    public void testInlinedBindValuesForDatetime() throws Exception {
        jOOQAbstractTest.reset = false;

        Date d1 = Date.valueOf("1981-07-10");
        Time t1 = Time.valueOf("12:01:15");
        Timestamp ts1 = Timestamp.valueOf("1981-07-10 12:01:15");

        Factory create = create(new Settings()

        DATE date = create.newRecord(TDates());
        date.setValue(TDates_ID(), 1);
        assertEquals(1, date.store());

        date.setValue(TDates_ID(), 2);
        date.setValue(TDates_D(), d1);
        date.setValue(TDates_T(), t1);
        date.setValue(TDates_TS(), ts1);
        assertEquals(1, date.store());

        Result<Record> dates =
        create.select(TDates_ID(), TDates_D(), TDates_T(), TDates_TS())

        assertEquals(2, dates.size());
        assertEquals(asList(1, 2), dates.getValues(TDates_ID()));
        assertEquals(asList(1, null, null, null), asList(dates.get(0).intoArray()));
        assertEquals(asList((Object) 2, d1, t1, ts1), asList(dates.get(1).intoArray()));
Exemple #2
    public void testUpdatablesVersionAndTimestamp() throws Exception {
        if (TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP() == null && TBook_REC_VERSION() == null) {
            log.info("SKIPPING", "Record version and timestamp tests");

        jOOQAbstractTest.reset = false;

        Factory create = create(new Settings().withExecuteWithOptimisticLocking(true));
        boolean t = TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP() != null;
        boolean v = TBook_REC_VERSION() != null;

        // Test data integrity check
        // -------------------------
        if (t) assertEquals(2, create.selectCount().from(TBook()).where(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP().isNotNull()).fetchOne(0));
        if (v) assertEquals(2, create.selectCount().from(TBook()).where(TBook_REC_VERSION().isNotNull()).fetchOne(0));

        // Version and timestamp shouldn't change when there are constraint violations
        // -------------------------
        B book1 = create.newRecord(TBook());
        book1.setValue(TBook_ID(), 5);
        try {
        catch (DataAccessException expected) {}
        if (t) assertNull(book1.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()));
        if (v) assertNull(book1.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()));

        // Test non-nullability of version and timestamp for new books
        // -------------------------
        B book2 = newBook(5);
        assertEquals(1, book2.store());
        Timestamp t2 = t ? book2.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()) : null;
        Integer v2 = v ? book2.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()) : null;
        if (t) assertNotNull(t2);
        if (v) assertNotNull(v2);

        // Test immutability of version and timestamp for non-stored books
        // -------------------------
        assertEquals(0, book2.store());
        assertEquals(t2, t ? book2.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()) : null);
        assertEquals(v2, v ? book2.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()) : null);

        // Test resetting of version and timestamp for copied books
        // -------------------------
        B book3 = book2.copy();
        book3.setValue(TBook_ID(), 6);
        assertEquals(1, book3.store());
        Timestamp t3 = t ? book3.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()) : null;
        Integer v3 = v ? book3.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()) : null;
        if (t) assertNotNull(t3);
        if (v) assertNotNull(v3);
        if (t && t2 != null) assertFalse(t2.equals(t3));
        if (v && v2 != null) assertFalse(v2.equals(v3));

        // Check if updating all records will lead to updated version and timestamp values
        // -------------------------
        // BOOK[ID=4] has version and timestamp set to null
        B book4 = create().fetchOne(TBook(), TBook_ID().equal(4));
        book4.setValue(TBook_TITLE(), "Blah");
        assertEquals(1, book4.store());
        Timestamp t4 = t ? book4.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()) : null;
        Integer v4 = v ? book4.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()) : null;
        if (t) assertNotNull(t4);
        if (v) assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), v4);
        if (t) assertEquals(t4, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()));
        if (v) assertEquals(v4, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()));

        // Increment both values
        book4.setValue(TBook_TITLE(), "Blah 1");
        assertEquals(1, book4.store());
        Timestamp t4a = t ? book4.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()) : null;
        Integer v4a = v ? book4.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()) : null;
        if (t) assertNotNull(t4a);
        if (v) assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), v4a);
        if (t) assertEquals(t4a, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()));
        if (v) assertEquals(v4a, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()));

        // Don't change the book
        assertEquals(0, book4.store());
        if (t) assertEquals(t4a, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()));
        if (v) assertEquals(v4a, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()));
        if (t) assertEquals(t4a, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_TIMESTAMP()));
        if (v) assertEquals(v4a, book4.getValue(TBook_REC_VERSION()));