protected Block prepareBlock( ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, DynamicScope currDynScope, Object[] temp) { if (closure == null) return Block.NULL_BLOCK; Object value = closure.retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp); Block b = null; if (value instanceof Block) b = (Block) value; else if (value instanceof RubyProc) b = ((RubyProc) value).getBlock(); else if (value instanceof RubyMethod) b = ((RubyProc) ((RubyMethod) value).to_proc(context, null)).getBlock(); else if ((value instanceof IRubyObject) && ((IRubyObject) value).isNil()) b = Block.NULL_BLOCK; else if (value instanceof IRubyObject) b = ((RubyProc) TypeConverter.convertToType( (IRubyObject) value, context.getRuntime().getProc(), "to_proc", true)) .getBlock(); else throw new RuntimeException( "Unhandled case in CallInstr:prepareBlock. Got block arg: " + value); // Blocks passed in through calls are always normal blocks, no matter where they came from b.type = Block.Type.NORMAL; return b; }
private static IRubyObject checkMaxInt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax) { if (!(vmax instanceof RubyFloat)) { IRubyObject v = TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(context, vmax); if (!v.isNil()) { return v; } } return null; }
@JRubyMethod( name = {"include?", "member?"}, frame = true, compat = CompatVersion.RUBY1_9) public IRubyObject include_p19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj) { Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime(); if (begin instanceof RubyNumeric || end instanceof RubyNumeric || !TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(begin, runtime.getInteger(), "to_int").isNil() || !TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(end, runtime.getInteger(), "to_int").isNil()) { if (rangeLe(context, begin, obj) != null) { if (isExclusive) { if (rangeLt(context, obj, end) != null) return runtime.getTrue(); } else { if (rangeLe(context, obj, end) != null) return runtime.getTrue(); } } return runtime.getFalse(); } else if (begin instanceof RubyString && end instanceof RubyString && ((RubyString) begin).getByteList().realSize == 1 && ((RubyString) end).getByteList().realSize == 1) { if (obj.isNil()) return runtime.getFalse(); if (obj instanceof RubyString) { ByteList Vbytes = ((RubyString) obj).getByteList(); if (Vbytes.realSize != 1) return runtime.getFalse(); int v = Vbytes.bytes[Vbytes.begin] & 0xff; ByteList Bbytes = ((RubyString) begin).getByteList(); int b = Bbytes.bytes[Bbytes.begin] & 0xff; ByteList Ebytes = ((RubyString) end).getByteList(); int e = Ebytes.bytes[Ebytes.begin] & 0xff; if (Encoding.isAscii(v) && Encoding.isAscii(b) && Encoding.isAscii(e)) { if ((b <= v && v < e) || (!isExclusive && v == e)) return runtime.getTrue(); return runtime.getFalse(); } } } return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(context, this, obj, Block.NULL_BLOCK); }
public static RubyArray convertToRubyArrayWithCoerce(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) { if (value instanceof RubyArray) return ((RubyArray) value); IRubyObject newValue = TypeConverter.convertToType(value, runtime.getArray(), "to_ary", false); if (newValue.isNil()) { return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, value); } // empirically it appears that to_ary coersions always return array or nil, so this // should always be an array by now. return (RubyArray) newValue; }
@JRubyMethod(visibility = PRIVATE) @Override public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject other) { RubyStringIO otherIO = (RubyStringIO) TypeConverter.convertToType(other, getRuntime().getClass("StringIO"), "to_strio"); if (this == otherIO) return this; data =; if (otherIO.isTaint()) setTaint(true); return this; }
@JRubyMethod(visibility = PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize_copy(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) { StringIO otherIO = (StringIO) TypeConverter.convertToType(other, context.runtime.getClass("StringIO"), "to_strio"); if (this == otherIO) return this; ptr = otherIO.ptr; infectBy(otherIO); flags &= ~STRIO_READWRITE; flags |= otherIO.flags & STRIO_READWRITE; return this; }
public static RubyArray convertToRubyArrayWithCoerce(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) { if (value instanceof RubyArray) return ((RubyArray) value); IRubyObject newValue = TypeConverter.convertToType(value, runtime.getArray(), "to_ary", false); if (newValue.isNil()) { return RubyArray.newArrayLight(runtime, value); } // must be array by now, or error if (!(newValue instanceof RubyArray)) { throw runtime.newTypeError(newValue.getMetaClass() + "#" + "to_ary" + " should return Array"); } return (RubyArray) newValue; }
@JRubyMethod(visibility = Visibility.PRIVATE) public IRubyObject initialize_copy(IRubyObject other) { RubyStringIO otherIO = (RubyStringIO) TypeConverter.convertToType(other, getRuntime().fastGetClass("StringIO"), "to_strio"); if (this == otherIO) { return this; } pos = otherIO.pos; lineno = otherIO.lineno; eof = otherIO.eof; closedRead = otherIO.closedRead; closedWrite = otherIO.closedWrite; internal = otherIO.internal; modes = otherIO.modes; if (otherIO.isTaint()) { setTaint(true); } return this; }
public static IRubyObject getOptionsArg(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject arg) { return TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, arg); }
public static IRubyObject getOptionsArg(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject... args) { if (args.length >= 1) { return TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[args.length - 1]); } return runtime.getNil(); }
@JRubyMethod(required = 2, optional = 4) public IRubyObject primitive_convert(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) { Ruby runtime = context.runtime; RubyString input; RubyString output; int outputByteoffset = -1; int outputBytesize = 0; int flags = 0; int hashArg = -1; if (args.length > 2 && !args[2].isNil()) { if (args.length == 3 && args[2] instanceof RubyHash) { hashArg = 2; } else { outputByteoffset = (int) args[2].convertToInteger().getLongValue(); if (outputByteoffset < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative offset"); } } if (args.length > 3 && !args[3].isNil()) { if (args.length == 4 && args[3] instanceof RubyHash) { hashArg = 3; } else { outputBytesize = (int) args[3].convertToInteger().getLongValue(); if (outputBytesize < 0) throw runtime.newArgumentError("negative bytesize"); } } if (args.length > 4 && !args[4].isNil()) { if (args.length > 5 && !args[5].isNil()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError(args.length, 5); } if (args[4] instanceof RubyHash) { hashArg = 4; } else { flags = (int) args[4].convertToInteger().getLongValue(); } } IRubyObject opt = context.nil; if (hashArg != -1 && !(opt = TypeConverter.checkHashType(runtime, args[hashArg])).isNil()) { IRubyObject v = ((RubyHash) opt).op_aref(context, runtime.newSymbol("partial_input")); if (v.isTrue()) { flags |= EncodingUtils.ECONV_PARTIAL_INPUT; } v = ((RubyHash) opt).op_aref(context, runtime.newSymbol("after_output")); if (v.isTrue()) { flags |= EncodingUtils.ECONV_AFTER_OUTPUT; } } else { flags = 0; } ByteList inBytes; ByteList outBytes; if (args[0].isNil()) { inBytes = new ByteList(); } else { input = args[0].convertToString(); input.modify19(); inBytes = input.getByteList(); } output = args[1].convertToString(); output.modify19(); outBytes = output.getByteList(); if (outputByteoffset == -1) { outputByteoffset = outBytes.getRealSize(); } else if (outputByteoffset > outBytes.getRealSize()) { throw runtime.newArgumentError("offset too big"); } int outputByteEnd = outputByteoffset + outputBytesize; if (outputByteEnd > outBytes.getRealSize()) { outBytes.ensure(outputByteEnd); } RubyCoderResult result = transcoder.primitiveConvert( context, inBytes, output.getByteList(), outputByteoffset, outputBytesize, inBytes.getEncoding(), inBytes.getEncoding().isAsciiCompatible(), flags); outBytes.setEncoding( transcoder.outEncoding != null ? transcoder.outEncoding : inBytes.getEncoding()); return symbolFromResult(result, runtime, flags, context); }
// c: random_rand private static IRubyObject randomRand( ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax, RandomType random) { IRubyObject v; RangeLike range = null; if (vmax.isNil()) { v = context.nil; } else if ((v = checkMaxInt(context, vmax)) != null) { v = randInt(context, random, (RubyInteger) v, true); } else if (!(v = TypeConverter.checkFloatType(context.runtime, vmax)).isNil()) { double max = floatValue(v); if (max > 0.0) { v = context.runtime.newFloat(max * random.genrandReal()); } else { v = context.nil; } } else if ((range = rangeValues(context, vmax)) != null) { if ((v = checkMaxInt(context, range.range)) != null) { if (v instanceof RubyFixnum) { long max = ((RubyFixnum) v).getLongValue(); if (range.excl) { max -= 1; } if (max >= 0) { v = randLimitedFixnum(context, random, max); } else { v = context.nil; } } else if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { BigInteger big = ((RubyBignum) v).getBigIntegerValue(); if (!big.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && (big.signum() > 0)) { if (range.excl) { big = big.subtract(BigInteger.ONE); } v = randLimitedBignum(context, random, RubyBignum.newBignum(context.runtime, big)); } else { v = context.nil; } } else { v = context.nil; } } else if (!(v = TypeConverter.checkFloatType(context.runtime, range.range)).isNil()) { int scale = 1; double max = ((RubyFloat) v).getDoubleValue(); double mid = 0.5; double r; if (Double.isInfinite(max)) { double min = floatValue(range.begin) / 2.0; max = floatValue(range.end) / 2.0; scale = 2; mid = max + min; max -= min; } else { floatValue(v); } v = context.nil; if (max > 0.0) { if (range.excl) { r = random.genrandReal(); } else { r = random.genrandReal2(); } if (scale > 1) { return context.runtime.newFloat(+(+(+(r - 0.5) * max) * scale) + mid); } v = context.runtime.newFloat(r * max); } else if (max == 0.0 && !range.excl) { v = context.runtime.newFloat(0.0); } } } else { v = context.nil; RubyNumeric.num2long(vmax); // need check here to raise TypeError } if (v.isNil()) { throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid argument - " + vmax.toString()); } if (range == null) { return v; } if ((range.begin instanceof RubyFixnum) && (v instanceof RubyFixnum)) { long x = ((RubyFixnum) range.begin).getLongValue() + ((RubyFixnum) v).getLongValue(); return context.runtime.newFixnum(x); } if (v instanceof RubyBignum) { return ((RubyBignum) v).op_plus(context, range.begin); } else if (v instanceof RubyFloat) { IRubyObject f = TypeConverter.checkFloatType(context.runtime, range.begin); if (!f.isNil()) { return ((RubyFloat) v).op_plus(context, f); } } return Helpers.invoke(context, range.begin, "+", v); }