private void TL_auth_Authorization(TL.Object obj) { // int expires = obj.getInt("expires"); bind = true; dcState.set("bind", bind); cb.onAuth(obj.getObject("user")); cb.onBind(); }
private void TL_RpcError(TL.Object obj) { int code = obj.getInt("error_code"); String msg = obj.getString("error_message"); Common.logError(String.format("rpc_error: %s (%d)\n", msg, code)); Message req_msg = TLMessage.get(req_msg_id); if (req_msg == null) return; Common.logError("message object: " + + ":" + req_msg.obj.type); int idx = msg.indexOf("_MIGRATE_"); if (idx > 0) { String type = msg.substring(0, idx); String num = msg.substring(idx + 9); if ((idx = num.indexOf(":")) > 0) num = num.substring(0, idx); int dc_id = Integer.parseInt(num); Common.logError("redirect to dc: " + dc_id); MTProto m = MTProto.getConnection(dc_id, cb, reuseFlag); cb.onRedirect(m); if (type.equals("PHONE") || type.equals("NETWORK") || type.equals("USER")) dc_this = dc_id; m.sendMessage(req_msg); } }
private void TL_BadMsgNotification(TL.Object obj) { int error_code = obj.getInt("error_code"); Message msg = TLMessage.get(obj.getLong("bad_msg_id")); Common.logError("bad_msg: " + error_code + " " + + ":" + msg.obj.type); if (error_code == 16 || error_code == 17) { time_delta = (int) ((cur_message_id >> 32) - Common.getUnixTime()); last_message_id = 0; } if (error_code == 32 || error_code == 33) { Common.logError("cur seq: " + cur_msg_seq); Common.logError("old seq: " + seqno); if (!bad_seq) { session = GEN_session_id(); seqno = 0; send_ping(); bad_seq = true; } // seqno = cur_msg_seq + (cur_msg_seq % 2) + 100; // session = GEN_session_id(); // seqno = 0; } if ( == 0xedab447b) { // bad_server_salt server_salt = obj.getLong("new_server_salt"); dcState.set("server_salt", server_salt); } retry(obj.getLong("bad_msg_id")); }
private void send_client_DH_inner_data(long retry_id) { byte[] b_data = new byte[256]; Common.random.nextBytes(b_data); BigInteger b = new BigInteger(1, b_data); BigInteger g_b = g.modPow(b, dh_prime); Common.logError( "g_b length: " + g_b.toByteArray().length + " -> " + Common.toBytes(g_b).length); BigInteger akey = g_a.modPow(b, dh_prime); Common.logError("auth_key: " + akey.toString()); setAuthKey(Common.toBytes(akey)); // gen data (client_DH_inner_data) TL.Object data_obj = TL.newObject("client_DH_inner_data", cl_nonce, sv_nonce, retry_id, g_b); byte[] data = data_obj.serialize(); byte[] hash = Common.getSHA1(data); byte[] data_with_hash = new byte[(hash.length + data.length + 15) / 16 * 16]; System.arraycopy(hash, 0, data_with_hash, 0, hash.length); System.arraycopy(data, 0, data_with_hash, hash.length, data.length); // send set_client_DH_params TL.Object req_obj = TL.newObject("set_client_DH_params", cl_nonce, sv_nonce, aes.IGE(data_with_hash, true)); send(req_obj, false, false); }
public void onAuthorized() { dcState.set("auth_key", auth_key); dcState.set("server_salt", server_salt); long upd_delta = (long) Common.getUnixTime() - (long) dc_date; if (Main.mtp == this && upd_delta > 5 * 60) api_help_getConfig(); if (!bind && this != Main.mtp) { final MTProto m = this; Common.logError("exportAuthorization"); Main.mtp.api( new TL.OnResultRPC() { @Override public void onResultRPC(TL.Object result, Object param, boolean error) { if (!error) return; if ( != 0xdf969c2d) return; // auth.ExportedAuthorization Common.logError("importAuthorization"); m.api( null, null, "auth.importAuthorization", result.getInt("id"), result.getBytes("bytes")); } }, null, "auth.exportAuthorization", dcState.getInt("id")); return; } if (bind) cb.onBind(); send_queue(); }
private void TL_Server_DH_inner_data(TL.Object obj) { g = BigInteger.valueOf(obj.getInt("g")); dh_prime = new BigInteger(1, obj.getBytes("dh_prime")); g_a = new BigInteger(1, obj.getBytes("g_a")); time_delta = (int) ((long) obj.getInt("server_time") - (long) System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L); last_message_id = 0; send_client_DH_inner_data(0); }
private void TL_contacts_ImportedContacts(TL.Object obj) { User.addUsers(obj.getVector("users")); TL.Vector imported = obj.getVector("imported"); for (int i = 0; i < imported.count; i++) { TL.Object c = imported.getObject(i); User.getUser(c.getInt("user_id")).client_id = c.getLong("client_id"); } SyncUtils.updateContacts(Main.main); }
private void TL_RpcResult(TL.Object obj) { req_msg_id = obj.getLong("req_msg_id"); TL.Object result = obj.getObject("result"); Message msg = TLMessage.get(req_msg_id); if (msg != null && msg.result != null) msg.result.onResultRPC( result, msg.param, != null &&"rpc_error")); process(result); TLMessage.delete(req_msg_id); }
private void TL_MessageContainer(TL.Object obj) { TL.Vector v = (TL.Vector) obj; int count = v.count; Common.logDebug("msg_count: " + count); for (int i = 0; i < v.count; i++) { TL.Object message = v.getObject(i); ack_message(message.getInt("seqno"), message.getLong("msg_id")); process(message.getObject("body")); } }
public void onConnect() { connected = true; Common.logInfo( "connected to dc[" + dcState.getInt("id") + "] " + dcState.getString("ip") + ":" + dcState.getInt("port")); if (auth_key == null || auth_key.length == 0) { auth(); } else onAuthorized(); }
private void TL_MsgsAck(TL.Object obj) { TL.Vector msg_ids = obj.getVector("msg_ids"); for (int i = 0; i < msg_ids.count; i++) { Message msg = TLMessage.get(msg_ids.getLong(i)); if (msg != null) msg.accepted = true; // TLMessage.delete(msg_ids.getLong(i)); } }
private void TL_messages_StatedMessage(TL.Object obj) { setUpdate(-1, obj.getInt("pts"), obj.getInt("seq")); User.addUsers(obj.getVector("users")); TL.Object message = obj.getObject("message"); Dialog d = Dialog.getDialog(message.getInt("from_id"), message.getObject("to_id"), true); Dialog.newMessage(message, Dialog.MSG_INCOMING); }
private void TL_Server_DH_Params(TL.Object obj) { if ("server_DH_params_ok")) { aes.prepare(cl_nonce, sv_nonce, new_nonce); byte[] answer = aes.IGE(obj.getBytes("encrypted_answer"), false); ByteBuffer btmp = ByteBuffer.wrap(answer); btmp.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); btmp.position(20); process(TL.deserialize(btmp)); } if ("server_DH_params_fail")) transport.disconnect(); }
private void TL_Pong(TL.Object obj) { if ("ping")) send(TL.newObject("pong", 0L, obj.getLong("ping_id")), true, false); if ("pong")) { /* if (!ready) { send_queue(); ready = true; } */ } }
public void setAuthKey(byte[] value) { if (value == null || value.length == 0) { auth_key = new byte[0]; auth_key_aux_hash = auth_key_id = 0; return; } auth_key = value; dcState.set("auth_key", auth_key); byte[] auth_hash = Common.getSHA1(auth_key); auth_key_aux_hash = Common.toLong(Common.ASUB(auth_hash, 0, 8)); auth_key_id = Common.toLong(Common.ASUB(auth_hash, 12, 8)); }
private void TL_messages_StatedMessages(TL.Object obj) { setUpdate(-1, obj.getInt("pts"), obj.getInt("seq")); User.addUsers(obj.getVector("users")); TL.Vector messages = obj.getVector("messages"); for (int i = 0; i < messages.count; i++) { TL.Object message = messages.getObject(i); Dialog d = Dialog.getDialog(message.getInt("from_id"), message.getObject("to_id"), true); Dialog.newMessage(message, Dialog.MSG_INCOMING); } }
// MTProto public MTProto(int dc_id, MTProtoListener callback, int reuseFlag) { this.reuseFlag = reuseFlag; cb = callback; for (int i = 0; i < dcStates.size(); i++) if (dcStates.get(i).getInt("id") == dc_id) { dcState = dcStates.get(i); // Common.hexStringToByteArray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setAuthKey(dcState.getBytes("auth_key")); bind = dcState.getBool("bind"); seqno = dcState.getInt("seqno"); session = dcState.getLong("session"); server_salt = dcState.getLong("server_salt"); Common.logError("session: " + session + " seqno: " + seqno); connected = false; Thread netThread = new Thread(transport = new TransportTCP(this, true)); netThread.setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); netThread.start(); return; } Common.logError("dc not found: " + dc_id); }
public void TL_messages_Dialogs(TL.Object obj) { User.addUsers(obj.getVector("users")); Chat.addChats(obj.getVector("chats")); // dialogs TL.Vector dialogs = obj.getVector("dialogs"); for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.count; i++) { TL.Object dobj = dialogs.getObject(i); Dialog d = Dialog.getDialog(-1, dobj.getObject("peer"), true); d.updating = true; } // messages TL.Vector messages = obj.getVector("messages"); for (int i = 0; i < messages.count; i++) cb.onMessage(messages.getObject(i), Dialog.MSG_HISTORY); for (int i = 0; i < dialogs.count; i++) { TL.Object dobj = dialogs.getObject(i); Dialog d = Dialog.getDialog(-1, dobj.getObject("peer"), true); if (dobj.getInt("top_message") == -7) // config_dialogs magic d.noHistory = true; d.unread_count = dobj.getInt("unread_count"); d.updating = false; Main.main.updateDialog(d); } Common.logError("dialogs: " + Dialog.dialogs.size()); // slice if ("messages.dialogsSlice") && dialogs.count > 0) { int limit = obj.getInt("count") - Dialog.dialogs.size(); if (limit > 0) api_messages_getDialogs(Dialog.dialogs.size(), 0, limit); } if (Main.main != null) Main.main.resetDialogs(); }
private void TL_ResPQ(TL.Object obj) { sv_nonce = obj.getBytes("server_nonce"); BigInteger pq = new BigInteger(1, obj.getBytes("pq")); TL.Vector v_fp = obj.getVector("server_public_key_fingerprints"); fp = v_fp.getLong(0); Common.logError("pq: " + pq.toString()); // prime factorization for pq BigInteger q = Common.rho(pq); BigInteger p = pq.divide(q); if (p.compareTo(q) > 0) { BigInteger t = p; p = q; q = t; } SecureRandom rnd = new SecureRandom(); new_nonce = new byte[32]; rnd.nextBytes(new_nonce); // generate encrypted_data TL.Object data_obj = TL.newObject("p_q_inner_data", pq, p, q, cl_nonce, sv_nonce, new_nonce); byte[] data = data_obj.serialize(); byte[] hash = Common.getSHA1(data); byte[] data_with_hash = new byte[255]; System.arraycopy(hash, 0, data_with_hash, 0, hash.length); System.arraycopy(data, 0, data_with_hash, hash.length, data.length); GEN_random_bytes(data_with_hash, data.length + hash.length, 255); byte[] encrypted_data = Common.RSA(RSA_MODULUS, RSA_EXPONENT, data_with_hash); // req_DH_params TL.Object req_obj = TL.newObject("req_DH_params", cl_nonce, sv_nonce, p, q, fp, encrypted_data); send(req_obj, false, false); }
private void TL_updates_Difference(TL.Object obj) { if ("updates.differenceEmpty")) setUpdate(obj.getInt("date"), -1, obj.getInt("seq")); if ("updates.difference") ||"updates.differenceSlice")) { TL.Vector other_updates = obj.getVector("other_updates"); for (int i = 0; i < other_updates.count; i++) onUpdate(other_updates.getObject(i), obj.getVector("users"), obj.getVector("chats")); TL.Vector new_messages = obj.getVector("new_messages"); for (int i = 0; i < new_messages.count; i++) Dialog.newMessage(new_messages.getObject(i), Dialog.MSG_HISTORY); // if (new_messages.count > 0) // Dialog.vibrate(); if ("updates.differenceSlice")) { TL_updates_State(obj.getObject("intermediate_state")); this.api_updates_getDifference(); } else TL_updates_State(obj.getObject("state")); } }
private void TL_updateUserPhoto(TL.Object update) { User user = User.getUser(update.getInt("user_id")); if (user != null) user.setPhoto(update.getObject("photo")); }
private void TL_updateUserName(TL.Object update) { cb.onUserName( update.getInt("user_id"), update.getString("first_name"), update.getString("last_name")); }
private void TL_updateUserStatus(TL.Object update) { User user = User.getUser(update.getInt("user_id")); if (user != null) user.setStatus(update.getObject("status")); }
private void TL_updateChatParticipants(TL.Object update) { TL.Object p = update.getObject("participants"); Chat chat = Chat.getChat(p.getInt("chat_id")); if (chat != null) chat.setParticipants(p); }
private void TL_updateChatUserTyping(TL.Object update) { userTyping(update.getInt("chat_id"), update.getInt("user_id")); }
private void TL_updateUserTyping(TL.Object update) { userTyping(-1, update.getInt("user_id")); }
private void TL_updateRestoreMessages(TL.Object update) { setUpdate(-1, update.getInt("pts"), -1); TL.Vector messages = update.getVector("messages"); for (int i = 0; i < messages.count; i++) Dialog.messageRestore(messages.getInt(i)); }
private void TL_updateMessageID(TL.Object update) { Dialog.messageUpdateID(update.getLong("random_id"), update.getInt("id"), null); }
private void TL_updateNewMessage(TL.Object update) { cb.onMessage(update.getObject("message"), Dialog.MSG_INCOMING | Dialog.MSG_HISTORY); setUpdate(-1, update.getInt("pts"), -1); }
private void TL_updates_State(TL.Object obj) { setUpdate(obj.getInt("date"), obj.getInt("pts"), obj.getInt("seq")); // unread_count:int }