public void testExecutePs2pdfConvertStreamed() throws Exception {"TEST ps2pdf-convert-streamed"); Tool tool = repo.getTool("ps2pdf"); String tmpInputFile = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("").getFile(); String tmpOutputFile = File.createTempFile("ps2pdf", ".pdf").getAbsolutePath(); ToolProcessor processor = new ToolProcessor(tool); Operation operation = processor.findOperation("convert-streamed"); processor.setOperation(operation); LOG.debug("tmpInputFile = " + tmpInputFile); LOG.debug("tmpOutputFile = " + tmpOutputFile); FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(new File(tmpInputFile)); StreamProcessor in = new StreamProcessor(fin); in = new StreamProcessor(fin);; FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(new File(tmpOutputFile)); StreamProcessor(fout)); try { in.execute(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Exception during execution (maybe unresolved system dependency?): " + ex); } }
public void testExecutePs2pdfConvert() throws Exception {"TEST ps2pdf-convert"); Tool tool = repo.getTool("ps2pdf"); String tmpInputFile = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("").getFile(); ToolProcessor processor = new ToolProcessor(tool); Operation operation = processor.findOperation("convert"); processor.setOperation(operation); Map<String, String> mapInput = new HashMap<String, String>(); LOG.debug("tool = " + tool.getName()); LOG.debug("tmpInputFile = " + tmpInputFile); mapInput = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapInput.put("inFile", tmpInputFile); String tmpOutputFile = File.createTempFile("ps2pdf", ".pdf").getAbsolutePath(); LOG.debug("tmpOutputFile = " + tmpOutputFile); Map<String, String> mapOutput = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapOutput.put("outFile", tmpOutputFile); processor.setInputFileParameters(mapInput); processor.setOutputFileParameters(mapOutput); try { processor.execute(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Exception during execution (maybe unresolved system dependency?): " + ex); } }
@Test public void canFollowLogfile() throws IOException { File tempFile = File.createTempFile("commons-io", "", new File(System.getProperty(""))); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); System.out.println("Temp file = " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); PrintStream log = new PrintStream(tempFile); LogfileFollower follower = new LogfileFollower(tempFile); List<String> lines; // Empty file: lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(0, lines.size()); // Write two lines: log.println("Line 1"); log.println("Line 2"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(2, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 2", lines.get(1)); // Write one more line: log.println("Line 3"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 3", lines.get(0)); // Write one and a half line and finish later: log.println("Line 4"); log.print("Line 5 begin"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); // End last line and start a new one: log.println(" end"); log.print("Line 6 begin"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 5 begin end", lines.get(0)); // End last line: log.println(" end"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 6 begin end", lines.get(0)); // A line only missing a newline: log.print("Line 7"); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(0, lines.size()); log.println(); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(1, lines.size()); assertEquals("Line 7", lines.get(0)); // Delete: log.close(); lines = follower.newLines(); assertEquals(0, lines.size()); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { _rgchPwTest = new char[] {'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd'}; _fileExisting = File.createTempFile("obzvaultexisting", ".vault"); _strDecryptedExisting = "existing"; OBZVaultDocument doc = new OBZVaultDocument(); doc.setAppVersion("X.Y.DEV"); doc.setText(_strDecryptedExisting); doc.saveAsVaultDoc(_fileExisting, _rgchPwTest); _fileText = File.createTempFile("obzvaulttext", ".txt"); _strText = "Hello world!"; OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(_fileText); os.write(_strText.getBytes()); os.close(); }
/** * Set up. * * @throws Exception */ @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { URL sigFileV67Url = new URL(SIGNATURE_FILE_V67_URL); InputStream sigFileStream = sigFileV67Url.openStream(); File tmpSigFile = File.createTempFile("tmpsigfile", ".xml"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpSigFile); IOUtils.copy(sigFileStream, fos); fos.close(); dihj = DroidIdentification.getInstance(tmpSigFile.getAbsolutePath()); }
/** * Test ODT file format identification * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testIdentifyOdt() throws IOException { InputStream odtTestFileStream = DroidIdentificationTest.class.getResourceAsStream("testfile.odt"); File tmpOdtTestFile = File.createTempFile("odttestfile", ".odt"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tmpOdtTestFile); IOUtils.copy(odtTestFileStream, fos); fos.close(); String result = dihj.identify(tmpOdtTestFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (result.isEmpty()) { fail("No identification result"); } assertEquals("fmt/291", result); }