@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; Carpool carpool = (Carpool) o; if (capacity != carpool.capacity) return false; if (totalCabCharges != carpool.totalCabCharges) return false; if (cabType != carpool.cabType) return false; if (carpoolBuddies != null ? !carpoolBuddies.equals(carpool.carpoolBuddies) : carpool.carpoolBuddies != null) return false; if (name != null ? !name.equals(carpool.name) : carpool.name != null) return false; if (officeETA != null ? !officeETA.equals(carpool.officeETA) : carpool.officeETA != null) return false; if (officeETD != null ? !officeETD.equals(carpool.officeETD) : carpool.officeETD != null) return false; if (routePoints != null ? !routePoints.equals(carpool.routePoints) : carpool.routePoints != null) return false; if (startDate != null ? !startDate.equals(carpool.startDate) : carpool.startDate != null) return false; if (status != carpool.status) return false; return true; }
public LocalDateTime getLocalDateTime(LocalDate selectedDate, LocalTime startTime) { return new LocalDateTime( selectedDate.getYear(), selectedDate.getMonthOfYear(), selectedDate.getDayOfMonth(), startTime.getHourOfDay(), startTime.getMinuteOfHour()); }
/** * Gets data from time picker and assigns it to proper time. * * @param time time to be assigned * @param start indicates which time we edits */ public void getTimeFromDialog(LocalTime time, boolean start) { // TextView startTime = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbTimeStart); if (start) { startTime = time; tbStartTime.setText(time.toString("HH:mm")); } else { endTime = time; tbEndTime.setText(time.toString("HH:mm")); } }
@Override public int hashCode() { int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (startDate != null ? startDate.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (officeETA != null ? officeETA.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (officeETD != null ? officeETD.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + totalCabCharges; result = 31 * result + (cabType != null ? cabType.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (status != null ? status.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (carpoolBuddies != null ? carpoolBuddies.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + capacity; result = 31 * result + (routePoints != null ? routePoints.hashCode() : 0); return result; }
@JsonIgnore public boolean isTodaysDosageResponseCaptured() { LocalDate today = DateUtil.today(); LocalDate yesterday = today.minusDays(1); LocalTime localNow = DateUtil.now().toLocalTime(); if (responseLastCapturedDate == null) { return false; } if (responseLastCapturedDate.equals(today)) { return true; } return responseLastCapturedDate.equals(yesterday) && new Time(localNow.getHourOfDay(), localNow.getMinuteOfHour()).isBefore(dosageTime); }
@Test public void testTimeConverter() { String sql = "select current_time as col1 from (values(0))"; Time sqlTime = sql2o.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(Time.class); assertThat(sqlTime, is(notNullValue())); assertTrue(sqlTime.getTime() > 0); Date date = sql2o.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(Date.class); assertThat(date, is(notNullValue())); LocalTime jodaTime = sql2o.createQuery(sql).executeScalar(LocalTime.class); assertTrue(jodaTime.getMillisOfDay() > 0); assertThat(jodaTime.getHourOfDay(), is(equalTo(new LocalTime().getHourOfDay()))); }
public void bind(DataBind b, LocalTime value) throws SQLException { if (value == null) { b.setNull(Types.TIME); } else { Time sqlTime = new Time(value.getMillisOfDay()); b.setTime(sqlTime); } }
public void initCountDown() { LocalTime timeCurr = new LocalTime(); LocalTime timeChosen; if (sharedPrefs.getString(TimeOption.TIME_STARTED, null) == null) { try { timeChosen = new LocalTime(sharedPrefs.getString(TimeOption.TIME_CHOSEN, "00:00:00")); } catch (Exception ex) { timeChosen = new LocalTime("00:00:00"); } } else { int valueDiff = new LocalTime().getMillisOfDay() - new LocalTime(sharedPrefs.getString(TimeOption.TIME_STARTED, "00:00:00")) .getMillisOfDay(); int valueChosenInMilis = new LocalTime(sharedPrefs.getString(TimeOption.TIME_CHOSEN, "00:00:00")).getMillisOfDay(); if (valueChosenInMilis > valueDiff) { valueDiff = valueChosenInMilis - valueDiff; } else { valueDiff = 0; } timeChosen = LocalTime.fromMillisOfDay(valueDiff); } int period = (timeCurr.getMillisOfDay() + timeChosen.getMillisOfDay()); period -= timeCurr.getMillisOfDay(); if (period > 0) { LocalTime time = new LocalTime().plusMillis(period); txtAlarmDone.setText(time.toString()); txtAlarmPre.setText(time.minusMinutes(1).toString()); /** * txtAlarmDone.setText("Alarm 1" + * DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss").parseLocalTime(time.toString()).toString()); * txtAlarmPre.setText("Alarm 2" + * DateTimeFormat.forPattern(time.minusMinutes(1).toString()).toString()); */ } startCountDown(period); }
@Test public void builderShouldBuildConfigurationWhenRequiredFieldsAreProvided() { SchedulingConfiguration configuration = SchedulingConfiguration.builder() .time(LocalTime.parse("13:23")) .recurrence(ArchiveRecurrence.daily()) .build(); assertThat(configuration.getRepeatKind()).isEqualTo(RepeatKind.DAILY); assertThat(configuration.getHour()).isEqualTo(13); assertThat(configuration.getMinute()).isEqualTo(23); }
@Override public List<UnidadeIndiceOEE> gerarUnidadesIndiceOEE( IndiceOEEPorHoraFilter filter, LocalDateTime dtHrInicio, LocalDateTime dtHrFim) { if (dtHrFim == null) { LocalTime horaAtual = new LocalTime(); dtHrFim = new LocalDate() .toLocalDateTime( new LocalTime(horaAtual.getHourOfDay(), horaAtual.getMinuteOfHour(), 0, 0)); } List<UnidadeIndiceOEE> result = new ArrayList<UnidadeIndiceOEE>(); int year = dtHrInicio.getYear(); int month = dtHrInicio.getMonthOfYear(); int day = dtHrInicio.getDayOfMonth(); int hour = dtHrInicio.getHourOfDay(); LocalDateTime dtHr = new LocalDateTime(year, month, day, hour, 0, 0, 0); while (dtHr.isBefore(dtHrFim)) { if (dtHr.toLocalDate().equals(filter.getDt())) { UnidadeIndiceOEE unidade = new UnidadeIndiceOEE(); unidade.setInicio(dtHr); unidade.setFim(dtHr.plusMinutes(59)); updateId(unidade); LocalDateTime inicio = dtHrInicio.isAfter(dtHr) ? dtHrInicio : unidade.getInicio(); LocalDateTime fim = dtHr.plusHours(1); fim = dtHrFim.isAfter(fim) ? fim : dtHrFim; Integer tempoUtilMinutos = DateUtils.getDiferencaEmMinutos(inicio, fim); unidade.setTempoUtilMinutos(tempoUtilMinutos); result.add(unidade); } dtHr = dtHr.plusHours(1); } return result; }
/** * @param from * @param to * @param offsetMinutes * @return */ private Pair<Set<LocalTime>, Set<LocalTime>> getTimeOptions( DateTime from, DateTime to, int offsetMinutes) { Set<LocalTime> first = new TreeSet<LocalTime>(); Set<LocalTime> second = new TreeSet<LocalTime>(); if (from == null || to == null) { return new Pair<Set<LocalTime>, Set<LocalTime>>(first, second); } LocalTime startTime = from.toLocalTime(); from = from.plusMinutes(offsetMinutes); int minuteInterval = from.getMinuteOfHour() % 15; from = from.plusMinutes(minuteInterval == 0 ? 0 : 15 - minuteInterval); while (!from.isAfter(to)) { LocalTime nextTime = from.toLocalTime(); if (!nextTime.isAfter(startTime)) { second.add(nextTime); } else { first.add(nextTime); } from = from.plusMinutes(15); } return new Pair<Set<LocalTime>, Set<LocalTime>>(first, second); }
public static String doTheActualFun() { int minutesLeft = 0; final LocalTime now = new LocalTime(); if (hardcodedTimes[hardcodedTimes.length - 1].compareTo(now) <= 0) { return makeItNicer(-1); } LocalTime tmpLocalTimeCalculated; for (final LocalTime hardcodedTime : hardcodedTimes) { if (hardcodedTime.compareTo(now) >= 0) { tmpLocalTimeCalculated = hardcodedTime.minusHours(now.getHourOfDay()).minusMinutes(now.getMinuteOfHour()); minutesLeft = tmpLocalTimeCalculated.getHourOfDay() * 60 + tmpLocalTimeCalculated.getMinuteOfHour(); break; } } return makeItNicer(minutesLeft); }
public void transfer(Account source, Account target, double amount) { if (!timeService.isServiceAvailable(LocalTime.now())) { return; } double sourceBalance = source.getBalance(); double deductAmount = amount + policy.getFee(amount); double newSourceBalance = sourceBalance - deductAmount; if (amount <= this.getMinimumAmount() || amount <= 0) { throw new IllegalAmountException(); } else if (sourceBalance >= deductAmount) { source.setBalance(newSourceBalance); target.setBalance(amount); } else { throw new InsufficientFundException(); } }
@Test public void registerNewUser() { // test data String newUser = "******"; String newUserEmail = "@test.ua"; String newUserPassword; String newUserZip = "40211"; boolean privacyPolicyOfNewUserName = true; // prepare test data String now = LocalTime.now().toString("HHmmssSSS"); newUserEmail = newUser + now + newUserEmail; newUserPassword = newUser + now; openNascarMainPage(); register(newUserEmail, newUserPassword, newUserZip, privacyPolicyOfNewUserName); logOutFromNascarMainPage(); }
public void checkForBookedCourts( TimeSlot timeSlot, List<Booking> confirmedBookings, Boolean preventOverlapping) { LocalTime startTime = timeSlot.getStartTime(); LocalTime endTime = timeSlot.getEndTime(); for (Booking booking : confirmedBookings) { if (timeSlot.getDate().equals(booking.getBookingDate())) { LocalTime bookingStartTime = booking.getBookingTime(); LocalTime bookingEndTime = bookingStartTime.plusMinutes(booking.getDuration().intValue()); Boolean addBooking = false; if (preventOverlapping) { if (startTime.isBefore(bookingEndTime)) { if (endTime.isAfter(bookingStartTime)) { addBooking = true; } } } else { // for displaying allocations if (startTime.compareTo(bookingStartTime) >= 0) { if (endTime.compareTo(bookingEndTime) <= 0) { addBooking = true; } } } if (addBooking) { Offer offer = booking.getOffer(); for (Offer timeSlotOffer : timeSlot.getConfig().getOffers()) { if (offer.equals(timeSlotOffer)) { timeSlot.addBooking(booking); break; } } } } } }
@Entity public class Item extends play.db.ebean.Model implements ChatEntry { @Id @GeneratedValue public Long internalId; @OneToOne public User user; public LocalTime timestamp = LocalTime.now(); @Required @MaxLength(140) public String message; public Item() {} public Item(User user, LocalTime timestamp, String message) { this.user = user; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.message = message; } public LocalTime timestamp() { return timestamp; } }
@Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.i(TAG, "On create view..."); // Inflate the layout for this fragment LocalTime time = LocalTime.now(); if (getArguments() != null) { time = new DateTime(getArguments().getLong(ARG_TIME)).toLocalTime(); } View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_time_picker, container, false); mTimePicker = (TimePicker) view.findViewById(R.id.time_picker); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { mTimePicker.setHour(time.getHourOfDay()); mTimePicker.setMinute(time.getMinuteOfHour()); } else { mTimePicker.setCurrentHour(time.getHourOfDay()); mTimePicker.setCurrentMinute(time.getMinuteOfHour()); } return view; }
@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class) public void builderShouldThrowWhenRepeatKindIsNotProvided() { SchedulingConfiguration.builder().time(LocalTime.parse("10:22")).build(); }
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void builderShouldThrowWhenTimeHasMillis() { SchedulingConfiguration.builder().time(LocalTime.parse("12:22:00.552")).build(); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param localTime the time to be stored, not null */ public Time(LocalTime localTime) { this(localTime.getHourOfDay(), localTime.getMinuteOfHour()); }
@Override public LocalTime now() { return LocalTime.now(); }
/** * Creates a new LocalTime-valued OData property with {@link EdmSimpleType#TIME} * * @param name the property name * @param value the property value * @return a new OData property instance */ public static OProperty<LocalTime> time(String name, Calendar value) { return new Impl<LocalTime>( name, EdmSimpleType.TIME, value != null ? LocalTime.fromCalendarFields(value) : null); }
private void timeCalculate() { LocalTime localTime = LocalTime.now(); this.dayMinute = localTime.getHourOfDay() * 60 + localTime.getMinuteOfHour(); }
private static LocalTime parseTime(String value) { return LocalTime.parse(value); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_add_event); InternetConnectionService service = new InternetConnectionService(AddEventActivity.this); if (!service.isInternetConnection()) { ModalService.ShowNoConnetionError(AddEventActivity.this); return; } tbStartDate = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbStartDate); tbEndDate = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbEndDate); tbStartTime = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbStartTime); tbEndTime = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbEndTime); btnAddFriends = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.btnFriends); btnSaveEvent = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.btnSave); tbTitle = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbEventTitle); tbPlace = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbPlace); tbDesc = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tbDesc); addedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); endDate = new LocalDate(); startDate = new LocalDate(); startTime = new LocalTime(); endTime = new LocalTime(); String eventId = getIntent().getStringExtra("eventId"); if (eventId != null) { final ProgressDialog dlg = new ProgressDialog(AddEventActivity.this); dlg.setTitle("Please wait."); dlg.setMessage("Searching event. Please wait."); dlg.show(); ParseQuery<ParseEvent> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("Event"); query.getInBackground( eventId, new GetCallback<ParseEvent>() { @Override public void done(ParseEvent object, ParseException e) { if (e == null) { loadedEvent = object; tbTitle.setText(loadedEvent.getTitle()); tbPlace.setText(loadedEvent.getPlace()); tbDesc.setText(loadedEvent.getDescription()); endDate = loadedEvent.getEndDate().toLocalDate(); startDate = loadedEvent.getStartDate().toLocalDate(); startTime = loadedEvent.getEndDate().toLocalTime(); endTime = loadedEvent.getEndDate().toLocalTime(); btnSaveEvent.setText("SAVE EVENT"); try { addedUsers = loadedEvent.getUsers(); } catch (ParseException e1) { ModalService.ShowErrorModal( "Error occured while proceding users!", AddEventActivity.this); finish(); } dlg.dismiss(); } else { dlg.dismiss(); ModalService.ShowErrorModal("There is no such event!", AddEventActivity.this); finish(); } } }); } tbStartDate.setText(startDate.toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); tbEndDate.setText(endDate.toString("dd/MM/yyyy")); tbStartTime.setText(startTime.toString("HH:mm")); tbEndTime.setText(endTime.toString("HH:mm")); setOnClickListeners(); }
public class Application extends Controller { public static Result index() { String email = session().get("email"); if (email != null) { return redirect(routes.Chats.allChats()); } else { return unauthorized(views.html.login.render()); } } public static Result login() { return ok(views.html.login.render()); } public static Result logout() { session().clear(); return ok(views.html.login.render()); } public static Result enter() { Map<String, String[]> params; params = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded(); String email = params.get("email")[0]; User user = User.find.byId(email); if (user == null) { return redirect(routes.Application.login()); } else { session("email", email); return redirect(routes.Chats.allChats()); } } public static LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(); public static LocalDate yesterday = today.minus(Days.ONE); public static Chat chat11 = new Chat( yesterday, 1, asList( new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "Hello!"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.robin, LocalTime.now(), "Hi!"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "Fine?"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.robin, LocalTime.now(), "Yes")), new ArrayList<Image>()); // later on public static Chat chat12 = new Chat( yesterday, 2, asList( new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "It's hot today!"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.robin, LocalTime.now(), "Indeed...")), new ArrayList<Image>()); public static Chat chat21 = new Chat( today, 1, asList( new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "Hello!"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "Youhou?"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.noOne, LocalTime.now(), "...")), new ArrayList<Image>()); public static Chat chat22 = new Chat( today, 2, asList( new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "Ding ding!"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "Poueeeeeeeeeet?"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.noOne, LocalTime.now(), "...")), new ArrayList<Image>()); public static Chat chat23 = new Chat( today, 3, asList( new Item(SampleUsers.get.me, LocalTime.now(), "No one?"), new Item(SampleUsers.get.noOne, LocalTime.now(), "Yes?")), new ArrayList<Image>()); public static Result sample() { return ok(sample.render("Chat Archives", asList(chat23, chat11, chat21, chat12, chat22))); } }
public OfferDurationPrice getOfferDurationPrice( LocalDate selectedDate, LocalTime selectedTime, Offer selectedOffer) throws CalendarConfigException { List<CalendarConfig> configs = calendarConfigDAO.findFor(selectedDate); List<Booking> confirmedBookings = bookingDAO.findBlockedBookingsForDate(selectedDate); // convert to required data structure Map<Offer, List<CalendarConfig>> offerConfigMap = new HashMap<>(); for (CalendarConfig config : configs) { for (Offer offer : config.getOffers()) { if (offer.equals(selectedOffer)) { List<CalendarConfig> list = offerConfigMap.get(offer); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); } list.add(config); // sort by start time Collections.sort(list); offerConfigMap.put(offer, list); } } } OfferDurationPrice offerDurationPrices = null; Iterator<Map.Entry<Offer, List<CalendarConfig>>> iterator = offerConfigMap.entrySet().iterator(); // for every offer while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Offer, List<CalendarConfig>> entry = iterator.next(); Offer offer = entry.getKey(); List<CalendarConfig> configsForOffer = entry.getValue(); // make sure the first configuration starts before the requested booking time if (selectedTime.compareTo(configsForOffer.get(0).getStartTime()) < 0) { continue; } LocalDateTime endTime = null; Integer duration = configsForOffer.get(0).getMinDuration(); BigDecimal pricePerMinute; BigDecimal price = null; CalendarConfig previousConfig = null; Map<Integer, BigDecimal> durationPriceMap = new TreeMap<>(); Boolean isContiguous = true; for (CalendarConfig config : configsForOffer) { // make sure there is no gap between calendar configurations if (endTime == null) { // first run endTime = getLocalDateTime(selectedDate, selectedTime).plusMinutes(config.getMinDuration()); } else { // break if there are durations available and calendar configs are not contiguous if (!durationPriceMap.isEmpty()) { // we substract min interval before the comparison as it has been added during the last // iteration LocalDateTime configStartDateTime = getLocalDateTime(selectedDate, config.getStartTime()); if (!endTime.minusMinutes(config.getMinInterval()).equals(configStartDateTime)) { break; } } } Integer interval = config.getMinInterval(); pricePerMinute = getPricePerMinute(config); // as long as the endTime is before the end time configured in the calendar LocalDateTime configEndDateTime = getLocalDateTime(selectedDate, config.getEndTime()); while (endTime.compareTo(configEndDateTime) <= 0) { TimeSlot timeSlot = new TimeSlot(); timeSlot.setDate(selectedDate); timeSlot.setStartTime(selectedTime); timeSlot.setEndTime(endTime.toLocalTime()); timeSlot.setConfig(config); Long bookingSlotsLeft = getBookingSlotsLeft(timeSlot, offer, confirmedBookings); // we only allow contiguous bookings for any given offer if (bookingSlotsLeft < 1) { isContiguous = false; break; } if (price == null) { // see if previousConfig endTime - minInterval matches the selected time. if so, take // half of the previous config price as a basis if (previousConfig != null && previousConfig .getEndTime() .minusMinutes(previousConfig.getMinInterval()) .equals(selectedTime)) { BigDecimal previousConfigPricePerMinute = getPricePerMinute(previousConfig); price = previousConfigPricePerMinute.multiply( new BigDecimal(previousConfig.getMinInterval()), MathContext.DECIMAL128); price = price.add( pricePerMinute.multiply( new BigDecimal(duration - previousConfig.getMinInterval()), MathContext.DECIMAL128)); } else { price = pricePerMinute.multiply( new BigDecimal(duration.toString()), MathContext.DECIMAL128); } } else { // add price for additional interval price = price.add( pricePerMinute.multiply( new BigDecimal(interval.toString()), MathContext.DECIMAL128)); } price = price.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); durationPriceMap.put(duration, price); // increase the duration by the configured minimum interval and determine the new end time // for the next iteration duration += interval; endTime = endTime.plusMinutes(interval); } if (!durationPriceMap.isEmpty()) { OfferDurationPrice odp = new OfferDurationPrice(); odp.setOffer(offer); odp.setDurationPriceMap(durationPriceMap); odp.setConfig(config); offerDurationPrices = odp; } if (!isContiguous) { // we only allow coniguous bookings for one offer. process next offer // previousConfig = null; break; } previousConfig = config; } } return offerDurationPrices; }
public boolean wirdBestellt(int vorhandeneMenge, LocalTime time, String wochentag) { return time.isBefore(bestellschluss.bestellschluss()) && vorhandeneMenge <= mindestbestand.mindestbestandFuer(wochentag) && !bestellungUnterwegs; }
@Override public String marshal(LocalTime localTime) throws Exception { return localTime.toString(); }
public static Result index() { DateTime today = DateTime.now(); DateTime yesterday = today.minus(Days.ONE); Chat chat11 = new Chat( yesterday, 1, asList( new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "Hello!"), new Item("other", LocalTime.now(), "Hi!"), new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "Fine?"), new Item("other", LocalTime.now(), "Yes"))); // later on Chat chat12 = new Chat( yesterday, 2, asList( new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "It's hot today!"), new Item("other", LocalTime.now(), "Indeed..."))); Chat chat21 = new Chat( today, 1, asList( new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "Hello!"), new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "Youhou?"), new Item("no-one", LocalTime.now(), "..."))); Chat chat22 = new Chat( today, 2, asList( new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "Ding ding!"), new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "Poueeeeeeeeeet?"), new Item("no-one", LocalTime.now(), "..."))); Chat chat23 = new Chat( today, 3, asList( new Item("me", LocalTime.now(), "No one?"), new Item("no-one", LocalTime.now(), "Yes?"))); return ok(index.render("It Works!", asList(chat23, chat11, chat21, chat12, chat22))); }