protected RELAY2 createRELAY2(String site_name) { RELAY2 relay = new RELAY2() .site(site_name) .enableAddressTagging(false) .asyncRelayCreation(true) .relayMulticasts(true); RelayConfig.SiteConfig lon_cfg = new RelayConfig.SiteConfig(LON, (short) 0), sfo_cfg = new RelayConfig.SiteConfig(SFO, (short) 1); lon_cfg.addBridge( new RelayConfig.ProgrammaticBridgeConfig(BRIDGE_CLUSTER, createBridgeStack())); sfo_cfg.addBridge( new RelayConfig.ProgrammaticBridgeConfig(BRIDGE_CLUSTER, createBridgeStack())); relay.addSite(LON, lon_cfg).addSite(SFO, sfo_cfg); return relay; }
protected void waitForBridgeView( int expected_size, long timeout, long interval, JChannel... channels) { long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) { boolean views_correct = true; for (JChannel ch : channels) { RELAY2 relay = (RELAY2) ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); View bridge_view = relay.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER); if (bridge_view == null || bridge_view.size() != expected_size) { views_correct = false; break; } } if (views_correct) break; Util.sleep(interval); } System.out.println("Bridge views:\n"); for (JChannel ch : channels) { RELAY2 relay = (RELAY2) ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); View bridge_view = relay.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER); System.out.println(ch.getAddress() + ": " + bridge_view); } for (JChannel ch : channels) { RELAY2 relay = (RELAY2) ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); View bridge_view = relay.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER); assert bridge_view != null && bridge_view.size() == expected_size : ch.getAddress() + ": bridge view=" + bridge_view + ", expected=" + expected_size; } }
protected void waitUntilStatus( String site_name, RELAY2.RouteStatus expected_status, long timeout, long interval, JChannel ch) throws Exception { RELAY2 relay = (RELAY2) ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); if (relay == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Protocol RELAY2 not found"); Relayer.Route route = null; long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) { route = relay.getRoute(site_name); if (route != null && route.status() == expected_status) break; Util.sleep(interval); } assert route.status() == expected_status : "status=" + (route != null ? route.status() : "n/a") + ", expected status=" + expected_status; }
/** Tests that notifications are routed to all sites. */ public void testNotificationAndRpcRelay2Transit() throws Exception { a.connect(LON_CLUSTER); b.connect(LON_CLUSTER); rpca.start(); rpcb.start(); Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(30000, 500, a, b); x.connect(SFO_CLUSTER); y.connect(SFO_CLUSTER); rpcx.start(); rpcy.start(); Util.waitUntilAllChannelsHaveSameSize(30000, 500, x, y); assert x.getView().size() == 2; RELAY2 ar = (RELAY2) a.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); RELAY2 xr = (RELAY2) x.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); assert ar != null && xr != null; JChannel a_bridge = null, x_bridge = null; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { a_bridge = ar.getBridge(SFO); x_bridge = xr.getBridge(LON); if (a_bridge != null && x_bridge != null && a_bridge.getView().size() == 2 && x_bridge.getView().size() == 2) break; Util.sleep(500); } assert a_bridge != null && x_bridge != null; System.out.println("A's bridge channel: " + a_bridge.getView()); System.out.println("X's bridge channel: " + x_bridge.getView()); assert a_bridge.getView().size() == 2 : "bridge view is " + a_bridge.getView(); assert x_bridge.getView().size() == 2 : "bridge view is " + x_bridge.getView(); Relayer.Route route = getRoute(x, LON); System.out.println("Route at sfo to lon: " + route); assert route != null; System.out.println("B: sending message 0 to the site master of SFO"); Address sm_sfo = new SiteMaster(SFO); b.send(sm_sfo, 0); checkMsgDelivery(xl); System.out.println("B: sending message to all"); b.send(null, 0); checkMsgDelivery(xl, yl, al, bl); MethodCall call = new MethodCall(ServerObject.class.getMethod("foo")); System.out.println("B: call foo method on A"); Object rsp = rpcb.callRemoteMethod(a.getAddress(), call, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); System.out.println("RSP is: " + rsp); System.out.println("B: call foo method on SFO master site"); rsp = rpcb.callRemoteMethod(sm_sfo, call, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); System.out.println("RSP is: " + rsp); System.out.println("B: call foo method on all members dest = null"); RspList<Integer> rsps = rpcb.callRemoteMethods(null, call, new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); System.out.println("RSPs are: \n" + rsps); View bridge_view = xr.getBridgeView(BRIDGE_CLUSTER); System.out.println("bridge_view = " + bridge_view); route = getRoute(x, LON); System.out.println("Route at sfo to lon: " + route); assert route != null; }
protected Relayer.Route getRoute(JChannel ch, String site_name) { RELAY2 relay = (RELAY2) ch.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); return relay.getRoute(site_name); }
@Override public Channel createChannel(final String id) throws Exception { JGroupsLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debugf( "Creating channel %s from stack %s", id, this.configuration.getName()); PrivilegedExceptionAction<JChannel> action = new PrivilegedExceptionAction<JChannel>() { @Override public JChannel run() throws Exception { return new JChannel(JChannelFactory.this); } }; final JChannel channel = WildFlySecurityManager.doChecked(action); ProtocolStack stack = channel.getProtocolStack(); TransportConfiguration transportConfig = this.configuration.getTransport(); SocketBinding binding = transportConfig.getSocketBinding(); if (binding != null) { channel.setSocketFactory(new ManagedSocketFactory(binding.getSocketBindings())); } // Relay protocol is added to stack programmatically, not via ProtocolStackConfigurator RelayConfiguration relayConfig = this.configuration.getRelay(); if (relayConfig != null) { String localSite = relayConfig.getSiteName(); List<RemoteSiteConfiguration> remoteSites = this.configuration.getRelay().getRemoteSites(); List<String> sites = new ArrayList<>(remoteSites.size() + 1); sites.add(localSite); // Collect bridges, eliminating duplicates Map<String, RelayConfig.BridgeConfig> bridges = new HashMap<>(); for (final RemoteSiteConfiguration remoteSite : remoteSites) { String siteName = remoteSite.getName(); sites.add(siteName); String clusterName = remoteSite.getClusterName(); RelayConfig.BridgeConfig bridge = new RelayConfig.BridgeConfig(clusterName) { @Override public JChannel createChannel() throws Exception { JChannel channel = (JChannel) remoteSite.getChannel(); // Don't use FORK in bridge stack channel.getProtocolStack().removeProtocol(FORK.class); return channel; } }; bridges.put(clusterName, bridge); } RELAY2 relay = new RELAY2().site(localSite); for (String site : sites) { RelayConfig.SiteConfig siteConfig = new RelayConfig.SiteConfig(site); relay.addSite(site, siteConfig); if (site.equals(localSite)) { for (RelayConfig.BridgeConfig bridge : bridges.values()) { siteConfig.addBridge(bridge); } } } Map<String, String> relayProperties = new HashMap<>(relayConfig.getProperties()); Configurator.resolveAndAssignFields(relay, relayProperties); Configurator.resolveAndInvokePropertyMethods(relay, relayProperties); stack.addProtocol(relay); relay.init(); } UnknownForkHandler unknownForkHandler = new UnknownForkHandler() { private final short id = ClassConfigurator.getProtocolId(RequestCorrelator.class); @Override public Object handleUnknownForkStack(Message message, String forkStackId) { return this.handle(message); } @Override public Object handleUnknownForkChannel(Message message, String forkChannelId) { return this.handle(message); } private Object handle(Message message) { Header header = (Header) message.getHeader(; // If this is a request expecting a response, don't leave the requester hanging - send // an identifiable response on which it can filter if ((header != null) && (header.type == Header.REQ) && header.rspExpected()) { Message response = message .makeReply() .setFlag(message.getFlags()) .clearFlag(Message.Flag.RSVP, Message.Flag.SCOPED); response.putHeader(FORK.ID, message.getHeader(FORK.ID)); response.putHeader(, new Header(Header.RSP, 0, header.corrId)); response.setBuffer(UNKNOWN_FORK_RESPONSE.array()); channel.down(new Event(Event.MSG, response)); } return null; } }; // Add implicit FORK to the top of the stack FORK fork = new FORK(); fork.setUnknownForkHandler(unknownForkHandler); stack.addProtocol(fork); fork.init(); channel.setName(this.configuration.getNodeName()); TransportConfiguration.Topology topology = this.configuration.getTransport().getTopology(); if (topology != null) { channel.addAddressGenerator(new TopologyAddressGenerator(topology)); } return channel; }