public static Crossword parseJsonCrossword(InputStreamReader reader) throws IOException, ParseException { Crossword cInfo = null; List<Word> wordList = new ArrayList<Word>(); JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(reader); JSONObject crossword = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("crossword"); JSONArray wordsJSON = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get("words"); Iterator i = wordsJSON.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { JSONArray innerObj = (JSONArray); Word tempWord = new Word( (Long) innerObj.get(0), (Long) innerObj.get(1), (Long) innerObj.get(2), (String) innerObj.get(3), (String) innerObj.get(4)); wordList.add(tempWord); } Crossword info = new Crossword( (Long) crossword.get("width"), (Long) crossword.get("height"), (String) crossword.get("language"), (String) crossword.get("encoding"), (String) crossword.get("source"), wordList); cInfo = info; return cInfo; }
public List<String> assemblePybossaTaskPublishFormWithIndex( String inputData, ClientApp clientApp, int indexStart, int indexEnd) throws Exception { List<String> outputFormatData = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = parser.parse(inputData); JSONArray jsonObject = (JSONArray) obj; Iterator itr = jsonObject.iterator(); for (int i = indexStart; i < indexEnd; i++) { JSONObject featureJsonObj = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get(i); JSONObject info = assemblePybossaInfoFormat(featureJsonObj, parser, clientApp); JSONObject tasks = new JSONObject(); tasks.put("info", info); tasks.put("n_answers", clientApp.getTaskRunsPerTask()); tasks.put("quorum", clientApp.getQuorum()); tasks.put("calibration", new Integer(0)); tasks.put("app_id", clientApp.getPlatformAppID()); tasks.put("priority_0", new Integer(0)); outputFormatData.add(tasks.toJSONString()); } return outputFormatData; }
public String validateUpdatedData(String result) { // System.out.println("RESULT------------------>" + result); String status = "0"; try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object jsonObject = parser.parse(result); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject; System.out.println("Bookmark SIZEEEEE" + jsonArray.size()); JSONObject jsonObjected = (JSONObject) parser.parse(jsonArray.get(0).toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setNewsId(jsonObjected.get("id").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setImage(jsonObjected.get("image").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setContent(jsonObjected.get("content").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setSource(jsonObjected.get("publisher").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setDate(jsonObjected.get("date").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setTag(jsonObjected.get("tag").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setTitle(jsonObjected.get("title").toString()); objTickerNewsBE.setUrl(jsonObjected.get("link").toString()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return status; }
private static HashMap<String, Boolean> fetchTopDocumentsFromFile( String location, String fileext, String query) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { HashMap<String, Boolean> validurls = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); int count = 0; File[] files = new File(location).listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (!files[i].isFile() || !files[i].getName().endsWith(".json")) continue; System.out.println(files[i]); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = null; try { obj = parser.parse(new FileReader(files[i])); // System.out.println(obj); } catch (ParseException e1) { System.out.println("Could not parse the file " + files[i] + " as json"); } JSONObject json = null; try { json = (JSONObject) obj; JSONArray arr = (JSONArray) ((JSONObject) json.get("hits")).get("hits"); for (int j = 0; j < arr.size(); j++) { if (count == 1000) break; JSONObject o = (JSONObject) arr.get(j); validurls.put((String) o.get("_id"), true); count++; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("json object could not be created " + e.toString()); } if (count == 1000) break; } return validurls; }
/* * [{"IDpatient": "12-09-1000.Bayoumy","firstname": "Mohamed","lastname": "Bayoumy","dateofbirth": "12-09-1000"}, * {"IDpatient": "12-02-1500.Omran","firstname": "Ahmed","lastname": "Omran","dateofbirth": "12-02-1500"}] * */ public void parseJSONPatient(String JSON) { String IDpatient, firstname, lastname, dateofbirth; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { Object obj = parser.parse(JSON); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) obj; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { JSONObject everyQuestion = (JSONObject) array.get(i); IDpatient = everyQuestion.get("IDPatient").toString(); firstname = everyQuestion.get("firstname").toString(); lastname = everyQuestion.get("lastname").toString(); dateofbirth = everyQuestion.get("dateofbirth").toString(); FeedbackFunctionality addToTable = new FeedbackFunctionality(IDpatient, firstname, lastname, dateofbirth); try { addToTable.addpatients(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (ParseException pe) { } }
public int[] parser(String json) { int[] data = null; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { JSONArray jsow = (JSONArray) parser.parse(json); // JSONArray jsow = (JSONArray)job; Iterator<String> it = jsow.iterator(); data = new int[jsow.size()]; int i = 0; // System.out.println("jsow: "+jsow); while (it.hasNext()) { String tg =; if (tg.contains(":")) { String[] arrtg = tg.split(":"); data[i] = Integer.parseInt(arrtg[0]) * 3600 + Integer.parseInt(arrtg[1]) * 60; } else { // System.out.println("weight"); data[i] = Integer.parseInt(tg); } // System.out.println(data[i]); i++; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("parse1: " + e.toString()); } return data; }
public User getUserFromSocNet() { try { String methodString = FacebookOAuth2Details.methodUri + "me?access_token=" + accessToken; URL newUrl = new URL(methodString); HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) newUrl.openConnection(); InputStream ins = con.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader newIsr = new InputStreamReader(ins, "UTF-8"); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonUser = (JSONObject) parser.parse(newIsr); userId = jsonUser.get("id").toString(); User user = new User(); user.setSocialId("fb" + userId); user.setFirstName(jsonUser.get("first_name").toString()); user.setLastName(jsonUser.get("last_name").toString()); if (jsonUser.get("email") != null) { user.setEmail(jsonUser.get("email").toString()); } return user; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public static long getResumeTime() { long time = 0; try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); FileReader file = new FileReader(saveFile); Object obj = parser.parse(file); JSONObject saveFileJSON = (JSONObject) obj; file.close(); time = Long.parseLong(saveFileJSON.get("resumeTime").toString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return time; }
public static long getAccID() { long id = 0; try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); FileReader file = new FileReader(saveFile); Object obj = parser.parse(file); JSONObject saveFileJSON = (JSONObject) obj; file.close(); id = Long.parseLong(saveFileJSON.get("accID").toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Refresh.validID = false; System.out.println("ID had an invalid character"); return 0; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return id; }
/** * Queries the Search API based on the command line arguments and takes the first result to query * the Business API. * * @param yelpApi <tt>YelpAPI</tt> service instance * @param yelpApiCli <tt>YelpAPICLI</tt> command line arguments */ private static void queryAPI(YelpAPI yelpApi, YelpAPICLI yelpApiCli) { String searchResponseJSON = yelpApi.searchForBusinessesByLocation(yelpApiCli.term, yelpApiCli.location); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject response = null; try { response = (JSONObject) parser.parse(searchResponseJSON); } catch (ParseException pe) { System.out.println("Error: could not parse JSON response:"); System.out.println(searchResponseJSON); System.exit(1); } JSONArray businesses = (JSONArray) response.get("businesses"); JSONObject firstBusiness = (JSONObject) businesses.get(0); String firstBusinessID = firstBusiness.get("id").toString(); System.out.println( String.format( "%s businesses found, querying business info for the top result \"%s\" ...", businesses.size(), firstBusinessID)); // Select the first business and display business details String businessResponseJSON = yelpApi.searchByBusinessId(firstBusinessID.toString()); System.out.println(String.format("Result for business \"%s\" found:", firstBusinessID)); System.out.println(businessResponseJSON); }
public static int getMatchID(int matchNumber) { int id = 0; try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); FileReader file = new FileReader(saveFile); Object obj = parser.parse(file); JSONObject saveFileJSON = (JSONObject) obj; file.close(); id = Integer.parseInt(saveFileJSON.get("match" + matchNumber + "ID").toString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return id; }
public void read(Reader reader) { JSONParser jparser = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject root = (JSONObject) jparser.parse(reader); if (root.containsKey("type")) { TYPE type = TYPE.valueOf((String) root.get("type")); switch (type) { case NOTIFICATION: readNotification(root); break; case ABM_CONTENIDO: readABMContenido(root); break; default: break; } } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected Tweet parseTweet(String json) { JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObject = null; try { jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonParser.parse(json); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } String orginalUser = null; if (jsonObject.containsKey("user")) { JSONObject userData = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("user"); user = userData.get("name").toString(); } Tweet ret = new Tweet(user); if (jsonObject.containsKey("entities")) { JSONObject entities = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("entities"); if (entities.containsKey("hashtags")) { for (Object obj : (JSONArray) entities.get("hashtags")) { JSONObject hashObj = (JSONObject) obj; } } } return null; // TODO implement }
@Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); JSONObject message; int i = 0; // receive the first several messages while (i < 4) { message = (JSONObject) parser.parse(in.readLine()); MessageReceive(socket, message); i++; } while (run) { System.out.print("[" + room_id + "] " + identity + "> "); message = (JSONObject) parser.parse(in.readLine()); MessageReceive(socket, message); } System.exit(0); in.close(); socket.close(); } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void loadMappings() { try { if (!Configuration.OFFLINE_MODE) { try { fetch(Configuration.versionfile); fetch(Configuration.jsonfile); } catch (final IOException ignored) { System.err.println( "Failed to downloaded version file and hooks. Attempting to run without latest hooks."); } } System.out.println(Configuration.jsonfile); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(getLocalInsertionsFile())); GzipCompressorInputStream gzip = new GzipCompressorInputStream(in); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONArray classes = (JSONArray) parser.parse(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(gzip))); for (int i = 0; i < classes.size(); i++) { JSONObject classEntry = (JSONObject) classes.get(i); String name = (String) classEntry.get("name"); mappings.put(name, classEntry); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Reads JSON data from the reader and returns a search result. * * @return search result derived from the JSON * @throws IOException if an error occurs using the reader */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SearchResult read() throws IOException { final SearchResult result = new SearchResult(sortBehavior); try { final JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); final JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) parser.parse(jsonReader); for (Object o : jsonArray) { final LdapEntry entry = new LdapEntry(sortBehavior); final JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) o; for (Object k : jsonObject.keySet()) { final String attrName = (String) k; if ("dn".equalsIgnoreCase(attrName)) { entry.setDn((String) jsonObject.get(k)); } else { final LdapAttribute attr = new LdapAttribute(sortBehavior); attr.setName(attrName); attr.addStringValues((List<String>) jsonObject.get(k)); entry.addAttribute(attr); } } result.addEntry(entry); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException(e); } return result; }
/** * コンストラクタ. * * @param id ID * @param jsonStr ソース * @return DavNode */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static DavNode createFromJsonString(String id, String jsonStr) { if (jsonStr == null) { return null; } JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject source; try { source = (JSONObject) parser.parse(jsonStr); } catch (ParseException e) { // ESのJSONが壊れている状態。 throw DcCoreException.Dav.DAV_INCONSISTENCY_FOUND.reason(e); } DavNode davNode = new DavNode(); davNode.setId(id); davNode.setCellId((String) source.get(KEY_CELL_ID)); davNode.setBoxId((String) source.get(KEY_BOX_ID)); davNode.setNodeType((String) source.get(KEY_NODE_TYPE)); if (source.get(KEY_PARENT) instanceof String) { davNode.setParentId((String) source.get(KEY_PARENT)); } davNode.setChildren((Map<String, String>) source.get(KEY_CHILDREN)); davNode.setAcl((JSONObject) source.get(KEY_ACL)); davNode.setProperties((JSONObject) source.get(KEY_PROPS)); davNode.setCellId((String) source.get(KEY_CELL_ID)); davNode.setPublished(((Long) source.get(KEY_PUBLISHED)).longValue()); davNode.setUpdated(((Long) source.get(KEY_UPDATED)).longValue()); if (source.containsKey(KEY_FILE)) { davNode.setFile((Map<String, Object>) source.get(KEY_FILE)); } return davNode; }
/* Returns List of Wikipedia page-ids of pages the string 'anchor' points to in Wikipedia */ public List<Long> getPages(String anchor) { db.requestStart(); List<Long> PageCollection = new ArrayList<Long>(); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("anchor", anchor); BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("pages", true).append("_id", false); DBObject obj = table.findOne(query, fields); // System.out.println("num of results = "+curs.count()); if (obj != null) { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); JSONArray jarr = null; try { jarr = (JSONArray) jp.parse(obj.get("pages").toString()); } catch (ParseException e) { jarr = new JSONArray(); } // System.out.println("Link Freq = "+o.get("anchPageFreq").toString()); for (int i = 0; i < jarr.size(); i++) { JSONObject objects = (JSONObject) jarr.get(i); PageCollection.add((long) (objects.get("page_id"))); } } db.requestDone(); return PageCollection; } // End getPages()
public void getAccessToken(String code) { try { String accessTokenString = FacebookOAuth2Details.accessTokenUri + "?client_id=" + FacebookOAuth2Details.clientId + "&client_secret=" + FacebookOAuth2Details.clientSecret + "&code=" + code + "&redirect_uri=" + FacebookOAuth2Details.redirectUri; URL myurl = new URL(accessTokenString); HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) myurl.openConnection(); InputStream ins = con.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(ins, "UTF-8"); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jObject = (JSONObject) parser.parse(isr); accessToken = jObject.get("access_token").toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/* Returns map of Wikipedia page-ids to number of inlinks to those pages. Page ids are pages the string 'anchor' points to in Wikipedia */ public Map<Long, Integer> getPagesMap(String anchor) { db.requestStart(); Map<Long, Integer> PageCollection = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("anchor", anchor); BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("page_id", true) .append("pages", true) .append("page_freq", true) .append("anchor_freq", true) .append("_id", false); DBObject ans = table.findOne(query, fields); // System.out.println("num of results = "+curs.count()); db.requestDone(); if (ans != null) { JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); JSONArray jo = null; try { // System.out.println(ans.get("pages")); jo = (JSONArray) jp.parse(ans.get("pages").toString()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // System.out.println("Link Freq = "+o.get("anchPageFreq").toString()); for (int i = 0; i < jo.size(); i++) { JSONObject object = (JSONObject) jo.get(i); Long pId = (long) (object.get("page_id")); Long pValue0 = (long) object.get("page_freq"); int pValue = pValue0.intValue(); if (PageCollection.containsKey(pId)) { pValue = PageCollection.get(pId) + pValue; } PageCollection.put(pId, pValue); } } return PageCollection; } // End getPagesMap()
public void loadConfig() { AssetManager am = mApp.getAssets(); BufferedReader br = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader("news_config.xml"))); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (br != null) br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jobj; try { jobj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(sb.toString()); for (Object key : jobj.keySet()) { mProp.put(key, jobj.get(key)); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void parseFile(File file, List<Artifact> artifacts, List<HostConfig> hostConfigs) { try { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) parser.parse(new FileReader(file)); if (jsonObject.containsKey(JSON_TAG_ARTIFACTS)) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(JSON_TAG_ARTIFACTS); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = jsonArray.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { artifacts.add(new Artifact(; } } if (jsonObject.containsKey(JSON_TAG_HOST_CONFIGS)) { JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject.get(JSON_TAG_HOST_CONFIGS); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = jsonArray.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { hostConfigs.add(new HostConfig(; } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( MessageFormat.format( Main.bundle.getString("cli.error.cannot_read_file"), file.getAbsolutePath())); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException( MessageFormat.format(Main.bundle.getString("error.json.parse"), file.getAbsolutePath())); } }
public void parseJSONFeedback(String JSON) { String answer, patientID; int questionID, questionnaire; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { Object obj = parser.parse(JSON); JSONArray array = (JSONArray) obj; for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { JSONObject everyQuestion = (JSONObject) array.get(i); answer = everyQuestion.get("Answer").toString(); questionID = Integer.parseInt(everyQuestion.get("QuestionID").toString()); patientID = everyQuestion.get("PatientID").toString(); questionnaire = Integer.parseInt(everyQuestion.get("QuestionnaireID").toString()); FeedbackFunctionality addToTable = new FeedbackFunctionality(questionnaire, patientID, questionID, answer); try { addToTable.addfeedback(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (ParseException pe) { } }
public User getUserFromSocNet() { try { String methodString = VKOAuth2Details.methodUri + "users.get?user_ids=" + userId + "&fields=city,sex,bdate&v=5.28&access_token=" + accessToken + "&lang=ua"; URL newUrl = new URL(methodString); HttpsURLConnection con = (HttpsURLConnection) newUrl.openConnection(); InputStream ins = con.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader newIsr = new InputStreamReader(ins, "UTF-8"); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject response = (JSONObject) parser.parse(newIsr); JSONArray jsonUsers = (JSONArray) response.get("response"); JSONObject jsonUser = (JSONObject) jsonUsers.get(0); User user = new User(); user.setSocialId("vk" + userId); user.setEmail(email); user.setFirstName(jsonUser.get("first_name").toString()); user.setLastName(jsonUser.get("last_name").toString()); return user; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
public List<String> assemblePybossaTaskPublishForm(String inputData, ClientApp clientApp) throws Exception { List<String> outputFormatData = new ArrayList<String>(); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); Object obj = parser.parse(inputData); JSONArray jsonObject = (JSONArray) obj; Iterator itr = jsonObject.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { JSONObject featureJsonObj = (JSONObject); JSONObject info = assemblePybossaInfoFormat(featureJsonObj, parser, clientApp); JSONObject tasks = new JSONObject(); tasks.put("info", info); tasks.put("n_answers", clientApp.getTaskRunsPerTask()); tasks.put("quorum", clientApp.getQuorum()); tasks.put("calibration", new Integer(0)); tasks.put("app_id", clientApp.getPlatformAppID()); tasks.put("priority_0", new Integer(0)); outputFormatData.add(tasks.toJSONString()); // System.out.println(featureJsonObj.toString()); } return outputFormatData; }
protected MovieContent.MovieDetails doInBackground(MovieContent.MovieItem... movies) { MovieContent.MovieItem movie = movies[0]; JSONObject movieDetails = null; try { URLConnection urlConn = new URL(movie.movieURL).openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream())); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); movieDetails = (JSONObject) parser.parse(in); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Error", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } try { URLConnection urlConn = new URL(movie.castURL).openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream())); JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) parser.parse(in); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Error", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return new MovieContent.MovieDetails(movieDetails); }
private Trie parseGenesis() { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); JSONObject genesisMap = null; try { genesisMap = (JSONObject) parser.parse(GENESIS_JSON); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } Set<String> keys = genesisMap.keySet(); Trie state = new SecureTrie(null); for (String key : keys) { JSONObject val = (JSONObject) genesisMap.get(key); String denom = (String) val.keySet().toArray()[0]; String value = (String) val.values().toArray()[0]; BigInteger wei = Denomination.valueOf(denom.toUpperCase()).value().multiply(new BigInteger(value)); AccountState acctState = new AccountState(BigInteger.ZERO, wei); byte[] keyB = Hex.decode(key); state.update(keyB, acctState.getEncoded()); premine.put(wrap(keyB), acctState); } return state; }
public void ImplyContainerFactoryInterface(String str) { String jsonText = str; // String jsonText = "{\"first\": 123, \"second\": [4, 5, 6], \"third\": 789}"; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); ContainerFactory containerFactory = new ContainerFactory() { // 匿名类 @Override public Map createObjectContainer() { return new LinkedHashMap(); } @Override public List creatArrayContainer() { return new LinkedList(); } }; try { // java.lang.Object parse(java.lang.String s, ContainerFactory containerFactory) Map json = (Map) parser.parse(jsonText, containerFactory); Iterator iter = json.entrySet().iterator(); System.out.println("iterate results"); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "=>" + entry.getValue()); } System.out.println("===toJSONString()==="); System.out.println(JSONValue.toJSONString(json)); } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DecodeResearch.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
@Test public void testImport() throws Exception { MemoryDatabase memDb = new MemoryDatabase("sample"); memDb.start(); final String jsonFileName = "/sample.json"; memDb.importJSON(getClass(), jsonFileName); JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); JSONArray tables = (JSONArray) jsonParser.parse(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream(jsonFileName))); assertEquals(2, tables.size()); Connection conn = memDb.getConnection(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); JSONObject employee = (JSONObject) tables.get(0); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM \"employee\""); verifyTableEquals(employee, rs); rs.close(); JSONObject team = (JSONObject) tables.get(1); rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM \"team\""); verifyTableEquals(team, rs); rs.close(); stmt.close(); conn.close(); memDb.stop(); }
/** @return a {@link JSONObject} describing the {@link Entity} */ public JSONObject getJsonDescriptor() { String jsonDescription = "{\"" + JsonStrings.ENTITY + "\":" + "{\"" + JsonStrings.ENTITY_ID + "\":\"" + this.getEntityID() + "\"," + "\"" + JsonStrings.ENTITY_TYPE + "\":\"" + this.getEntityType().name() + "\"," + "\"" + JsonStrings.DISTANCE_RANGE + "\":\"" + this.getDistanceRange().name() + "\"," + "\"" + JsonStrings.PROPERTIES + "\":" + this.getProperties() + "}}"; JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { return ((JSONObject) parser.parse(jsonDescription)); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }