  private ClassDescriptor findClassDescriptor(
      @NotNull KtNamedDeclaration classObjectOrScript, @NotNull LookupLocation location) {
    MemberScope scope = getMemberScopeDeclaredIn(classObjectOrScript, location);

    // Why not use the result here. Because it may be that there is a redeclaration:
    //     class A {} class A { fun foo(): A<completion here>}
    // and if we find the class by name only, we may b-not get the right one.
    // This call is only needed to make sure the classes are written to trace
    ClassifierDescriptor scopeDescriptor =
        scope.getContributedClassifier(classObjectOrScript.getNameAsSafeName(), location);
    DeclarationDescriptor descriptor =
        getBindingContext().get(BindingContext.DECLARATION_TO_DESCRIPTOR, classObjectOrScript);

    if (descriptor == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Could not find a classifier for %s.\n" + "Found descriptor: %s (%s).\n",
              scopeDescriptor != null
                  ? DescriptorRenderer.DEBUG_TEXT.render(scopeDescriptor)
                  : "null",
              scopeDescriptor != null
                  ? (scopeDescriptor.getContainingDeclaration().getClass())
                  : null));

    return (ClassDescriptor) descriptor;