@Test public void testContinueOnSomeDbDirectoriesMissing() throws Exception { File targetDir1 = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), UUID.randomUUID().toString()); File targetDir2 = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), UUID.randomUUID().toString()); try { assertTrue(targetDir1.mkdirs()); assertTrue(targetDir2.mkdirs()); if (!targetDir1.setWritable(false, false)) { System.err.println( "Cannot execute 'testContinueOnSomeDbDirectoriesMissing' because cannot mark directory non-writable"); return; } RocksDBStateBackend rocksDbBackend = new RocksDBStateBackend(TEMP_URI); rocksDbBackend.setDbStoragePaths(targetDir1.getAbsolutePath(), targetDir2.getAbsolutePath()); try { rocksDbBackend.initializeForJob(getMockEnvironment(), "foobar", IntSerializer.INSTANCE); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Backend initialization failed even though some paths were available"); } } finally { //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored targetDir1.setWritable(true, false); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(targetDir1); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(targetDir2); } }
@BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception { con.addCustomer( "Buddy", "Bear", "1520 Garnet Ave", "", "San Diego", "CA", "92109", "4766666656"); con.addPublication("Runner Magazine", "Sports", 9.80, "Monthly", 5); ResultSet r = con.searchCustomer(0, "Buddy", ""); try { while (r.next()) { testCustID = r.getInt("CustomerID"); } r.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ResultSet rs = con.searchPublication(0, "", "Runner Magazine"); try { while (rs.next()) { testPubID = rs.getInt("PublicationID"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } subscriptions newSub = new subscriptions(testCustID, testPubID); }
@Test public void testCopyTo() { graph = createGraph(); initExampleGraph(graph); GraphStorage gs = newRAMGraph(); gs.setSegmentSize(8000); gs.create(10); try { graph.copyTo(gs); checkExampleGraph(gs); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(ex.toString(), false); } try { Helper.close((Closeable) graph); graph = createGraph(); gs.copyTo(graph); checkExampleGraph(graph); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(ex.toString(), false); } Helper.close((Closeable) graph); }
private Player getPlayer(Element el) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); Player p = new Player(); try { String guid = el.getAttribute("id"); String firstName = el.getAttribute("name_first"); String lastName = el.getAttribute("name_last"); String bdate = el.getAttribute("birthdate"); String height = el.getAttribute("height"); String weight = el.getAttribute("weight"); String college = el.getAttribute("college"); String position = el.getAttribute("position"); String jersey = el.getAttribute("jersey_number"); p.setId(guid); p.setFirstName(firstName); p.setLastName(lastName); p.setCollege(college); p.setPosition(position); p.setHeight(Integer.parseInt(height)); p.setWeight(Integer.parseInt(weight)); p.setBirthdate(formatter.parse(bdate)); p.setJerseyNumber(Integer.parseInt(jersey)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return p; }
@Test public void testMain() { // Usage が標準出力に表示されること // main.main(null); String[] args = { "test/sim/simulator_raposda_2.xml", "test/sim/memoryModel.xml", "test/sim/dataDiskModel.xml", "test/sim/cacheDiskModel.xml", "test/sim/workload", "on", "on", "test/sim/out" }; try { SimMain.main(args); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exceptionが発生しました."); } RAPoSDALayoutManager layoutManager = (RAPoSDALayoutManager) Environment.getLayoutManager(); layoutManager.debugCreateManagedDevices(); layoutManager.debugDeviceMapping(); }
@Test(timeout = 2000) public void testFirehoseFailsAsExpected() { AtomicInteger c = new AtomicInteger(); TestSubscriber<Integer> ts = new TestSubscriber<>(); firehose(c) .observeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .map( v -> { try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return v; }) .subscribe(ts); ts.awaitTerminalEvent(); System.out.println( "testFirehoseFailsAsExpected => Received: " + ts.valueCount() + " Emitted: " + c.get()); // FIXME it is possible slow is not slow enough or the main gets delayed and thus more than one // source value is emitted. int vc = ts.valueCount(); assertTrue("10 < " + vc, vc <= 10); ts.assertError(MissingBackpressureException.class); }
@Test public void testClusterInitialization() { try { Cluster cluster = defaultFactory.getCluster("Cluster Un"); assertNotNull("Test cluster should not be null", cluster); // now check that it has the data we expect from the database assertEquals("Wrong ID Found", 1000L, cluster.getId()); assertEquals("Wrong name found", "Cluster Un", cluster.getName()); // Now check for the master node Node master = cluster.getMaster(); assertNotNull("Master node for cluster should not be null", master); assertEquals( "Unexpected name for master found", "Cluster 0 - Primary master", master.getName()); assertEquals("Unexpected ID for master found", 1L, master.getId()); assertTrue("Master should be available", master.isAvailable()); // Now check for the slave nodes Set<Node> slaves = cluster.getSlaves(); assertNotNull("Slave node set should not be null", slaves); assertEquals("Unexpected length for slave node set", 2, slaves.size()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception caught: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } }
@Test public void testPersistence() { try { em.getTransaction().begin(); Student u = new Student(); u.setScore(12); u.setName("eskatos"); em.persist(u); assertTrue(em.contains(u)); em.remove(u); assertFalse(em.contains(u)); em.getTransaction().commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { em.getTransaction().rollback(); ex.printStackTrace(); fail("Exception during testPersistence"); } }
@Test public void testCloseNonEmptyQueue() { try { ClosableBlockingQueue<Integer> queue = new ClosableBlockingQueue<>(asList(1, 2, 3)); assertTrue(queue.isOpen()); assertFalse(queue.close()); assertFalse(queue.close()); queue.poll(); assertFalse(queue.close()); assertFalse(queue.close()); queue.pollBatch(); assertTrue(queue.close()); assertFalse(queue.isOpen()); assertFalse(queue.addIfOpen(42)); assertTrue(queue.isEmpty()); try { queue.add(99); fail("should cause an exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException ignored) { // expected } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
public void testHomePageAndFeedLinks() { try { Crawler crawler = new LaRepubblicaCrawler(); Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); set.addAll(crawler.retrieveArticleUrlsFromFeed()); set.addAll(crawler.retrieveArticleUrlsFromHomePage()); Iterator<String> i = set.iterator(); boolean result = true; while (i.hasNext()) { String s = i.next(); try { if (crawler.getArticle(s) != null) { System.out.println(" OK >> \t " + s); result &= true; } } catch (CrawlerCannotReadArticleException e) { System.err.println("ERROR >> \t " + s); result &= false; e.printStackTrace(); } } assertEquals(true, result); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testOutputFormatVertex() { try { final TestingOutputFormat outputFormat = new TestingOutputFormat(); final OutputFormatVertex of = new OutputFormatVertex("Name"); new TaskConfig(of.getConfiguration()) .setStubWrapper(new UserCodeObjectWrapper<OutputFormat<?>>(outputFormat)); final ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader(); try { of.initializeOnMaster(cl); fail("Did not throw expected exception."); } catch (TestException e) { // all good } OutputFormatVertex copy = SerializationUtils.clone(of); try { copy.initializeOnMaster(cl); fail("Did not throw expected exception."); } catch (TestException e) { // all good } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { if (isNetwork) { if (url == null) { url = "jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/test"; } server = new Server(); server.putPropertiesFromString(serverProps); server.setDatabaseName(0, "test"); server.setDatabasePath(0, "mem:test;sql.enforce_strict_size=true"); server.setLogWriter(new PrintWriter(System.out)); server.setErrWriter(new PrintWriter(System.err)); server.start(); } else { if (url == null) { url = "jdbc:hsqldb:file:test;sql.enforce_strict_size=true"; } } try { Class.forName("org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(this + ".setUp() error: " + e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void basicCRUD() { try { Actor actor = new Actor(); actor.setFirstName("Arnold"); actor.setLastName("Schwarzenegger"); actor.setNickName("Arnie"); Date date1 = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy").parse("06/30/47"); actor.setBirthDate(date1); getSession().save(actor); Query query = getSession().createQuery("from Actor where nickname=:nickname"); query.setParameter("nickname", "Arnie"); Actor arnie = (Actor) query.uniqueResult(); assertEquals(2, arnie.getId()); arnie.setNickName("Big Guy"); getSession().save(arnie); query.setParameter("nickname", "Big Guy"); Actor arnie2 = (Actor) query.uniqueResult(); assertEquals("Version should match", 1, arnie2.getVersion()); getSession().delete(actor); Actor arnie3 = (Actor) query.uniqueResult(); assertEquals("Arnie should no longer exist!", null, arnie3); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Excption thrown: ", ex.getMessage()); assertTrue(ex.getMessage(), false); ex.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void onErrorFailureSafe() { try { new SafeSubscriber<String>(OBSERVER_ONERROR_FAIL()) .onError(new SafeObserverTestException("error!")); fail("expects exception to be thrown"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(e instanceof RuntimeException); assertEquals( "Error occurred when trying to propagate error to Observer.onError", e.getMessage()); Throwable e2 = e.getCause(); assertTrue(e2 instanceof CompositeException); assertEquals( "Chain of Causes for CompositeException In Order Received =>", e2.getCause().getMessage()); Throwable e3 = e2.getCause(); assertTrue(e3.getCause() instanceof SafeObserverTestException); assertEquals("error!", e3.getCause().getMessage()); Throwable e4 = e3.getCause(); assertTrue(e4.getCause() instanceof SafeObserverTestException); assertEquals("onErrorFail", e4.getCause().getMessage()); } }
@Test public void onErrorSuccessWithUnsubscribeFailure() { AtomicReference<Throwable> onError = new AtomicReference<Throwable>(); Subscriber<String> o = OBSERVER_SUCCESS(onError); try { o.add( Subscriptions.create( new Action0() { @Override public void call() { // break contract by throwing exception throw new SafeObserverTestException("failure from unsubscribe"); } })); new SafeSubscriber<String>(o).onError(new SafeObserverTestException("failed")); fail("we expect the unsubscribe failure to cause an exception to be thrown"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(o.isUnsubscribed()); // we still expect onError to have received something before unsubscribe blew up assertNotNull(onError.get()); assertTrue(onError.get() instanceof SafeObserverTestException); assertEquals("failed", onError.get().getMessage()); // now assert the exception that was thrown assertTrue(e instanceof SafeObserverTestException); assertEquals("failure from unsubscribe", e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void onCompleteSuccessWithUnsubscribeFailure() { Subscriber<String> o = OBSERVER_SUCCESS(); try { o.add( Subscriptions.create( new Action0() { @Override public void call() { // break contract by throwing exception throw new SafeObserverTestException("failure from unsubscribe"); } })); new SafeSubscriber<String>(o).onCompleted(); fail("expects exception to be thrown"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertTrue(o.isUnsubscribed()); assertTrue(e instanceof SafeObserverTestException); assertEquals("failure from unsubscribe", e.getMessage()); // expected since onError fails so SafeObserver can't help } }
@Test public void testNonEqualSplitsPerhost() { int numHosts = 3; int slotsPerHost = 2; int parallelism = 5; TestLocatableInputSplit[] splits = new TestLocatableInputSplit[] { new TestLocatableInputSplit(1, "host3"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(2, "host1"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(3, "host1"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(4, "host1"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(5, "host1"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(6, "host1"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(7, "host2"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(8, "host2") }; try { String[] hostsForTasks = runTests(numHosts, slotsPerHost, parallelism, splits); assertEquals("host1", hostsForTasks[0]); assertEquals("host1", hostsForTasks[1]); assertEquals("host2", hostsForTasks[2]); assertEquals("host2", hostsForTasks[3]); assertEquals("host3", hostsForTasks[4]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testTopologicalSort3() { // --> op1 -- // / \ // (source) - +-> op2 -> op3 // \ / // --------- try { AbstractJobVertex source = new AbstractJobVertex("source"); AbstractJobVertex op1 = new AbstractJobVertex("op4"); AbstractJobVertex op2 = new AbstractJobVertex("op2"); AbstractJobVertex op3 = new AbstractJobVertex("op3"); op1.connectNewDataSetAsInput(source, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); op2.connectNewDataSetAsInput(op1, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); op2.connectNewDataSetAsInput(source, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); op3.connectNewDataSetAsInput(op2, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); JobGraph graph = new JobGraph("TestGraph", source, op1, op2, op3); List<AbstractJobVertex> sorted = graph.getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources(); assertEquals(4, sorted.size()); assertBefore(source, op1, sorted); assertBefore(source, op2, sorted); assertBefore(op1, op2, sorted); assertBefore(op2, op3, sorted); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testNotEnoughSubtasks() { int numHosts = 3; int slotsPerHost = 1; int parallelism = 2; TestLocatableInputSplit[] splits = new TestLocatableInputSplit[] { new TestLocatableInputSplit(1, "host1"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(2, "host2"), new TestLocatableInputSplit(3, "host3") }; // This should fail with an exception, since the DOP of 2 does not // support strictly local assignment onto 3 hosts try { runTests(numHosts, slotsPerHost, parallelism, splits); fail("should throw an exception"); } catch (JobException e) { // what a great day! } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void testTopoSortCyclicGraphIntermediateCycle() { try { AbstractJobVertex source = new AbstractJobVertex("source"); AbstractJobVertex v1 = new AbstractJobVertex("1"); AbstractJobVertex v2 = new AbstractJobVertex("2"); AbstractJobVertex v3 = new AbstractJobVertex("3"); AbstractJobVertex v4 = new AbstractJobVertex("4"); AbstractJobVertex target = new AbstractJobVertex("target"); v1.connectNewDataSetAsInput(source, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); v1.connectNewDataSetAsInput(v4, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); v2.connectNewDataSetAsInput(v1, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); v3.connectNewDataSetAsInput(v2, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); v4.connectNewDataSetAsInput(v3, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); target.connectNewDataSetAsInput(v3, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); JobGraph jg = new JobGraph("Cyclic Graph", v1, v2, v3, v4, source, target); try { jg.getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources(); fail("Failed to raise error on topologically sorting cyclic graph."); } catch (InvalidProgramException e) { // that what we wanted } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
protected boolean execute(int address, String expectedOutput) { boolean isSuccess = false; Cpu cpu = computer.getCpu(); cpu.writeRegister(false, Cpu.PC, address); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) < MAX_EXECUTION_TIME || terminal.getWrittenData().length() > Terminal.MAX_DATA_LENGTH) { try { cpu.executeNextOperation(); if (cpu.isHaltMode()) { throw new IllegalStateException("HALT mode"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail( "can't execute operation, PC: 0" + Integer.toOctalString(cpu.readRegister(false, Cpu.PC))); } if (expectedOutput.equals(terminal.getWrittenData())) { isSuccess = true; break; } } return isSuccess; }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") private String getTestProduct() { Map<String, Object> returnMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); SaveResult saveResult = null; try { saveResult = module .create( ZObjectType.Product, Collections.<Map<String, Object>>singletonList( new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("Name", "UnitTestProduct"); put("EffectiveStartDate", "2011-01-01T20:00:00"); put("EffectiveEndDate", "2013-01-01T20:00:00"); } })) .get(0); } catch (Exception e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } return saveResult.getId(); }
@Test public void testPollBatch() { try { ClosableBlockingQueue<String> queue = new ClosableBlockingQueue<>(); assertNull(queue.pollBatch()); queue.add("a"); queue.add("b"); assertEquals(asList("a", "b"), queue.pollBatch()); assertNull(queue.pollBatch()); queue.add("c"); assertEquals(singletonList("c"), queue.pollBatch()); assertNull(queue.pollBatch()); assertTrue(queue.close()); try { queue.pollBatch(); fail("should cause an exception"); } catch (IllegalStateException ignored) { // expected } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
void report(Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occurred:"); System.out.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(System.err); report2(e); // failed(); }
@Test public void testTopologicalSort1() { try { AbstractJobVertex source1 = new AbstractJobVertex("source1"); AbstractJobVertex source2 = new AbstractJobVertex("source2"); AbstractJobVertex target1 = new AbstractJobVertex("target1"); AbstractJobVertex target2 = new AbstractJobVertex("target2"); AbstractJobVertex intermediate1 = new AbstractJobVertex("intermediate1"); AbstractJobVertex intermediate2 = new AbstractJobVertex("intermediate2"); target1.connectNewDataSetAsInput(source1, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); target2.connectNewDataSetAsInput(source1, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); target2.connectNewDataSetAsInput(intermediate2, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); intermediate2.connectNewDataSetAsInput(intermediate1, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); intermediate1.connectNewDataSetAsInput(source2, DistributionPattern.POINTWISE); JobGraph graph = new JobGraph( "TestGraph", source1, source2, intermediate1, intermediate2, target1, target2); List<AbstractJobVertex> sorted = graph.getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources(); assertEquals(6, sorted.size()); assertBefore(source1, target1, sorted); assertBefore(source1, target2, sorted); assertBefore(source2, target2, sorted); assertBefore(source2, intermediate1, sorted); assertBefore(source2, intermediate2, sorted); assertBefore(intermediate1, target2, sorted); assertBefore(intermediate2, target2, sorted); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail(e.getMessage()); } }
@Test public void test() { Cliente c1 = new Cliente(); c1.setStatus(1); c1.setTipopessoa(2); c1.setSexo(1); c1.setDatanascimento(LocalDate.now()); c1.setNomerazao(""); c1.setCpfcnpj(""); c1.setRgie(""); c1.setEndereco(""); c1.setNumero("54"); c1.setComplemento("10"); c1.setBairro(""); c1.setEstado(3); c1.setCidade(3); c1.setCep("3678000"); c1.setTel(""); c1.setCel(""); c1.setEmail("*****@*****.**"); c1.setSite("teste"); c1.setClientedesde(LocalDate.now()); c1.setObs("teste"); ClienteDao dao = new ClienteDao(); Boolean b = true; try { assertEquals(b, dao.inserir(c1)); } catch (Exception e) { // Todo Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
@SuppressWarnings("serial") private String getTestProductRatePlan(final String productId) { SaveResult saveResult = null; try { saveResult = module .create( ZObjectType.ProductRatePlan, Collections.<Map<String, Object>>singletonList( new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put("ProductId", productId); put("Name", "TestProductRatePlan"); put("EffectiveStartDate", "2011-01-01T20:00:00"); put("EffectiveEndDate", "2013-01-01T20:00:00"); put("Description", "Test product used in unit test."); } })) .get(0); } catch (Exception e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } return saveResult.getId(); }
@Test public void testPostEmployee() { if (null == cookie) { fail("cannot login!!!"); } Employee ep1 = generateEmployee(); try { ResteasyClient client = new ResteasyClientBuilder().build(); WebTarget target = client.target(baseUrl + "/rest/ag/employee"); client.register(new CookieRequestFilter(cookie)); Response response = target.request().post(Entity.entity(ep1, "application/json")); if (response.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : " + response.getStatus()); } Employee value = response.readEntity(Employee.class); System.out.println("Server response : \n"); System.out.println(value.toString()); assertEquals("same first name", "Special", value.getFirstName()); client.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * checkEnvのテストケース 異常系:"ASAKUSA_HOME"の設定が不正のケース * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void checkEnvTest04() throws Exception { ConfigurationLoader.init(properties_db, true, false); Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>(); m.put(Constants.ASAKUSA_HOME, "J:\temp"); m.put( Constants.THUNDER_GATE_HOME, ConfigurationLoader.getEnvProperty(Constants.THUNDER_GATE_HOME)); ConfigurationLoader.setEnv(m); Properties p = System.getProperties(); p.setProperty(Constants.ASAKUSA_HOME, "J:\temp"); p.setProperty(Constants.THUNDER_GATE_HOME, "src/test"); ConfigurationLoader.setSysProp(p); System.setProperties(p); try { ConfigurationLoader.checkEnv(); fail(); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e instanceof Exception); System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Test public void testDeleteDocument() { try { // create indexer CustomMemoryIndexer customMemoryIndexer = CustomMemoryIndexer.getIndex("TestIndex"); assertNotNull(customMemoryIndexer); // create document Document document = customMemoryIndexer.createDocument("001", "Test Content"); // index it customMemoryIndexer.indexDocument(document); // search it List<Document> hitDocs = customMemoryIndexer.search("Test"); assertEquals(1, hitDocs.size()); assertEquals("001", hitDocs.get(0).get("id")); document = customMemoryIndexer.createDocument("001", "Test Content"); // clear index customMemoryIndexer.deleteDocument(document); // search again hitDocs = customMemoryIndexer.search("Test"); // nothing found assertEquals(0, hitDocs.size()); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage(), false); e.printStackTrace(); } }