public PersonTableView(final IViewContext context, final IBeanTableModel<IPerson> model) { final IContainer container = context.getContainer(); container.setLayout(MigLayoutFactory.growingInnerCellLayout()); final ICapApiBluePrintFactory cbpf = CapUiToolkit.bluePrintFactory(); final IBeanTable<IPerson> table = container.add(cbpf.beanTable(model), MigLayoutFactory.GROWING_CELL_CONSTRAINTS); table.getCellPopMenu().addAction(PersonLongLastingActionFactory.create(model)); }
@Override public void createViewContent(final IContainer container, final IBluePrintFactory bpFactory) { // set the layout container.setLayout(new MigLayoutDescriptor("[]", "[]")); // create the labels blue print final ILabelBluePrint labelBp = bpFactory.label().setIcon(Icons.INFO); // add the label blue print to the container container.add(labelBp, ""); }
/** Check if something has changed and if so recrete it to the cached objects. */ private void checkCache() { // final long start = System.nanoTime(); // final boolean calculateCache = calculateCache(); // if (calculateCache) { checkChildren(); // Check if the grid is valid final int mc = MigLayoutToolkitImpl.getMigPlatformDefaults().getModCount(); if (lastModCount != mc) { grid = null; lastModCount = mc; reason.append("lastmodcount,"); } int hash = container.getSize().hashCode(); for (final Iterator<IComponentWrapperCommon> it = ccMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { hash +=; } if (hash != lastHash) { reason.append("hash " + hash + " vs " + lastHash + ","); reason.append(container.getSize() + ","); grid = null; lastHash = hash; } // } if (grid == null) { // CHECKSTYLE:OFF // System.out.println("new Grid for " + this + " [" + reason + "]"); // CHECKSTYLE:ON grid = new GridCommon(cacheParentW, lc, rowSpecs, colSpecs, ccMap, callbackList); reason.setLength(0); } // if (calculateCache) { // final long end = System.nanoTime(); // final long currentTime = end - start; // // if (currentTime > 1000000) { // return; // } // if (cacheTime < currentTime) { // cacheTime = currentTime; // //cacheTimeSetMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); // cacheTimeSetNano = end; // //CHECKSTYLE:OFF // System.out.println("nano time: " + (cacheTime) + " [" + this + "]"); // //CHECKSTYLE:ON // } // } }
private void checkChildren() { final List<IControl> comps = new LinkedList<IControl>(container.getChildren()); final List<IComponentWrapperCommon> removed = new LinkedList<IComponentWrapperCommon>(); for (final IComponentWrapperCommon cw : ccMap.keySet()) { if (comps.contains(cw.getComponent())) { comps.remove(cw.getComponent()); continue; } removed.add(cw); } for (final IComponentWrapperCommon cw : removed) { scrConstrMap.remove(cw.getComponent()); ccMap.remove(cw); } if (comps.size() != scrConstrMap.size()) { for (final IControl c : comps) { if (scrConstrMap.containsKey(c)) { continue; } setComponentConstraintsImpl(c, c.getLayoutConstraints(), true); } } }
public UserTableView( final IViewContext context, final IBeanTableModel<IUser> tableModel, final ValueHolder<Integer> parameter) { this.beanTableModel = tableModel; this.parameter = parameter; final IContainer container = context.getContainer(); container.setLayout(MigLayoutFactory.growingInnerCellLayout()); this.table = container.add( CapUiToolkit.bluePrintFactory().beanTable(beanTableModel), MigLayoutFactory.GROWING_CELL_CONSTRAINTS); final IToolBarModel toolBar = context.getToolBar(); toolBar.addContainer(createDelayFieldCreator()); toolBar.addAction(createClearAction()); toolBar.addAction(createPackAction()); table.getCellPopMenu().addAction(new ChangeGenderAction(tableModel)); table.getCellPopMenu().addAction(new ChangeBirthdayAction(tableModel)); table.getCellPopMenu().addAction(new LongLastingAction(tableModel)); table.getCellPopMenu().addAction(new CreateTransientUserAction(table)); table.getCellPopMenu().addSeparator(); // example for dynamic menu final Random random = new Random(); final IMenuModel dynamicMenuModel = createDynamicMenuModelStub(); table.getCellPopMenu().addItem(dynamicMenuModel); table.addCellMenuListener( new IPopupMenuListener<ITableCellPopupEvent>() { @Override public void beforeMenuShow(final ITableCellPopupEvent event) { fillDynamicMenuModel(dynamicMenuModel, random, event); } }); beanTableModel.load(); }
@Override public void layout() { checkCache(); final Rectangle r = container.getClientArea(); final int[] b = new int[] {r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight()}; final boolean layoutAgain = grid.layout(b, lc.getAlignX(), lc.getAlignY(), false, true); if (layoutAgain) { grid = null; checkCache(); grid.layout(b, lc.getAlignX(), lc.getAlignY(), false, false); } }
@Override public Dimension getMaxSize() { return container.computeDecoratedSize(getSize(LayoutUtilCommon.MAX)); }
@Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return container.computeDecoratedSize(getSize(LayoutUtilCommon.PREF)); }