   * Update activity status code to the value used in DB. The reason is the value from user input
   * will be 'Y' or 'N'. However, these two status code are now replaced by 'N','E' and 'P'.
   * @param fieldValues
  protected void updateStatusCodeCriteria(Map<String, String> fieldValues) {
    String activityStatusCode = null;
    if (fieldValues.containsKey(CabPropertyConstants.GeneralLedgerEntry.ACTIVITY_STATUS_CODE)) {
      activityStatusCode =
          (String) fieldValues.get(CabPropertyConstants.GeneralLedgerEntry.ACTIVITY_STATUS_CODE);

    if (KFSConstants.NON_ACTIVE_INDICATOR.equalsIgnoreCase(activityStatusCode)) {
      // not processed in CAMs: 'N'
    } else if (KFSConstants.ACTIVE_INDICATOR.equalsIgnoreCase(activityStatusCode)) {
      // processed in CAMs: 'E' or 'P'
              + SearchOperator.OR.op()
              + CabConstants.ActivityStatusCode.ENROUTE);
 @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
 protected void transformWildCardableFields(
     Class<? extends HrBusinessObjectContract> hrBOClass, Map formProps) {
   Iterator propsIter = formProps.keySet().iterator();
   while (propsIter.hasNext()) {
     String propertyName = (String) propsIter.next();
     String propertyValue = (String) formProps.get(propertyName);
     if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(propertyValue)) {
       // transform this value into an "OR" with the wildcard symbols
       boolean canContainWildcard = false;
       if (KRADServiceLocatorWeb.getDataDictionaryService()
           .isAttributeDefined(hrBOClass, propertyName)) {
         AttributeDefinition attributeDefinition =
                 .getAttributeDefinition(hrBOClass.getName(), propertyName);
         // check if this property is wildcarded
         if (attributeDefinition instanceof WildcardableAttributeDefinition) {
           canContainWildcard =
               ((WildcardableAttributeDefinition) attributeDefinition).getContainsWildcardData();
         if (canContainWildcard) {
           // get the wildcard symbols and attach them with an "OR" seperator i.e. "|"
           List<String> wildcardStrings =
               ((WildcardableAttributeDefinition) attributeDefinition).getAllowedWildcardStrings();
           if (wildcardStrings != null) {
             for (String wildcardString : wildcardStrings) {
               if (StringUtils.equals("*", wildcardString)
                   || StringUtils.equals("%", wildcardString)) {
                 wildcardString = "\\" + wildcardString;
               propertyValue = propertyValue + SearchOperator.OR.op() + wildcardString;
             formProps.put(propertyName, propertyValue);