// ----以下测试普通的post数据
  public void test普通的post数据() throws Exception {
    String temp =
            + "savelogin=&"
            + "url=http%3A%2F%2Fmail.163.com%2Ferrorpage%2Ferr_163.htm&"
            + "username=2005081097&"
            + "password=013579";
    String normal_con_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    byte[] bytes = temp.getBytes("US-ASCII");
    HttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(bytes, normal_con_type);
    Object o = null;
    o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "product");
    assertEquals("mail163", (String) o);
    o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "savelogin");
    o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "url");
    assertEquals("http://mail.163.com/errorpage/err_163.htm", (String) o);

    List<FileItem> fileItemList = LazyParser.getFileItemsFromRequest(request);
    assertTrue(fileItemList.size() == 0);

    Map map = LazyParser.getParameterMap(request);
    assertEquals(5, map.size());
    assertEquals("mail163", map.get("product"));
    assertEquals("http://mail.163.com/errorpage/err_163.htm", map.get("url"));

    Set<String> paramNames = LazyParser.getParameterNames(request);
    assertEquals(5, paramNames.size());
 /** 测试上传的文件类型不对 */
 public void test上传的文件类型不对() throws Exception {
   LazyParser.setFileExts(new String[] {".jpg", ".tab"});
   String temp =
           + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"foo.png\"\r\n"
           + "Content-Type: text/whatever\r\n"
           + "\r\n"
           + "This is the content of the file\n"
           + "\r\n"
           + "-----1234\r\n"
           + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"field\"\r\n"
           + "\r\n"
           + "fieldValue\r\n"
           + "-----1234\r\n"
           + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"multi\"\r\n"
           + "\r\n"
           + "value1\r\n"
           + "-----1234\r\n";
   byte[] bytes = temp.getBytes("US-ASCII");
   HttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(bytes, CONTENT_TYPE);
   Object o = null;
   try {
     o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "file");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     assertTrue(e instanceof FileTypeInvalidException);
  /** 测试getParameter的正常情况 */
  public void testGetParameter_正常情况_上传文件() throws Exception {
    byte[] bytes = content.getBytes("US-ASCII");
    HttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(bytes, CONTENT_TYPE);
    // 文件域
    Object o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "file");
    assertTrue(o instanceof FileItem);
    FileItem f = (FileItem) o;
    assertEquals("This is the content of the file\n", new String(f.getBout().toByteArray()));
    assertEquals("text/whatever", f.getContentType());
    assertEquals("foo.tab", f.getFileName());
    // 普通域
    o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "field");
    assertTrue(o instanceof FileItem);
    f = (FileItem) o;
    assertEquals("fieldValue", f.getValue());

 public void test上传的文件大小超过限制大小() throws Exception {
   LazyParser.setMaxBufferSize(10); // 允许上传的文件大小为10byte
   byte[] bytes = content.getBytes("US-ASCII");
   HttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(bytes, CONTENT_TYPE);
   Object o = null;
   try {
     o = LazyParser.getParameter(request, "file");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     assertTrue(e instanceof FileSizeInvalidException);