static Message createMessage(Address dest, Address src) {
   Message msg = new Message(dest, src, "hello world");
   msg.putHeader(NAKACK_ID, NakAckHeader.createMessageHeader(322649));
   msg.putHeader(UNICAST_ID, UNICAST.UnicastHeader.createDataHeader(465784, (short) 23323, true));
   msg.putHeader(UDP_ID, new TpHeader("DrawDemo"));
   return msg;
   * Tests concurrent reception of multiple messages with a different conn_id
   * (
  public void testMultipleConcurrentResets() throws Exception {
    sendAndCheck(a, b_addr, 1, r2);

    // now close connection on A unilaterally
    System.out.println("==== Closing the connection on A");
    removeConnection(u1, b_addr);


    final UNICAST unicast = (UNICAST) b.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(UNICAST.class);

    int NUM = 10;

    final List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<Message>(NUM);

    for (int i = 1; i <= NUM; i++) {
      Message msg = new Message(b_addr, a_addr, "m" + i);
      UNICAST.UnicastHeader hdr = UNICAST.UnicastHeader.createDataHeader(1, (short) 2, true);
      msg.putHeader(unicast.getId(), hdr);

    Thread[] threads = new Thread[NUM];
    final CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(NUM + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
      final int index = i;
      threads[i] =
          new Thread() {
            public void run() {
              try {
                unicast.up(new Event(Event.MSG, msgs.get(index)));
              } catch (Exception e) {

    for (Thread thread : threads) thread.join();

    List<Message> list = r2.getMessages();
    System.out.println("list = " + print(list));

    assert list.size() == 1
        : "list must have 1 element but has " + list.size() + ": " + print(list);