DefinableArchivalUnit(this, definitionMap); au.setConfiguration(auConfig); return au; } public ExternalizableMap getDefinitionMap() { return definitionMap; } CacheResultHandler getCacheResultHandler() { return resultHandler; } String stripSuffix(String str, String suffix) { return str.substring(0, str.length() - suffix.length()); } protected void initMimeMap() throws PluginException.InvalidDefinition { for (Iterator iter = definitionMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry ent = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); String key = (String) ent.getKey(); Object val = ent.getValue(); if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY); if (val instanceof String) { String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " link extractor: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); LinkExtractorFactory fact = (LinkExtractorFactory) newAuxClass(factName, LinkExtractorFactory.class); mti.setLinkExtractorFactory(fact); } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_CRAWL_FILTER_FACTORY)) { // XXX This clause must precede the one for SUFFIX_HASH_FILTER_FACTORY // XXX unless/until that key is changed to not be a terminal substring // XXX of this one String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_CRAWL_FILTER_FACTORY); if (val instanceof String) { String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " crawl filter: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); FilterFactory fact = (FilterFactory) newAuxClass(factName, FilterFactory.class); mti.setCrawlFilterFactory(fact); } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_HASH_FILTER_FACTORY)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_HASH_FILTER_FACTORY); if (val instanceof String) { String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " filter: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); FilterFactory fact = (FilterFactory) newAuxClass(factName, FilterFactory.class); mti.setHashFilterFactory(fact); } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_FETCH_RATE_LIMIT)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_FETCH_RATE_LIMIT); if (val instanceof String) { String rate = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " fetch rate: " + rate); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); RateLimiter limit = mti.getFetchRateLimiter(); if (limit != null) { limit.setRate(rate); } else { mti.setFetchRateLimiter(new RateLimiter(rate)); } } } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_REWRITER_FACTORY)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_LINK_REWRITER_FACTORY); String factName = (String) val; log.debug(mime + " link rewriter: " + factName); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); LinkRewriterFactory fact = (LinkRewriterFactory) newAuxClass(factName, LinkRewriterFactory.class); mti.setLinkRewriterFactory(fact); } else if (key.endsWith(DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY_MAP)) { String mime = stripSuffix(key, DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY_MAP); Map factNameMap = (Map) val; Map factClassMap = new HashMap(); MimeTypeInfo.Mutable mti = mimeMap.modifyMimeTypeInfo(mime); for (Iterator it = factNameMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String mdTypes = (String) it.next(); String factName = (String) factNameMap.get(mdTypes); log.debug(mime + " (" + mdTypes + ") metadata extractor: " + factName); for (String mdType : (List<String>) StringUtil.breakAt(mdTypes, ";")) { setMdTypeFact(factClassMap, mdType, factName); } } mti.setFileMetadataExtractorFactoryMap(factClassMap); } } } private void setMdTypeFact(Map factClassMap, String mdType, String factName) { log.debug3("Metadata type: " + mdType + " factory " + factName); FileMetadataExtractorFactory fact = (FileMetadataExtractorFactory) newAuxClass(factName, FileMetadataExtractorFactory.class); factClassMap.put(mdType, fact); } protected void initResultMap() throws PluginException.InvalidDefinition { HttpResultMap hResultMap = new HttpResultMap(); // XXX Currently this only allows a CacheResultHandler class to // initialize the result map. Instead, don't use a CacheResultMap // directly, use either the plugin's CacheResultHandler, if specified, // or a default one that wraps the CacheResultMap String handler_class = null; handler_class = definitionMap.getString(KEY_EXCEPTION_HANDLER, null); if (handler_class != null) { try { resultHandler = (CacheResultHandler) newAuxClass(handler_class, CacheResultHandler.class); resultHandler.init(hResultMap); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( mapName + " has invalid Exception handler: " + handler_class, ex); } catch (LinkageError le) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( mapName + " has invalid Exception handler: " + handler_class, le); } } else { // Expect a list of mappings from either result code or exception // name to CacheException name Collection<String> mappings = definitionMap.getCollection(KEY_EXCEPTION_LIST, null); if (mappings != null) { // add each entry for (String entry : mappings) { if (log.isDebug2()) { log.debug2("initMap(" + entry + ")"); } String first; String ceName; try { List<String> pair = StringUtil.breakAt(entry, '=', 2, true, true); first = pair.get(0); ceName = pair.get(1); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( "Invalid syntax: " + entry + "in " + mapName); } Object val; // Value should be either a CacheException or CacheResultHandler // class name. PluginFetchEventResponse resp = (PluginFetchEventResponse) newAuxClass(ceName, PluginFetchEventResponse.class, null); if (resp instanceof CacheException) { val = resp.getClass(); } else if (resp instanceof CacheResultHandler) { val = WrapperUtil.wrap((CacheResultHandler) resp, CacheResultHandler.class); } else { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( "Second arg not a " + "CacheException or " + "CacheResultHandler class: " + entry + ", in " + mapName); } try { int code = Integer.parseInt(first); // If parseable as an integer, it's a result code. hResultMap.storeMapEntry(code, val); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { Class eClass = Class.forName(first); // If a class name, it should be an exception class if (Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(eClass)) { hResultMap.storeMapEntry(eClass, val); } else { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( "First arg not an " + "Exception class: " + entry + ", in " + mapName); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition( "First arg not a " + "number or class: " + entry + ", in " + mapName); } catch (LinkageError le) { throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition("Can't load " + first, le); } } } } } resultMap = hResultMap; } protected void initFeatureVersions() throws PluginException.InvalidDefinition { if (definitionMap.containsKey(KEY_PLUGIN_FEATURE_VERSION_MAP)) { Map<Plugin.Feature, String> map = new HashMap<Plugin.Feature, String>(); Map<String, String> spec = (Map<String, String>) definitionMap.getMap(KEY_PLUGIN_FEATURE_VERSION_MAP); log.debug2("features: " + spec); for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : spec.entrySet()) { try { // Prefix version string with feature name to create separate // namespace for each feature String key = ent.getKey(); map.put(Plugin.Feature.valueOf(key), key + "_" + ent.getValue()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.warning( getPluginName() + " set unknown feature: " + ent.getKey() + " to version " + ent.getValue(), e); throw new PluginException.InvalidDefinition("Unknown feature: " + ent.getKey(), e); } } featureVersion = map; } else { featureVersion = null; } } protected void initAuFeatureMap() { if (definitionMap.containsKey(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_FEATURE_URL_MAP)) { Map<String, ?> featMap = definitionMap.getMap(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_FEATURE_URL_MAP); for (Map.Entry ent : featMap.entrySet()) { Object val = ent.getValue(); if (val instanceof Map) { ent.setValue(MapUtil.expandAlternativeKeyLists((Map) val)); } } } } /** Create a CrawlWindow if necessary and return it. The CrawlWindow must be thread-safe. */ protected CrawlWindow makeCrawlWindow() { if (crawlWindow != null) { return crawlWindow; } CrawlWindow window = (CrawlWindow) definitionMap.getMapElement(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_CRAWL_WINDOW_SER); if (window == null) { String window_class = definitionMap.getString(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_CRAWL_WINDOW, null); if (window_class != null) { ConfigurableCrawlWindow ccw = (ConfigurableCrawlWindow) newAuxClass(window_class, ConfigurableCrawlWindow.class); try { window = ccw.makeCrawlWindow(); } catch (PluginException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } crawlWindow = window; return window; } LoginPageChecker loginChecker; protected LoginPageChecker makeLoginPageChecker() { if (loginChecker == null) { String loginPageCheckerClass = definitionMap.getString(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_LOGIN_PAGE_CHECKER, null); if (loginPageCheckerClass != null) { loginChecker = (LoginPageChecker) newAuxClass(loginPageCheckerClass, LoginPageChecker.class); } } return loginChecker; } PermissionCheckerFactory permissionCheckerFact; protected PermissionCheckerFactory getPermissionCheckerFactory() { if (permissionCheckerFact == null) { String permissionCheckerFactoryClass = definitionMap.getString(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_PERMISSION_CHECKER_FACTORY, null); if (permissionCheckerFactoryClass != null) { permissionCheckerFact = (PermissionCheckerFactory) newAuxClass(permissionCheckerFactoryClass, PermissionCheckerFactory.class); log.debug2("Loaded PermissionCheckerFactory: " + permissionCheckerFact); } } return permissionCheckerFact; } protected UrlNormalizer urlNorm; protected UrlNormalizer getUrlNormalizer() { if (urlNorm == null) { String normalizerClass = definitionMap.getString(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_URL_NORMALIZER, null); if (normalizerClass != null) { urlNorm = (UrlNormalizer) newAuxClass(normalizerClass, UrlNormalizer.class); } else { urlNorm = NullUrlNormalizer.INSTANCE; } } return urlNorm; } protected ExploderHelper exploderHelper = null; protected ExploderHelper getExploderHelper() { if (exploderHelper == null) { String helperClass = definitionMap.getString(DefinableArchivalUnit.KEY_AU_EXPLODER_HELPER, null); if (helperClass != null) { exploderHelper = (ExploderHelper) newAuxClass(helperClass, ExploderHelper.class); } } return exploderHelper; } protected CrawlUrlComparatorFactory crawlUrlComparatorFactory = null; protected CrawlUrlComparatorFactory getCrawlUrlComparatorFactory() { if (crawlUrlComparatorFactory == null) { String factClass = definitionMap.getString(DefinablePlugin.KEY_PLUGIN_CRAWL_URL_COMPARATOR_FACTORY, null); if (factClass != null) { crawlUrlComparatorFactory = (CrawlUrlComparatorFactory) newAuxClass(factClass, CrawlUrlComparatorFactory.class); } } return crawlUrlComparatorFactory; } protected Comparator<CrawlUrl> getCrawlUrlComparator(ArchivalUnit au) throws PluginException.LinkageError { CrawlUrlComparatorFactory fact = getCrawlUrlComparatorFactory(); if (fact == null) { return null; } return fact.createCrawlUrlComparator(au); } protected FilterRule constructFilterRule(String contentType) { String mimeType = HeaderUtil.getMimeTypeFromContentType(contentType); Object filter_el = definitionMap.getMapElement(mimeType + DefinableArchivalUnit.SUFFIX_FILTER_RULE); if (filter_el instanceof String) { log.debug("Loading filter " + filter_el); return (FilterRule) newAuxClass((String) filter_el, FilterRule.class); } else if (filter_el instanceof List) { if (((List) filter_el).size() > 0) { return new DefinableFilterRule((List) filter_el); } } return super.constructFilterRule(mimeType); } protected ArticleIteratorFactory articleIteratorFact = null; protected ArticleMetadataExtractorFactory articleMetadataFact = null; /** * Returns the plugin's article iterator factory, if any * * @return the ArticleIteratorFactory */ public ArticleIteratorFactory getArticleIteratorFactory() { if (articleIteratorFact == null) { String factClass = definitionMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_ARTICLE_ITERATOR_FACTORY, null); if (factClass != null) { articleIteratorFact = (ArticleIteratorFactory) newAuxClass(factClass, ArticleIteratorFactory.class); } } return articleIteratorFact; } /** * Returns the article iterator factory for the content type, if any * * @param contentType the content type * @return the ArticleIteratorFactory */ public ArticleMetadataExtractorFactory getArticleMetadataExtractorFactory(MetadataTarget target) { if (articleMetadataFact == null) { String factClass = definitionMap.getString(KEY_PLUGIN_ARTICLE_METADATA_EXTRACTOR_FACTORY, null); if (factClass != null) { articleMetadataFact = (ArticleMetadataExtractorFactory) newAuxClass(factClass, ArticleMetadataExtractorFactory.class); } } return articleMetadataFact; } public String getPluginId() { String className; if (mapName != null) { className = mapName; } else { // @TODO: eliminate this when we eliminate subclasses className = this.getClass().getName(); } return className; } }
/** * LockssRepository is used to organize the urls being cached. It keeps a memory cache of the most * recently used nodes as a least-recently-used map, and also caches weak references to the * instances as they're doled out. This ensures that two instances of the same node are never * created, as the weak references only disappear when the object is finalized (they go to null when * the last hard reference is gone, then are removed from the cache on finalize()). */ public class LockssRepositoryImpl extends BaseLockssDaemonManager implements LockssRepository { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("LockssRepository"); /** Configuration parameter name for Lockss cache location. */ public static final String PARAM_CACHE_LOCATION = Configuration.PREFIX + "cache.location"; /** Restores pre repo rescanning bugfix behavior (4050) */ public static final String PARAM_CLEAR_DIR_MAP = RepositoryManager.PREFIX + "clearDirMapOnAuStop"; public static final boolean DEFAULT_CLEAR_DIR_MAP = false; /** Name of top directory in which the urls are cached. */ public static final String CACHE_ROOT_NAME = "cache"; // XXX This is a remnant from the single-disk days, and should go away. // It is used only by unit tests, which want it set to the (last) // individual repository dir created. private static String staticCacheLocation = null; // Maps local repository name (disk path) to LocalRepository instance static Map localRepositories = new HashMap(); // starts with a '#' so no possibility of clashing with a URL public static final String AU_ID_FILE = "#au_id_file"; static final String AU_ID_PROP = "au.id"; static final String PLUGIN_ID_PROP = "plugin.id"; static final char ESCAPE_CHAR = '#'; static final String ESCAPE_STR = "#"; static final char ENCODED_SEPARATOR_CHAR = 's'; static final String INITIAL_PLUGIN_DIR = String.valueOf((char) ('a' - 1)); static String lastPluginDir = INITIAL_PLUGIN_DIR; // PJG: Windows prohibits use of ':' in file name -- replace with '~' for development static final String PORT_SEPARATOR = SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? "%" : ":"; // this contains a '#' so that it's not defeatable by strings which // match the prefix in a url (like '../tmp/') private static final String TEST_PREFIX = "/#tmp"; private RepositoryManager repoMgr; private String rootLocation; UniqueRefLruCache nodeCache; private boolean isGlobalNodeCache = RepositoryManager.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CACHE_ENABLED; LockssRepositoryImpl(String rootPath) { if (rootPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { rootLocation = rootPath; } else { // shouldn't happen StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(rootPath.length() + File.separator.length()); sb.append(rootPath); sb.append(File.separator); rootLocation = sb.toString(); } // Test code still needs this. nodeCache = new UniqueRefLruCache(RepositoryManager.DEFAULT_MAX_PER_AU_CACHE_SIZE); rootLocation = rootLocation .replace("?", "") .replace("COM8", "COMEIGHT") .replace("%5c", "/"); // //windows folder structure fix } public void startService() { super.startService(); repoMgr = getDaemon().getRepositoryManager(); isGlobalNodeCache = repoMgr.isGlobalNodeCache(); if (isGlobalNodeCache) { nodeCache = repoMgr.getGlobalNodeCache(); } else { // nodeCache = // new UniqueRefLruCache(repoMgr.paramNodeCacheSize); setNodeCacheSize(repoMgr.paramNodeCacheSize); } } public void stopService() { // mainly important in testing to blank this lastPluginDir = INITIAL_PLUGIN_DIR; if (CurrentConfig.getBooleanParam(PARAM_CLEAR_DIR_MAP, DEFAULT_CLEAR_DIR_MAP)) { // This should be in RepositoryManager.stopService() localRepositories = new HashMap(); } super.stopService(); } public void setNodeCacheSize(int size) { if (nodeCache != null && !isGlobalNodeCache && nodeCache.getMaxSize() != size) { nodeCache.setMaxSize(size); } } /** * Called between initService() and startService(), then whenever the AU's config changes. * * @param auConfig the new configuration */ public void setAuConfig(Configuration auConfig) {} void queueSizeCalc(RepositoryNode node) { repoMgr.queueSizeCalc(node); } public RepositoryNode getNode(String url) throws MalformedURLException { return getNode(url, false); } public RepositoryNode createNewNode(String url) throws MalformedURLException { return getNode(url, true); } public void deleteNode(String url) throws MalformedURLException { RepositoryNode node = getNode(url, false); if (node != null) { node.markAsDeleted(); } } public void deactivateNode(String url) throws MalformedURLException { RepositoryNode node = getNode(url, false); if (node != null) { node.deactivateContent(); } } /** * This function returns a RepositoryNode with a canonicalized path. * * @param url the url in String form * @param create true iff the node should be created if absent * @return RepositoryNode the node * @throws MalformedURLException */ private synchronized RepositoryNode getNode(String url, boolean create) throws MalformedURLException { String canonUrl; boolean isAuUrl = false; if (AuUrl.isAuUrl(url)) { // path information is lost here, but is unimportant if it's an AuUrl canonUrl = AuUrl.PROTOCOL; isAuUrl = true; } else { // create a canonical path, handling all illegal path traversal canonUrl = canonicalizePath(url); } // check LRUMap cache for node RepositoryNode node = (RepositoryNode) nodeCache.get(nodeCacheKey(canonUrl)); if (node != null) { return node; } String nodeLocation; if (isAuUrl) { // base directory of ArchivalUnit nodeLocation = rootLocation; node = new AuNodeImpl(canonUrl, nodeLocation, this); } else { // determine proper node location nodeLocation = LockssRepositoryImpl.mapUrlToFileLocation(rootLocation, canonUrl) .replace("?", "") .replace("COM8", "COMEIGHT") .replace("%5c", "/"); // //windows folder structure fix node = new RepositoryNodeImpl(canonUrl, nodeLocation, this); } if (!create) { // if not creating, check for existence File nodeDir = new File(nodeLocation); if (!nodeDir.exists()) { // return null if the node doesn't exist and shouldn't be created return null; } if (!nodeDir.isDirectory()) { logger.error("Cache file not a directory: " + nodeLocation); throw new LockssRepository.RepositoryStateException("Invalid cache file."); } } // add to node cache nodeCache.put(nodeCacheKey(canonUrl), node); return node; } Object nodeCacheKey(String canonUrl) { if (isGlobalNodeCache) { return new KeyPair(this, canonUrl); } return canonUrl; } // functions for testing int getCacheHits() { return nodeCache.getCacheHits(); } int getCacheMisses() { return nodeCache.getCacheMisses(); } int getRefHits() { return nodeCache.getRefHits(); } int getRefMisses() { return nodeCache.getRefMisses(); } public void nodeConsistencyCheck() { // traverse the node tree from the top RepositoryNode topNode; try { topNode = getNode(AuUrl.PROTOCOL_COLON); recurseConsistencyCheck((RepositoryNodeImpl) topNode); } catch (MalformedURLException ignore) { } } /** * Checks the consistency of the node, and continues with its children if it's consistent. * * @param node RepositoryNodeImpl the node to check */ private void recurseConsistencyCheck(RepositoryNodeImpl node) { logger.debug2("Checking node '" + node.getNodeUrl() + "'..."); // check consistency at each node // correct/deactivate as necessary // 'checkNodeConsistency()' will repair if possible if (node.checkNodeConsistency()) { logger.debug3("Node consistent; recursing on children..."); List children = node.getNodeList(null, false); Iterator iter = children.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RepositoryNodeImpl child = (RepositoryNodeImpl) iter.next(); recurseConsistencyCheck(child); } } else { logger.debug3("Node inconsistent; deactivating..."); deactivateInconsistentNode(node); } } /** * This is called when a node is in an inconsistent state. It simply creates some necessary * directories and deactivates the node. Future polls should restore it properly. * * @param node the inconsistent node */ void deactivateInconsistentNode(RepositoryNodeImpl node) { logger.warning("Deactivating inconsistent node."); FileUtil.ensureDirExists(node.contentDir); // manually deactivate node.deactivateContent(); } /** * A method to remove any non-canonical '..' or '.' elements in the path, as well as protecting * against illegal path traversal. * * @param url the raw url * @return String the canonicalized url * @throws MalformedURLException */ public String canonicalizePath(String url) throws MalformedURLException { String canonUrl = UrlUtil.normalizeUrl(url, UrlUtil.PATH_TRAVERSAL_ACTION_THROW); // canonicalize "dir" and "dir/" // XXX if these are ever two separate nodes, this is wrong if (canonUrl.endsWith(UrlUtil.URL_PATH_SEPARATOR)) { canonUrl = canonUrl.substring(0, canonUrl.length() - 1); } return canonUrl; } // static calls /** * Factory method to create new LockssRepository instances. * * @param au the {@link ArchivalUnit} * @return the new LockssRepository instance */ public static LockssRepository createNewLockssRepository(ArchivalUnit au) { String root = getRepositoryRoot(au); if (root == null || root.equals("null")) { logger.error("No repository dir set in config"); throw new LockssRepository.RepositoryStateException("No repository dir set in config"); } String auDir = LockssRepositoryImpl.mapAuToFileLocation(root, au); if (logger.isDebug2()) { logger.debug2("repo: " + auDir + ", au: " + au.getName()); } staticCacheLocation = extendCacheLocation(root); LockssRepositoryImpl repo = new LockssRepositoryImpl(auDir); Plugin plugin = au.getPlugin(); if (plugin != null) { LockssDaemon daemon = plugin.getDaemon(); if (daemon != null) { RepositoryManager mgr = daemon.getRepositoryManager(); if (mgr != null) { mgr.setRepositoryForPath(auDir, repo); } } } return repo; } public static String getRepositorySpec(ArchivalUnit au) { Configuration auConfig = au.getConfiguration(); if (auConfig != null) { // can be null in unit tests String repoSpec = auConfig.get(PluginManager.AU_PARAM_REPOSITORY); if (repoSpec != null && repoSpec.startsWith("local:")) { return repoSpec; } } return "local:" + CurrentConfig.getParam(PARAM_CACHE_LOCATION); } public static String getRepositoryRoot(ArchivalUnit au) { return getLocalRepositoryPath(getRepositorySpec(au)); } public static String getLocalRepositoryPath(String repoSpec) { if (repoSpec != null) { if (repoSpec.startsWith("local:")) { return repoSpec.substring(6); } } return null; } // The OpenBSD platform has renamed the first disk from /cache to // /cache.wd0, leaving behind a symbolic link in /cache . This is // transparent everywhere except the repository status table, which needs // to match AU configs with AUs it finds when enumerating the repository. // Existing AU configs have repository=local:/cache, so the relative link // needs to be resolved to detect that that's the same as // local:/cache.wd0 private static Map canonicalRoots = new HashMap(); public static boolean isDirInRepository(String dir, String repoRoot) { if (dir.startsWith(repoRoot)) { return true; } return canonRoot(dir).startsWith(canonRoot(repoRoot)); } static String canonRoot(String root) { synchronized (canonicalRoots) { String canon = (String) canonicalRoots.get(root); if (canon == null) { try { canon = new File(root).getCanonicalPath(); canonicalRoots.put(root, canon); } catch (IOException e) { logger.warning("Can't canonicalize: " + root, e); return root; } } return canon; } } static String getCacheLocation() { return staticCacheLocation; } /** * Adds the 'cache' directory to the HD location. * * @param cacheDir the root location. * @return String the extended location */ static String extendCacheLocation(String cacheDir) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(cacheDir); if (!cacheDir.endsWith(File.separator)) { buffer.append(File.separator); } buffer.append(CACHE_ROOT_NAME); buffer.append(File.separator); return buffer.toString(); } /** * mapAuToFileLocation() is the method used to resolve {@link ArchivalUnit}s into directory names. * This maps a given au to directories, using the cache root as the base. Given an au with * PluginId of 'plugin' and AuId of 'au', it would return the string '<rootLocation>/plugin/au/'. * * @param repoRoot the root of a LOCKSS repository * @param au the ArchivalUnit to resolve * @return the directory location */ public static String mapAuToFileLocation(String repoRoot, ArchivalUnit au) { return getAuDir(au, repoRoot, true); } /** * mapUrlToFileLocation() is the method used to resolve urls into file names. This maps a given * url to a file location, using the au top directory as the base. It creates directories which * mirror the html string, so 'http://www.journal.org/issue1/index.html' would be cached in the * file: <rootLocation>/www.journal.org/http/issue1/index.html * * @param rootLocation the top directory for ArchivalUnit this URL is in * @param urlStr the url to translate * @return the url file location * @throws java.net.MalformedURLException */ public static String mapUrlToFileLocation(String rootLocation, String urlStr) throws MalformedURLException { int totalLength = rootLocation.length() + urlStr.length(); URL url = new URL(urlStr); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(totalLength); buffer.append(rootLocation); if (!rootLocation.endsWith(File.separator)) { buffer.append(File.separator); } buffer.append(url.getHost().toLowerCase()); int port = url.getPort(); if (port != -1) { buffer.append(PORT_SEPARATOR); buffer.append(port); } buffer.append(File.separator); buffer.append(url.getProtocol()); if (RepositoryManager.isEnableLongComponents()) { String escapedPath = escapePath( StringUtil.replaceString(url.getPath(), UrlUtil.URL_PATH_SEPARATOR, File.separator)); String query = url.getQuery(); if (query != null) { escapedPath = escapedPath + "?" + escapeQuery(query); } String encodedPath = RepositoryNodeImpl.encodeUrl(escapedPath); // encodeUrl strips leading / from path buffer.append(File.separator); buffer.append(encodedPath); } else { buffer.append( escapePath( StringUtil.replaceString(url.getPath(), UrlUtil.URL_PATH_SEPARATOR, File.separator))); String query = url.getQuery(); if (query != null) { buffer.append("?"); buffer.append(escapeQuery(query)); } } return buffer.toString(); } // name mapping functions /** * Return true iff a repository for the auid exists under the root * * @param auid * @param repoRoot the repository root * @return true iff a repository for the auid exists */ static boolean doesAuDirExist(String auid, String repoRoot) { return null != getAuDir(auid, repoRoot, false); } /** * Finds the directory for this AU. If none found in the map, designates a new dir for it. * * @param au the AU * @param repoRoot root of the repository * @return the dir {@link String} */ static String getAuDir(ArchivalUnit au, String repoRoot, boolean create) { return getAuDir(au.getAuId(), repoRoot, create); } /** * Finds the directory for this AU. If none found in the map, designates a new dir for it. * * @param auid AU id representing the au * @param repoRoot path to the root of the repository * @return the dir String */ static String getAuDir(String auid, String repoRoot, boolean create) { String repoCachePath = extendCacheLocation(repoRoot); LocalRepository localRepo = getLocalRepository(repoRoot); synchronized (localRepo) { Map aumap = localRepo.getAuMap(); String auPathSlash = (String) aumap.get(auid); if (auPathSlash != null) { return auPathSlash; } if (!create) { return null; } logger.debug3("Creating new au directory for '" + auid + "'."); String auDir = localRepo.getPrevAuDir(); for (int cnt = RepositoryManager.getMaxUnusedDirSearch(); cnt > 0; cnt--) { // loop through looking for an available dir auDir = getNextDirName(auDir); File testDir = new File(repoCachePath, auDir); if (logger.isDebug3()) logger.debug3("Probe for unused: " + testDir); if (!testDir.exists()) { if (RepositoryManager.isStatefulUnusedDirSearch()) { localRepo.setPrevAuDir(auDir); } String auPath = testDir.toString(); logger.debug3("New au directory: " + auPath); auPathSlash = auPath + File.separator; // write the new au property file to the new dir // XXX this data should be backed up elsewhere to avoid single-point // corruption Properties idProps = new Properties(); idProps.setProperty(AU_ID_PROP, auid); saveAuIdProperties(auPath, idProps); aumap.put(auid, auPathSlash); return auPathSlash; } else { if (logger.isDebug3()) { logger.debug3("Existing directory found at '" + auDir + "'. Checking next..."); } } } } throw new RuntimeException( "Can't find unused repository dir after " + RepositoryManager.getMaxUnusedDirSearch() + " tries in " + repoCachePath); } static LocalRepository getLocalRepository(ArchivalUnit au) { return getLocalRepository(getRepositoryRoot(au)); } static LocalRepository getLocalRepository(String repoRoot) { synchronized (localRepositories) { LocalRepository localRepo = (LocalRepository) localRepositories.get(repoRoot); if (localRepo == null) { logger.debug2("Creating LocalRepository(" + repoRoot + ")"); localRepo = new LocalRepository(repoRoot); localRepositories.put(repoRoot, localRepo); } return localRepo; } } /** Return next string in the sequence "a", "b", ... "z", "aa", "ab", ... */ static String getNextDirName(String old) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(old); // go through and increment the first non-'z' char // counts back from the last char, so 'aa'->'ab', not 'ba' for (int ii = sb.length() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { char curChar = sb.charAt(ii); if (curChar < 'z') { sb.setCharAt(ii, (char) (curChar + 1)); return sb.toString(); } sb.setCharAt(ii, 'a'); } sb.insert(0, 'a'); return sb.toString(); } public static File getAuIdFile(String location) { return new File(location + File.separator + AU_ID_FILE); } static Properties getAuIdProperties(String location) { File propFile = new File(location + File.separator + AU_ID_FILE); try { InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(propFile)); Properties idProps = new Properties(); idProps.load(is); is.close(); return idProps; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Error loading au id from " + propFile.getPath() + "."); return null; } } static void saveAuIdProperties(String location, Properties props) { // XXX these AU_ID_FILE entries need to be backed up elsewhere to avoid // single-point corruption File propDir = new File(location); if (!propDir.exists()) { logger.debug("Creating directory '" + propDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); propDir.mkdirs(); } File propFile = new File(propDir, AU_ID_FILE); try { logger.debug3("Saving au id properties at '" + location + "'."); OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(propFile)); props.store(os, "ArchivalUnit id info"); os.close(); propFile.setReadOnly(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("Couldn't write properties for " + propFile.getPath() + ".", ioe); throw new LockssRepository.RepositoryStateException("Couldn't write au id properties file."); } } // lockss filename-specific encoding methods /** * Escapes instances of the ESCAPE_CHAR from the path. This avoids name conflicts with the * repository files, such as '#nodestate.xml'. * * @param path the path * @return the escaped path */ static String escapePath(String path) { // XXX escaping disabled because of URL encoding if (false && path.indexOf(ESCAPE_CHAR) >= 0) { return StringUtil.replaceString(path, ESCAPE_STR, ESCAPE_STR + ESCAPE_STR); } else { return path; } } /** * Escapes instances of File.separator from the query. These are safe from filename overlap, but * can't convert into extended paths and directories. * * @param query the query * @return the escaped query */ static String escapeQuery(String query) { if (query.indexOf(File.separator) >= 0) { return StringUtil.replaceString(query, File.separator, ESCAPE_STR + ENCODED_SEPARATOR_CHAR); } else { return query; } } /** * Extracts '#x' encoding and converts back to 'x'. * * @param orig the original * @return the unescaped version. */ static String unescape(String orig) { if (orig.indexOf(ESCAPE_CHAR) < 0) { // fast treatment of non-escaped strings return orig; } int index = -1; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(orig.length()); String oldStr = orig; while ((index = oldStr.indexOf(ESCAPE_CHAR)) >= 0) { buffer.append(oldStr.substring(0, index)); buffer.append(convertCode(oldStr.substring(index, index + 2))); if (oldStr.length() > 2) { oldStr = oldStr.substring(index + 2); } else { oldStr = ""; } } buffer.append(oldStr); return buffer.toString(); } /** * Returns the second char in the escaped segment, unless it is 's', which is a stand-in for the * File.separatorChar. * * @param code the code segment (length 2) * @return the encoded char */ static char convertCode(String code) { char encodedChar = code.charAt(1); if (encodedChar == ENCODED_SEPARATOR_CHAR) { return File.separatorChar; } else { return encodedChar; } } public static class Factory implements LockssAuManager.Factory { public LockssAuManager createAuManager(ArchivalUnit au) { return createNewLockssRepository(au); } } /** Maintains state for a local repository root dir (<i>eg</i>, auid of each au subdir). */ static class LocalRepository { String repoPath; File repoCacheFile; Map auMap; String prevAuDir; LocalRepository(String repoPath) { this.repoPath = repoPath; repoCacheFile = new File(repoPath, CACHE_ROOT_NAME); } public String getRepositoryPath() { return repoPath; } public String getPrevAuDir() { if (prevAuDir == null) { prevAuDir = lastPluginDir; } return prevAuDir; } public void setPrevAuDir(String dir) { prevAuDir = dir; } /** * Return the auid -> au-subdir-path mapping. Enumerating the directories if necessary to * initialize the map */ Map getAuMap() { if (auMap == null) { logger.debug3("Loading name map for '" + repoCacheFile + "'."); auMap = new HashMap(); if (!repoCacheFile.exists()) { logger.debug3("Creating cache dir:" + repoCacheFile + "'."); if (!repoCacheFile.mkdirs()) { logger.critical("Couldn't create directory, check owner/permissions: " + repoCacheFile); // return empty map return auMap; } } else { // read each dir's property file and store mapping auid -> dir File[] auDirs = repoCacheFile.listFiles(); for (int ii = 0; ii < auDirs.length; ii++) { String dirName = auDirs[ii].getName(); // if (dirName.compareTo(lastPluginDir) == 1) { // // adjust the 'lastPluginDir' upwards if necessary // lastPluginDir = dirName; // } String path = auDirs[ii].getAbsolutePath(); Properties idProps = getAuIdProperties(path); if (idProps != null) { String auid = idProps.getProperty(AU_ID_PROP); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(path.length() + File.separator.length()); sb.append(path); sb.append(File.separator); auMap.put(auid, sb.toString()); logger.debug3("Mapping to: " + auMap.get(auid) + ": " + auid); } else { logger.debug3("Not mapping " + path + ", no auid file."); } } } } return auMap; } public String toString() { return "[LR: " + repoPath + "]"; } } String getRootLocation() { return rootLocation; } }